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private Founding of Equestria (RP thread)

Cherry Blossom

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"Wait a minute... Martin? As in the leader of the earth ponies?" She walked over to him and tore off the robe, revealing, the one and only, king of the earth ponies. She looked at Greylight with disgust. "And he was sleeping with you last night? Are you fraternizing with the enemy?"


"D-D-Die?! B-But I'm no soldier!" she replied, her voice now trembling. Cherry Blossom found this to be very troublesome and knew her leaders would now just kill before they talk. She stared at the two ponies, now all she did was salute them. "A battlefield is no place for anypony." she said firmly.


Greylight was shocked at her own stupidity for a moment, then simply glared at Vinyl. She ignored Cherry for the moment.

"First off, I'll have you know it was his idea to invade. Second off, it's his plan we'll be using. And finally, he's heard everything you've said, so you had best not give up on us now. I can get those Earth Ponies to help me defeat you if you do."

She snorted.

"Besides. He has better plans for the Earth pony Knigdom than what is happening down there now, and he is a better ruler than you, from what I see."

At the last addition, she quickly looked Vinyl up and down.

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"A better ruler?! He is turning against his own ponies! And of course I'm not going to be the perfect ruler! I'm fucking nineteen! And I need a damned spa day sometimes, especially with all the shit I have to put up with. Do you have a problem with any other nineteen year old mare going to a spa? I didn't think so."

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Just as Velnir said that, a small green earth pony burst through the door, saying, "Sir, a scout came in today. The Unicorns and Pegasi have been seen together, and their armies are marching towards us!"


Velnir moaned, "Hoof it! I wanted one day! One day, for pete's sake! I'm sorry Shelby," he added, untangling himself from her. He put his knife and medkit on tighter than usual, so it wouldn't sway as he ran. He paused at the door, "Remember, stay safe, and stay smart. I love you Shelby." He dropped a note on the worktable near the door, which were instructions to find a hideout in the forest. He ran down the stairs, the green pony having already left. Bursting into town hall, he yelled, "SURGE?"

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"Yeah! Going unconscious a million times is better than getting caught and thrown in prison or dying! If I'm gonna be a burden, then I won't go on recon missions or anything like that until I at least get close to mastering it," replied Star Rain, determined not to be wanted for something she didn't even do.


Letrix Smiled at the usual timid Star Rain her spark of determination made Letrix know that Star Rain was ready to learn the secret to his family's invisibility spell. "You know my family found a way of getting rid of the chance of becoming unconscious." Letrix said as he summoned a scroll with his family's secret way of learning the spell. "This scroll has been passed down through my family and is suppose to only be for my family eyes only but seeing how determined you are to do these missions ill let you in on the secret." Letrix passed the scroll to Star Rain and waited to see if she would be able to do the spell.
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When his robe was torn off, all he did was stand there with wide eyes and in shock. He gave a small, sheepish smile and shrunk as Greylight defended him but when Vinyl said

"A better ruler?! He is turning against his own ponies! And of course I'm not going to be the perfect ruler! I'm fucking nineteen! And I need a damned spa day sometimes, especially with all the shit I have to put up with. Do you have a problem with any other nineteen year old mare going to a spa? I didn't think so."


"My ponies turned against me! They grew greedy and didn't want to give up their food. Sure, this harvest wasn't quite as successful as the last ten years but we still had much more than we knew what to do with. Against my rule, they held the food and stashed it away. Most of my own security guards were starting to mutiny! That's why it was so easy for Greylight's forces to capture me. After this war, I'll resume rule of the Earth Kingdom but this time as a colony of the Pegasian Empire and all three factions will be on equal terms but that's only if you're with us..."
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Cherry Blossom was shocked at Vinyl Blade's opposition against Martin. She moved back a few steps from her and just stared at the ponies as they argued. Grim results were starting to flooding into her mind as she wondered what would happen if this went on.

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When his robe was torn off, all he did was stand there with wide eyes and in shock. He gave a small, sheepish smile and shrunk as Greylight defended him but when Vinyl said

"My ponies turned against me! They grew greedy and didn't want to give up their food. Sure, this harvest wasn't quite as successful as the last ten years but we still had much more than we knew what to do with. Against my rule, they held the food and stashed it away. Most of my own security guards were starting to mutiny! That's why it was so easy for Greylight's forces to capture me. After this war, I'll resume rule of the Earth Kingdom but this time as a colony of the Pegasian Empire and all three factions will be on equal terms but that's only if you're with us..."


"A better ruler?! He is turning against his own ponies! And of course I'm not going to be the perfect ruler! I'm fucking nineteen! And I need a damned spa day sometimes, especially with all the shit I have to put up with. Do you have a problem with any other nineteen year old mare going to a spa? I didn't think so."


"And if you aren't," she added to Martin's words, "then I guess you and your nineteen year old self will watch as your kingdom falls."

Greylight didn't mention that she herself was young.

"Besides, life isn't all spas and the like. You need to toughen up and get over your wussy little so-called 'royal' life. Ruling isn't all hooficures."

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Waking up and jumping out of his bed......What! What is it? What seems to be the problem? Fatigue walks in behind Velinr....Dont you know Surge? Scouts say the unicorns are on the move to our location. But wait....What? Why are the unicorns on their way here? I dont know Surge. But i would check yourself if i was you. Fatigue went back outside and sounded the alarm that they were under attack. Then Sapphire failed me. Velinr is all of what Fatigue said true?


(OOC: like i said guys im going to be gone till late. So dont burn my kingdom down)

Edited by Razorwing
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Letrix Smiled at the usual timid Star Rain her spark of determination made Letrix know that Star Rain was ready to learn the secret to his family's invisibility spell. "You know my family found a way of getting rid of the chance of becoming unconscious." Letrix said as he summoned a scroll with his family's secret way of learning the spell. "This scroll has been passed down through my family and is suppose to only be for my family eyes only but seeing how determined you are to do these missions ill let you in on the secret." Letrix passed the scroll to Star Rain and waited to see if she would be able to do the spell.


"Ok...here goes nothing!" said Star Rain. Her horn glowed as she concentrated on herself and the instructions on the scroll. After about 3 attempts, she managed to at least make herself transparent. By this time, she felt as if she had ran a 10k marathon. Star Rain then reverted herself back to normal,surprisingly with ease. "Well, they can think I'm a statue made of glass or something!" Star Rain joked. "But, I'll have to practice more. Also, isn't there already an invisibility spell in a book or something? I always thought it was pretty common."
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"Of course I know life isn't all about spas and hooficures. Do you know how many times I've been to a spa since I became the empress? Twice." Vinyl stepped back and took a deep breath. "Moving on. Martin, what's your plan and when are we sending the troops?"


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Velnir nodded grimly, "The Unicorns have mobilized a massive force; we're going to have to use the caves. We have the traps ready, and we can use them to limit the force we're fighting. With any luck, we'll survive... For a little while. They have over 5000, sir. That's... A lot."

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"Ok...here goes nothing!" said Star Rain. Her horn glowed as she concentrated on herself and the instructions on the scroll. After about 3 attempts, she managed to at least make herself transparent. By this time, she felt as if she had ran a 10k marathon. Star Rain then reverted herself back to normal,surprisingly with ease. "Well, they can think I'm a statue made of glass or something!" Star Rain joked. "But, I'll have to practice more. Also, isn't there already an invisibility spell in a book or something? I always thought it was pretty common."


"My family are old fashioned and very proud. So when they discovered a way to make the invisibility spell easier to learn and perfect they made a huge fuss about it and made it into a "family secret" when mastering it through the book will still give you the same result just with less effort. I never really did get on with my family." Letrix laughed.
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"My family are old fashioned and very proud. So when they discovered a way to make the invisibility spell easier to learn and perfect they made a huge fuss about it and made it into a "family secret" when mastering it through the book will still give you the same result just with less effort. I never really did get on with my family." Letrix laughed.


(OOC: Let's say that Star Rain somehow finds out that Sapphire has come back and that she has also been informed that the army is attacking the EPK)

"Heh. Hey by the way, what do you think everypony else is doing right now? I don't think the Earth Ponies would want to come for me yet because of the army. Heck, they must be searching the army in battle for me or something!" said Star Rain, changing the subject.

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"Okay, can we all just move on from this? I think we're all going to need a spa day when this is over" he laughed a little at his joke but when nopony else laughed, he quickly moved on "So um... yeah my plan... The Earth ponies will be prepared for a land attack. They are superior to your forces on land and will easily overtake them, even with your numbers. They're hardy, strong, resourceful, and stubborn. However, if we weaken them before we invade, then they won't stand a chance. Up until now, everypony has believed that the pegasi have only been capable of simple weather manipulation such as making rain or moving around clouds while huge storms like hurricanes are believed to be the 'work of the gods'. Well, I've disproven that theory and have come up with a way for the Pegasi to make a huge storm that will undoubtedly catch the Earth ponies off guard and weaken them beyond resistance. However, the Pegasi can't do it alone. That's where you come in" he gestured to Vinyl "The pegasi alone, aren't powerful enough to recreate one of the worlds most powerful forces but with a little magic, all will be complete. Your unicorn forces can enchant the pegasi to have increased stamina and speed, not that much more and not for that long, but just enough to make winds fast enough to generate a storm. So I'll need you, Vinyl, to brief your forces and teach them any necessary spells, I don't think the ones necessary are too complicated, and Greylight and I will go over the technique to the Pegasian forces. By this time tomorrow, we will assemble here in the town square and start our metaphorical march to the Earth Kingdom. Is it a plan?"
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(OOC: Let's say that Star Rain somehow finds out that Sapphire has come back and that she has also been informed that the army is attacking the EPK)

"Heh. Hey by the way, what do you think everypony else is doing right now? I don't think the Earth Ponies would want to come for me yet because of the army. Heck, they must be searching the army in battle for me or something!" said Star Rain, changing the subject.


"I have no idea what they are doing at the moment." Letrix replied wondering what the rest of his old infiltration team were doing. "Also I wouldn't worry too much about them looking for you and even if they were I'll have your back." Letrix replied trying to comfort Star Rain.
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"Okay, can we all just move on from this? I think we're all going to need a spa day when this is over" he laughed a little at his joke but when nopony else laughed, he quickly moved on "So um... yeah my plan... The Earth ponies will be prepared for a land attack. They are superior to your forces on land and will easily overtake them, even with your numbers. They're hardy, strong, resourceful, and stubborn. However, if we weaken them before we invade, then they won't stand a chance. Up until now, everypony has believed that the pegasi have only been capable of simple weather manipulation such as making rain or moving around clouds while huge storms like hurricanes are believed to be the 'work of the gods'. Well, I've disproven that theory and have come up with a way for the Pegasi to make a huge storm that will undoubtedly catch the Earth ponies off guard and weaken them beyond resistance. However, the Pegasi can't do it alone. That's where you come in" he gestured to Vinyl "The pegasi alone, aren't powerful enough to recreate one of the worlds most powerful forces but with a little magic, all will be complete. Your unicorn forces can enchant the pegasi to have increased stamina and speed, not that much more and not for that long, but just enough to make winds fast enough to generate a storm. So I'll need you, Vinyl, to brief your forces and teach them any necessary spells, I don't think the ones necessary are too complicated, and Greylight and I will go over the technique to the Pegasian forces. By this time tomorrow, we will assemble here in the town square and start our metaphorical march to the Earth Kingdom. Is it a plan?"


"I had the invasion planned for today," Greylight grumbled.

"Fine. We'll do it your way, Martin... But no later than this time tomorrow, Blade. And no slacking! I don't want to see you with Cherry doing something other than training ok?"

She nodded coldly at the Unicorn mare, and turned to Martin.

"All right. Teach us how to do it."

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Velnir nodded grimly, "The Unicorns have mobilized a massive force; we're going to have to use the caves. We have the traps ready, and we can use them to limit the force we're fighting. With any luck, we'll survive... For a little while. They have over 5000, sir. That's... A lot."


Very well then. Velinr get the the towns ponies and their families to the caves. I will not let a single life be lost to this war. Take Shelby with you. Have her help you count off the families. Then after that i want you to place two squads of guards around each cave. They should be safe no matter what happens. And be sure all the anti-unicorn traps work. *sigh*.......And Velinr.....i hate to have to ask you for this but......We need the old you back. Just long enough to fight for now.....Please...Thats all i ask of you. Windscar walks out of Surge's room...*yawn*....Surge whats going on out here? Whats with all the alarms and stuff. Dragging wings on the floor. She had forgotten about Fire Blade not knowing she was a pegasus.


Fatigue was rallying the troops. He had gone to the town barracks. There all the troops were being set up with armor, weapons, and anti-unicorn potions. All right. All of you have been prepped for this day. The day the unicorns turn their backs on us. And before you all leave heres a little fuel for the fire. The unicorns killed two of your brothers in cold blood. The unicorns came into your home and tried to steal our food. We tried to make peace with them and they denied us an audience with their leader. We tried to make peace with them......And they denied us. We set free one of their commanders with intent of making peace, and they spat in our face. We tried to build this A.R.K that Surge speaks of....But as you all see it has failed. So now...its time that we do what we do best. We fight for what is ours. We fight for our home. We fight for the Earth Pony Kingdom! Fatigue then said an old war chant that the older generals taught him. We are strong . We are power. We are energy. We are that is around us. We are strong like the trees. We are solid like the rocks. We are that is around us. We are free like the wind. We are lucid like like the water. We consume like the fire. We are whole like the earth. We are that is around us. We are the Earth Pony. We are sons of the Earth. We are that is around us. We are all the Earth. She speaks through us and give us strength. She feeds us when we hunger. She gives us water when we thirst. She is our home when we are homeless. Mother Earth give us strength. Make our kingdom strong. Let our brothers strength run through us. Let the power of our ancestors run through our vanes. We are the Earth Pony, and we are one with the Earth and all that is in her.

Edited by Razorwing
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Sapphire reached the pegasus kingdom, arriving there she saw a massive number of her troops assembled, from the looks of it they were ready for war. She began to look for the empress, planning not notify her of the earth pony's proposal for a truce between them.
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Very well then. Velinr get the the towns ponies and their families to the caves. I will not let a single life be lost to this war. Take Shelby with you. Have her help you count off the families. Then after that i want you to place two squads of guards around each cave. They should be safe no matter what happens. And be sure all the anti-unicorn traps work. *sigh*.......And Velinr.....i hate to have to ask you for this but......We need the old you back. Just long enough to fight for now.....Please...Thats all i ask of you. Windscar walks out of Surge's room...*yawn*....Surge whats going on out here? Whats with all the alarms and stuff. Dragging wings on the floor. She had forgotten about Fire Blade not knowing she was a pegasus.


Fire Blade was sitting up. Then he noticed the mare who was there earlier, but under a cloak. Now, she was dragging her wings behind her. Wings...

"Huh. No wonder you didn't have a uniform. You aren't part of their military. Some kind of deserter? Never mind that, I just want to know what's going on outside."


Shelby had gotten up from the bed and was now running to the prison. When she burst through the door, Velnir was there, along with Surge, a Pegasus mare, and the Unicorn in the cell.

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Velnir whipped around, hoof on his knife, then relaxed when he realized it was Shelby. "Shelby, come on, we have to gather my men, and the townsfolk. You get the townsfolk, I get the men," he said, reaching in his bag and grabbing a silver star. He grimaced as he remembered how he got it, but tossed it to her. He took a bandanna out of his bag and tied it crooked on his head; it had a single gold bar. "That silver star gives you authority. Now move, before some ponies get hurt," he says. Then he hugs her and kisses her, and runs out the door.


His ponies had assembled in a clearing in the forest. He stared at them for a long time, then said, "You are the best ponies I have ever trained, but tonight, I have to ask a favor. We're returning to the chain of command, at least for this war. As of now, squad leaders are petty officers, the rest of you are privates. Your orders are to defend the caves, two squads pre cave. The rest of you are to spread out among the civilians, and protect them," he drew his sickle, instead of his knife, "For the EPK!"


"For the EPK!"


He sighed as his soldiers filed out, not as enthusiastic. He followed them, sheathing the sickle.

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"T-Training?!" she said with an extremely nervous tone. "Training for what? Feeding the birds? Helping the wounded? Frolicking with cute, little puppies? I don't know what training you mean." she started to fly around in a circle, thinking, Oh no what do I do? Am I going to war?!
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Windscar your coat. Oh.....Oh crap! Im sorry Surge. Ill go get it. No its too late now. Looking at Fire Blade. Well now you know. But now i must know. Did you know about this? Did you know your breed was going to attack us? Surge...whats going on? What do you the unicorns are attacking? Just ask Fire Blade. He should know. Well.....Putting hooves on the cell bars. Why are they here?
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Windscar your coat. Oh.....Oh crap! Im sorry Surge. Ill go get it. No its too late now. Looking at Fire Blade. Well now you know. But now i must know. Did you know about this? Did you know your breed was going to attack us? Surge...whats going on? What do you the unicorns are attacking? Just ask Fire Blade. He should know. Well.....Putting hooves on the cell bars. Why are they here?


Fire Blade chuckled, then broke out in full laughter. He kept going, even though he knew this could endanger him.

"So, you think I'll tell you why they would attack you? Well, I've told you enough by saying why I killed the two guards. So maybe I'll keep this from you."

He still chuckled.

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Surge smirks at Fire Blade. So....you think this is funny? Well then....I have a joke for you. Since we are now at war, that makes you my P.O.W. And in saying that...What happens when you take away a unicorns horn? And then put him on the front lines? Windscar looks in shock at Surge. Surge what are you thinking? With a psychotic smile on his face. Im going with the act of war.

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Velnir walked in with his eyes on the ground. Two things looked different about him; he looked depressed, and he looked younger. "The Unicorn isn't recognized, is what happens. Did you know a horn can grow back over, and over again?" His heart just wasn't in it.

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