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private Founding of Equestria (RP thread)

Cherry Blossom

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Finding a break between the combat, he eyed the large blade of metal in Flame Dancer's hoof, his meager knives not in comparison to his weapon. Flipping his two knives back into a holster, he wielded his broadsword, the silver glint off the tip made it seem like it was made of pure silver. Drawing the weapon into his front hoof for speed, he responded, saying, "No Earth Pony would simply give up without a fight. And no pony's going to break that."


He sidestepped in, aiming to slash the sword diagonally across the other pony's body, then following up with a similar motion upward, two slashes aimed in about the same area.

Edited by Toothless the Night Fury
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"So, grains. Wheat? Barley? And I think you said fruits, cherries? Apples? Grapes? Or is it more like... A broad spectrum, with a little bit of everything?" He was getting slower and slower, and his breath was starting to get audible, but he was stubbornly not asking for help.


"A little of everything. Sometimes, the crops were experiments that just seemed to work. Other times, we purposefully tried growing new things so the soil would not be fully depleted."

She slowed down.

"Do you need help, Velnir..? I mean, may I help you carry something..?"

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Aelicine shrugged to the unicorn. If she remembered correctly, this was Sapphire. "I wouldn't be here if I hadn't gotten this. I'm only here to make sure you don't abuse her. War with the pegasi over this would be stupid." She turned to Cherry Blossom, and smiled. She hoped the silver wasn't to intimidating, or the fresh scab on her hoof, "The teachings of Syline state that we should help our neighbors. If I had found you freezing to death, I probably would've tried to warm you up. After that, well, anypony's guess.


Velnir nodded at her farming explination, then cringed when she asked for help, "I'm fine, I'm fine. How much farther do we have to walk, anyway? It's just right outside of town, right?" He did not look fine; his breathing was becoming heavy and he was starting to sweat.

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"I respect that." Cherry Blossom kept her worried face on, constantly. She was surrounded by Unicorns and she wasn't sure how she should react to this. Thankfully, she was relieved that they were being kind to her, but she didn't know if it was only to make themselves sound nice.
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Flame Laughed. I have met a couple who gave up the second I pulled out my blade... None of them have lived. Flame quickly rolled out of the away of Runners attack ending up on his right side, He then swung his katana at the pony's legs. How fun, its been a while since I have got into a good fight. He thought.

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Velnir nodded at her farming explination, then cringed when she asked for help, "I'm fine, I'm fine. How much farther do we have to walk, anyway? It's just right outside of town, right?" He did not look fine; his breathing was becoming heavy and he was starting to sweat.


"No, you aren't fine. I don't care that we are not far from my farm, you need help. Please stop being so stubborn."

She had stopped walking.


Fire Blade started backing off a bit.

"Ma'am, if you do not mind, I will take my leave. Please, just ask for Fire Blade when you need me."


Greylight landed on a cloud.

"Martin, are you ready for your trial?"

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Alli looked at the moon, and it's beams intensified. She seemed to be listening to it. "Can you war ponies leave and come back after a bit? I would like to have a chance to speak alone with the prisoner. It is obvious that she does not like crowds, and unfortunately for a pony who likes to sleep when the sun is up, I can't go home until she feels like talking."

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Sapphire turned to the recruit. "As you wish, permission to leave granted." She told Fire Blade. "Cherry, I would just like to know are the pegasi planning to attack us?" She asked Cherry Blossom, a bit of concern showing in her voice. She hoped that they would not go to war.

Sapphire steps out of the room and waits outside.

Edited by Mal (Starbolt)
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"No, we Pegasai aren't planning to fight any of you Unicorns." Cherry Blossom stared at the floor for a moment, then back at the ponies. "I-I'm sorry, but are you keeping me here because I stepped into your territory?" she asked, now thinking about Splinter and Windscar.
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Sapphire turned to the recruit. "As you wish, permission to leave granted." She told Fire Blade. "Cherry, I would just like to know are the pegasi planning to attack us?" She asked Cherry Blossom, a bit of concern showing in her voice. She hoped that they would not go to war.

Sapphire steps out of the room and waits outside.


Fire Blade stepped out of the room as well.

"Look, Sapphire- I mean, ma'am. Sorry. My manners seem to be leaving me. Forgive me."

He bowed his head.

"Ma'am, is there any kind of training I must retake to get back my manners..?"

He looked up a bit hopefully, only then noticing her.

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Flame Dancer's quick change of position could have put Runner in a bad place, with his back facing toward his enemy. Fortunately, the pegasus foolishly rolled, spending those few precious seconds that could have been used for a attack. Instead, Runner simply sidestepped backwards, getting out of the way long before the slice for his feet.


"You may come from a faction where military is everything, but you're nothing compared to me on my home turf."


Keeping light on his hooves with his elbow bent, he advanced again, leading with a downward strike down upon the pegasus' head, like Zeus striking the mortals with his holy bolt, then defending his lower body by lowering his sword in a parry. He finished up his attack, two powerful slices like his starting move, using his strength and height in an attempt to overpower the pegasus.

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Flame Dancer's quick change of position could have put Runner in a bad place, with his back facing toward his enemy. Fortunately, the pegasus foolishly rolled, spending those few precious seconds that could have been used for a attack. Instead, Runner simply sidestepped backwards, getting out of the way long before the slice for his feet.


"You may come from a faction where military is everything, but you're nothing compared to me on my home turf."


Keeping light on his hooves with his elbow bent, he advanced again, leading with a downward strike down upon the pegasus' head, like Zeus striking the mortals with his holy bolt, then defending his lower body by lowering his sword in a parry. He finished up his attack, two powerful slices like his starting move, using his strength and height in an attempt to overpower the pegasus.


(I was playing mine craft and came back to 54 notification. XD)


"Begin the onslaught!" (Dragon Age reference number 2) Butajiri slung his sword from his back and lunged at Flame Runner, trying to stick the sword tip into his spine. he used his wings for an ezra boost.

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(Sorry, homework)


Aelicine turnned to the pegasi and smiled kindly, "Hello, My name is Aelicine, High Preistess of the Lunar Religion. But you may call me Alli. You are...?" she held out a hoof to shake, carelessly offering her scabbed hoof. She looked at it and flushed, "Sorry, that's from work. I had to renew my personaly convent with Syline."


Veline sighed and handed her the mortar, pestle, and packets of poison joke. Combined, they weighed practically nothing, "Can we go now?" he asked her, bouncing from side to side.

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Veline sighed and handed her the mortar, pestle, and packets of poison joke. Combined, they weighed practically nothing, "Can we go now?" he asked her, bouncing from side to side.


"Yes, but next time you need help, please just admit it as soon as possible."

She took the things and kept walking. After only a short distance, they reached the big farm house.

"Because I feel like we need to go back to Surge, we can set the things on the table here..."

She set the things down carefully.

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Velnir collapsed next to the table. He then got out from under his bundle and grabbed all of the stuff he gave to her, put it in his med-kit and said, "Alright, I'm ready. You don't happen to have any water around here, do you? Because I could really use some help finding a drink..."

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Velnir collapsed next to the table. He then got out from under his bundle and grabbed all of the stuff he gave to her, put it in his med-kit and said, "Alright, I'm ready. You don't happen to have any water around here, do you? Because I could really use some help finding a drink..."


"Oh, yeah. I'm so sorry."

She ran off to the kitchen and returned a few moments later with a pitcher of water and two glasses.

"See? You weren't being a bad host.. Just one that forgets, which, unfortunately, is becoming more of the normal."

She poured a glass of water and gave it to Velnir.


((OOC: I'm going to bed. Night!))

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His eyes widening at the not-so discrete entrance of Butajiri, Runner took a step backward, placing himself in a perfect stance and turned, his shoulders facing square on to Flame, his face and sword now pointed toward Butajiri. At the charging pony's great speed, unless he quickly slowed down in the closing distance between him and his target, he would impale himself in Runner's sword, despite the tool was built for slashing instead of stabbing.


If the pony stopped between the distance, Flame planned to circle his sword, hopefully parrying any incoming attacks, and turning, his forehoof planted securely on the ground, the front hoof resting on it's toes, much of his weight resting on his back hoof.


This was getting too much, Runner said to himself as he stared down the two foes, each armed with a sword. Now that his teammate had arrived to join the fight, he was in a losing battle. Multiple-pony combat was something he trained for, but it wasn't the time, nor the place.


His mission was to arrive in Pegaopolis. And he intended to meet that goal. Throwing his sword into the ground, stabbing it securely into the fine earth, he dropped to his knees, both hooves on the back of his head.

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He took the glass, "Well, we just got here. It took me ten minutes to remember to get the tea and carrots. It took you maybe one." He gratefully accepted the water and drank three glassess, then blushed, thinking he was looking greedy. "Ehem, you can have, like, the rest, or something..."

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Thank you very much Cumulus.

Now, Drop your knives and walk away from your weapons. Flame said, Turning his attention too Flame Runner. You have a lovely cell waiting just for you in Pegalopolis (I am getting that name right, Right ?)



(OOC: Isn't his name Cumulus Or is it Butajiri ?)

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"Ta da." Flame Runner said triumphantly, despite his surrender to the pegasi.


Pulling out the two knives in his belt and his saddlebag, which contained his own personal bow and arrows, he tossed it to the side, next to his broadsword which was still impaled in the dirt.


"I'm looking forward to my stay." Runner chuckled, his hooves still against the back of his head.

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Flame smiled. You will. He said, walking next to Flame Runner and grabbing one of his hooves. Hold on tight... Unless you plan on dieing. He said to Flame Runner. Hey Butajiri, Could a get a little help ? He said glancing back over at Butajiri.


(OOC: I May go to bed soon.)

Edited by Flame Dancer
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Thank you very much Cumulus.

Now, Drop your knives and walk away from your weapons. Flame said, Turning his attention too Flame Runner. You have a lovely cell waiting just for you in Pegalopolis (I am getting that name right, Right ?)



(OOC: Isn't his name Cumulus Or is it Butajiri ?)


(oops. Its cumulus for this RP, but his name is normally butajirir. I goofed.)


Cumulus hooked the earth ponta right front hoof so he could help carry him. He had picked up Flame runners sattlebag and strapped it to himself, but left the sword behind. "I might let go on purpose and save us all a lot of trouble." he said.

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I dont really care if you do or not... But the Commander might. I wonder if she will thank us for capturing Flame Runner or if she will be angry... Only one way to find out I guess.

We can come back and get his things later if you want. Flame said, Looking at the bag that Cumulus strapped to his back


(OOC: Its all good ;) )

Edited by Flame Dancer
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Runner felt the two ponies grab his hooves, releasing them from their position behind his head. Realizing that the two pegsi were going to simply CARRY him all the way to Pegaopolis, he chuckled, thinking that it was a joke.


It wasn't.


"Uh... ya sure this is the best way to do it?" Flame Runner mumbled, seeing a million mistakes these two are making. One, his hooves weren't cuffed. Two, the two pegesi were simply going to CARRY him all the way there, without any flying harasses, restraints, cabins...


Sighing, seeing that it was his only way to get there, he held on, keeping a good, iron grip on the other two ponies.

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You'll be fine, and if you try anything stupid... like try to escape, Lets just say its a long way down. He smiled at Flame Runner then him Cumulus took off into the sky. For an earth pony this experience must be kind of... INTERESTING. He pretended to drop Flame Runner but hooked arms again before anything happened.
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