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Is Twilight being groomed to rule?

Silverwisp the Bard

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i have an idea of what could happen, when celestia and luna become to weak to rule equestraia they appoint the mane six to rule over different parts and they would all connected by goverment

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What is funny is I could see immortal alicorns actually spending all the time of a moral ponies life just to get somepony groomed enough so they could take a "short" vacation... "Short" being something like 10 years or so, give or take.

Silvadel, the Pegasus of Insight.

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What she just said that she wanted twilight to be her student not ruler.

That is not what happened at all.

It was just to be in her school no ruling.

Let us look at the video.



from:someone's deviant art

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  • 1 month later...

I like this thread. There's so many ideas running around in here and I love them all! My take: One must understand that the dedication and study of one thing over and over grants mastery to that individual. It is Twilight's desinty, just as much as every other pony, to be masters of their craft. But the day comes when you're ready for the next level so speak. When that happens, the world seems to go crazy.

For I have saved your soul in the heavens, and now save it on the ground. - TwilighCelunaCircuits


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Not a ruler. I would say like a Harry Potter, in a sense that he is a student and eventually does not rule, yet holds an important position.


This addresses another issue, which I think I know the answer to: can ponies turn into alicorns? If so, how? I would say no, because of the existence of Granny Smith and many other more matured characters. But, where DO alicorns come from?

Edited by Party Cannon
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I fancy the idea of Twilight being the next in line of rulers. After all she is an apprentice of Celestia and I haven't heard Celestia with any offspring or any that she would give as much attention to. Also Celestia and Luna were very important because they used to wield the Elements of Harmony but they seemed to have lost that power and Twilight was tasked to regain it again almost like the crown has already been passed down to her. But then I think because this is a girl's show everyone becomes a princess, meaning the six mane may ALL become princesses to rule Equestria divided into six realms.


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Seeing as Celestia has been known to be a troll at times along with seemingly willing to allow all hell to break loose if Twilight were to fail, I would assume she's working on making Twilight into the next ruler of Equestria. My only question is what are Celestia's motives, if she's immortal (extreme longevity like 10000 yrs) solely due to her link to the sun could she be planning to dump that on Twilight so she can finally die.


I know its very unlikely for kid's show but just imagine Celestia inviting the Mane 6 to Canterlot and banishing the other 5 to the moon and telling Twilight the only way to save them from 1000 yrs of exile is to become the Princess of Equestria and effectively lift Celestia's longevity.

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in the beginning of the first episode in season three Celistia says she will be that much ready for what is to come it is quite possible the she is teaching and preparing Twilight for a situation that She and luna cant handle like the return of a powerful evil not sure that means she will rule though

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It's doubtful, but that's not to say she isn't being groomed for some other important position. With Celestia and Luna I truly see them as the eternal/immortal rulers of Equestria. Only thing that would change this is if Celestia gets injured to the point she passes away or Luna has to step in for her due to problems. Have to remember these two aren't all powerful since Chrysalis beat Celestia, though she was powered up.

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After seeing the Season 3 premiere, I can say that I'm more convinced than ever before that this might be the direction they're taking her character (I've been wrong before, so I'm not gonna say 100 percent convinced). In a scene about 2 minutes and 20 seconds in, Celestia and Luna are having a conversation about Twilight and the task she's being given. Celestia says that when Twilight succeeds in her task, they'll know that 'she is that much closer to being ready'. Not 'that much closer to graduating'. Not 'that much closer to advancing'. 'That much closer to being ready'.


There aren't many ways you can really take that like other than the fact that they're planning something major for her. And from my perspective, given the sheer amount of foreshadowing we've gotten so far (including the fact that her EoH is a crown), this scenario makes the most sense.

Edited by SBaby

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Ooooh good discussion in here! I don't know about being the actual ruler, but now that I think about it Twilight MUST be being brought up for something really important! What that role is I guess we will have to wait and see....

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Princess Celestia knows too much about Twilight Sparkle and has probably known it since she was born:


-In Equestria, royals and non royals don't appear to be segregated. Ponies may be segregated by income with Canterlot being an expensive place to live. Anyway, a member of the royal family foalsitting a non-royal would likely be a common activity in the kind of harmonious society Celestia promotes. But Princess Cadance as Twilight's foalsitter before she even applied for the Gifted Unicorn School and her potential was known? Too uncanny to be a coincidence. “You are anything but a regular old unicorn,” indeed.

-Princess Celestia was conveniently available for Twilight's entrance exam.

-Celestia knew Twilight could use the Elements of Harmony to stop Nightmare Moon if she had the right friends with her. She somehow knew they would be in Ponyville so she sent Twilight there a day beforehand. Only a day? If it were me, I would've shipped her off a YEAR ahead of time, lol!


But how did Celestia know that Twilight was the chosen one? Was it written in prophecy somewhere? Does she have have Midichlorian counts taken for all unicorns born in Equestria? Was she specially bred or genetically engineered for this purpose?


I do like how Celestia is gradually bringing Twilight Sparkle up to speed instead of telling her the full truth about her future all at once. If Twilight felt unprepared to save the Crystal Kingdom, imagine how devastated she would feel if she knew Celestia's long range plans for her!


I don't know. My first instinct was that Twilight was going to be the greatest magician since Star Swirl and a member of the royal court. But nobody lives forever, not even alicorns thousands of years old and some type of succession plan has to be in place. Luna seems to disagree with where Celestia is headed but as a long lived alicorn herself, she's no spring chicken either.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I fancy the idea of Twilight being the next in line of rulers. After all she is an apprentice of Celestia and I haven't heard Celestia with any offspring or any that she would give as much attention to. Also Celestia and Luna were very important because they used to wield the Elements of Harmony but they seemed to have lost that power and Twilight was tasked to regain it again almost like the crown has already been passed down to her. But then I think because this is a girl's show everyone becomes a princess, meaning the six mane may ALL become princesses to rule Equestria divided into six realms.

Count von Spike, I like the sound of that. It rolls off the tongue very well. Countess Rarity doesn't roll off the tongue as well. I think Celestia's dying but hiding it from the mane seven until she feels they're ready. Luna may stick around but she can't wield the elements on her own. For all we know, Luna could have instructions from Celestia to grant the gang immortality when she does kick the bucket.

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An interesting theory. To me, at the core, Celestia teaches Twilight because she knows she's a once in a generation prodigy at magic, and that not training her to develop to the best of her ability would be a terrible mistake. Why?


-An incredibly powerful unicorn like Twilight can grow up to be a great teacher for future pony generations down the line, especially someone like Twilight who loves learning.

-Being a pioneer in magic and learning, Twilight could easily grow up to be something similar to Starswirl the Bearded, and act as an arrow head in discovering new magic.

-A powerful unicorn like Twilight is an asset to Equestria because she can help protect it.


That's my thoughts. 'Groomed to rule' I don't believe is a leading factor in Celestia's mind, but it's all too likely that Celestia would add 'Possible future ruler and or important royal figure of Equestria' to that list of reasons.


Or perhaps... What if Celestia saw Twilights true potential and recognized her not as someone to rule after her and Luna, but rather as someone who could one day OVERTHROW the two princesses if she strayed from the good path. Maybe she's being groomed not to rule, but to protect herself and all of Equestria.



Little more of an abstract variation of the above theory: but what if Celestia realized this, and then manipulated Twilight's life so she'd never be tempted to defect against the current rulers. Suppose Shining Armor, Spike, and her friends in Ponyville are only agents of Trollestia, sent to make Twilight feel loyal to her and to keep an eye on her.

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It also explains why Celestia allowed Twilight (her student) to stay in Ponyville and has her send in periodic reports.  It's a well known fact that anyone going into politics goes out into the public to learn as much about the people as possible, to better be able to relate to them.  This is likely even more important in Equestria, given the fact that the Elements of Harmony are tied directly to the power of friendship.  And of course, the last ones to wield the Elements of Harmony before the mane 6, were Celestia and Luna, the rulers of Equestria.



Little more of an abstract variation of the above theory: but what if Celestia realized this, and then manipulated Twilight's life so she'd never be tempted to defect against the current rulers. Suppose Shining Armor, Spike, and her friends in Ponyville are only agents of Trollestia, sent to make Twilight feel loyal to her and to keep an eye on her.


I think there might be a creepypasta out there that covers this scenario.

Edited by SBaby
  • Brohoof 1

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It also explains why Celestia allowed Twilight (her student) to stay in Ponyville and has her send in periodic reports.  It's a well known fact that anyone going into politics goes out into the public to learn as much about the people as possible, to better be able to relate to them.  This is likely even more important in Equestria, given the fact that the Elements of Harmony are tied directly to the power of friendship.  And of course, the last ones to wield the Elements of Harmony before the mane 6, were Celestia and Luna, the rulers of Equestria.





I think there might be a creepypasta out there that covers this scenario.


Oh, I'm sure there is. There's a creepy pasta for everything.


But I do like your above theory, that would make sense. Maybe in the last episode of the series, Celestia and Luna will pass on parts of their powers to each of the Mane 6 and leave them to rule Equestria in harmony? I could definitely see Pinkie using Luna's power to go into dreams to cheer up kids who have nightmares, or teach them to laugh when they're scared like in the first episode!  :lol:

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She's more than a competent leader, but you're right on the observation that she doesn't have a lot of charisma to her (though I think she's really cute in her own way). She can learn though, can't she? She's much more than capable of doing so.


Now, to make this "grooming to be a leader argument", some things need to be established first. Were Celestia and Luna always alicorns, or did they somehow transform into alicorns after it was realized by everypony that they had the power inside them to lead ponykind? That's my personal theory, at least. There's a few plotholes that still need to be uncovered because when Equestria was first founded by the three pony factions (Pegasus, Unicorn, Earth pony), their flag already had Celestia and Luna as their logo.

But both are shown as Alicorns on the flag in a play set before Alicorns. The "Hearth's Warming Eve" story is obviously a myth built for state propaganda.


Twily HAS to be next in line to the throne based on what we know. Why would a damn monarch spend so much time helping Twilight? Why is she sent on crazy missions that the Princesses could do so much easier?


Sweet Celestia, her name is "Twilight"! The union of night and day, the one force that can bring Luna and Celestia together. At the end of the premier Luna had her secret book, charting Twilight's progress through some unknown plan.


She's being tested for something big (Celestia admitted that herself). During the previews of episodes to come after the premier, the announcer said "And Twilight will discover her true destiny."


It's not just a hypothesis. Faust meticulously planned this from episode one.



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alot of you have said that twilight doesn't have the right temperament to be a leader, and that's pretty true.


but since equestria is (pretty much?) a kingdom, ruled by a princess, an absolute power so to speak, that's exactly the kind of leader you'd want to take over the throne.


a dictatorship can be ok as long as the dictator is benevolent. an absolute ruler that doesn't want to rule won't go power hungry, and a ruler with not much charisma or confidence would be much more inclined to do what's best for the country instead of themselves. twilight, i dont think, would ever go into POWER HUNGRY MODE. i think she would always stay a very humble pony who tries to do what's best for equestria, and the fact that she can always listen to her friends' advice is a really good trait in a leader as well.


i think her biggest problems would be making public appearances, foreign relations (because she's kind of a weird spaz sometimes lol), and being less prone to getting stressed out. when times are tough though (crystal empire, for example), she's always been very competent, and she doesn't let the stress get to her, and she's always got what it takes to solve the problem. it's only when dealing with deadlines or other ponies that she has issues.


i'm not sure if celestia is grooming her to lead...i can see it, and i've been wondering about it a little myself. also, celestia lets twilight stay in luna's room! maybe if luna ever goes off the deep end again and becomes nightmare moon, twilight would take her place?

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alot of you have said that twilight doesn't have the right temperament to be a leader, and that's pretty true.


but since equestria is (pretty much?) a kingdom, ruled by a princess, an absolute power so to speak, that's exactly the kind of leader you'd want to take over the throne.


a dictatorship can be ok as long as the dictator is benevolent. an absolute ruler that doesn't want to rule won't go power hungry, and a ruler with not much charisma or confidence would be much more inclined to do what's best for the country instead of themselves. twilight, i dont think, would ever go into POWER HUNGRY MODE. i think she would always stay a very humble pony who tries to do what's best for equestria, and the fact that she can always listen to her friends' advice is a really good trait in a leader as well.


i think her biggest problems would be making public appearances, foreign relations (because she's kind of a weird spaz sometimes lol), and being less prone to getting stressed out. when times are tough though (crystal empire, for example), she's always been very competent, and she doesn't let the stress get to her, and she's always got what it takes to solve the problem. it's only when dealing with deadlines or other ponies that she has issues.


i'm not sure if celestia is grooming her to lead...i can see it, and i've been wondering about it a little myself. also, celestia lets twilight stay in luna's room! maybe if luna ever goes off the deep end again and becomes nightmare moon, twilight would take her place?


As I mentioned in an above post, I think having all 6 rule would make up for someone of Twilight's flaws (like all her little quirks). I could see Applejack being a really good foreign relations pony or peacemaker, for example. I mean, even if Celestia offered to let Twilight rule, I think she'd refuse if she couldn't bring all her friends along.

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yeah i can see twilight doing that for sure...she's very good to her friends and recognizes their worth.


so in that scenario, would twilight have the ultimate say and just keep their advice in mind, or would it be more like our democracy where twilight may be the president, but everyone else has to agree too?

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Hmm, I don't think Twilight is groomed to rule over Equestia. However, in my honest opinion I can foresee her becoming the next Star Swirl the Bearded. Its a thought, but for some reason I can see it happening, considering how many spells Twilight Sparkle has learned over days, weeks, months, etc.

My Main OC (Vedana Purity): http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/vedana-purity-r2096

My second OC (Orange lightning): http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/orange-lightening-r2158


"One must let go of the painful past in order to achieve positive progress." ~ Vedanā Purity quote on life.


"Hey, hey, hey sweet pea. They don't call me 'The most hardcore flyer in Equestria' for nothing you know. Besides, someone has got to deal with the pesky Thunder and Lightning clouds!" ~ Orange Lightning quote to random mare.

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I envision it more like a council of the 6, where each has equal power and say in the matter, and a unanimous decision would have to be reached in order for the motion to be passed.

that makes sense. i can see a few troubles here and there, as there are a few stubborn ponies lol, plus fluttershy who is the opposite of stubborn and maybe wouldn't speak up even when she should.


maybe celestia realizes that a monarchy isn't the best way to rule a country and picked twilight (and by extension her friends) to shift the entire system of government.


i'm probably thinking too hard about this lol

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that makes sense. i can see a few troubles here and there, as there are a few stubborn ponies lol, plus fluttershy who is the opposite of stubborn and maybe wouldn't speak up even when she should.


maybe celestia realizes that a monarchy isn't the best way to rule a country and picked twilight (and by extension her friends) to shift the entire system of government.


i'm probably thinking too hard about this lol


Yes, it's possible we're slightly over thinking a show originally intended for small children...  ^_^


But it's always fun to speculate and imagine what could happen!

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