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ooc [OOC, Signups Closed] Train Ride Headed West (On hold)

Ganaram Inukshuk

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Ugh, the drama here is worse than the Furry Fandom.


I'm with Dragon here. If Starshine wants to leave, then he may leave. Otherwise, there's no reason to remove anyone, and there's definately no reason to threaten to close this RP.

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And that's why I was scared.


Come on guys, a silly misunderstanding regarding the RP's activity came down to this?! Can't everyone who wishes to continue with the RP just rise a hand and keep on without the need to threaten anything or anyone like that?

  • Brohoof 3
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I am not aware of what happened in that thread but if Star Weaver think that I'm hypocritical for being on the forums and not using my time to respond to the RP, he's super wrong. Here's why...


I may appear online, like ALL the time, but that doesn't means that I remain an active user. When was the last time you saw me in the GCT, when was the last time I opened an art thread. Why I don't make drawings for the RP anymore?


my RL is a mess, that's why and MLPforums is the cause of that, I am way too adicted to these forums that I can't put it down. Yes I post here and there, but I just post short easy stuff from time to time, nothing that consumes a lot of time like writing a very good post for the RP would.


I shouldn't even draw these pictures for the RP, because I'm working in a very important project, I've became the major procrastinator, I put MLPforums above my responsabilities and that's wrong, now I'm paying the price of being irresponsible.




Actually, yes.

So it now breaks down into this: Either Starweaver goes or I kill the RP. Which is it?

do you solve things like this all the time? I'm not gonna get into details but you're so wrong, I choose neither of your options.


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

Sorry, I don't take REQUESTS!

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And that's why I was scared.


Come on guys, a silly misunderstanding regarding the RP's activity came down to this?! Can't everyone who wishes to continue with the RP just rise a hand and keep on without the need to threaten anything or anyone like that?


*raises hand* We're all fairly upset over one thing or another. I vote we all just shut up about our problems and move on. If Starshine doesn't want to play anymore, then I say we let him leave.

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*holds up sign that says*I agree with Jadefire*pulls up another sign that says*of course Ganaram needs to stop with being so harsh and threatening to close the rp everytime there is drama. It'll settle itself down.*pulled out a joke sign that says* Stop Draco time *plays can't touch this*

  • Brohoof 1

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Honestly, I did not intend for Starweaver to be even in the RP in the first place; That place was originally reserved for Haven.

Jadefire, Electrobolt, Motion, you remember our original discussions, right? You're the guys who have really gotten me to establish the RP, and I don't want to endanger everything that has been established thus far.


All I can say to those who are doubtful to how things work is good riddance. We're down to one less member once again, but I wish to address this at another time. I'd like to take back my position as leader now.



*plays can't touch this*


MC Hammer, Can't Touch This




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Honestly, I did not intend for Starweaver to be even in the RP in the first place; That place was originally reserved for Haven.


Jadefire, Electrobolt, Motion, you remember our original discussions, right? You're the guys who have really gotten me to establish the RP, and I don't want to endanger everything that has been established thus far.


All I can say to those who are doubtful to how things work is good riddance. We're down to one less member once again, but I wish to address this at another time. I'd like to take back my position as leader now.




MC Hammer, Can't Touch This



I don't want to say this but you are acting like a douchebag to Star Weaver, what if he wasn't one of the founders of your ideal for this RP...he was there in your PM's threads supporting you, I think he left the conversation early though. What you just said was very mean.


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

Sorry, I don't take REQUESTS!

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I don't want to say this but you are acting like a douchebag to Star Weaver, what if he wasn't one of the founders of your ideal for this RP...he was there in your PM's threads supporting you, I think he left the conversation early though. What you just said was very mean.

Nah, it's okay. He already said multiple times in GCT that he couldn't stand my presence. My early attempts to help him wasn't that good either. Hell, I'm not sure if he even wants to remember any of it.


He, and this RP, doesn't need me, and never was. I'm not gullible to say that my RP posts and my OC is good. Pretty sure you guys can work just fine without me as a dead weight.

If Starshine doesn't want to play anymore, then I say we let him leave.



It was fun while it last. I thank you all for the pleasant experiences.


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Starshine....*wacks him over the head with a sign that reads idiot* will you stop sheesh your doing fine.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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@@Starshine, no, we get to vote to get things done in this RP...look if you wanna leave, because you want it's ok, but you are leaving out of pressure, or because you don't get along with Gannie, which to my surprise I thought we all were very good peers


decide now, you want to leave because you want? 


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

Sorry, I don't take REQUESTS!

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@@Motion Spark@@Starshine,


Both of you, seriously, knock it off and go to bed. We're all too emotionally upset to think clearly. Just please, for our sake, get some rest and we'll discuss the state of the RP and who's being a douche to who and who can't stand who's presence tommorrow. All this discussion is succeeding in doing is pissing us all off more.


I won't say this again, as I'm logging off after posting this: We're too upset to be arguing rationally now. Go. To. Bed.

  • Brohoof 2
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@@Starshine, no, we get to vote to get things done in this RP...look if you wanna leave, because you want it's ok, but you are leaving out of pressure, or because you don't get along with Gannie, which to my surprise I thought we all were very good peers
decide now, you want to leave because you want?

Honestly, I already lost what small interest I had in this RP. Ganaram even said this to my face before I did anything.

Yeah; That's the kind of thing I hate about you.

Know what? I don't even have to acknowledge you.


So, yeah. It's the best for us to go separate ways.

Starshine....*wacks him over the head with a sign that reads idiot* will you stop sheesh your doing fine.

*whacks you back with a larger sign




This will be my last post here, I'll be in GCT if anyone needs me.


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Great...I do not know what happened between you guys in that thread, but I know that Star Weaver is a great guy and knowing how Ganaram is, I expected this outcome, yet I am still surprised this happened.


Star Weaver is a veteran, I feel like I want to leave too :(


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

Sorry, I don't take REQUESTS!

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For the record, jade's and my other RP averages around a post per 2 weeks. Its not dead, its just really freaking slow (we're also in a bit of a story pinch, and we need to bring it back up....)


Don't worry, this RP isn't going to end up that way. Its gone a lot faster and probably won't slow down for a while.


So don't kill the RP while it's still kicking. :P


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Star Weaver is a veteran, I feel like I want to leave too :(

I expected a breakdown like this to occur after something like this, but I'm too frayed to continue on.


If anyone else wishes to continue in the RP, let me know in the morning.




I think we all made it clear already that we love this RP. An argument between two participants ended up in one of them deciding to leave, and now we are going to kill the whole thing?!


Don't get me wrong, I don't want to sound like a jerk here - I liked Star as much as I liked every other member in here. Too bad a hot-headed misunderstanding came down to this, but please, I beg you... Let's bury this subject, open a spot and continue normally.


I hope you guys took some rest and thought better about that...

  • Brohoof 2
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Alright, to everyone else left here, there's still the issue of having one less participant. Right now I don't feel comfortable reopening signups, so we should roll with just having seven participants for a while.


I'll be making a post sometime later tonight.

  • Brohoof 1



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Alright, to everyone else left here, there's still the issue of having one less participant. Right now I don't feel comfortable reopening signups, so we should roll with just having seven participants for a while.


I'll be making a post sometime later tonight.


Let's go with that for now, and we can get more participants later.


For now, I nominate @AnonyPoni to post next. x3

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Heh... I was kinda thinking Motion, but he might be busy... Well, either Motion or Anony are alright by me :P


Either or, I suppose. The Manehatten train should get started up a bit faster, I think.


Also, my original plan was for Jade to be gone for a while while Beat and Sandweaver interacted, and he'd show up again later after the sun goes down (perhaps with Beat finding him in the caboose watching the scenery, with an awkward conversation ensuing). Though I'll adjust what I had planned based on what Motion posts next.

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Rook's a treasure hunter


The reasoning behind Rook's "Or bad things gonna happen" was because I was thinking about National Treasure. Perhaps what he means is that the "bad treasure hunter guys" are going to find his notes and, you know, take over the world with the the treasure or something cliche like that :P


Or maybe he's just crazy.


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Probably best if I announced my post as well. (Ganaram has to pee really bad...)




Also, I declared a memory hole with a few of the posts; We have to "ignore" those posts.

Rook's a treasure hunter





I feel like we need to repeal the two-post rule, or rather, modify it:


Low activity warrants a momentary "repeal" of the two-post rule. In cases where activity is sufficiently high, it goes back into effect.




Alright, once more...


@AnonyPoni, @Electrobolt, @Motion Spark, @Jadefire, @dragon4111,  


Guys, I really need to know if any of you are still interested, because if not, I WILL shut down the RP.



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