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open Equestria's Darkest Hour


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Link to OOC Topic: http://mlpforums.com/topic/33944-equestrias-darkest-hour-ooc-need-discord-and-sombra/

Storm Fire hadn’t been this excited since his parents had opened the flight school back home in Fillydelphia. His mind raced with thoughts as he flew through the sky of what kind of friends he would make and what kind of crazy adventures he would get into. He wanted to get there as fast as he could but the Pegasus bringing his furniture couldn’t go as fast. He had everything set up at Ponyville a new home and a job as the town’s flight instructor for new pony’s right from his new home.


Storm Fire breathed in the fresh air as he flew into Ponyville his hooves touching the soft grass and watched as the movers flew towards his home. Storm Fire folded his wings up and started walking into town his orange coat shining in the light of the morning sun. Crossing over the bridge into town Storm Fire looked around in amazement seeing how lively the town was until he found his new home and office on the inner ring right near the center of town. He looked up seeing the flight wing sign hanging over the door Blazing Thunder Flight School it said “Well I guess I should start moving things around.” Storm Fire sighed seeing how fast the movers had placed his stuff.

Edited by storm-fire
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#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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Hank was walking, he never stopped walking. He is trying to leave his past to start a new life, but he can't, not after what happened in the past. He soon saw Ponyville as his AI fragment, Delta, appears next to him as a pony. "Hank it looks like this area can be a place where you start new."

Hank gave a nod "i bet so but i don't want anypony to see you or the others."

Delta gave a nod "okay." He vanished as Hank walks into Ponyville. He had to get a place to stay before its dark. Hopefully he can meet a pony that will offer that choice. But for now, He is heading to the library hoping to find some information about ponyville.

On his walk in trying to find the library, he didn't pay much focus to what was in front of him, since the main AI and the 12 fragments kept talking in his head. He bumps into Cassie Crimsion "oof." He fell to the ground and looks at Cassie Crimsion "im so sorry... I guess this is a wrong way to start off a conversation.." He gave a nervous smile. When she saw him, she couldn't see his face or anything because he wore his cloak and his hood, but the only thing she can really see is his smile. There were some gadgets though on the belt. They were easy for him to reach and to use. The first gadget is a rappel cord, with a hook at one end to stick to the ground or any object, while he had a clip at the other to attach on his belt. The next gadget is a grapple hook.

(im heading to bed night guys i hope you enjoy this post)



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Flaret walked through the street, a saddlebag of books weighing her down, causing her pace to be slow. She enjoyed these early morning strolls, it was perfect if you were still sleepy. The cool air and the sound of birds was very refreshing. Everything was nice and calm, until suddenly a bunch of pegasi, probably movers, missed her head by just an inch as they flew over. Startled, she turned around, ears laid back a little, but no angry words left her mouth. She looked at the building the movers were walking to and then noticed an orange pegasus. Again slowly she moved closer, with a kind smile on her face. "Hello, are you new in town?" She sounded shy, though she was speaking on normal volume. With her chocolate brown coat she never really stood out in the crowd, but she didn't mind.

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Storm Fire pushed his furniture around the room trying to organize everything when he heard someone calling to him and looked behind him seeing a pony with her chocolate brown coat. He stopped moving his desk and gave a friendly smile "Why yes I am, names Storm Fire and welcometo the Blazing Thunder Flight School."

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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She looked a bit surprised, the pony standing in front of her didn't exactly strike her as the type that would teach. Though, after what variety of ponies she had encountered, it wasn't that much of a shock anymore. "A flight school? Wouldn't Cloudsdale be a better place for that?" she asked. Using her magic she adjusted the saddlebag a little.

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Rarity was trotting, er, GALLOPING through Ponyville. She had to make a dozen of these dresses by tommorow morning, and it was already noon! She smacked right into a weird pegasus she had never seen before. The only problem was she sprained her ankle.


"Omigosh! I'm so sorry, darling. Wherever are you going? I'm in a bit of a rush, you see, have to make these dresses by sunrise! Are you going to that filthy flight school? I'd suggest Cloudsdale but...dear, I must be going! What's the time...?" Rarity asked, using levitation to pick up all the things she dropped.



Edited by Royal Muffinz

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Flaret was in the middle of giving the new pegasus a warning when Rarity smashed into him. "Oh my, are you alright?" She trotted towards Rarity and helped pick up the things she dropped, also using levitation. She had seen Rarity multiple times before, chatted with her a few times too. She herself was fairly new in ponyville, she had recently moved away from her parents in Fillydelphia.


"Do you need help moving your items, maybe? Your hoof looks hurt." She smiled, handing Rarity back the things she had dropped.

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Storm Fire snorted at Rarity's comment "This happens to be MY flight school, and why does everypony keep saying that?" Storm Fire turned from his desk and kicked it with his back legs into position. He spread his wings and flew out the front door hanging a closed sign on the front and flew past Rarity and Flaret. He couldn't stand it after only a few hours in Ponyville others were already question why he started a flight school here.


After flying around town a while Storm Fire found a nice shady tree to rest under landing on one of large limbs, he folded his wings in and layed back against the trunk of the tree. He let out a sigh of relief "Now this is better, no work or worries of getting things moved right now. Just me and some quality time with my self." Storm Fire closed his eyes and started to doze off.

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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Hank looked at what happened outside the flight school and ran to help, after all thats what he does. Once he arrived to them he helped Rarity up. "Are you ok? Do you need help?" Hank really stands out if he was in a crowd of ponies because of his hood and cloak.

Inside is hood a faint green light could be seen as delta appeared and whispered to Hank. "Hank who knows maybe that unicorn can let you stay in her place."

Hank gave a nod as he made sure Rarity can walk "looks like your hurt... I can carry you to where you are going..." He sighs "i guess its a wrong time to introduce myself, but i'm Hank." On his belt which he can easily grab was a grappling hook and a rappel cord.

Edited by kappa214



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"Oh...thank you, darling." She said as the others picked her stuff up. At hearing a ponys request at carring her home, she blushed.


"Oh, no no no. My hoof is as fine as weather! Trust me, i've had worse incidents. Like that time I slid off a cliff...I can go home~" Rarity piped, hopping home on one foot.

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Flaret couldn't help but stare at Hank for a bit. What an odd appearance that pony had, or was it a zebra? She couldn't tell with that hood. Either way it didn't make her feel very comfortable. As Rarity hopped off she was pondering whether she should follow, go her own way or just stay with the hooded pony. A small, nervous laugh was on her face for a moment as she pulled on her saddlebag, using magic again. She had been on her way to the library to return the books.


Mumbling to herself she tried to decide what she was going to do. After a while she just started moving again, cursing her nervousness. She didn't want to seem rude, but she didn't want to stick around to wait and see what the pony was hiding under the hood either.

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Hank watches Rarity hope off and gave a deep sigh and went to catch up to Rarity. "You fell off a cliff, thats nothing what i went through." He gave her support to help her walk to her place. "You never did give me your name. Im new here, so where am i at? And do you know a place i can stay at for the nights?" He still helped her "i can check where you are hurt when we are at your house."


The green faint glow disappeared as it changed to a white glow. "So.. what do you do for a living?" On his cloak at his front right sholder. was a symbol no pony knew, except for him.



Thank you Party_Cannon for the signature!

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Spearmint was taking her usual route home for when she made her deliveries. It was all the same ponies, all ordering the same cakes and sweets as usual. Today, she noticed a new flight school had opened up.

I thought all flight schools were in the clouds... She thought.

Noticing that a group of ponies were standing outside, she trotted over to them.

"What's all the commotion?" She asked



(I used to be Sapphire until I drank some cactus juice.)

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Storm Fire couldn't stand it anymore he was woken up by the commotion going on in front of his new school. Grumbling as he got up he flew back to the school to see more ponies standing there each one trying to figure out what was going on. He didn't have any time for this as he flew down and pulled the closed sign off the door and entered going back to moving things around before heading to the door.


Storm Fire smiled at the pony with the light blue coat and mint green mane "Hi names Storm Fire and yes I know all flight schools are located in the clouds but you haven't seen the competition." He cringed a little bit "It's a cut throat world up in the clouds." Storm Fire then explained what was going on looking back into the house seeing that things still needed to be moved around but kept his focus and began trying to get everypony to calm down.

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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"Oh, hi." Spearmint said, "So there's a lot of competition up there? Why can't you all work together, or something..." Spearmint asked, before glancing at a small clock that she kept around with her.

"OH CRUD! I'm so late!" She said, jogging on the spot, panicking, "Gotta go! See ya!" She shouted over her shoulder as she ran off to finish off her deliveries.



(I used to be Sapphire until I drank some cactus juice.)

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The house was passed over by a certain rainbow themed blur, moving with such velocity already that Rainbow Dash kicked up a billow of dust just by breezing near Storm Fire's school. She had no eyes for the school, it was just one of many blurs to her. She was looking for... aha, there she was. Right on her usual route.


Equestria's fastest pegasus came to a bumpy and staggered stop, her momentum almost carrying her into a tree on the side of the road. She was nothing if not a fast recoverer however, and before she even fully stopped she was already trotting towards Spearmint.


"Hey, Spearmint. You missed my house." Rainbow was pretty strict about her food, and she could get harsh with other ponys over it.

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"Oh...Um...My name is Rarity. Miss Rarity, The most generous pony in Ponyville!" Rarity piped generosity. "I'm not the Element of Generosity for nothing. Well...I suppose you could stay in the Carosel Botique, my home and fashion shop, in the guest beds...that is if you would want to, darling~"


Rarity then used a repair spell to heal her ankle, and sighed. That felt better.

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Hank nods and soon bows "its really nice to meet you Miss Rarity." He took her bags. "i can't believe the first pony i met was going to be one of the elements of harmony. Are there others?" He smiles "So you design clothes, that's really cool. Oh you know you are the very first designer who didn't try to make me wear something else than this cloak." He smiles "ill stay in the guest beds, thank you so much." He thinks for a moment. "you know if you keep getting on my good side i might tell you some things about me that i never told to anypony."



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Storm Fire looked up and saw the rainbow blur that blew past before heading towards the direction the blue pony he was curious as to what pony coulda something like that. Storm Fire spread his wings and took off towards the rainbow blur the air felt good on his face as he flew over the town not noticing anything. Storm Fire took this opportunity to fly around the town he hadn't really gotten a chance to fly around. He took to the sky and flew through the clouds giving a grin he took off as fast as he could sending fire out from behind him while he flew around the town.

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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Brutal Legend walked into Ponyville, her guitar strapped to her back and the rest of the band surrounding her. Brutal was the brightest pony there, having a blood red coat and a black and purple mane. The others, all male, were shades of blue, grey, and black, and very large in size Brutal was absolutely. They got quite a few strange and frightened looks from passing ponies, but none of them acknowledged the glances, but kept their eyes forward with a warning glare.


Brutal Legend was leading the way to the home they would be occupying while staying in ponyville, and it seemed that there was already alot of energy surrounding a new flight school. Brutal paused, watching the sky as the her band mates made sure all furniture was to their liking for their new home. Opening her wings, Brutal called back to her band, telling them she would be back soon

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Shadow Stalker was on the road, as usual, going to some town one of the many books had talked about known as Ponyville. She had overheard some pony talking about there being something special about that town, and she needed something special. And somepony who was smart. She was nearing the town, but she really did not want to stand out, so she stuck to walking though the shadows, trying to find some back alley or somewhere dark where she could watch the ponies of this town. She had no where to stay, but she would find somewhere eventually.

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Spearmint supressed a giggle at Rainbow Dashs' dramatic appearence.

"Whoops! Sorry Rainbow, which one was it again? Oh yeah!" she said, pulling out a small bag of sweets.

"This is what you ordered isn't it? Anyway, have you seen the new flight school that has been opened?" she asked



(I used to be Sapphire until I drank some cactus juice.)

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"Oh...um..thank you. Now, sorry, I don't have time for chit-chat! I have to make these dresses by sunrise!" Rarity piped, galloping inside Carosel Boutique and started to work on a dress that looked like Rainbow-Dash's gala dress.


"Dear, you can go around Ponyville and meet some others. It'll be fun...!"

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Flaret, daydreaming as she was walking back from the library, was not really looking out for other ponies as she moved through the shade. She had always preferred the shade above the sun, as she was usually warm and the sun was a bit bright, especially at this time of day. She got herself a whole bag full of new books and was reading one of them. The lack of sight caused her to bump into Shadow Stalker. The book fell to the ground and she stumbled backwards. "I'm sorry, are you alright?" she asked, her ears drooped a little.

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Hank watches Rarity gallop into the Carousel Boutique. He gave a sigh as he is not good with meeting others. He shook his head "its a new start, got to make some friends." He said to himself as he walks off.

He wasn't playing close attention to where he is walking. Once he looks up he was about to bump into Spearmint, but he did a flip over her as he stoped where he lands "wow almost made the same mistake, I'm sorry about that.. I guess i should say my name... Well I'm Hank if the both of you didn't know, i'm new here..." He looks at the ground. He still had his hood on, so Spearmint and Rainbow Dash could not see his face.



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