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How do you see Celestia's rule of Equestria?


What is Celestia's Rule?  

61 users have voted

  1. 1. What is Celestia's rule?

    • Monarchy (Royal lineage granting power)
    • Democracy (She was elected)
    • Cult of Personality (her people are taught to deify her)
    • Alicorn-Supremicist Republic (Only Alicorns have say)
    • Theocracy (Celestia speaks for an unseen higher authority)
    • Communist Rule (No free enterprise, resources distributed)
    • Other (specify)
    • Tyrannical fascist (added to popular vote)

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I'm going to throw my Political Science and Government Expertise into the fray. It may dispel some rumors; it may create others, who knows? In any case, this is my conclusion based on the facts presented so far in the show.


Firstly, the government itself. Celestia and Luna are the co-rulers of Equestria and since they are addressed as princess, it is clear that Equestria is a Diarchy. This is like a monarchy except with two heads of government and state instead of one. There is no mention of a legislature or constitution at the national level meaning that Equestria is most likely an absolute monarchy. But an absolute monarchy DOES NOT equal a tyranny. Though most absolute monarchs tend to be tyrants there are historical examples of benign monarchs. In the mid to late 1700s in Europe a new form of monarchism rose called Enlightened Absolutism. Monarchs still weld ultimate power but they allowed Freedom of Speech, Press, Religious Tolerance, and the Right to hold Property. Celestia and Luna would both fall under this category since ponies respect and like the princesses very much. There is no fear in their admiration and no displeasure or attempts to stop their rule. From what we've seen everypony either likes the princesses or at least respects them.


Now for Equestria itself. It is a Unitary State meaning that the Central Government has the power. States don't exist and the towns and cities an be directly managed by the government (though they don't have to be) As for the towns themselves, we'll use Ponyville as the example. There is a mayor which suggests that Democracy does exist at the local level (since most mayors are elected to their position). However mayors can be appointed by the central government so Celestia and Luna may have put the mayor in office (we don't know either way). As evidenced by this picture the local level does have three branches of government. The stallion is a member of the city council (which is elected to make laws), the mayor is the executive (which executes the laws), and the pony on the left is a judge (which interprets the law). Since there is no constitution on which to judge laws, the court system must rely on the rule of law which was probably established by Celestia and Luna. We can only assume there is a court system at the national level, but we do not know. As for Celestia and Luna, they claim the Divine Right to Rule making them above the law (though they may not have claimed that).


In any case, a lot is speculated and will remain a mystery until more knowledge becomes available. Until that time, we must keep our ears and minds open and examine the facts presented to us.

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I went with the option of monarchy. For those of you saying she is a tyrant (There are some points that may seem like she is one)

I don't really agree. She ruled for a thousand years alone because she banished Luna to the moon after the eternal night scenario.

Celestia didn't mean to banish her, like it said in the intro; Celestia did what she did "reluctantly". I mean who would want to banish their own sibling away for a thousand years!?

Back to the topic:

Celestia had to rule alone, what would happen if she didn't? She didn't come to the throne alone at first either . Luna was with her obviously, but then became a threat in which Celestia had to defeat in order to maintain peace in harmony in Equestria.

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I voted other. I doubt a word has been invented to describe this government, as no human society has had an immortal ruler.


Monarchy implies succession through bloodline, not relevant with immortal beings. Also monarchy means only one ruler, so Luna mucks that up.


Democracy is also unlikely. I doubt the princesses were voted into power. Probably what happened was, after Discord's defeat, the princesses took the position of supreme rulers of Equestria by the request of the people. They were heroes and in modern Equestria I doubt enough ponies have serious quarrels with the princesses ruling to justify an election.


Cult of Personality. This one I find most interesting, if anything, it's the exact opposite. Celestia and Luna are, for all intents and purposes, gods, but Celestia seems to try and make herself more relatable. She doesn't want ponies quaking in fear of her, she wants them to feel relaxed and to like her for who she is, not what she is.


Alicorn-Supremicist Republic. Unlikely, as we have only seen three Alicorns so far, and Candace doesn't seem to have any power outside of being treated as royalty. The princesses rule because of who they are, not what they are.


Theocracy. Not really. Celestia is the ruler because everypony including herself think she's is the best for the job, not because she's a god. I doubt there is a higher power that Celestia worships.


Communist. The state doesn't seem to control the industry, so communism wouldn't really apply.


Tyrannical fascist. Unlikely, I doubt the princesses would mind sharing their power if they found someone who cared about Equestria with the skills to rule. Also, if the ponies demanded their retirement, I think they would yield. You don't need armies when you have the will of the people and the ability to rule.


The way I would describe this government would be "Utopia with positions of supreme administrative power." The princess rule because everyone, including themselves, think they're the best for the job. They care for their subjects and vice versa, and everypony is happy.


This topic has made me think.


Are Celestia and Luna the princesses of Equestria? Has anyone ever said that? Are their titles as princesses unrelated to their positions as the rulers of Equestria?

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I think you confuse capitalism with a liberal market ....

In capitalism, everything cost something, everything, or at least most things, including base needs, costs money/capital.

In Ponyville, trading services for the simpler things seems just as common.

..... But then, i think there may be no point in what i say, because, as with all ideologies, if one sees them from an idealistic view, one may essentially put anything into them, even though it isn't really correct.

To me, you are too liberal with what "Capitalism" means .... and you might think i'm wrong.


Hm, i've said my opinion, i need not say more.


"Capitalism is an economic system that is based on private ownership of the means of production and the creation of goods or services for profit. Competitive markets, wage labor, capital accumulation, voluntary exchange, and personal finance are also considered capitalistic."


Private Ownership - Every shop in Ponyville

Production - Sweet Apple Acres, Sugarcube Corner, Carousel Boutique, etc.

Profit - Bits

Competitive Markets - Flim Flam Brothers

Wage Labor - Doesn't Pinkie Pie work for the Cakes and get paid?

Capital Accumulation - Filthy Rich

Voluntary Exchange - Fluttershy & the Cherry Salesman

Personal Finance - ??? Have we ever seen a bank in the MLP Universe?


Having a few government subsidized industries does not make a nation socialist or not capitalist. There are nations with universal healthcare and such that are very capitalist. In the real world, capitalist nations like South Korea or Japan have government healthcare and they are government regulated.


Certain base needs are covered by most governments, just not the U.S. Equestria is no exception. If we're speaking of the base needs of food, clothing, and shelter, then two of the three are already covered. Applejack sells her apples and Rarity sells her dresses.


If you're talking about laissez-faire capitalism, a very far right wing capitalism, then your point is valid. But I'm not saying Equestria follows that form of capitalism.


Alea Jacta Est

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I'm surprised to see such a thorough (and serious) analysis. It wasn't what I was expecting from a thread like this. Well done :)



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The rulership is a Diarchy, literally, and nothing more or less. The govermental system is that of a monarchy with two equal rulers that are the best rulers Equestria could have. Admittingly Luna had fallen into darkness for a while, a dark spell or magic changing her into the evil Nightmare Moon, but after being cleansed and the darkness being removed from her.


In truth if you have good, benevolent, immortal rulers that love and care about their subjects... you can have no better system of goverment then a monarchy. Celestia is no tyrant, and she did what she needed to so taht her subjects would remain safe. Eternal night would not be a good thing, as Equestria would grow cold and everything would slowly die.

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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I think overall that she's part of a traditional monarchy, the lineage of which she and Luna most likely began, but I also believe that it's more of a constitutional monarchy, not in the sense that they were elected, but I have a feeling that after overthrowing Discord, those two sisters alone couldn't restore harmony, law, and order to Equestria by themselves, and had to instead at first bring together diplomats from all across Equestria to put together a constitution establishing the laws of Equestria and rights of each pony, before subsequently assuming their monarchical roles.

Edited by Batbrony


"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

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I just see her as a normal monarch. And a nice one at that. Honestly idk why everyone sees her as some evil dictator. Also i don't think she see herself as a deity, its just some other ponies do. The reason i think that is cuz well, i mean come on, she lived for over 1000 years. Thats pretty intimidating. I wouldn't want to anger someone whos lived that long and one who is think is super powerful. I guess thats why someponys see her a deity, but really i think shes just a nice normal monarch. Like anyother king or queen. Well one thats not a figurehead. And not ones that are greedy either. I don't think shes Tyranical in the least. Have the episodes potrayed her as that? hell no. Only fans. Sure Twilight is scared of her and other ponies fear her but i mean come on... who wouldn't if she has that much power. She would never really do anything bad. Ponies just fear her in their ignorance. And Twilight... shes Twilight, idk how else to explain it. She just always thinks the worst will happen. So like upsetting her mentor is technically the end of the world to her.

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I think overall that she's part of a traditional monarchy, the lineage of which she and Luna most likely began, but I also believe that it's more of a constitutional monarchy, not in the sense that they were elected, but I have a feeling that after overthrowing Discord, those two sisters alone couldn't restore harmony, law, and order to Equestria by themselves, and had to instead at first bring together diplomats from all across Equestria to put together a constitution establishing the laws of Equestria and rights of each pony, before subsequently assuming their monarchical roles.



Why does it have to be a constitutional monarchy? It's a small annoyance for me that some insist that a ruler should not in full control as what is wrong with Celestia and Luna being completely in charge? Why couldn't they bring order to Equestria themselves, while perhaps giving ponies responsibility and duties to help bring everything together as the sisters cannot be everywhere.


What need is there for a constitution when you have rulers that would not abuse their power and create laws that are fair for all. Ponies would have their rights, and they would be provided for and protected while at the same time shown how to lead their own lives. Ponies respect Celestia and at the most simple of requests they would do anything for their princesses, one does not need to create checks and balances. Sure there can be a Equestria council, where po0nies can voice their concerns and bring forward that which needs to be done. Celestia would likely even sit back and let her subjects figure things out while still speaking when she feels it is needed or requested.

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Why does it have to be a constitutional monarchy? It's a small annoyance for me that some insist that a ruler should not in full control as what is wrong with Celestia and Luna being completely in charge? Why couldn't they bring order to Equestria themselves, while perhaps giving ponies responsibility and duties to help bring everything together as the sisters cannot be everywhere.


What need is there for a constitution when you have rulers that would not abuse their power and create laws that are fair for all. Ponies would have their rights, and they would be provided for and protected while at the same time shown how to lead their own lives. Ponies respect Celestia and at the most simple of requests they would do anything for their princesses, one does not need to create checks and balances. Sure there can be a Equestria council, where po0nies can voice their concerns and bring forward that which needs to be done. Celestia would likely even sit back and let her subjects figure things out while still speaking when she feels it is needed or requested.


Oh I'm not saying it has to be that way, nor am I saying that I don't think Celestia or Luna exercise most control over Equestria. I just felt like logically, with how screwed up Equestria must have been after Discord's rule, that a constitutional monarchy made sense.


"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

-The Muffin Mare

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Oh I'm not saying it has to be that way, nor am I saying that I don't think Celestia or Luna exercise most control over Equestria. I just felt like logically, with how screwed up Equestria must have been after Discord's rule, that a constitutional monarchy made sense.


Well I admit I don't understand a constitutional monarchy completely, thinking of how the currect govermental system for England is... and I have seen too often fans wanting to take power from the princesses and make sure it isn't a true monarchy.

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Well I admit I don't understand a constitutional monarchy completely, thinking of how the currect govermental system for England is... and I have seen too often fans wanting to take power from the princesses and make sure it isn't a true monarchy.


Oh yeah, I totally get what you're saying, I was simply saying, if it is a constitutional monarchy in any sense of the word, the constitutional aspect would mostly apply to how Equestria was established, rather than how it's actually run by the monarchs Celestia and Luna.


"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

-The Muffin Mare

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Oh yeah, I totally get what you're saying, I was simply saying, if it is a constitutional monarchy in any sense of the word, the constitutional aspect would mostly apply to how Equestria was established, rather than how it's actually run by the monarchs Celestia and Luna.


But wouldn't that simply be the creating of the laws of Equestria, with as time goes on might change or adapt over the years?

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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I just see her as a normal monarch. And a nice one at that. Honestly idk why everyone sees her as some evil dictator. Also i don't think she see herself as a deity, its just some other ponies do. The reason i think that is cuz well, i mean come on, she lived for over 1000 years. Thats pretty intimidating. I wouldn't want to anger someone whos lived that long and one who is think is super powerful. I guess thats why someponys see her a deity, but really i think shes just a nice normal monarch. Like anyother king or queen. Well one thats not a figurehead. And not ones that are greedy either. I don't think shes Tyranical in the least. Have the episodes potrayed her as that? hell no. Only fans. Sure Twilight is scared of her and other ponies fear her but i mean come on... who wouldn't if she has that much power. She would never really do anything bad. Ponies just fear her in their ignorance. And Twilight... shes Twilight, idk how else to explain it. She just always thinks the worst will happen. So like upsetting her mentor is technically the end of the world to her.


i definitely see the ponies portraying celestia as a goddess, as you said. i mean, shes like twice their size, can outstrength all of them in magic, and is just elite.

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But wouldn't that simply be the creating of the laws of Equestria, with as time goes on might change or adapt over the years?


Eh, who can really say how much laws have changed over time in Equestria? Well, aside from Lauren Faust. :lol: I'm just guessing they haven't changed that much, mostly (1) because I'm trying to keep things simple, and (2) it doesn't seem like Celestia or Luna would have to change the laws that much (and don't bring up economic regulation laws, because it really doesn't seem like either of them are that involved in Equestria's economy, which appears to be very capitalistic and loosely regulated, mostly at the local level).

Edited by Batbrony


"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

-The Muffin Mare

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  • 6 months later...

Absolutely tyrannical. She is an authoritarian dictator that needs to be stopped. Her reign has gone on for far too long. There is no room for democracy in her power-corrupt mind, and she plans to continue dealing out horrifying punishments, such as turning others to stone and banishing siblings to the barren moon for 1000 years. Celestia must go down. WHO WANTS TO JOIN ME IN THE GREAT EQUESTRIAN REBELLION?! Celestia the Terrible must be stopped!


Long live the New Lunar Republic!


<filler-text>fgdj kjhfj asfhh dfhd akj fkjc bndk   d fjdkfndjkfhe e   je fndl jf dn</filler-text>

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Actually, I do believe it is an oligarchy, being that she rules alongside her sister, Princess Luna. They do appear to be the overall rulers, but are in no way, shape, or form abusive with it. As far as I can see the only thing she ever does with her power is throw big parties that she hate (The Gala), shake hands, and be useless in case of a villain attack.


Make sense? What fun is there in making sense?

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I think of it as a monarchy, since royalty is ruling over a kingdom/nation/country etc. Besides that she is co-ruling with Luna, it still counts as a monarchy because a king/queen/princess is a ruler of the nation that she is either voted in or is put in because of a royal bloodline that is passed from generation to generation.

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I went with the option of monarchy. For those of you saying she is a tyrant (There are some points that may seem like she is one)

I don't really agree. She ruled for a thousand years alone because she banished Luna to the moon after the eternal night scenario.

Celestia didn't mean to banish her, like it said in the intro; Celestia did what she did "reluctantly". I mean who would want to banish their own sibling away for a thousand years!?

Back to the topic:

Celestia had to rule alone, what would happen if she didn't? She didn't come to the throne alone at first either . Luna was with her obviously, but then became a threat in which Celestia had to defeat in order to maintain peace in harmony in Equestria.

I'm the type of heartless sociopath/psychopath that would banish my siblings away for thousands of years >:D

I think it's a good idea to keep me away from positions of power.


I think Celestia still had control over the elements back when the Nightmare Moon thing was going down, so if the elements could purify her in the pilot, why couldn't Celestia do that a thousand years ago?

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"Alicorn Supremacist Republic" most closely matches what I've seen on the show. More specifically I'd say it's an oligarchy of Celestia, Luna, and possibly Cadence, with Celestia having the final say.


Princesses aren't elected so that nixes the democracy idea. Plus, what are the term limits? Every millennium? img-1271631-1-laugh.png  Celestia has been alive and ruling for at least a thousand years since she overthrew Discord, so if anything she started out with a military dictatorship.


Monarchy would make sense, except we don't know anything about Celestia's family, nor has she ever clearly identified a successor. She allows mostly a free-market economy with some liberal elements (i.e. she gave the Apple family some land to grow apples but they were on their own after that). Ponies and other creatures run willy-nilly around Equestria saying and doing whatever they want, so it's not communism or theocracy. A cult of personality (not a form of gov't itself but applicable to any of them) is out, because Celestia doesn't display enough personality upon which to build a decent propaganda campaign.


And she's far too permissive--careless, even--to be a fascist tyrant. Those rulers rely on keeping total control of their nations--let my gov't brutalize you and you'll be protected from everyone else. But Celestia isn't brutal and she's barely in control at all, from what I've seen. On the other hand, some of her actions have suggested a thirst for power in the past. (And before all you Celestia lovers jump in to defend her actions in the Nightmare Moon era, remember that all we know of that story is what she told us.)


So yeah, if we're going to define this in human terms...Celestia runs an oligarchic monarchy of three illuminati who mostly do nothing, and outsource national defense to six Girl Scouts.

Edited by TailsIsNotAlone
  • Brohoof 1

"Human beings fascinate me

Being just the way they are..."

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I see Celestia's rule as a Constitutional Monarchy, yes Celestia is the head of state and has a bit more power than your typical president or prime minister but I don't think she has vested all power in her especially after Luna's return. I think that alot of other leaders like senators, judges ect are either elected or appointed but then again this is just my head cannon speaking so I could be wrong on some of this.

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Her rule is matriarchal. She wouldn't be a princess otherwise


Honestly. I don't see how others see her as tyrannical because her kingdom is peaceful and she protects them and ponies love and respect her but then i don't see her as benevolent either because in lesson zero when twilight was freaking out about missing that report and Celestia shows up the instant her times is up then orders everyone else who isn't her students to also write reports. That's about the time i lost a bit of respect for her.


I see Celestia as a good ruler. I don't see her as a good leader


Personal opinion: I do believe that a lot of the things that happen with Celestia the way they do and the reason she needs Twilight to learn as much as possible is that she is loosing her powers and she's not so immortal after all. IMHO

Edited by Argumedies
  • Brohoof 2
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I don't think she would have been elected solely based on the fact that she is an alicorn. If we look at Magical Mystery Cure, we see that Twilight is "made" a princes and gets wings. The term "princess" is someone eligible to take the throne one the mother/father dies, so she's probably a princess who was made queen by election, or the old ruler died. One weird thing is that she is still referred to as princess, but she's older than one thousand years old. (Luna's imprisonment on the moon was 1,000 years)


Also, in the season finale for season 2, Twi's brother tells Twilight: "The only reason Cadence got rid of her old bridesmaids is because she learned that the only reason your friends wanted to come was to meet Canterlot royalty!"


Or something like that...


Anyway, with that reference, I think we can safely say that Equestria is run under a Monarchy, although it is possible for ponies to have different words for the leader of their current system. Maybe Equestria is run under a dictatorship, but to maintain honor Celestia calls herself and other leaders Princesses? Celestia's age also slightly hints this. There's a lot we don't know about Equestria... Season 4 should be fun, with Twilight being a princess now we should get a new look into these things.


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