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ooc [OOC, Signups Closed] Train Ride Headed West (On hold)

Ganaram Inukshuk

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While you Manehatten ponies are having an adventure, we need something on our train to happen to give us something to do. I'm pretty much out of plot until either night falls or the train arrives in Appleloosa. What say you, @@Motion Spark and @@dragon4111?

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I thought we had our special story in Canterlot with the crazy Salesmare, I don't know what else we could do in the train, and on top of that our trip is a twice as longer as Manehattan team.

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Well the Salesmare can become a antagonist you know Motion. Sometimes villians have to be brought back.

It's just too soon to do so at this point, so we now need a different antagonist. How about something natural, like a sandstorm? Or I can stress Gem out with some mechanical failure.

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I don't know what else we could do in the train, and on top of that our trip is a twice as longer as Manehattan team.


I know. That's what I'm talking about. There's nothing to do on the train, and I'm starting to get bored. x3

  • Brohoof 1
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I know. That's what I'm talking about. There's nothing to do on the train, and I'm starting to get bored. x3

I don't want to say it, but me too x(

I have one thing in mind though, but I need to be in Appalooza first. This thing will affect our characters for the rest of the journey, but it's top secret for now :3

If you can suggest a thing that can happen while we are in the train, say it. Ideas are welcome.

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Let me think of a few ideas:


- Engine failure; Train has to stop at Dodge Junction, though.

- Sandstorm; Could blow the train right off the tracks, which isn't good.

- The thug from the Manehattan train teleports into the Appaloosa train; Wouldn't work, since he instead teleports to Appaloosa instead.

- I can initiate a timelapse; Jump forward directly ahead a few hours, but we need to finalise the current scene: Gem was supposed to give Beat a painkiller and some water, but instead she got Jade to do that for her. We'll say that everypony's exhausted and decide to call it a day rather early.

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- Engine failure; Train has to stop at Dodge Junction, though.

it could be, but then it would much longer to get to Appalooza. Besides, we need a reason why the train would stop.


- Sandstorm; Could blow the train right off the tracks, which isn't good.

I like this idea, but blowing the train off the tracks isn't.


- The thug from the Manehattan train teleports into the Appaloosa train; Wouldn't work, since he instead teleports to Appaloosa instead.

lol, bad idea.


- I can initiate a timelapse; Jump forward directly ahead a few hours, but we need to finalise the current scene: Gem was supposed to give Beat a painkiller and some water, but instead she got Jade to do that for her. We'll say that everypony's exhausted and decide to call it a day rather early.

perhaps this is what we need. Our characters are completely beaten up (Jadefire and Draco should act like they were more in pain), what can they do in that condition?

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perhaps this is what we need. Our characters are completely beaten up (Jadefire and Draco should act like they were more in pain), what can they do in that condition?

I think it's more than one type of exhaustion than physical: Emotional exhaustion for Jade; Gem, it's a combination of both. Apparently, Draco seems to be relatively immune to either one.


Can't really do much but, really, rest.




When sleep is declared, there's an instantaneous jump forward in time, and I'll likely do the same for the Manehattan half, unless somepony's a night owl or an insomniac.


Kinda like how the Minecraft sleep mechanic works.

Edited by Ganaram_Bloodrune
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@@dragon4111,what are you doing? you just spammed your same post from earlier, and remember that the 2 post rules is in place now, that there are 4 ponies in the same room.

I want to ask something, you said that the talismans take like 2 hours to make full effect, then I assume at least 2 hours have passed since we got into the train. (Manehattan team has to move faster)

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Sorry it normally updates it on it's own but this instance it didn't update. Yes two hours have past for the Apploosa train.

I often have my finger on the F5 button all the time; Now unless you wanna change your post to say something else, I won't have it deleted immediately, though.


Also, there would need to be a lot of "dead time", but after reviewing the timeline I had left back on page 48 http://mlpforums.com/topic/34600-ooc-signups-closed-train-ride-headed-west/?p=1034305 , it seems reasonable that the talismans may begin to take into effect.


Also, as stated before, there ain't a lot of stuff happening on the Appaloosa train, so I think it may be time for these guys to just rest for a few others; I can declare a timelapse for this, jumping this half of the RP by a few hours. Similarly, this will happen with the Manehattan half when the characters involved fall asleep.


Or the Appaloosa guys can just sit/sleep in silence for a few hours until the sun begins to set; I can end the segment and say something like "Several hours have passed" to continue the next.


As of the Manehattan half, Bolty and Amber have their thing, and Ganaram and Rook are still engaged in a chase. I've a plan for the chase, though.

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@AnonyPoni, @Electrobolt, @Motion Spark, @Jadefire, @dragon4111


With the Appaloosa half (Beat, Draco, Jade), unless there's something specific you guys want to say, I'll just go ahead with the time jump.


With the Manehattan half, I'm still awaiting for Rook's response. Electrobolt and Amber's segment can continue on regardles; Remember, the two-post rule can be ignored for two-way conversations or low activity.


With the Appaloosa half, I'm planning the time jump to progress the RP ahead to about 18:00, which is dinnertime for these guys.


With the Manehattan half, we'll need to speed it up as much as possible. As previously stated, after the two scenes (the wet bed scene and the chase scene), the train will stop at Manehattan, after which, Amber will find a place to stay until tomorrow. A similar time jump will occur by then.

  • Brohoof 1
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Ok, Rook's inside the engine of the train. He hasn't been knocked out, but he's seriously dazed. Ganaram, if you can, please tackle the goon so they can fight. If you want to do the fight post, feel free to use Rook, too (I give you permission).


Just remember that the baddie teleports away

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Since the guy who stole Amber's bag moved to 'another train car' and Electrobolt began chasing him, perhaps they could be moving towards the engine as well? That way the characters can regroup and kinda team up against the two bandits before one of them teleports away (flees).


Just a vague idea that came to me during my sleep. :P

  • Brohoof 1
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ummm, how many kind of trains we are using? do they have baths or showers? actually that comes in handy. 

The Manehattan half kinda subdivided into two things: Ganaram and Rook retrieving Rook's journal, and Bolty and Amber looking for Amber's stuff. It's all on the same train.


Oh, and assume that basic "stuff" like that (a shower, for example) is present on both trains. Traversing the desert takes a long time.

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