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private RP - Train Ride Headed West

Ganaram Inukshuk

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"This would be so much easier if I had my other wing," Draco said as he fanned around himself and saw the pink salesmare. Draco paled slightly as he ran towards the train station and out of the smoke quickly. Draco began to cough "Beat where are ya!" Draco yelled out worried for his friend.

Edited by dragon4111

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Leaf eventually became bored of saying "Waiting" and decided to look out the window, he saw a huge pile of smoke, when suddenly he heard one pony coming in the train, then two more coming in, he also saw two more ponies who he was curious about trying to rush in to the cart. He decided to go to his room, unpack his things in there as quickly as possible, and decided to ask some of the ponies on the train and try to get some information from them...


He went over to where a faint pink unicorn was and asked her "I know this question is stupid but, what happened over there, was it my fault?"

Edited by Danger Dashie
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Jade soon became aware he was running next to somepony, but didn't pay them much mind. Everything was pretty much FUBAR at the moment, so if he could at least get out of Canterlot then maybe he could wait until this all blows over.


Jade soon cleared the smoke-screen, and quickly got his bearings. He was at a three-way intersection, with a row of fancy buildings in front of him. Fair enough, Jade could probably remember how to get to the trains from here.


Shortly thereafter, somepony skidded to a halt next to him, and Jade quickly recognized who it was. It was that tan Earth Pony from before. "Oh, it's you..." Jade said to Beat Spark.

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Draco yelled out as he exited the exit "OUT OF THE WAY OUT OF THE WAY COURIER PONY COMING THROUGH!" He was panicking as he stopped to look for his friend Beat Spark. He was also looking for a way to get right out of Cnaterlot and onto his journey. "Beat where in tarterus are ya"

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Looking down, Beat breathed as he was recovering his energy. "That smoke really affected my lungs" *cough*


"Oh, it's you..." Jade said to Beat Spark.

Beat looked up. "who are you? where's Draco then, I thought that he was following me..."


"Whatever, it doesn't matter... can I know what in the hay you were thinking when you smashed that thing on the guard's face? Isn't there enough problems for a day?".


Beat claimed to the gray stallion. Then he stopped for a second and thought to himself: "This place is really deserted, there's anypony around. The smoke and screams may have scared them away. And I don't know how are we going to get out of here".


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

Sorry, I don't take REQUESTS!

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"I think I'll meet him up at the train I guess what was the next stop agan" Draco asked himself as he gallopped to the train station slowly. After he arrived at the station he looked at the map "Apploosa eh I really don't want to go back there," Draco said as his voice cracked alittle. he shook his head slightly as he walked away slowly wiping afew tears out of his eyes as he walked back into town to find his friend and kept a forced smile on his muzzle.

Edited by dragon4111

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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"Come on, Anagram... I know you're here somewhere!"


Amber mumbled quietly, as she kept scanning the crowded train car up and down, desperately looking for her partners. The random passengers in the train started looking funny at her due to the obvious tension on her facial expression - also, her mane was all messy because of the smoke and the crazy-paced stampede.


Before rising up from her seat and asking something out loud, like she would usually do, she heard a conversation coming from roughly two or three seats behind hers.


"Er... hey? Are you ok?"


That might be the sniffle I heard a while ago... she thought. But when she was about to turn back to acknowledge the assumed crying pony, one of the random passengers approached.


"I know this question is stupid but, what happened over there, was it my fault?"


Amber glanced at the random pony with a confused look. Who was that pony, and why did he ask her such question? Nonetheless, he looked somewhat familiar.


"My friends attacked and robbed some Royal Guards and we got into a huge trouble!" She said, not realizing her explanation was completely twisted. "Anyway, have you seen a grey pegasus around wearing glasses and a jacket? Or even a green earth pony with blue mane??" She asked the orange pegasus with the funny accent, hopelessly.

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Beat looked up. "who are you? where's Draco then, I thought that he was following me..."


"Whatever, it doesn't matter... can I know what in the hay you were thinking when you smashed that thing on the guard's face? Isn't there enough problems for a day?".


Jade's eye twitched. "I didn't even want to be in this city to begin with! The train was only supposed to be here for thirty minutes, anyway! And weren't you the one who got the guards called on him in the first place!?"


Jade stopped and placed his hoof on his face for a few moments, before lowering it and continuing in more even tone. "Forget it. I don't know about you, but I'm outta here." he said, before beginning to trot in the direction of the train station.

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As Electrobolt was just lying on the bed, he closed his eyes to think about everypony he met so far, and about all that had occurred. With a sigh, he started his thoughts off with Ganaram. *Ganaram... He's alright, but he wound up bumping into a royal guard... I can't blame him, though, all things considered... After all, that madness back there, I probably would have had the same thing happen to me... Amber is a nice pony, though she can be a bit... Hyper at times, but I'm sure she means well. She also seems to have some sort of troubles involving Manehatten, but... What could they be...?*


Letting out another sigh, he moved on to the next pony to pop into his mind: Beat Spark. *Beat... That was his name, right? So he stole a necklace, or whatever, right...? And here I thought he was a nice pony too... He certainly didn't seem like the kind of pony to steal things, though... And that pony who tends to stick around him... The red one... I don't know him much. But anyways, about Jade... Why would he assault a Royal Guard...? It doesn't make sense... But... Now that I think about it, wasn't he acting rather strange about Canterlot, too...?*


With that, his thoughts on Ganaram, Amber, Beat, and Jade were done. He left the red pegasus out because he didn't truly know him at all. Now, only one pony remained: Sandweaver. As he began to ponder his thoughts on this unicorn, a small smile formed on his face. *Sandweaver... He's a rather nice pony, definitely friendly. Even though I forgot my saddlebag earlier, he told me I could just pay him back for my bill...* Realizing that Sand might arrive on the train in due time, he opened his eyes. "Oh yeah, I should get my saddlebag, so I can pay him back proper..."


Slowly rolling himself off the bed, the lime-green colt landed on his hooves before calmly trotting over towards where he thought he placed his saddlebag... Only to see that it isn't there. "Wait... I thought I placed my saddlebag he---" he started, before remembering the bump from earlier. "Oh right... The bump might have tossed it somewhere else..." Shaking his head, he began to search through the room, before coming up empty-hooved a little later. "What the... Where is my saddlebag...?" he questioned, getting slightly worried.


Laughing silently, he said, "Eheheh... I... I must have missed someplace in here..." So he looked through the room again, only to not find the saddlebag once more. "No... Heheheh... It... It has to be in here... Right...?" So he looked, and he looked, and he looked... And all the times he searched, the same results: no saddlebag. "No, no, no... This isn't right... My saddlebag... Where is it???" Hectic, he looked around even more times. And every time he couldn't find his saddlebag.


"No... My saddlebag..." he silently whispered, falling backward and causing his back to hit the door. "It had all my stuff in it... And all of my bits... And now... It... It's gone..." Everything he had was now gone: all of his bits, his mane-styling gel, his playing cards, his Gamepony Advance, and the games that went along with it. He was on the verge of pouring tears out, before slamming his hoof down on the floor. This was the first day and, already, all kinds of things went wrong. First, slamming face-first into the outside walls of the train station, then the whole ordeal with the royal guards, and now this. "Why... Why must everything go wrong on the first day... WHY???" After having exclaimed the last 'why', Electrobolt threw himself over to the bed and began to cry. He didn't know whether anypony heard him, nor did he care right now.

  • Brohoof 2
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Ganaram was still snuggling his bag, unbeknownst to him that two other ponies -- Amber and Electrobolt -- have also boarded the train. He answered to the pony who asked if he was OK:


"It's nothing..."


He then wiped his eyes and got up to the bathroom to wash up. As he did so, he heard the sound of smoke billowing out of the engine. Sounds like the train was about to depart.

  • Brohoof 1



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Draco finally found his friend after wandering around aimlessly"Beat your alright thank my ancestors your alright," Draco said as he kept his forced smile as he came upon the two. "We need to get going guys because things are going to get crazy. I'm not looking forward to going to the next stop"

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Sandweaver, bored from waiting for his fellow passengers, busied himself with his short mane. He tried to lick his forehoof and combed his mane down a few times, but the mane remained stubborn.


he heard the sound of smoke billowing out of the engine. Sounds like the train was about to depart.

Sandweaver tensed. His blood ran cold.




He looked behind him, and there was the train, already spewing out the dreadful smoke. Sandweaver quickly dashed off from his seat and galloped to the train. "Stop!" he screamed. Before he could make it closer to the train and jump for it, a yellow hoof stopped him on his track.


"Hold yer hooves there, mister! It's dangerous!" the new pony said while pulling back the panicking stallion.


"But my bits! My papers! Half of my house's worth is in..." Sandweaver was on the verge of tears. He looked back to give this audacious stranger a good buck in the teeth, but he stopped on his track. "...there?" He took a good look at the yellow pony. She was wearing some kind of uniform, which he noticed that other workers in the station also wearing.


The yellow pony cleared her throat, "Ah'm sorry there, mister. But if yer bag is in that train, ya can ask the mare down there to secure it for ya. On the Manehattan station ya can get your bag again!" The mare grinned, happy of her explanation. Unfortunately Sandweaver didn't share her enthusiasm.


"Uh..." Sandweaver stood agape, tried to recollect his thoughts. "Come again?"


The train was now almost out of the station, leaving a thick trail of smoke and two newly met ponies that was currently staring at each other. The mare shifted on her hooves, her smile dropped a bit. Is this stallion a loco in the coco, she thought to herself. "As ah tell ya earlier, mister, ya can get yer bag on the Manehattan Station. Ah can get ya a ticket for the next train, nothing to worry about!"


"Sorry if I'm mistaken, but isn't that train goes to Appleloosa?" From the confused look of the mare, Sandweaver continued, "you know, the one from Ponyville? The electricity broke?"


Realization dawned on the mare, "Oh, that one! It's right there!" The mare pointed a hoof on another train, that looked exactly like the one which just left. Well, almost, there was a few different details here and there. "We moved the train from the rail so the Manehattan Express can get in. Ah believe your bag is still in ther-" Her mouth stopped as the stallion gave her the tightest of hug and a kiss.


"Oh thankyou thankyou thankyou thankyou!" He released the mare and galloped to his correct train, yearned to see his bag. The lone mare, eyes wide and blushed slightly, quickly found herself being the center of attention of the gathering Canterlotians. She cleared her throat loudly.


"Awrite, ponies! Nothing to see here! Get back to your business!"




OOC: Please excuse the random station worker here, I need her for the plot.



  • Brohoof 2


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Jade stopped and placed his hoof on his face for a few moments, before lowering it and continuing in more even tone. "Forget it. I don't know about you, but I'm outta here." he said, before beginning to trot in the direction of the train station.

"if you are going to be a jerk pony I can be as twice as jerk..." He said to the gray stallion while was still trotting on his way.


"hey! you are not going to leave me here, don't you? I don't even know where I am!". He said as he tried to trot by his side.


Then, there was a bit of silence...


"My name is Beat Spark, by the way..." He said to the gray stallion. "and if you are wondering, I did not steal that necklace!"


Draco finally found his friend after wandering around aimlessly"Beat your alright thank my ancestors your alright,"

"Draco!!" Beat couldn't help but smile. "I was looking for you!"


"We need to get going guys because things are going to get crazy. I'm not looking forward to going to the next stop"

Beat nodded. "We have to get out of here, but what it could be on the next stop that is worse than this? really what can be worse than this??!" Beat said ranting at Draco while they were walking through the isolated path.


After a while, Beat said. "Don't you guys think that it's weird that this place is completely empty? I mean, where is everypony...this is not OK".



Then, Beat's ears stood up, he felt "something" comming but he wasn't sure what it was. His expression changed and his body tensed.



Out of the blue, he jolted and screamed "Draco!", he took Draco by his tail with his mouth and pulled him really hard.



Draco was about to get his face perforated by a flying knife that got stuck in a wall.



"Something or somepony is following us guys....it's trying to harm us". Beat, with a very serious expression, said while looking around searching for somepony. But the place seemed to be deserted...





  • Brohoof 4


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

Sorry, I don't take REQUESTS!

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"I see no it's somepony and I think I know who," Daco said as he eyed the knife it was of fine make. He looked around wishing he could fly right now to see who threw that darnable knife "I am not in the mood to deal with this" Draco pointed to Jade "You do you have a life detection spell?" Draco asked with an annoyed voice

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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When Beat claimed he didn't steal the necklace, Jade disregarded him with a short "...whatever." and tried to ignore him while walking and when Draco showed up. However, when his eye caught Beat's body-language suddenly changing, he turned his head towards him...

...just in time for Beat to shout "Draco!" and pulled Draco back as a kitchen knife whirled in front of them and embedded in the wall.


Jade whirled to face the direction the knife came from. "Oh, what now!?" he growled, as the others talked behind him.


After a moment of Draco and Beat speaking, Draco spoke up to Jade, "You do you have a life detection spell?"


"Of course, first thing they teach you at the academy..." Jade said, scanning the area in front of him, "...there! Between those buildings!" Jade announced, and confirmed the attacker's position for the others by launching another sliver-and-green streak in that direction.

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Ganaram got out of the bathroom a short moment after to try to look for a place to sit, and to hopefully see if anypony from their group was still present.


After that event back there, he was certain that somepony from the group was arrested, and judging by the fact that he couldn't locate anypony amongst the crowd -- Is it bigger than before? -- he figured that half the group was arrested.


Suddenly, he spotted Amber, or rather, heard her distinguishing babbling from across the car:


"Amber, is that you?!!"



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Beat looked in the direction in that the gray unicorn was pointing out.


He then saw a silhouette that moved as quickly as light.


"Guys! up!" Beat screamed in fear to his soon-to-be, fighting partners.


A very fit shaped pony body was flying in the air. He sensed it could be a pegasus, but deep inside he feared the worst, he had an idea of who it could be.



"Detection spell? that's so old school HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!" Beat and Draco recognized the voice instantly.


"Is this mare out of her mind? what does she wants from me" he said to his accompanions. "DO YOU WANT...YOUR NECKLACE? I'LL GIVE IT TO YOU...I DON'T WANT IT, JUST LEAVE US AL..." he yelled to the now maniatic salesmare that was descending in the air.


"SHUT UP!" she interrupted. "I swear, for Celestia, that none of you will come out alive from this, I'll start with the red pony, he was a nuisance! HA HA HA" said the salesmare.


Soon, her horn started to lit up, out of the sky, out of the buildings, out of the clouds even, started to accumulate a wall of all kind of sharped weapons, knives, javelins, lances, swords, katanas etc. There could be easily more than 2000 weapons floating in the sky just ready to dip in to the ground.


Soon, the 3 ponies faces changed to horror, a HUGE rain of weapons were about to smash them with all the salesmare's fury. "OK, she completely CRAZY...she's a bucking assasin!!"


"RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN!!" Beat yelled. "GO!" the salesmare shouted, almost descending to the ground, giving the command to the weapons with her own magic.



  • Brohoof 2


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

Sorry, I don't take REQUESTS!

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"Ah cripes" Draco yelled out as he began to ran quickly. "I really wish I could fly then I can use the thunder," Draco complained as he ran. "Oh come on beautifull surely you need some fun instead of stabbing us full of holes maybe we can talk about it?" Draco yelled out to the salesmare "For instance what is your name?" Draco asked aloud as he ran.

(OOC: Yes he's flirting with a female assassin don't judge me I think ladies that can kill you are hot *crosses arms*humph)

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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"You have REALLY weird taste in mares, you know that!?" Jade shouted at Draco as he took off running beside him and Beat. Jade looked up as the wall of blades was falling towards them. Shortly before they'd end up ventilated, Jade reared his legs


A wave of emerald green fire issued forth and streamed above the three ponies. The blades dropped, but the shroud of fire blew aside the knives immediately above the ponies, saving them from being hit. Jade jumped forward under the blaze, and the blades unaffected by the fire embedded into the ground.


Jade stumbled upon landing, and took a moment to get back to his hooves.

Edited by Jadefire
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"I know that sheesh but it's something about mares that can kill me," Draco said with an ashamed look on his face as he began to cough and it was hard for him to breath. "Where is it?" Draco said aloud when he was having abit of trouble breathing. "Come on where is it"

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Amber was still quite tense after all that chaos that had happened back inside Canterlot. She sightly gasped in scare after she heard the engines starting to move, and the train soon moving forward on the tracks.


Since she only saw two of her partners - Ganaram and Electrobolt - embarking the train, she began to think and worry about the others. She didn't spot them - in fact, she didn't spot anypony until then. She could just hope that each of them were safe and back inside.


Sighing and shrinking back at her seat, ignoring the random orange pegasus that approached earlier, she soon rose up her ears again to a very relieving voice.


"Amber, is that you?!!"


She gasped.




Amber blasted off from the seat and tackled the grey pegasus, hugging him.


"What the hay happened out there?? I was so scared!! Oh boy, thank goodness you're okay! Have you seen the others? Are they alright??" She took a moment to glance around the place once more. "Also... Have they fixed the train, or reformed it? It looks kinda... new?... And not only because of that crowd."

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"Ok then...." Rook said as the grey Pegasus got up and left. What was that about? The train lurched as it started to move. Rook was going to take back his seat, but decided that maybe he should just the grey Pegasus it. After all, Rook wasn't the one crying.


He looked around trying to find another seat. The trip to Manehattan was around.... 6 hours maybe? Rook didn't wan't to stand in this crowded train for the whole thing.


A bit more in the back of the car, Rook saw an empty seat next to a mare. Hopefully this won't end up that badly...


After he made his way to the seat, he sat down. The mare didn't seem to notice him or care that he was there.


(PS, the mare is amber)


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After spending a good thirty minutes securing his worldly possessions, Sandweaver let out a sigh of relief.  He felt bad for wanting to buck that mare earlier. Without her help, Celestia knows where would he be right now. Sandweaver stood up from his seat inside his train. I must apologize and thank her, he thought to himself, well, maybe a coffee or two won't hurt.


It took the stallion less than a minute to found the yellow mare from earlier, her bright yellow coat, white mane, and the fancy uniform was very noticeable among the wandering Canterlotians. She busied herself by giving directions to anypony who asked. Sandweaver trotted to her.


"Uh... Hello there," Sandweaver nervously called to the mare, which turned her head to him, "I want to thank you for your help earlier, and I'm sorry for the... " He could only grinned nervously. The mare chuckled.


"Nothing to worry about there, mister!" said the mare, "you panicked back there. Ah can't blame ya for the kiss. Oh, anyway, mah name is Sunshine!" She offered a hoof.


"Sandweaver, charmed." After the short greeting, Sandweaver remembered something, "so, have you seen a red pegasus with one wing bandaged?"


Sunshine shook her head.


"Tall, fancy looking brown stallion, carrying a large saddlebag?"


Another shook, sunshine swished her white tail around.


"Dark blue unicorn with creepy eyes?"




Sandweaver sighed, "how about a grey pegasus, with glasses and a black vest?"


"That one ah know! He took the Manehattan... Express..." Sunshine's eyes widened, "he's your friend from your train, ain't he?"


"Yes," Sandweaver facehoofed. He groaned, he was this close from boarding the wrong train, "anyway, do you have some time? It would be lovely if we can sit around and have a drink or two."


Sunshine chuckled, "mighty sorry sir. Right now Ah'm a little busy here." She signalled to a nearby family, they seemed confused. "And mah brother would love to talk to ya."


Oh nuts...


Sandweaver could only smile sheepishly as a large, burly unicorn approached him. Sunshine cheerfully waved to him. Soon the stallion's face was pressed to Sandweaver's, he smiled. A large monkey wrench swung in his telekinesis. "This is for kissing mah sister," he said.


*BONK* Posted Image


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After having cried out for a while, Electrobolt lifted his head off the bed, before wiping them dry. As he looked down at the bed, he saw that one spot was rather soaked from his tears. Sighing, he looked over to the window and saw the train was moving now. *Well... So much for hurrying to the Lost and Found station...* he thought, still a bit down. The crying, however, did help him out as he wasn't as upset as he was before. Deciding not to linger around in the room any longer, he got up and started to head out of the door, putting a plain face on before heading out.


But he then stopped as soon as he looked at the door itself. "Wait... When did these doors change appearance...?" he questioned, before shaking his head. Maybe he just didn't pay much attention to the doors before. "Well, anyways... May as well head out and meet the others..." As he opened the door and then began to head down towards the seating car, he stopped once more. In front of him was a sight he didn't notice from when he boarded on Ponyville. *What the... Where did all of these ponies come from...? And why didn't I notice them earlier???*


Deciding that wasn't as important right now, the lime-green colt looked around the room as he tried to find Ganaram. *Where are you, Ganaram...?* he thought, not sure if he was just seeing things or not. Eventually, he came across both Ganaram and Amber, along with some ponies he didn't know. *Hey, there's Ganaram, and Amber too!* he mused, glad to see at least two ponies he knew from earlier. *But... Who are these ponies with them...?* Shoving that thought away for now, he approached them and said, "Hey Amber, hey Ganaram! And um... Hello to the two of you, as well..." The last bit he added on as he looked to the two ponies having accompanied Ganaram and Amber.

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"Amber, I was worried about you!!!"


It wasn't like Ganaram to be overly excited about somepony, especially somepony he just met, but given the circumstances, they were warranted. Ganaram wondered what Amber meant by "fix up the train"; He had a bad feeling about this, but he set that thought aside:


"I haven't seen the others, but if you're here, then that means the others must be here, too."


He got out and into the crowd -- Why did there have to be such a crowd? -- and started calling for the others he knew:


"Electrobolt, Jade? You here?"


It was going to be a while...



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