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movies/tv most powerful marvel Or Capcom Villain


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Vote on who,s the most powerful villian in the whole marvel or Capcom universe think of any villain that has or almost defeated a superhero easy and by almost i mean like closer than any other and yes you can post videos proving it or discuss it or you can take some main ones or big ones and test if they can by playing marvel vs capcom 3 if you can please show us the results on video.Or you can click this link to learn about them to http://marvel.com/universe/Main_Page and mine are Galactus and wesker

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I like Superman. He's pretty strong and cant destroy lamposts. I've never met anyone that strong. It's quite weird. I would like to be like him

Edited by Fubz


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I say I have only seen wesker in Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 but he is in fact strong But In Marvel My pic is Dormammu And he is ruler of the Chaos Demision and Then there is Shuma-Gorath ruler of the Dark Demision And whats funny is some people call him callimairi But he can take over earth and so can dormammu theve tried only to be stoped by there arch nemisis Docter Strange the Magic User.The only thing that stops them is usually him because not even the Avengers,X-Men,S.H.E.I.L.D,Or even The Fantastic four Them self couldnt.

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If by the game the most powerful would be a dead three way tie between Shuma Gorath,Dormammu and Galactus(Kinda)

In general I'd say a prepped Dr.Doom ;)



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i find it weird that all this is based around Marvel VS Capcom a game were only one character is close to being the most powerful (Hulk) and Capcom character don't stand a chance against them

these are my top two


Sentry- this is a super hero that every one in marvel is afraid of and stopped the hulk dead in his tracks... and he was holding back because if he didn't he would break the world or lose him self to the power.


Supreme - basically Superman but with more power and the ability to adapt to his environment... nuff said

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Well if you read the comics Docter doom once deafeated Galactus But the silver surfer stopped him But you know that Galactus does have cosmic power and so far the infinity sword couldnt stop galactus.


Lol I do read the comics. He only did so with MASSIVE prep and even then he had to steal powers to even stand a chance.

Galactus isn't even top tier when it comes to all of marvel



"Why, am I not royal enough for you? Don't you know who I am?"

Ooh! Ooh! More guessing games! Um... Pokey Smokes! How about Queen Meanie? No! Black Snooty, Black Snooty!

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so I must partake in this thread since Marvel vs Capcom is my favorite game, but I'm lost in certain things, are you talking about the most powerful character in gameplay or in reality, because Chris is a dangerous fellow in the game, but in reallity he would be crap compared to other marvel herous


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Galactus isn't even top tier when it comes to all of marvel


Seriously? I don't read many comics, but I was under the impression that Galactus was pretty much the most powerful dude in the verse, not including weird, abstract powers from other dimensions that nobody really knows much about, much less control.

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I would have to say Apocalypse. He never really gets defeated -- his plans just get pushed back. And he patiently awaits the end of the world taking whatever opportunities present itself.

Silvadel, the Pegasus of Insight.

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Seriously? I don't read many comics, but I was under the impression that Galactus was pretty much the most powerful dude in the verse, not including weird, abstract powers from other dimensions that nobody really knows much about, much less control.


Yeah he looks like he's be the big cheese around Marvel but that's not the case whatsoever. Galactus is pretty much just basic Cosmic power.He's only considered good because he has a large supply of it and feeds off planets.Galactus pretty much keeps balance in the universe.

Without him the universe becomes in danger of being destroyed. He claims that one day, he will return much more to the universe than he has taken.


People like Thanos and Doom baby Galactus with prep time.

Posted Image



"Why, am I not royal enough for you? Don't you know who I am?"

Ooh! Ooh! More guessing games! Um... Pokey Smokes! How about Queen Meanie? No! Black Snooty, Black Snooty!

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Yeah he looks like he's be the big cheese around Marvel but that's not the case whatsoever. Galactus is pretty much just basic Cosmic power.He's only considered good because he has a large supply of it and feeds off planets.Galactus pretty much keeps balance in the universe.

Without him the universe becomes in danger of being destroyed. He claims that one day, he will return much more to the universe than he has taken.


People like Thanos and Doom baby Galactus with prep time.



Eh, I've never liked giving people prep when judging versus matches, because there are people like Doom who can beat pretty much anyone with enough prep time, but without it he isn't all that powerful.

But yeah, Thanos is just crazy at times. But doesn't his power fluctuate a lot, based on whatever super powerful object he's managed to steal/find/create at the moment?


But still, I don't think there are enough characters that powerful for Galactus to not be top tier :/

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Easily Galactus, he’s just too OP, he has unfathomable knowledge of the universe, he has powers that we couldn’t begin to understand, he has access to technology that is lightyears ahead of ours. The guys is so powerful that only other planets can sustain him. I think Mephisto is an honorable mention though, he’s cool, so is Shuma Gorath.


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But you guys know that there is possibility to add thanos with the infinity gauntlent and all the stones could erase the whole universe all he has to say is "Do over!"


But on the bases when you think about all the moments when super heros clash with villains I think they should make a AMV with UMVCP3 themes 8-Bit And mix up shows like SHS the movie Avengers and lots of other stuff I think that would be cool.But anyways when you think of Loki as not powerful he and enchantress have spells witch could probably do lots of things but the power of cosmic and X factor and magic seem to be the thing than can stop all and Think about How could Dormammu and Shuma-Gorath be weak if they rule dimensionsPosted ImageShuma-Gorath is the archetypal Class Three demon, native to an extradimensional realm. He is one of the "Old Ones" who came to Earth untold millions of years ago, ruling it and feasting on mankind's ancestors. Though banished in the distant past by the sorcerer Sise Neg, Shuma returned to Earth and ruled for an age in what would be Cimmeria, fed by blood sacrifice. and a water elemental- Strange ultimately merged with Shuma and then impaled himself. This temporarily destroyed Shuma, but Strange suffered the consequences of his dark actions for some time. Re-forming over time as Strange purged himself of the demon's taint, Shuma continues to seek to conquer Earth and other realms, sometimes by acquisition of objects of power like the Infinity Gems.Recently Nicholas Scratch tried to revive Shuma-Gorath. Along with the Salem Seven, Nicholas trapped Dr.Strange and his servant Wong in a dimension so he could not stop Shuma when he returned. In order to create more sacrifices he called the Fantastic Four and brought them to Wing Hill where Shuma was eventually resurrected by Nicholas. However unknown to Nicholas, Mister Fantastic freed Diablo and ordered him to free Dr.Strange and Wong. After he freed the Sorcerer Supreme, Diablo and Dr.Strange travelled to Wing Hill and joined the battle against Scratch and Shuma-Gorath. Strange then devised a plan and teleported himself and Shuma to Stonehedge where he once again banished Shuma-Gorath.

Edited by rainbow shy

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Eh, I've never liked giving people prep when judging versus matches, because there are people like Doom who can beat pretty much anyone with enough prep time, but without it he isn't all that powerful.

But yeah, Thanos is just crazy at times. But doesn't his power fluctuate a lot, based on whatever super powerful object he's managed to steal/find/create at the moment?


But still, I don't think there are enough characters that powerful for Galactus to not be top tier :/


Yeah,Me neither when prep is given to someone like Doom he can beat just about anyone if he has the time for it.However,without prep Galactus would have willed him out of existence before Doom could have even raised his hand.Believe it or not heroes like Batman really wouldn't be much of a threat if it weren't for their prep.

Thanos pretty much always finds a way to get what he wants regardless of how strong or weak he is at the moment.He's just that tactical.He's even tricked Silver Surfer into getting his ass kicked by Runner while he was powerless.


Let me list to you the people that can beat Galactus with little to no difficulty:precon beyonder

Living Tribunal


CA superman

anyone with the IG

anyone with the HOTU

Divine Spawn

COIE anti-monitor


The Spectre

ION (Kyle)

PR-Molecule man


The One Above All


This is just off the top of my head too ^.^. Don't get me wrong Galactus is no joke but he still isn't the biggest threat Marvel has seen.

Some of the people I've listed have destroyed multiple universes with a flick of the wrist.


But you guys know that there is possibility to add thanos with the infinity gauntlent and all the stones could erase the whole universe all he has to say is "Do over!"


But on the bases when you think about all the moments when super heros clash with villains I think they should make a AMV with UMVCP3 themes 8-Bit And mix up shows like SHS the movie Avengers and lots of other stuff I think that would be cool.But anyways when you think of Loki as not powerful he and enchantress have spells witch could probably do lots of things but the power of cosmic and X factor and magic seem to be the thing than can stop all and Think about How could Dormammu and Shuma-Gorath be weak if they rule dimensionsPosted ImageShuma-Gorath is the archetypal Class Three demon, native to an extradimensional realm. He is one of the "Old Ones" who came to Earth untold millions of years ago, ruling it and feasting on mankind's ancestors. Though banished in the distant past by the sorcerer Sise Neg, Shuma returned to Earth and ruled for an age in what would be Cimmeria, fed by blood sacrifice. and a water elemental- Strange ultimately merged with Shuma and then impaled himself. This temporarily destroyed Shuma, but Strange suffered the consequences of his dark actions for some time. Re-forming over time as Strange purged himself of the demon's taint, Shuma continues to seek to conquer Earth and other realms, sometimes by acquisition of objects of power like the Infinity Gems.Recently Nicholas Scratch tried to revive Shuma-Gorath. Along with the Salem Seven, Nicholas trapped Dr.Strange and his servant Wong in a dimension so he could not stop Shuma when he returned. In order to create more sacrifices he called the Fantastic Four and brought them to Wing Hill where Shuma was eventually resurrected by Nicholas. However unknown to Nicholas, Mister Fantastic freed Diablo and ordered him to free Dr.Strange and Wong. After he freed the Sorcerer Supreme, Diablo and Dr.Strange travelled to Wing Hill and joined the battle against Scratch and Shuma-Gorath. Strange then devised a plan and teleported himself and Shuma to Stonehedge where he once again banished Shuma-Gorath.


Shuma can only beat Galactus in his own realm.A realm in which Shuma becomes Omnipotent.On even grounds I'd say Galactus beats him with some difficulty. Edited by OdinForced



"Why, am I not royal enough for you? Don't you know who I am?"

Ooh! Ooh! More guessing games! Um... Pokey Smokes! How about Queen Meanie? No! Black Snooty, Black Snooty!

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But you guys know that there is possibility to add thanos with the infinity gauntlent and all the stones could erase the whole universe all he has to say is "Do over!"


Mother. Fucking. Thanos.


I first heard of him in the 50th issue special of the Sliver Surfer.


When your bad guy can just swat the Silver Surfer, one of the most OP'd heroes around, out of the sky like he's nothing? You win.


On 8/23/2012 at 1:54 AM, Djenty said:


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well im not sure if you have heard of the dark surfer wich is also the silver surfer and is deafeated by the SHS later but im not sure if hes in the comics so after he goes with galactus and leaves earth to become his herald again in exchange for not devouring earth the infinity sword didnt stop him and doom tried to steal it but galactus swated him into a building him and iron man were working up a plan and silver surfer just decide to do that exchange and iron man gave him the sword and after a few episodes the silver surfer was called back when thanos had all of the stones and docter doom got earased from reality by thanos and he deafets him by tricking him into what he calls a "Fair Fight" and when they shake hands he deafets hhim by taking off the gauntlet and when the squad leaves he gets corrupted into evil by the sword and he turns into dark surfer throws earth out of orbit and sends the Super Hero Squad into diffrent time zones and deminsions and planets i didnt mention this but he got thanos trapped into the Soul Sone and then before he sends them in diffrent places he actually erases half the universe and states was the part including galactus


The Planet of Sakaar ravaged by famine and brutality, many inhabitants looked to the story of t he Sakaarson for hope, and protection. The Silver Surfer arrived and was mistaken for the Saakarson by an old statue which was to represent their great hero. In reality the Surfer only appeared so that his master Galactus could feed. He meets and warns Skaar son of the Hulk of what is to come, but Skaar doesn't believe him and the two begin to fight. The Silver Surfer tells him that Skaar has the energy in it from the old power, and that it is enough to sate Galactus for a hundred thousand years. When the Surfer tries to call Galactus to the planet Skaar traps the Surfer with an obedience disk. The Surfer then shows Skaar what it means to be a herald of the mighty Galactus as Galalctus feeds on Sakaar. It is revealed that what the Surfer shown Skaar was a vision of what would happen thanks to Skaar's misguidance towards his people. Skaar fought the Surfer once again, and was banished to Earth. Galactus after being awakened from his slumber caused by the sated energy of the old power, he hungered for more. The Silver Surfer tried to stop him, but was sent away across the universe by Galactus, who was no longer in need of the Surfer as a herald. The Surfer told his tale to others who wield the old power and warned them that someday soon, Galactus would come for them too.


The Silver Surfer is next seen bringing Galactus to a planet known as Orbucen so he may consume the planets energy. During this attack they encounter Nova (Richard Rider). Nova tries to convince the Surfer to stop the attack, but the Surfer seems devoid of all emotion he once had for living things, informing Nova that it must be this way for Galactus to survive. Nova tries to subdue Galactus but is stopped every time by the Surfer. He convinces the Surfer to at least give the inhabitants enough time to get their ships off the planet. The Silver Surfer allows it, channeling the power cosmic with a blink to allow them immediate take-off. While on Orbucen, the two also encounter a psi-creature known as Harrow, who has taken hidden refuge on Galactus' ship. When Nova awakes Harrow from hibernation the Surfer breaks the creature’s psilink that has kept him hidden all this time, and Galactus proceeds to incinerate the creature. Galactus then transported Nova five light years away from him, and the Silver Surfer warned the Centurion that he dare not let their paths cross again, telling him that "Galactus never spares anything twice" before flying off.


The Surfer served Galactus well for many years, enjoying exploring the wonders of the universe; however, it became increasingly difficult for Radd to find energy-rich worlds devoid of sentient life. Over time, Galactus subtly altered the Surfer's mind, submerging Radd's emotions and repressing past memories. As a result, the Surfer became much more willing to lead Galactus to inhabited worlds, such as Earth. Locating Earth despite Uatu The Watcher's covert attempts to ward him off, the Surfer caused widespread panic and fought the Fantastic Four. During this conflict, the Surfer met blind sculptress Alicia Masters, who sensed his inner nobility and pleaded with him to spare humanity. His long-dormant emotions stirred by what Alicia taught him of beauty and spirit, the Surfer turned on Galactus and helped fight him off long enough for Uatu and the Fantastic Four to secure the Ultimate Nullifier: a cosmic doomsday weapon which forced Galactus to withdraw. However, Galactus punished the Surfer by trapping him on Earth, erecting an energy barrier around the planet that was uniquely attuned to the Surfer.


More on Marvel.com: http://marvel.com/universe/Silver_Surfer#ixzz25QQ7lD8h

Edited by rainbow shy

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well you know the dark surfer deafeated him once and weilded the Infinity sword and gauntlet and trapped Thanos in the soul stone


Was Dark Surfer in the comics or just that show/game? I'd never even heard of him til now


I am still sticking with Thanos from the comics

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I think hes in the comics but you know there were marvel zombies and the only souloution to stop it was utau the watcher sent sentry back in time they even devoured Galactus and the Silver Surfer!Also Thanos got the infinity gauntlet taken from him so eisly BTW the Dark Surfer Is the Evil verion of the Silver Surfer there the same because the Silver surfer is the dark Surfer

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