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certain fans...


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Let's see...


- Too obsessive fans

- Borg/hivemind fans

- Extreme cloppers (hey, i like the R34 too but not THAT much). Like, the ones who are totally open about it, even in public, and don't expect any negative/weird reaction.

- Pedophiles (could be part of the extreme cloppers)

- Hypocrites (and sadly, i've seen a lot...)

- The fact that some people believe that tolerance and acceptance it's the same thing. It's not.

- Incest pairings


Also, i can't be the only one tired of the sex jokes. IMO these stopped being funny ages ago, are unoriginal, immature and predictable. "OH LOLOLO FLUTTERSHY IX RAPED BY LUNAH TROLOLO I'M ORIGINAL AND FUNNY XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD"

Edited by leictreon
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The brony posers that are only bronies because they want attention or to look original. Sure they might enjoy the show, but they still irk me a lot.. It's kind of desperate and annoying, kind of like the girls who pose as gamers. Being a "gamer girl" doesn't make you cooler or hardcore or whatever.

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There are a few things I personally don't like but I keep my opinion to myself usually. If no one is being hurt than who am I to judge?

That being said, the CMC clop is nasty and pretending that it's okay is normalizing pedophilia more than I'm comfortable with.

Also there is some sexism within the fandom that bothers me, but I think most of what I see is coming from people who are younger and don't understand how wrong that kind of attitude is and how damaging little comments can be.

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Certain fans that irritate me? You. The lot of you.


Especially here on MLPForums. Your complaints are the very thing you complain about. A cesspool of hypocritical projection of your own flaws onto small to nonexistent strawponies.


"I don't see how the fandom can tolerate X but not Y. I TOTALLY HATE X!"


Seriously. It gets like that.


I've also drawn a correlation between the Bronies who complain about Bronies acting like Bronies to prove they're Bronies to non-Bronies to be the EXACT SAME people who complain about cloppers to make it know to non-cloppers that they're non-cloppers too. I'm only on the first page of this thread, and already I've seen someone make the argument that even though R34 exists in all fandoms, they say that we're somehow worse than the other fandoms through insane troll logic.


The problem is, these kind of bronies just love to show their weird creation to the world, paying no heed to non-bronies out there. Many times I tried to take my friend to the fandom, but before they could see the pony goodness, they got freaked out by the aforementioned shitty fans first.


You have no idea what goes on in the Pokemon, Digimon, Sonic... Screw it. Are you aware of anime and furry fandoms? We are not unique, nor are we the worst. By any stretch of the imagination.


This isn't to say that cloppers are free of the same guilt the Brony mass shares. There's a slight problem of keeping things where they belong. Ponies in the pony fandom. Clopping on the respective pages. But making a huge deal about clopping while vigorously defending your ideals of pure magical pony waifus? Classy.


The entitlement of the fans. These very same true-blooded fans; the fans that come on here to make the case that they're somehow pure. Not the ones that complain about the show, but the ones that whine if anything external doesn't fit their concept of the universe. Really. Someone is crying about how they don't like cosplay because seeing human ponies is somehow disheartening? You're really going to hold that against a fan, doing nothing other than showing their support by hating on them for cosplaying something outside your headfanon?


You're all against people shoving the fandom down other people's throats. An admirable goal, and it really would help the community as a whole.


But you're going to have to stop shoving your shit down our own throats. As Bertrand Russell once said, "The only thing that will redeem mankind is cooperation."


Excuse me while I enjoy my Guinness Extra Cold.

  • Brohoof 3
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I don't like people who cosplay like this: http://www.google.co...zRWiprobeqyuBM:


P.S. I am so sorry for subjecting your minds to this horrible of cosplay. CLICK ON LINK AT YOU OWN RISK.


I totally agree. Things like this are just really creepy.

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Seriously. I would not want to be seen by anyone dressed up that way!

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I like your style


You have no idea what goes on in the Pokemon, Digimon, Sonic... Screw it. Are you aware of anime and furry fandoms? We are not unique, nor are we the worst. By any stretch of the imagination.

True, the r34 we have laying around here are not the worst sight you can find around the internet, but right now I've yet to see a furry that proudly announce to the world that he is a furry and loves fapping to furry images, and there is quite a number of bronies out there that publicly displays their desire to screw one of the main cast.


But you're going to have to stop shoving your shit down our own throats. As Bertrand Russell once said, "The only thing that will redeem mankind is cooperation."

I agree, sometimes our own opinion deludes ourselves from seeing the truth. I said others are hypocritical, but I am one myself. I apologize for my short-sighted behavior.

  • Brohoof 1


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Umm, well I dont really like when people pair the mane 6 together. They rarely ever get paired with boys! And, there ponies, I dont really like seeing them shipped with anypony.



Edited by Pinkie


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im kinda obsessed

but im not the "OMG LETS TALK ABOUT PONYS WITHANYONE!!!1111" type, im the quiet fan

but im making pony art and started with music ._.




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^ Perfect, simply perfectly stated! I have been in the community for only a few months and all around I see what appears to be a civil war Brony Vs Brony.


Maybe not everyone takes it to that extent, but a huge portion of people seem to completely shut out and shittalk the other portion and even try to bring in the neutral majority to start hating. It's really disappointing and I personally enjoy nearly all of the community; and those that I do not fully enjoy, I simply leave them alone and let them do whatever the hell they want to do.


Seriously, what is the point of complaining anyway? Just because you don't like Cloppers doesn't mean they are going to stop clopping. Just because you don't like Fanart or Fanfic creators doesn't mean they are going to stop creating. Really, your opinion won't change them; and most of the time those sections of the community keep to themselves anyway; well except of course when they are questioned, where they usually take a White Knight stance and try to justify whatever it is they do. And why should they have to justify? They can do whatever they want and they should also learn to turn around and just let it be.


As a person of middle ground, I am ashamed of most of you, honest.

  • Brohoof 1
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People who shove their bronyness around like it's their entire life. I'm fine with the show and fandom being a big part of your life, but not when people go around making every single fucking human being on the planet aware that they are in love with My Little Pony.


Also, those annoying people (I won't even call them bronies out of sheer disgust for their kind) on Youtube who go something like this:


>Browsing non pony videos

>Watches one

>Goes down to comment


>Replies saying how bronies should keep their comments to their own videos





  • Brohoof 3



I tend to take the high road, get stoned, and fly low . . .

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I don't think I hate any particular kind of Pony fans. Everyone is entitled to show their appreciation and love for ponies in their own way.

I personally don't agree with cloppers, however I am not going to hate on them... As long as they don't shove it in my face or anything.

Just like people that cosplay... it doesn't matter if they do it well or badly, all that matters is that they're enjoying themselves!


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  • Brohoof 1
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^ Perfect, simply perfectly stated! I have been in the community for only a few months and all around I see what appears to be a civil war Brony Vs Brony.


Maybe not everyone takes it to that extent, but a huge portion of people seem to completely shut out and shittalk the other portion and even try to bring in the neutral majority to start hating. It's really disappointing and I personally enjoy nearly all of the community; and those that I do not fully enjoy, I simply leave them alone and let them do whatever the hell they want to do.


Seriously, what is the point of complaining anyway? Just because you don't like Cloppers doesn't mean they are going to stop clopping. Just because you don't like Fanart or Fanfic creators doesn't mean they are going to stop creating. Really, your opinion won't change them; and most of the time those sections of the community keep to themselves anyway; well except of course when they are questioned, where they usually take a White Knight stance and try to justify whatever it is they do. And why should they have to justify? They can do whatever they want and they should also learn to turn around and just let it be.


As a person of middle ground, I am ashamed of most of you, honest.


I take this rant of yours and raise you these 2 videos:





dude... you're saying we're not aloud to get offended by these kinda people? the first video I can accept because he looks like he has a form of autism but... the second video...

please help me with my dream of writing for sonic team... http://mlpforums.com/topic/25597-attention-all-sonic-fans/

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Personally, part of what kept me on the sidelines for so long was the blatant sexism and racism I saw in fandom. Especially the sexism, given the fact that this is a show that celebrates the idea that there's so many ways to be a girl, and you're not bad if you're feminine and love dressing up like Rarity, or a tomboy like Rainbow Dash. It's all about the content of your character that counts. There's not enough of that in popular media.


As for the "clopper" stuff...hm. On one hand, I do love me some good smut. Not. Terribly fond of pony bits, but hey, whatever. If people like it, I'm not gonna fault them for their fun; I'll just not look for it if I don't want to see it. I think the problem I have with the R34 side of the community is more that it's much more akin to porn -- and that lends itself to being very objectifying, which is hard to see with these great female characters with dynamic personalities -- and the attitude people in that part of the fandom have about it.


I remember just mentioning on my tumblr that I didn't care for that sort of art being on dA and having someone snap back not but a minute later that I was trying to censor ~art~. It should be okay to state that you don't care for that stuff and don't want to see it. This is the only fandom I've been in that's really in your face about that stuff.



Uh. The person who made this made an apology video explaining his behavior, and took the criticism he got in stride. So I would say this is a better example of the Brony community, because even though he's not neurotypical, he could take criticism when he got it.

  • Brohoof 3



I'm also of the opinion that deliberate lies and innuendos should never be allowed to go unopposed. At what point does tolerating the intolerable make you part of the problem? - John DeLancie

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I'm really not too bothered. I've got Friends who fit all of those descriptions. Thing is, You just got to look past that and be able to carry out a stable conversation


(See what i did there?)


Brony Guards - Apply now!


Nos Castor Auferet - 155 Squadron's motto

Contrary to popular belief by strange people, Rainbow Dash is the best pony in the entire universe.

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I don't like the Bronies that make the rest of us look bad. These certain individuals includethe cloppers.

We make you look bad.....how? You're not a clopper, so why would certain members of the fandom you are apart of being cloppers make you look bad? Also, even if cloppers didn't exist, people would still accuse bronies of jerking off to ponies, simply because they don't understand us and want to think as horribly of us as possible. The better question is, why do you even care what people you don't even know or care about think of you? Seriously, what effect does it have on you that people look down on us because certain members of this fandom like to pleasure themselves to ponies? Ask yourself this : do you masturbate to ponies? If no, then you have nothing to worry about, you're not a clopper, you know you're not a clopper, so why the flibbity flabbity fuck are you bothered by someone calling you one?


Once you stop caring what people who you don't even know think of you, you're life will be so much easier.


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We make you look bad.....how? You're not a clopper, so why would certain members of the fandom you are apart of being cloppers make you look bad? Also, even if cloppers didn't exist, people would still accuse bronies of jerking off to ponies, simply because they don't understand us and want to think as horribly of us as possible. The better question is, why do you even care what people you don't even know or care about think of you? Seriously, what effect does it have on you that people look down on us because certain members of this fandom like to pleasure themselves to ponies? Ask yourself this : do you masturbate to ponies? If no, then you have nothing to worry about, you're not a clopper, you know you're not a clopper, so why the flibbity flabbity fuck are you bothered by someone calling you one?


Once you stop caring what people who you don't even know think of you, you're life will be so much easier.


I never said cloppers were affecting me personally, what I meant was they fall right into the ignorant stereotype associated with bronies. So by there actually being people who associate themselves as cloppers, they're just reinforcing this stereotype associated with all bronies. Now that said, I still will respect people who are cloppers. I just don't agree with their behavior, and find it destructive to the fanbase.


Edited by Regality

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I never said cloppers were affecting me personally, what I meant was they fall right into the ignorant stereotype associated with bronies. So by there actually being people who associate themselves as cloppers, they're just reinforcing this stereotype associated with all bronies.

Again, why does it matter? Like I said, it doesn't matter if cloppers even existed, people who accuse bronies of sanding their wood to equine plot probably don't even know about cloppers, they just assume that because you're a grown man who watches a show for little girls, you're a sick fuck and you must like polishing your pole to ponies, because that's what sick fucks do, I guess.


Now that said, I still will respect people who are cloppers. I just don't agree with their behavior, and find it destructive to the fanbase.


I don't really understand this thought process. How, praytell, am I destroying the fanbase by clopping? What damaging effect does this have on every other brony? I'm struggling to find a way as to how this could possibly have a negative effect on bronies in general. If you could possibly explain to me how it does, I'd very much like to know. (I also hope you don't think I'm attacking you, even though you said you dislike cloppers, I'm not, I just think this viewpoint you have is a very flawed one)


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When it comes down to it, "Haters are gonna hate!". Some folks find our liking of the show to be disgusting and will label male bronies pedophiles, whether we clop or not (and I'm pretty sure that most don't). As I see it, the only ones who give us a bad name are the ones who go out and annoy other people with obnoxious behavior. Haters gonna hate may be a cliche, but that doesn't mean that there's no truth in the saying.


I've noticed that most Cloppers keep what they like to themselves, and don't push it on everyone one they encounter. As for the cos-players, what harm are they doing exactly? I get that some folks might not like what they come up with, but how the hell are they giving us bad names?


Can we not state our likes and dislikes without insulting others, or with fear of being attacked for them?

Avatar of OC by the lovely Skullgal56

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the fans that bother me are the ones who try to talk about ponies when we were talking about something pony-unrelated. when I'm chatting with someone one-on-one on skype, and we're having a great conversation about whatever, I don't want to suddenly switch to a forced conversation about ponies. if there's a new episode out or there's some sort of other cool new thing, that's fine, I'll discuss it, but I'm really not that interested in exchanging old, over-used references back and forth :l

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Honestly the only fans I could dislike ugh well I would hardly count them as fans of the show but the ones that only have watched the first two episodes and watched epic wub time and only vinyl scratch and associate her with dubstep 24/7 and only say that to get attention.

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I dislike fans who go around shitting on other fans by not following what the majority thinks.

If you go and say the whole Lyra-Human shit is obnoxious and unfunny, brace yourself for the shitstorm of rabid bronies who will tell you how wrong you are.


I also dislike fans who think cloppers or people who like gore aren't "true fans". Bitch, please. You're not less of a fan than anyone else by watching ponies having sex or ponies murdering each other. Those white knights who pretend to be the "good brony" because they hate on clop and gore are truly sad and pathetic.

Edited by DeiStar
  • Brohoof 2
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I've thankfully never encountered overobsessed fans IRL. The fans I talk to on a regular basis online are all pretty cool about everything and most everyone there is actually fine with the whole brony thing although we rarely do get the generic "MLP is fucking gay" status. I know of THOSE kinds of bronies that overobsess about it, but I hate when people think that said overobsession and R34 are problems exclusive to this fanbase. But yeah fuck those idiots in the Brony Pizza Hut video. I've had a generally great experience and impression of this fanbase, and at least I don't recieve death threats for disagreements in it.

Edited by Prince Solaris
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I dislike fans who go around shitting on other fans by not following what the majority thinks.

If you go and say the whole Lyra-Human shit is obnoxious and unfunny, brace yourself for the shitstorm of rabid bronies who will tell you how wrong you are.

I forgot to mention this; it's a huge point of irritations for me too because I'm not terribly fond of the fandom's headcanons in general.



I'm also of the opinion that deliberate lies and innuendos should never be allowed to go unopposed. At what point does tolerating the intolerable make you part of the problem? - John DeLancie

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