SugarSprinkledFox 69 September 7, 2012 Share September 7, 2012 I don't want to sound butthurtt, but I am against this site. And here's why.... ED makes fun and harrasses many individuals. The one I hate the most is about Mitchell Henderson who committed suicide in 2006. After his passing, his friends and classmates decided to open a MySpace page in memorial of him. In some places they wrote "an hero" instead of "a hero" and it was enough for ED and 4chan to ruin the life of this family and then created the "an hero" meme. If you don't get the meme, "an hero" means to commit suicide. So when someone says to become an hero, they're telling you to commit suicide/kill yourself. Back to the topic of ED and the harassment, they will make an article about a group of people (furries, bronies, trekkies etc) to as far as harassing and individual. Sometimes they will make photos, screencaps and even personal information. They made picture about Mitchell Handerson and, while they are not NSFW, give off highly disturbing messages. You can view the pictures here. I do find the articles about furries and bronies and others funny, but the ones attacking individuals and giving out personal information are NOT. What about you? :V Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DeiStar 248 September 7, 2012 Share September 7, 2012 It's a trollsite. Don't take it seriously. Really, do what I do about that site and just ignore it. It's not worth it to rage over it. 9 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hazardus_Havard. 480 September 7, 2012 Share September 7, 2012 That place is MEANT to be an idiotic cesspool of retardation. It's more or less something that is very offensive and often times upsets anyone that goes there, try not to take it seriously though and people going there should be fine. They have hits on just about everything there on that site. I also thank you for the "an hero" origin, it's been bugging me where that first came from. 4 Practice makes perfect; but if nobody's perfect, why practice? Art Story Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Khazmere 5 September 7, 2012 Share September 7, 2012 Needless to say the overly excessive amount of malware that's crawling all over ÆD to begin with is more than enough to scare me away. * = means "cutie mark".'s just a personal pet-peeve....... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ink 191 September 7, 2012 Share September 7, 2012 As mentioned, ED's sole purpose is satire and trolling. You're not supposed to take what you read there seriously. As for the kid who committed suicide... committing suicide is stupid. It's moronic and deeply idiotic. Humans can't even comprehend the thought of not existing since they've never experienced it, so willingly seeking it out is completely ridiculous. I personally think they're in their right to make fun of it, especially since he's dead - he doesn't care, does he? That may sound a little harsh, but it's true. 1 I frequently edit my new posts to fix grammatical errors or to reword stuff, so sorry if I make it look like I'm forging my messages to change the meaning of anyone's replies or something. Reading the blog below kills more brain cells per minute than smoking: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheEngineer 188 September 7, 2012 Share September 7, 2012 As mentioned, ED's sole purpose is satire and trolling. You're not supposed to take what you read there seriously. As for the kid who committed suicide... committing suicide is stupid. It's moronic and deeply idiotic. Humans can't even comprehend the thought of not existing since they've never experienced it, so willingly seeking it out is completely ridiculous. I personally think they're in their right to make fun of it, especially since he's dead - he doesn't care, does he? That may sound a little harsh, but it's true. ...clearly the best way to try and empathize with individuals who commit suicide is to ignore the complex psychological and socio-cultural causes of suicide and suicidal thinking and to instead label them as "moronic". Right, that's the ticket! 5 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ink 191 September 7, 2012 Share September 7, 2012 ...clearly the best way to try and empathize with individuals who commit suicide is to ignore the complex psychological and socio-cultural causes of suicide and suicidal thinking and to instead label them as "moronic". Right, that's the ticket! Yes, that's right. Plain instinct should tell you to stay alive no matter what you go through. However, that's irrelevant, the point I'm making is that he's dead, he's not going to give a crap if some website insults him. Instead people who think stuff like that is funny can laugh at him and everyone's happy. I frequently edit my new posts to fix grammatical errors or to reword stuff, so sorry if I make it look like I'm forging my messages to change the meaning of anyone's replies or something. Reading the blog below kills more brain cells per minute than smoking: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dusty Soul 2,612 September 7, 2012 Share September 7, 2012 It is a trollsite, nothing more, nothing less. It's one of those sites people should stay away from... It really shouldn't be taken seriously. Soundcloud-------------------Facebook---------------------------Youtube Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
K3WRO 79 September 7, 2012 Share September 7, 2012 Encyclopedia Dramatica isn't really a site to be taken seriously, it's a place where you either laugh your @$$ off or to be offended to the point where you want to kill whoever wrote the article along with his family. At times, when you do become offended, they assume it's ture, their interputations are purpously ridiculous, it's satire, that's the whole theme of the site. Come on, they use the most overused sexist,rasict,homophobic,xenophobic,and stereotypic quotes in the world, If you belive if ED is a reason to kill yourself, that's not right. ED is just part of those dark coners of the internet. Please sub to my Youtube if you like my stuff! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Anachronous 682 September 7, 2012 Share September 7, 2012 I actually go on the site regularly and used to go to school with the guy who wrote the bulk of the "Life" article. It's an amusing little satirical archive of the Internet's underbelly and has a way of beating to death things that are easily exploited. It's not for everyone but if you have the sense of humor and stomach for it, it's a thoroughly comedic read. What's not understood is that they are literally indiscriminate with who or what they choose to parody. It's meant to push your buttons. If you let it, you're doing something horribly wrong. I happen to enjoy looking up articles on things I'm interested in. It's fun, I suppose, seeing something you're invested in totally debiliatated by some site. 2 keep it real . Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gone for good 1,593 September 7, 2012 Share September 7, 2012 Now I used to be a huge troll, in fact I think I still have a notebook full of my main target's dox somewhere, and I absolutely loved ED. Seriously, it was this awesome place where if you needed a great shock image you could just type up offended or if you wanted some good trolling programs you could just find it up and if you eventually do find a worthy lolcow you could slap his name in an article and he would get oh so many trolls against him or her. Now then, I have grown older and obviously have matured a lot. I look back at what I was a few years ago, and just shudder. Seriously, I kind of often have horrible thoughts about what I did to these people's lives. Even though to you guys it's probably just "oh lol it's fine," but to me it's not because I did more than that and I swear the moment I find this notebook that contains every target I had and everything I did to them I am going to contact them ASAP and just flat out apologize. Now when it comes to ED, they were awful back then but now I look at the site and don't see this trolling encyclopedia anymore. Like, to be honest it seems more like an uncyclopedia knock off. Yeah sure, there are old articles with gore, dox, DDOS programs, and all that fun junk but when I looked at the recent pages, all I really saw were pretty unfunny memes and articles that were all pretty much poop lol. I don't remember ever liking uncyclopedia btw so yeah ED sucks. 1 Just editing my signature to say that my behavior on here was cringe. I don't regret the friends i made but man i was cringe here Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Castoro Chiaro 181 September 7, 2012 Share September 7, 2012 Not gonna lie, I peruse their dA section now and again because I'm a sucker for old web drama. I avoid their other pages because they're pretty disgusting, though. It's pretty much a prime example of everything that's wrong with the internet. I do think people have legitimate reasons not to like it. It's easy for us to say "eh, trollers gonna troll" when it doesn't directly affect us...but they post people's home addresses and phone numbers, and invite people to give these people hell even if they change handles and put their old ways behind them. It's basically impossible to escape if someone on AE decides they REALLY don't like you. Unfortunately, don't think it's going anywhere any time soon. As for the kid who committed suicide... committing suicide is stupid. It's moronic and deeply idiotic. Humans can't even comprehend the thought of not existing since they've never experienced it, so willingly seeking it out is completely ridiculous. I personally think they're in their right to make fun of it, especially since he's dead - he doesn't care, does he? That may sound a little harsh, but it's true. It's really not true at all, but thanks for playing anyway. If you're going to have an opinion on mental illness, please educate yourself first. Ignorance is no excuse. ...clearly the best way to try and empathize with individuals who commit suicide is to ignore the complex psychological and socio-cultural causes of suicide and suicidal thinking and to instead label them as "moronic". Right, that's the ticket! Thank you for this. You are a quality person. 4 -- I'm also of the opinion that deliberate lies and innuendos should never be allowed to go unopposed. At what point does tolerating the intolerable make you part of the problem? - John DeLancie Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ink 191 September 7, 2012 Share September 7, 2012 (edited) It's really not true at all, but thanks for playing anyway. If you're going to have an opinion on mental illness, please educate yourself first. Ignorance is no excuse. Yes. Yes, it is true. Are you implying he's a zombie sitting with a laptop and reading through the "An Hero" page? It's true that if he did in fact have a mental illness and that's what caused him to commit suicide, that sucks, but it doesn't change the fact that he's dead and there's no reason not to make fun of him if you find it funny. I'd also like to note that if you disagree with me, give me an actual response. Calling me "ignorant" and not trying to explain why is useless. Edited September 7, 2012 by Shaoni I frequently edit my new posts to fix grammatical errors or to reword stuff, so sorry if I make it look like I'm forging my messages to change the meaning of anyone's replies or something. Reading the blog below kills more brain cells per minute than smoking: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cakesplat 38 September 7, 2012 Share September 7, 2012 (edited) I'm really not comfortable with the idea of someone's personal information being publicized because of the damage it can do to them or their reputation - often for the crime of being obnoxious or melodramatic - but I like satire. They just don't draw a clear line between satire and cruelty sometimes. If they've posted that personal information online publicly in the first place, well... I guess it is kinda fair game. It's part of why I'm so hesitant to post photos, college names, etc, online. If a thread ever gets out of hand, hopefully nobody can do to me what they do to people on Encyclopedia Dramatica. If anyone offline ever gets unreasonably angry with me, they can never go online, use what they know to find me online on such places as LGBT support forums, and use that against me in my offline life where I'm not ready to come out, let alone be attacked. I've had an honest-to-goodness crazy ex stalking and blackmailing me, though, so I'm paranoid. P.S. :V I haven't seen that emote in awhile. Edited September 7, 2012 by Cakesplat Look for it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Finesthour 7,287 September 7, 2012 Share September 7, 2012 I find ED to be the most humorous site on the entire internet. They take anything sensitive and stupid and blow it WAAAAAY out of proportion to piss off anyone too sensitive to even be on the internet. I especially love the iCarly, Brony and Scalie page. All hilarious as fuck. 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Castoro Chiaro 181 September 7, 2012 Share September 7, 2012 (edited) It's true that if he did in fact have a mental illness and that's what caused him to commit suicide, that sucks, but it doesn't change the fact that he's dead and there's no reason not to make fun of him if you find it funny. I'd also like to note that if you disagree with me, give me an actual response. Calling me "ignorant" and not trying to explain why is useless. My apologies. I did start constructing an actual response, but I wasn't sure how it was going to be taken so I opted for the immature route...mostly because I liked that image macro and it summarized my feelings at the time more succinctly. But if you would like an actual thought-out response, I'm in a better condition to give one now than I was then. It might not bother him, but seems a bit disrespectful to his survivors to make a mockery of his memory. So yes, there's a reason not to laugh at that...never really did understand laughing at someone's death anyway. Can I stop it? No. But I can still think it's wrong. As for the kid who committed suicide... committing suicide is stupid. It's moronic and deeply idiotic. Humans can't even comprehend the thought of not existing since they've never experienced it, so willingly seeking it out is completely ridiculous. This was what the "HAHAHA no" was directed at, I probably should have singled it out in specific. Simplifying a mental illness down to "it's stupid" strikes me as being ignorant, as it's far more complicated than that. Most people that commit suicide have some form of psychological problem, which does have a biological basis; something is physically as well as mentally wrong in their brain. They can't just reason it out like anybody else would. In many cases, it takes medication to make those thoughts stop and balance them out to a point where they can value their life again. My point is really's a complicated issue. Of course people who commit suicide thought about the fact that there were good things in their life, or that they're scared to die. But their thinking has become so distorted by that point, it just doesn't matter anymore. I wish those issues were given the same weight as physical illness instead of being written off as the product of "stupidity" or "weakness". Edited September 7, 2012 by Castoro Chiaro -- I'm also of the opinion that deliberate lies and innuendos should never be allowed to go unopposed. At what point does tolerating the intolerable make you part of the problem? - John DeLancie Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheEngineer 188 September 7, 2012 Share September 7, 2012 (edited) Not gonna lie, I peruse their dA section now and again because I'm a sucker for old web drama. I avoid their other pages because they're pretty disgusting, though. It's pretty much a prime example of everything that's wrong with the internet. I do think people have legitimate reasons not to like it. It's easy for us to say "eh, trollers gonna troll" when it doesn't directly affect us...but they post people's home addresses and phone numbers, and invite people to give these people hell even if they change handles and put their old ways behind them. It's basically impossible to escape if someone on AE decides they REALLY don't like you. Unfortunately, don't think it's going anywhere any time soon. It's really not true at all, but thanks for playing anyway. If you're going to have an opinion on mental illness, please educate yourself first. Ignorance is no excuse. Thank you for this. You are a quality person. I totally agree with you about certain trolls. I know this is going to get some feathers rustled, but one of my friends, new to community making, began a forum a while back. Shortly after he created the forum it was, for no discernable reason at all, "raided" by 4chan. Where was the need to go to the forum and post pornography all over the place? My friend is an intelligent, kind person and I have a lot of respect for him. Anonymous, too, while a part of it tries to do the right thing, largely ends up shooting itself in the foot because so many of its members are either uninformed or don't care about others suffering. Recently they attacked a British officials webpage for not supporting Julian Assange of Wikileaks...who had, all along, actually supported Julian Assange. They also publish people's personal information, ironically, because they want to "fight" for privacy. Interesting how that works. And when people criticize 4chan or anonymous by bringing serious problems up, how do they respond to criticism? Not with civility, that's for sure. Instead, they think that the digital equivalent of bashing someone over the head with a lead pipe (hacking them, revealing personal information) somehow proves their point when it actually does the opposite. This is why I have really lost all respect for them, I realize they aren't all bad; but the brash and crude ways they act in general don't support that. Edited September 7, 2012 by TheEngineer Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FedoraMemes 582 September 7, 2012 Share September 7, 2012 While I am a 4channer, I find most of the things on Encyclopedia Dramatica just boring, unfunny and almost as bad as 9gag. Uncyclopedia actually has some proper humour that isn't all just 'le le le xDXDXD LOL'. 1 The Anime Thread: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ink 191 September 7, 2012 Share September 7, 2012 My apologies. I did start constructing an actual response, but I wasn't sure how it was going to be taken so I opted for the immature route...mostly because I liked that image macro and it summarized my feelings at the time more succinctly. But if you would like an actual thought-out response, I'm in a better condition to give one now than I was then. It might not bother him, but seems a bit disrespectful to his survivors to make a mockery of his memory. So yes, there's a reason not to laugh at that...never really did understand laughing at someone's death anyway. Can I stop it? No. But I can still think it's wrong. Well, yes, of course it would be hard for the people he knew to see people making fun of his death, but I doubt they would actively search out one website if they knew it did just that, and since this thread is about ED, that's what I meant about it. Mocking him in itself I see nothing wrong with, though. This was what the "HAHAHA no" was directed at, I probably should have singled it out in specific. Simplifying a mental illness down to "it's stupid" is...pretty ignorant. Most people that commit suicide have some form of psychological problem, which does have a biological basis. Something is physically as well as mentally wrong in their brain. They can't just reason it out like anybody else would. I can tell you as someone who's been through that yes, I feared death. But I feared the possibility of continuing to live and inflict pain on everyone I loved more. People don't "seek death out" willy nilly; they're driven to the point of absolute desperation where even the mind itself is just crying out for you to end it. That "instinct to survive" just completely shuts off. I'm very happy you have no idea what it's like, because I would never wish that on anyone. It's true, I don't know what it's like, but with the viewpoint I expressed earlier that searching out death is stupid I doubt I'd ever be inclined to committing suicide. Which I'm glad for, of course. I frequently edit my new posts to fix grammatical errors or to reword stuff, so sorry if I make it look like I'm forging my messages to change the meaning of anyone's replies or something. Reading the blog below kills more brain cells per minute than smoking: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Castoro Chiaro 181 September 7, 2012 Share September 7, 2012 Mm, fair enough. In any case, thanks for handling this civilly. We might disagree, but it's nice being able to say that and move on. -- I'm also of the opinion that deliberate lies and innuendos should never be allowed to go unopposed. At what point does tolerating the intolerable make you part of the problem? - John DeLancie Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZLTavs 87 September 7, 2012 Share September 7, 2012 ED, is like a really really really really retarded version of Stephen Colbert's character, you shouldn't take anything said on ED seriously, just like how nothing Colbert says on the Colbert Report is serious, so just calm down and ignore the website if you hate it that much. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
aperture_tech 56 September 7, 2012 Share September 7, 2012 ED is one of my favorite sites. The site is in general defamatory to all sides, so if you like one group/ person / whatever, then you can just navigate to their enemy's page. But yeah, the only reason I am posting here is because of end in a roundabout way. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Evilshy 5,090 September 8, 2012 Share September 8, 2012 I used to love ED. It still has some great articles, but lately, it's been less and less funny. Some of the older articles are still great, and I love all the raid stories, having participated in a few of them myself You can say people don't deserve to have their lives ruined all you want, but not once have I ever regretted what we did to Jessi Slaughter. Not once have I regretted being a part of Operation Bobby Hill. Not once have I regretted DDoSing the CoS, or ordering pizzas for Hal Turner. Call me a troll, but there's not much funnier than watching some arrogant guy get owned by a bunch of random people they've never even met a thousand miles away. There's not much funnier than watching idiots blow things out of proportion when you say something they don't like. 4 Signature now 99% less edgy! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Princess_Molestia 1,460 September 8, 2012 Share September 8, 2012 I am still quite terrified of a lot of bronies, its a fandom that I still don't understand despite the fact I am a part of it, I guess I wonder if they're watching me...probably not, I never have a pen/computer around when I have something funny to say Can't visit Ponyville? Show up and say you can't! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
be my waifu 2,842 September 8, 2012 Share September 8, 2012 (edited) I considered joining their forums once I was then put off (after lurking for awhile) after realizing that the humor was overly sexual and repetitive Edited September 8, 2012 by bluetrace Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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