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What race should season 3 have more of?


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In the past seasons besides ponies, there has only been 1 Zebra, 1 Griffon, and like 70 Dragons (S02:E21 Dragon Quest) Which race should be in season 3 more? I think there should be more Griffons, ones that aren't jerks like Gilda. I like Zebras too. Less Dragons, except Spike, In my opinion.

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You're completly inaccurate. There was Hydra's, Cerberus (Whatever race he was...), Cockatrice's...

There's loads you left off the list and those above are only just a few.

Did you know: 20Kv's of electricity can kill you from up to 5ft away?

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You're completly inaccurate. There was Hydra's, Cerberus (Whatever race he was...), Cockatrice's...

There's loads you left off the list and those above are only just a few.

Did you know: 20Kv's of electricity can kill you from up to 5ft away?

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I'd like to see a new race. Perhaps something as basic as full sized horses to traditional fantasy elements such as goblins. I would've said something like a centaur, but that would be too close to bringing actual humans in.


As for old races, I'd definitely like to see more of Zecora's people. Bit meh on Griffons, though, since Gilda left a bad taste in my mouth.

Edited by Aquila
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It would be nice to see new species from the show like Discord and Chrysalis, rather than mythical creature that everyone knows (phoenix, dragons, alicorns)


I'd rather leave it as a surprise then trying to guess what's in season 3 so I won't partly spoil it for myself xP


~Signature created by Chaotic Discord~

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One word: Batponies:

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We know close to little about these guys, and I'd like to see more about them in future. (In my headcanon, I see them as a race or sub-race of ponies instead of just two pegasai guards who dressed up for Nightmare Night, because the latter is boring. x3)

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