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private Sonic the Hedgehog: Friendship is Way Past Cool 2

Alex Night

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Nack was approaching Ponyville ready to blast that green hedgehog sky high, along with his little girlfriend if she tried something. But before he could do any of that he heard screaming and looked up, only to see some sort of candy-made machine about to fall on him. "What the-OOOF" Nack skid out of control and crashed into a building. When he got up he saw something awful, something very awful. "No...NOOOOOO!!" The Marvelous Queen had a small scratch on it. Large enough to see but too small for anyone [but Nack] to worry about. "I'm sorry baby I'll fix you up, and as soon as I find who's responsible for this I'll make 'em pay." Nack said not caring about his current mission at the moment.


Shadow was chasing after Nack, about to hit him with a Chaos Spear when Pinkie suddenly crashed some sort of machine on top of Nack with Pinkie landing a few feet away from Shadow. "You again? I though I told Knuckles to keep you ponies in the forest." Shadow then sighed and said. "Just stay out of my way and go...throw a party or something." Shadow said pushing Pinkie aside and running into Ponyville.

  • Brohoof 2



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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Queen Chrysalis looked on as Robotnik was feeling more and more troubled with his mental problems.  Once he mentioned about a hedgehog, she started to remember more and more about Robotnik as well as the blue hedgehog in question.  "Ah, now I remember you more clearly, Doctor Robotnik.  Do not fret, for Sonic and his friends will be none the wiser.  For you see..."  Chrysalis started before stopping to morph into Eggman's worst enemy.  "We can be whoever you think of, Robuttnik."  The fake Sonic said cheekily to Eggman before morphing back into her true form.  "For now, we shall help accommodate your needs and help you reach your station." Queen Chrysalis said with finality before motioning to a group of changelings to form a circle around the doctor while another group traveled off from the wasteland, going where only Chrysalis knew and she intended to keep it that way.  She turned back to the doctor and walked alongside him.  "So, where to, Doctor Robotnik?"  Chrysalis asked with a devilish smile.




Sonic had his attention drawn to a screen revealing a azure unicorn that introduced herself as the Great and Powerful Trixie.  When she mentioned herself with gusto, Sonic shrugged at the notion.  "Sheesh, more like the loud and annoying Trixie, if you ask me..."  Sonic whispered cheekily to Rainbow Dash who snickered at his joke.  When Trixie mentioned how she would only duel Twilight, he felt disappointed visibly.  "Probably worried we would get dust all over her tacky cape..."  Sonic said loudly to Rainbow Dash, who doubled over in laughter.



"Hey Rainbow Dash.....Sonic." Twilight said motioning them to come forward. She began to whisper something. "There's something I want you two to do for me." she whispered. "Im not completely sure if I can beat Trixie on my own without one of those chaos emeralds but I can surely ware her down." she continued. "....And if I do so happen fall I want you two to rush her and steal the emerald from her." She'd be too tired to defend herself from you two with your combined speed." she said revealing her plan or rather her back-up plann to them. Twilight waited for a response.



 Sonic and Rainbow Dash moved forward to Twilight and listened to her secret plan.  Sonic didn't like the idea of waiting for Twilight getting possibly hurt or just waiting around in general, but agreed to her plan.  "Don't sweat it, Twi."  Sonic said secretly to her.


Rainbow Dash nodded to her.  "Yeah, just don't take too long with her.  I wanna have our race that we never got a chance to do when Sonic was last here."  Rainbow Dash said while partly looking to Sonic.



Sally upon hearing about this knew that Sonic would agree as it was in his nature sighed and turned to Sonic "Sonic...i know that you're most likely going to help, so if this back-up does go into effect just make sure you be careful" she told him simply



Sonic looked partly at Sally.  "I know what I'm doing, Sal."  Sonic said breezily to her.  He had to help Twilight with her problem after all it was her and her friends that helped him win in the end.




The skies were black as night and lightening cracking around them with a heavy downpour of chocolate rain was drenching Sonic and his friends.  He saw Princess Celestia down to her hooves after being overpowered by Discord who transformed grotesquely after absorbing all the energy of the Chaos Emeralds and took possession of the Master Emerald.  The malevolent Draconiquis laughed maliciously as he looked down at Sonic.  "Well well, Sonic.  It seems that not everything goes your way now does it?  Look at all the ponies that you have let down and they shall watch at your greatest defeat."  Absolute Discord bellowed out as he motioned to the Mane 6 trapped in crystallized prisons that looked similar to the Chaos Emeralds.


Sonic gave a stern look to Discord before giving him a smirk.  "Don't bet on it just yet, Discord.  The party's just getting started."  Sonic said spiritedly to him.


"Let's agree to disagree, hedgehog."  Discord said simply before snapping his fingers in an attempt to dematerialize Sonic out of existence.  However, it did not happen and Sonic was still looking at him with the same cheeky smile.  "Hmmmm, I don't understand..."  Discord said disbelievingly as he attempted it again and again with no avail.  "Why won't you just go away?!"  Discord said irritably.


"That would be because Sonic is the embodiment of Chaos, just like you Discord.  You wouldn't have known because I intended to keep that secret from you."  Dr. Robotnik said informatively to Discord.  "While you show the negative effects of Chaos, Sonic on the other hand exhibits the positive side of Chaos from all the power rings he used against me over the years I have fought with him.  Eventually, the residual effects of the Chaos Emeralds had chosen him as the opposite polarity of the negative Chaos because of the traits which can be the same as the Elements of Harmony."  Eggman informed Discord from his Egg Robo to the side.


Sonic took a glance from Robotnik and back at Discord.  "Like I said, the party's just getting started, Discord!"  Sonic said loudly over the sounds of the chaos ensuing around them.


"Yeah, you can do it Sonic!"  Knuckles said cheerfully to him.  "Come on, bro you got this!"  Manic followed suit along with Amy, Shadow, Omega, and all of Sonic's friends.  "You always pull through, Sonic!"  Tails says matter-of-factly to him.


Sonic gave a smirk to Discord.  "I got my friends to back me up and you got nothing.  Alright, Discord.  Let's do it to it!"  Sonic said before speeding off at two hundred-fifty miles an hour to Discord.


(Absolute Chaos: Sonic Colors Nega Wisp Armor Phase 1)


Sonic and Discord went down the streets of Canterlot where there was houses splintered and upside-down.  Various ponies were cringing in terror at the speed of the two beings racing down the streets of Canterlot.  "The time for games is over, Hedgehog."  Discord seethed through his teeth as he cracked a bolt of lightening towards Sonic.  Sonic sidestepped to the right just in time before Discord could land a hit and Sonic spin-jumped onto a horizontal pole bending it at the end to give an extra spring into his jump.  He was within striking range of Absolute Discord before he launched a Homing Attack at his left arm, traveling upwards to one of the Chaos Emerald shaped prisons that was holding Applejack, causing it to shatter and free her.  When he landed back on the ground, Applejack was glowing from the energy of the Element of Honesty.


"Let's take 'em down, pardner!  Yeeeehaaaaw!"  Applejack whooped to Sonic as he kept up alongside him, flying with the combined energies of the Chaos Emerald and her Element.


Soon, the Sonic and Applejack chased Discord through the business district of Canterlot.  Discord changed his approach by launching a volley of lightening-infused chocolate balls at Sonic and Applejack.  The two moved deftly along the cobble-stoned road and Sonic looked towards Applejack.  "AJ, give me a boost!"  Sonic yelled out to her who gave a nod to Sonic.  Sonic went into a Sonic Spin Jump towards Applejack who quick-turned to give a rear-hoofed buck to send Sonic flying towards Discord.  When Sonic closed in on Discord, he hit another Chaos Emerald shaped prison, which this time released Fluttershy.


Sonic, Applejack, and Fluttershy were now together chasing Discord out of Canterlot and into the town of Ponyville.  Various ponies were watching with curiosity towards the battle as they saw that Sonic was not losing to Discord yet.  "Grrrr, I crush all your hopes and dreams before I reduce this world into eternal chaos!"  Discord bellowed out to the three as he flicked his wrists to lift up a couple of thatched roof cottages and sent them flying to Sonic.  Fluttershy gave Sonic a lift and together, they moved around the houses missing them by twenty-five feet and once again, Sonic was within range for another Homing Attack.  This time, his next release was Rarity.



: KingSparta AKA DeltaBrony)


Sonic and the three mares traveled outside Ponyville and Sonic was glowing faintly as he felt the Elements of Harmony resonate within him.  "No...  No, I will not be denied my ultimate victory by a rodent!"  Discord yelled shakily from anger as he summoned three connected purple energy balls and threw them towards Sonic.  Rarity was up, sending sparks of magic at the energy balls to disappate them before they could reach Sonic.


"What's the matter, Discord?  Starting to realize you can't beat our friendship?"  Sonic asked cheekily to the maliciously grotesque being in front of him.  Sonic moved towards Applejack again who bucked him into a Sonic Spin to another Chaos Emerald shaped prison, releasing Pinkie Pie.


Two minutes later, he released Rainbow Dash from her prison and all that was left was releasing Twilight Sparkle.  Sonic and the five mares sped back towards Canterlot Castle as the storm around them grew more and more out of control.  Sonic could hear the cheers of ponies, chanting his name loudly and all of a sudden, Sonic was glowing much more brightly.  "This cannot happen...  This WILL NOT happen!"  Absolute Discord yelled aloud as he manipulated a hole in the ruptured sky, bringing forth an escapade of lightening from the sky to rain down death upon the hedgehog and the five mares.  Sonic blasted off in a Speed Boost up to five hundred miles an hour towards an overturned fruit cart and careened towards the final Chaos Emerald prison, shattering it to release Twilight Sparkle.


Discord was losing control of the battle.  "No...  No!  I can't lose!"  Discord bellowed shakily as they were reaching Canterlot Castle.


Twilight looked towards Sonic and the five other mares.  "It's time to finish this!"  Twilight Sparkle yelled cheerfully as she started glow immensely from the power of the Elements of Harmony.  The Mane 6 all together revolved around in front of Sonic, forming a technicolor spectral ring for Sonic to send his final attack on Discord.


"Laughter!  Honesty!  Generosity!  Kindness!  Loyalty!  Magic!"  The six mares yelled out together in unison as the spectral ring solidified.


Sonic gave a grin as he grabbed a power ring from his pack and held it tightly.  He jumped up into a Sonic Spin through the technicolor ring and homed in on Absolute Discord, striking true.


Discord started to repulse out of control from the attack and he looked as he started to reduce his size and at the same time, started to form back into his stone prison.  "No....  NOOOOOOOOO!!  I....HATE... THAT HEDGEHOOOOOOOOGGG!!!"  Discord bellowed out until he was once again encased in stone.




Sonic remembered that day very well as the day when he was able to gain new friends as well as save Equestria.  Sonic looked towards Trixie on the screen.  "You better watch who you mess with.  I'd be a little scared if I was you, Trixiiie."  Sonic said cheekily to the azure unicorn.




Amy looked at herself.  "It's a long story, Rarity.  Although, I'd really appreciate the opportunity to get clean again."  Amy said before she heard a crash from behind to see that Pinkie had hit Nack the Weasel in an adjacent house far from the group.  "Ummmm, maybe we should get a move on before somebody decides to start trouble."  Amy said, awaiting the group's response.

Edited by Alex_Night
  • Brohoof 6

Twitch channel: Alexnight91

YouTube: Alex Night

My OCs: Alex Night


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Trixie looked at Sonic and Spike egging her on. She should of spat back 'I'm not Scared! I'll Win!', but she remained calm. Trixie honestly had no idea what was up with her now, but something in her brain told her to remain calm.


"I'll have you both know that i'm a teensy bit scared i'll lose. After all, she's the one that made me homeless...anyways, you, hedgehog, do you know who she is? The unicorn that ruined my life, not once, but twice? She made me a laughing stock, stole my title as Celestia's 'Favorite', and forced me out of my home because I couldn't pay rent. Now, everywhere I go, i'm laughed at. LAUGHED AT! I had to work at a rock farm just to earn a living! That's why i'm challenging Twilight. I want her to face what I have done. She'll probably say 'I'm sorry, Trixie, I never meant it!', but she still did it, didn't she? Sorry dosen't cut the line. I'll admit I humiliated her friends and was a teensy bit boastful, but that isn't enough to ignore the fact SHE drove me out of business. In fact, I don't have two bits to rub together!" Trixie told Sonic, still remaining calm. "As for what happens in Ponyville Square? I'll have no regret what I do there. So, hedgehog, Spike, Cadence, Shining Armor, what do you think of Twilight Sparkle now? And Twilight, how do you feel about yourself now? How do you guys feel that that unicorn ruined my life? When I heard you I admired you saving the world, I was a bit grateful. And I admired you, Twilight. I admired you. I was jealous of your power, how you were able to outsmart me. But now, looking back at the unicorn I see in front of me now? I'm ashamed I ever admired you. You may have had more talent then me before...but now I have more over yours.


"If you want proof that that unicorn ruined my life,  ask her if she's Celestia's personal student, and if she soothed an Ursa Minor. I'll be off now."


Trixie gave one frown of hatred at Twilight, and closed the screen, then she casually trotted over to Ponyville.




Fluttershy landed beside Applejack, wimpered, and hid behind her as quick as her wings could take her. Too many people she hasn't seen in a while!


Angel Bunny pushed Fluttershy in front of Applejack, forcing her to be social with the new ponies.


"Oh! Um...uh...Angel says...hello?" Fluttershy meekly said.


Angel made a squeaking noise, whitch Fluttershy took as 'What is your name?'.


"Oh, um, my name is...fluttershy.I mean, we already met and everything but...um,we need a proper intrduction because you probably forgot my name?" Fluttershy simpered  pulling her mane in front of her face. Angel slapped and attempted to introduce Fluttershy, but obviously they couldn't understand Angel.

Edited by The Cool and Awesome Shift
  • Brohoof 3

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Manic looked back to see nack had crashed. "He followed us here?" Manic turned and looked at the girls. "You girls have fun! Il take care of nack" said manic "take care Amy!" He added with a flirty tone. Sonia rolled her eyes. Rarity started walking in the direction of her house

"Ok then, let's get going!" Said rarity. Sonia followed rarity.


Manic touched his medallion, a flash of green light and his drum kit appeared in front of him, he pulled his sticks out of his pouch and pounded on the drums. Rocks came up and surrounded nack and his bike. "Alright nack, start talking or your bike will get crushed" said manic



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"Lets not get hasty now." Nack said to Manic with his hands up. "I'm sure we can work something out. I got plenty of rings why not let me give you some, eh? I'll even give you part of my pay from Robotnik just don't smash my bike, she's all I really care about other than money." Nack said his hands now behins his head. Though Manic couldn't see it Nack had his finger on a button on his wrist, ready to push it if the green hedgehog didn't let him go.


Shadow sees Manic with Nack and gets ready to jump in and help when he senses Chaos energy from another part of Ponyville. ~It looks like Manic has the weasel under control~ Shadow thinks to himself as he follows the trail, going deeper into Ponyville.

  • Brohoof 1



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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As Trixie explained her vendetta against Twilight. Twilight's view of her changed from anger to sympathetic. Twilight felt really bad for Trixie as she didn't mean to cause her any trouble with her personal life. What shocked Twilight the most was that Trixie actually admitted to her mistakes and she admired her magic power. In the end Twilight wasn't really sure if she wanted to duel Trixie anymore she felt Trixie hsd it bad enough already. She didn't want to cause more pain to her. But then again she couldn't let her leave with the chaos emerald as it was a dangerous artifact that put Equestria in peril a year ago.


"Hmph the nerve SHE has." Spike said aloud snapping Twilight out of her internal thoughts. "Twilight would never intentionally ruin another pony's life once let alone TWICE." He added. "Right Twilight?" he asked turning to Twilight. She frowned "Uhh right Spike i'd never do that......but I did anyway" she said looking a little glum. The dragon took notice if Twilights mood change . "Twilight whats wrong?" he asked concerned. "Oh nothing Spike." Twilight began. "I just wish me and Trixie could've just been friends from the start." She said. "Im sure we'd get along well if I hadn't mess her life up." she added. Spike at the moment couldn't come up to reply to that. "That doesn't mean you cant be friends now does it?" Spike asked. "Well no....She hates me." Twilight replied. "She already said apologizing wouldn't cut it either." Twilight added. Spike remained silent unable to say anything else.


"Comon guys." Twilight said to group. "We better get to Ponyville square the duel is gonna start soon." she added. She didn't levitate Spike on her back this time so Spike climbed into her himself before Twilight led the way back to Ponyville her friends and brother and Sister in law following her as the weather cleared above them.

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Manic looked at nack and laughed. "hahaha! Your offering me rings. Tell me, are these your rings?" said manic as he twirled some rings around his finger.

"I got your rings when I picked up Amy" manic laughed again then twirled his drumsticks..


He slammed his drum kit and two rocks cuffed nacks hands and feet. "ok let's check you out first!" manic reached into nacks pockets and took his two pop guns and laser gun. "won't sell for much but it's totally worth it! Hahaha" manic then walked over to the bike. "now what was that you said about egg mans pay? What are his plans? Because if you don't start talking, I may half to tinker around your bike" said manic in a threatening tone.

  • Brohoof 2



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"Ok, ok I'll tell you all I know, just PLEASE don't hurt her!" Nack said sounding desperate though in reality he was planning his escape. "First off I don't know where Robotnik is now, but back on Mobius he wanted me to help him get those Chaos things you guys keep going on about. Don't know why, they look like ordinary gems to me." Nack said with his finger still on the button. "Once I got the emeralds Robtnik wanted me to-" Nack pressed the button "Get the hell outta here!!" At that moment the Marvelous Queen went crazy spinning around, shooting missiles, and knocking Manic into a wall. It then went to Nack who hopped onto it using his tail. "See ya later chump!" Nack said freeing his hands on his bike's handles and giving a tip of the hat before speeding off.

Edited by N-Harmonia



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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Shining armor sprinted next to Twilight. "Twilie... are you sure about this? If she has a Chaos Emerald... all it will take for her to do is to blast you once to win, while you might not even be able to tweak her snout."


Tails started to follow the others, and then he heard a boom. "Hey, Sonic... I'll meet you in Ponyville a bit later. I'm going to go see what that boom was. He started to run/fly/hover over to it...

and found his way to Manic, picking himself out of the ground. "Hey, Manic! You made it here too, then?"

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Rouge took out her communicator and fastened it to her wrist. Hope soon came up inside the communicator, a wide grin plastered across her face.

“Heya, Rouge! Alright, you’re getting closer to the Death Egg. Shadow left to go there earlier. I want you to go inside the Death Egg undetected, and get at least one more Chaos Emerald for testing. If you bring back more, you can keep one.” Hope said with a grin.

“DON’T YOU MEAN HALF OF A CHAOS EMERALD?” The general shouted off-screen.

“Hey, sometimes people deserve rewards!” Hope told the general, and then turned back to a pleased Rouge. “Don’t you worry, I’ll convince him to let you keep one if you bring back two or more. We really need those emeralds for testing, and since Eggman stole our previous two, it’s essential we get ‘em back. And I thought it might add a bit of motivation to you...”

“What, are you saying I’m not dependable enough?” Rouge mocked as Hope rolled her eyes.

“No, I’m not saying that. Just get it done, alright? And try not to be noticed…you’re not the strongest out there, but not the weakest. We can’t take any chances. I put a fake Chaos Emerald in your bag, so if you need to you can switch.” Hope told Rouge with a wink, as the communications turned off. Rouge looked up to see Sonic and friends head into the Death Egg, after Chaos Control. Rouge frowned for a bit, then smiled. Personally, she didn’t need Chaos Control anyway.

“Oh, sometimes they make it too easy.” Rouge told herself, and flew after them, careful not to set off any alarms. As she entered the Death Egg, there were security cameras everywhere, as Rouge predicted. She took out a gun G.U.N gave her [What a surprise!]. Really, she hated guns, but they told her not to take any chances.

“Okay…how to I work this?” Rouge asked herself under her breath, not after accidently shooting the cameras, dead-on. Rouge shrugged. “Beginners luck.”

As Rouge walked on, she disposed of the gun and went back to kicking cameras. No camera got a good look at her face, but they all got a good look at her leg…

Rouge noticed Sonic dashing down the hallway she way in, flew up, and Sonic passed her without a notice. She came down from the ceiling.

“Whew, that was close. Alright, now where is the treasure?” Rouge asked in a swooning tone. Suddenly the floor started shaking and Hope came up on the communicator.

“ROUGE! The Death Egg is on a crash course to Acorn Castle! You need to find Shadow, or someone else, and intinate Chaos Control! Though I suggest being undetected. Shadow has a Chaos Emerald I think, he should be fine, but you don’t have one. New mission, get a Chaos Emerald. Now and teleport out.” Rouge nodded glumly as communications turned off.

“…great.” Rouge told herself. “…now I need to find a way to ambush scourge…without being noticed…”

Suddenly, the floor stared to become liquid-like, and Scourge was getting pulled in. She made a grab at the Chaos Emeralds, but Shadow came in so she went back to her hiding spot.

“…I don’t know! Help me, you black hedgehog!” Scourge yelled, but then he fell down into…er….

Rouge set up communications.

“Yes, Rouge, what is it?” Hope asked glumy.

“Scourge created Chaos Control and went to…er…some place. But on the far off distance I could see some jewels! The city looked like it was draped with precious treasures, and if I go in, they can be all for me!” Rouge told hope in barely more than a whisper.

“Well…did Shadow go in?” Hope asked, as Rouge looked back to see no Shadow.

“Yes, the sweetie-pie.” Rouge told Hope, causing Hope to stick out her tongue.

“Okay, okay, you can investigate. This may be Equestria-“

“Equestria? That sounds like a rich land…”

“It is, actually, but you should know it’s a land of talking ponies. Shadow and Omega went in last time, remember?”

“Oh…they said it was a pretty rich land. Especially Canterlot…I’ll take it that’s the city in the distance, Well, I know where I’m headed…”

“Bye Rouge, see ya whenever!”

Communications turned off, and Rouge sighed. As the last of the people went down, she flew down and headed for Canterlot.

“Jewels! You will be all mi-ne! ♥” Rouge told herself with a smile.


Rouge flew over Canterlot, heading inside the Castle, snatching jewels on walls, on the floor, everywhere. She headed toward the Element of Harmony chamber, and seeing the jewels on the door, her ears perked up. Unlucky for her, guards saw her.

“HEY! YOU, YEAH, YOU, WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING HERE?” A guard yelled, but then got whacked out my Rouge. The other guard gaped and attempted to run, but Rouge got them too.

“Sorry, sweeties, but those jewels are mine!” Rouge told them, flying up to the door.

“Huh…it seems to be concealing something…maybe treasure?” Rouge asked herself as she went to work on cracking the code of the door.


Trixie grinned. Ponyville, she hasn't been here in a while. She gently picked a spot in ponyville swuare then yelled out as loud as she could:
Ponies stopped whatever they were doing and went over to Trixie's show. Trixie smiled, her audience was big now. As she was about to do her first trick, a unicorn blurted out:
Trixie grumbled. She knew that was coming.
"Trixie is better then normal now, and she can bet any of you in any game. Trixie also found this:" Trixie proudly said, showing off her Chaos Emerald. "That greatttly increases Trixie's mana. But first, before Trixie begins the show, Trixie needs a volunteer."
No ponies put their hooves up, so Trixie had to hoof pick. She gently searched the audience and found Fluttershy. An easy target!
"You! Pink mane, yellow fur, good with animals!" Trixie shouted, causing Fluttershy to look over to Trixie.
"Who, me?" She whimpered.
"Yes, you, Trixie wants you on stage NOW!" Trixie yelled, causing Fluttershy to whimper and a background pony [bon Bon] to shout "THERE IS NO STAGE, LULAMOON!"
"Alright, name, occupation." Trixie told Fluttershy. "NOW."
"Um, Fluttershy. I'm good with animals." She stated proudly.
"Good! Now, Fluttershy, shall we duel?"
"Nothing special, of course, you don't have magic. How about you do something you're good at and I top you?"
"Say yes."
"Good! Trixie wants you to do something."
Fluttershy thought for a moment, but then proudly fluttered up toward the sky. She gently called out for her chorus of birds, and they came flocking over.
"Alright! A one, a two, a one two three!" Fluttershy gently told them, as they prepared to sing.
The birds started to sing a beautiful chorus of Hush Now Quiet Now, causing the audience to almost doze off in sleepiness. Her chorus ended softly, and on a perfect note. The audience started clopping [i could clop to this! :P] loudly at Fluttershy, who blushed. She wasn't used to attention.
Trixie was looking on in utmost disgust.
"Pathetic." She told Fluttershy, conjuring up an illusion of a Manticore. An ANGRY manticore. As she made her manticore growl, and pretend to eat one of her animals and pretend to attack them, Fluttershy was litterly in tears. Soon, the animals were long gone, and Fluttershy was saddened beyond belief. Trixie made her Manticore illusion fade.
"My animals! Nononono..." Fluttershy whimpered, then ran away crying.
"Who's up next?" She asked, causing ponies to mutter upon themselves, scared out of their wits.
  • Brohoof 2

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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After a few minutes Nack made it out of Ponyville and was near Everfree again. He hoped out of his airbike and, using a nearby rock, freed his feet from the cuffs. "Well I still have no idea where I am." Nack said thinking out loud. "And the little brat had to steal my guns, luckily" Nack pressed a button on his wrist and a compartment of his bike opened reviling a spare popgun. "I have a spare gun...that's out of ammo, I thought I told Bean to refill my ammo supply." Nack said annoyed. He took another rock and tried shooting it out of the gun, it worked well enough so he took a few more. "There that should be enough to last me for at least a few shots." Nack said getting back on his bike. "I need to find Robotnik, maybe he's beyond this forest." Nack then sped off in hopes of finding his employer.


Shadow kept getting deeper in the town following the trail of Chaos energy. "Something's nearby but I can't put my finger on it." He said as Fluttershy runs past, bumping into him on her way by. "That looked like one of Twilight's friends. Wonder what made her cry like that." Shadow said going a little deeper until he found Trixie with what looked like the entire town. "Hmm now whats going on here?" Shadow asked before seeing a jewel on the back of her cape. "A Chaos Emerald!" Shadow said surprised. "Well she won't have it much longer" Shadow said preparing to go up there and take back the emerald.


[PSST Chaotic Harmony that's your cue for Twilight to get here]

Edited by N-Harmonia
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@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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Twilight and her little gang of friends and family had arrived in Ponyville. Thoughts about Trixie and the upcoming duel stormed Twilight's mind until her brother Shining Armor broke her train of thought, worried she may not be up to the task. "Dont worry Shining I have everything all planned out." She said reassuringly toward her BBBFF. "I'm the element of magic after all so I think I can withhold my own with Trixie emerald or not." She added. "Yeah Twilight I know you can do it!" Spike chimed in right when he and Twilight see Fluttershy running away in a different direction crying."Fluttershy?!?" Twilight said in confusion at her friend weeping before turning towards where she was running away from. She looked towards a crowd of ponies gathered in one place. They looked above them to see a holographic-like Manticore. "Woah!" Spike said shocked at his sight. "A wild Manticore has appeared!" The purple dragon said a little intimidated. Twilight however could see what it really was. "Dont worry guys." Twilight said calmly. "Its just an illusion made by Trixie." Her tone changed to as if she was really irritated. "I can't believe she just did that!" She said with frustration in her voice. "What the manticore?" Spike guessed oblivious towards Twilight' inner rage. "No!" Twilight said. "The fact she deliberately humiliated Fluttershy like that!" Twilight said with barely contained rage. She always hated it when someone or thing messed with her friends especially Fluttershy due to get sensitive nature. "Spike can you go after Fluttershy and comfort her if necessary?" She told her assistant. "Yeah Twilight you can count on me!" He said climbing off Twilight's back. "Show her what a REAL unicorn can do!" He said to Twilight who in turn in turn nodded and winked at her assistant before setting him run off into the direction Fluttershy ran off to. Of course following her wasnt a problem to the little dragon as all he did was follow the trail of tears she left behind.


Twilight watched as Spike left she was a little thankful that he was elsewhere other than here right now as to not get or be in the way of anything dangerous if it were to come up. Twilight then turned her soul piercing eyes to Trixie who was once again doing what she did best acting like a big show-off as if she was better than anypony. She turned to her friends behind her. "Stay here guys" she said before sneakily moving into the crowd when Trixie asked who's next. Twilight held her hoof up high above the crowd "How about you pick on sompony your own size?" Twilight said to the caped unicorn. The crowd went into a freenzy of whispers and mumbling. Twilight could've sworn she heard somepony say 'This is going to be epic!' but she shrugged that off and stared dead cold into Trixie'd eyes as she got onto the opposite side of the stage. "Are you ready?" Twilight said with anticipation her horn glowing her usual aura and a confident smile to back her up. The aura of Ponyville intensified as the two stood off.

Edited by ~Chaotic Harmony~
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Manic got up after nack sped off on his bike, he touched his medallion, with a flash of green light his drum kit returned and went back inside his medalion. "why that punk!" manic said in anger and annoyance, "but I still got most of his rings! And his weapons!" manic said cheerfully!



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Scourge ducked in the shadows. After the purple one was defeated, she would probably show off the Chaos Emerald... and then he would spring out and grab it.


"Wait for me, Sonic! " Tails shouted as he hovered behind him...


Shining's worried look degraded into a snarl. "Why, that little..." He started to charge up, but he stopped himself. "Twilie... stay safe. I couldn't bear to see you hurt..."

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Trixie smiled.


"WE SHALL START!" She told the audience who grumbled, as she used a chaos spear not on Twilight, but on the audience. The audience screamed and braced for impact, but Trixie used her magic to stop it.


"Snarkle, if I toss this now, do you think you can stop it from hitting pathetic innocent ponies? Well, too bad." Trixie laughed, shooting it with even greater speed, causing ponies to scream again and run. But one pony was stuck and couldn't run, Vinyl attempted to levitate it from her roommate but couldn't. The spear headed right for Octavia, but she lept out of the way.


"Luck, of course. Let's try this again. And actually try to save it this time" Trixie sneered, shooting a spear for the duo of roommates again.




"Shut up, Vinyl! We're about to-AHHHHH!"




Fluttershy was laying on a tree in the Everfree, crying her heart out, unaware four pairs of hungry eyes were watching her.






Rouge finally figured out that maybe if she poked a unicorn horn in there it might open, and boom it did! She looked at the case and grinned. But when she saw what was inside the case...


"These necklaces are adorable! And all mine ♥" Rouge piped happily, putting it on. "I don't know why someone would put an apple n one, though...I do like the star on the crown, though."


She took out her calling card, that had a heart on it, and placed it where the elements were. She thought for a moment and then added a rose for a token of appreciation.


"I better get outta here..." Rouge tweeted, then flew off, admiring her 'jewelry'.

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Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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The sudden attack on the audience both shocked and infuriated Twilight. She watched as Trixie fired a bolt of energy towards the audience to scare them. "Trixie are you crazy!?!" Twilight said unable to react to Trixies' spear of energy. Trixie stopped her attack midway and challenged Twilight to stop it while targeting for a pair of ponies before shooting her chaos spear at them. Twilight didn't know these two very well but regardless she knew them so she had to protect them. With only seconds to spare Twilight quickly charged up a magic bolt of her own and shot it towards Trixies Chaos Spear. She watched as her bolt intercepted Trixies spear at the last second the impact of the 2 energy attacks sent both of them flying in both unintended directions. Trixies went flying up into the sky before exploding in mid air while Twilights went crashing into a nearby house damaging the top half of it. Luckily nobody was in it. "Whew, thanks Twilight I owe you big time." Vinyl said relieved as she picked up Ocatavia and the pair went to a much safer location to stay.


"Trixie!!!" Twilight shouted at the azure mare. "Leave the spectators out of this!" She yelled at Trixie with anger in her voice. "This is just between you and me!" Twilight added while considering what tactic she should use to incapacitate Trixie or at least get her to surrender but that seemed that would never happen. "Hmm I don't want to do more damage to Ponyville than that had already been done." Twilight thought to herself. "I don't think can match her blow for blow but theres got to be more strategic way I can do to beat her" Oh I know the perfect spell to use!" She said outloud making sure Trixie heard her. Twilight grew a smile on her face before her horn lit up. All of a sudden a strange fog like cloud started to form around her. Soon the fog around Twilight became so dense that no-one could see her inside. While in cover Twilight charged her horn up again and this time a baby blue orb was charging on the tip of it. "Here goes!" Twilight muttered before releasing the SLEEPING SPELL from her horn. The sleeping spell ball came out of the fog cloud and towards Trixie. Twilight hoped it would hit.






Spike was running as fast as his little two legs could carry him. He huffed as he passed by the almost infinite numbers of the trees in the Everfree. Normally he'd never go in there but in this case he had to. "Fluttershy!" he yelled trying to ge the mares attention. The tear trail he had been following had suddenly stopped. "Uhhh..." Spike groaned thinking Fluttershy was long gone and he ran down the wrong way lost. Spike was about to turn around and go the way he came until he heard some faint sobbing. A tear actually feel down from above him and landed on his head. "Fluttershy?" Spike said looking up into the tree. Hr knew that's where the crying was coming from so he climbed up the tree and on top he could see Fluttershy crying. He too was so concerned for Fluttershy and not to forget Twilight he didn't notice the 4 pair pairs of eyes in the shadows below them. Spike slowly went up to Fluttershy and nudged her "Its ok Fluttershy,.... Trixie may be acting like a jerk but Twilight's gonna teach her a lesson for making you cry." Spike said trying to reinstall confidence within Fluttershy. He went over to help pick her up from her crying spot. "Everythings gonna be fine so please stop crying." Spike pleaded to the timid Pegasus.

Edited by ~Chaotic Harmony~
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Shadow's eyes widened when he saw Trixie use Chaos Spear. "What? I thought I was the only one that could do that." Shadow got out his Chaos Emerald was prepared to save the two ponies about to get hit by the spear. "Chaos-Aghg" Shadow was cut off when Twilight intercepted the spear with her own attack creating an explosion causing Shadow to cover his eyes. "Looks like Twilight is stronger than I though, still if that blue pony has a Chaos Emerald she'll get herself killed." He says as Twilight shot a blue sphere from her horn. ~Now what is she doing?~ he though.

Edited by N-Harmonia



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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Pinkie was still slightly dizzy from her crash landing but made out what Shadow had said, but before she could reply she saw Manic come up and interrogating the purple weasel and upon seeing the situation was handled Shadow left, Pinkie quickly followed after the black hedgehog she was about to say something to him when they both saw Fluttershy run past them crying "Fluttershy?!" Pinkie called out to her friend, she turned her head back to the direction where the yellow pegasus had come from and gasped at the sight "TRIXIE?! what is SHE doing back here in Ponyville!!! and how dare she make Fluttershy cry like that!!! i just want to march right up there with my Party Cannon and blast her with it like i did at the Royal wedding with those Changelings!!!" Pinkie burst out angerly, when she heard Shadow mention that Trixie had a Chaos Emerald and upon looking closer she saw that she did "how did Trixie get one of those?" the pink Earth Pony wondered when she saw Twilight stepped up against Trixie "oooh goodie Twi's going to put Trixie in her place! but...what about that Emer-" Pinkie stopped mid-sentence in shock as she saw Trixe actually attacking the audience, stopped it, challenged Twilight to stop her attack again and sent another attack at two ponies which Twilight was able to stop "S-Shadow d-did you see what she just- she wasn't like this the last time she came to Ponyville!! whats with her, is it because of that Chaos Emerald thingy?" she asked Shadow "or could it be because of grudge against Twilight..." she muttered. Pinkie then saw Twilight about to do another spell "huh...i don't think i've seen that spell before i wonder what it does" Pinkie wondered aloud putting her hoof to her chin in confusion.




Both Cadence and Sally were walking with Twilight and the rest of the group towards Ponyville to face Trixie, as they got closer they saw Fluttershy running away crying which caused them to gasp, while Cadence hadn't known the pegasus for very long but knew she was very sensitive, while Sally thought it was simply heartbreaking to see the pegasus pony cry."Twilight, while i want you to be careful, i do hope you get back at her, i will go with Spike to check on fluttershy, Shining stay with her" she said as she turned to the direction of the pegasus but stopped and turned her head towards Sally, "would you come with me Sally?" the Alicorn aske. Sally was slightly suprised but agreed "well...alright" she said before turning to Sonic and Rainbow Dash "good luck you two" she told them before walking away with Cadence. Cadence looked over her shoulder making sure nopony was around and cleared throat "Sally...if i may...did Sonic tell you about my two aunts and about how they raise the sun and moon respectively?"  Cadence asked "...yes he did...why?" Sally asked carefully "well...my magic is slightly...different...it is to sense the love between others and if necessary help rebulid it" she told Sally a small smile gracing her lips, Sally's eyes widened at that "you mean that you know that-" "that you and Sonic were once a couple? yes, however...when i looked at the bond between you two...it was still there but very thin, may i ask what happened?" Cadence asked carefully, knowing it was probably a touchy subject "well...it sorta happened after we were able to otherthrow Eggman and my family came back into being in power...and i had wanted him to be by my side and no longer fight...but...i guess he didn't quite see it from my point of view...we got in a big arguement about it...i slapped him...called him...selfish for not joining me in something that i felt i needed him for...while he defended himself saying how selfless he was for fighting with the Freedom Fighters for over fifteen years...i relize now that he is correct...but i'm just to stubborn to admit that to him...i sometimes wonder if he hates me..." she said muttering out that last bit. While Cadence winced slightly when Sally said she slapped him, she listened to the story quietly at the last bit she gave the tomboy princess a sad smile "no, i don't think he hates you and why don't i talk with him later when we all have a moment of peace?" "what? n-no!! thats um really not-" Sally was cut short when she felt a hoof on her shoulder "no Sally as the Princess of love, i feel that it is my duty to do this, and i'm not taking no for an answer, now lets hurry along to find Fluttershy and Spike and getck to Ponyville to back up Twilight if necessary" she said as she trotted away "b-but...alright....but i have a bad feeling about it, and agreed i don't like that, that Trixie character has a Chaos Emerald" she said catching up to the Alicorn. They soon came to the edge of the Everfree forest to see Fluttershy in a tree crying her eyes out and Spike at the bottom of the tree trying to comfort the yellow pegasus, Cadence looked sadly at Fluttershy before unfolding her wings and softly flew up to her "now don't you worry Fluttershy, Twilight will show that Trixie not to mess with her friends" the Princess told her petting her head and hummed a little song, Sally smiled and crossed her arms as she saw the baby dragon and the Princess of Love comforting the pegasus she was about to say something when she saw what looked like four pairs of eyes were watching them, Sally cleared her throat to get the others attention "i'm no expert of this place but may i take a guess and say that those pairs of eyes watching us isn't good?" Sally asked dropping into a slight fighting stance.

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Trixie didn't know what was coming, but when the fog came she shot a beam in the direction she thought twilight was in. It broke the blue sphere, but that beam took a lot out of Trixie. She wiped some sweat off of her head, and decided one last trick.


Using her last bit of magic, she used a Rule 63 spell on Lyra Heartstrings. Lyra got turned into a stallion and started freaking out.


"If you can *huff* turn *huff* her back into a *huff* mare, you *huff* win. If you *huff* can't, Trixie *huff* wins." Trixie told Twilight.




Fluttershy didn't hear anything over her tears untill the Timberwolves came out.


She screamed and went higher into her tree.




Rouge flew around Canterlot, picking pockets.

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Shadow turned to Pinkie. "Why do you always keep following me? Well no matter just stay here, things are about to get dangerous." Shadow looked at the duel again to see one pony had been turned into a stallion by Trixie before leaping out into sight of everypony.. "Really your using the emerald's power on stuff like that? Pathetic." Shadow said to Trixie. "Hand over the Chaos Emerald and I'll let you go. You don't know what these things can do." Shadow took out his own emerald. "Though if you refuse well, I suppose I'll have to make you."



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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Twilight ducked as a beam came right into her direction. "Yipe!" She shouted as the fog started to clear up around her. "Darn it i though i would've had the advantage if she couldn't see me." She thought to herself. The fog around her was now gone and Twilight was clearly visible."She looks tired already....Maybe i can beat her with-" She begun to think  before she was cut off when Trixie used another spell. This time on another bystander: Lyra. "W-what the!?!" Twilight said in shock in what just happened. Trixies spell had transformed Lyra from a mare into a stallion. "I knew such a spell existed but I've never seen it used in action." Twilight said to Trixie. "I guess that emerald you have boosted your mana more than i originally thought." She added before Trixie told her if she could change her back she'd win. "Uh....."Twilight muttered but before she could even give out an answer an unexpected hedgehog interrupted the ongoing duel. "Is that you Shadow?" Twilight said remembering him as he did have a very similar appearance to that of Sonic. Shadow looked like he meant business as he took out an emerald of his own and threatened Trixie to give hers up as well. Twilight came up behind Shadow to tell him to back off a for now.  "With all due respect Shadow I wanna be the one who beats Trixie." She told him in a stern voice. "You can have the emerald after-wards but this is a battle between me and her!" she added unsure how Shadow would react. He defiantly had a bad streak to him so Twilight wasn't sure if he would comply. In a way though Twilight was glad he had shown up to interrupt because at the same time she was thinking about how to change Lyra back into mare ,but she needed time to recall all of the spells she had memorized.





Spike couldn't bear to watch Fluttershy cry so he continued to comfort her until he heard a few voices behind him. "Huh?" he said as he turned around to see Cadence and Sally behind him. "Oh its just you guys." He said calmly as he watched Cadence get closer to also help calm Fluttershy. Then suddenly the aura of the forest felt more uneasy by the second until Sally said something about a pair of eyes were watching them. "What eyes?" Spike asked as he turned his head into the direction Sally was looking at. ""Oh..." He said as fear crept into his mind.The 4 timberwolves came out of their stalking spot and attempted to attack the 4. "I think we should get out of here like NOW!" Spike shouted before seeing Fluttershy jolt up even higher up into the tree. "Fluttershy come on nows not the time to be super scared!" He said but to no avail Fluttershy just stayed where she was in total fear as the Tiberwolves drew closer and closer. Spike turned to Cadence "We gotta defend ourselves somehow." He told her with fear in his own voice before an idea came to his head. "Wait tiberwolves are made of wood.......and fire burns wood......and im a dragon........and dragons breathe fire!" he mumbles putting two and two together. "I'll just use my fire breathe to beat them!" he said ecstatically as he drew in air. After a quick second a released a small green fireball he watched as his own weapon went toward an oncoming Timberwolf and it hit it head on splitting it into pieces. "Yes!" Spike said "Who's the dragon? I am!" he said praising himself not paying attention tot he other 3 Timberwolves  still approcahing

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"Hahaha!" Scourge leaped out of the shadows, one hand snatching the emerald out of Shadow's hand, the other one punching his in the face, sending him flying through a nearby building. "I'll take that, thank you very much." Next, he tripped Trixie- who had the other one, grabbed the Chaos Emerald that flew out, and made a dash for it.


He kept running... and running... and running... and ran into... Rouge? He grinned. "Well, hello there..." Scourge started.

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Robotnik's mind twisted and contorted when Chrysalis morphed into Sonic, right down to his snarky, in-your-face, attitude. Robotnik could've strangled the life out of his enemy right then and there had he not been so physically exhausted, he felt his body being lifted as the changelings encircled him, following along side their queen as she morphed back into herself.


Robotnik was only semi-conscious when Chrysalis asked where it was that Robotnik wished to go. Knowing he could slip into a mental spiral or unconsciousness any minute, he reached into his jacket, and pulled out a square piece of glass, he then held the glass up to his glasses, hands trembling, he transmitted his map data of Equestria onto the glass. "The north..." He managed to say as he meekly handed the glass to Chrysalis, a blip going off indicating the position of his fallen craft. "There... Where ever that is... Is where we need... Need to... Need..." Robotnik exhausted his last bit of strength and, for the moment, devolved into a babbling lump of meat. Muttering things incoherent and nonsensical.




As Applejack addressed the group in the square and noted on how Knuckles current condition was less then favorable, Manic suddenly stormed off, leaving Amy with the rest of the group. "Hey now, wait justa minute!" Just then Rarity signaled for the new Mobian, as well as Amy to leave with her elsewhere. "Rarity! Where do ya'll think yer goin'!?" Applejack shouted at the group as they walked away, "Can't you see he needs help!?" Applejack pointed towards Knuckles, whom fidgeted every so often. "What's wrong with everypony? Ah swear Sugarcube, sometimes I think we're the only ponies with our heads on..." Applejack turned to face Fluttershy, but she had since left as well, but it didn't take long for Applejack to find out where she had gone, in fact, the whole town seemed to be converging into one area of Ponyville. As Applejack drew nearer to the gathering to see what all the buzz was about, suddenly Fluttershy flew somewhat high into the air, and began... Performing, she had gathered her bird friends together and started to preform 'Hush now, quit now'. "What in the... This ain't like Fluttershy, preformin', n' showin' off in front ah everypony like that, what in Tarnation is goin' on in Ponyville tahday?" Muttered Applejack under her breath. Just then, a Manticore materialized out of no where, clawing at Fluttershy's birds, and even eating one! "Land sakes! Fluttershy!" Shouted Applejack out of concern for her friend, just before Fluttershy flew off, clearly upset because of what happened.

The crowd began backing up out of fear of, a currently unseen to Applejack, threat to their lives. As the crowd thinned, it was reveled to Applejack that Trixie was the one pulling the Manticore's strings. "You!? What in the hay are you doin' back in Ponyville!? Ain't yah got nothin' better tah do n' terrorize all these good folk here!?" Snapped Applejack to Trixie, though she knew that Trixie could beat her easily because of her magic. -Gosh, Ah sure wish Twlight were here right now, she'd put that glory hound back in her place, but good...- and like magic, Twilight appeared, just on the outskirts of Ponyville! "Twilight!? Gosh, maybe Ah'm still asleep, sure would account for all this random who-haw goin' on around here, that's fer sure." Applejack said aloud, just then Trixie somehow used a move Shadow had used against Chaotic Metal one year prior, the Chaos Sphere. "Gah!" Is all Applejack could manage to choke out as she braced for impact with the attack, but the collision never occurred as Trixie herself had stopped the attack, challenging Twilight to stop her next attempt to attack the crowd.

"HAVE YAH LOST YER MIND!?" Exclaimed Applejack to Trixie, unsure if her words were even reaching the twisted mare. She had then re-launched the Chaos Sphere at the audience, as well as Applejack. Applejack lept and tackled Bon Bon out of the way and behind a building, in an attempt to shield herself and the pony nearest to her from the attack. Although there was the sound of the attack colliding, there was no debris or visible damage done to Ponyville, the ground did rumble however as the collision of Twilight's attack into Trixie's produced shock waves affecting the immediate area. Although faint, the shaking was enough to stir Knuckles from his 'nap'.

"Ugh, anyone see the tank that hit me?" Knuckles said to no one in particular while rubbing the back of his head, he then sat up as a fog began to creep over an area of Ponyville. "Yeeeeeehaw! You show her who's magic wiz 'round these parts Sugarcube!" Applejack exclaimed to Twilight as the Chaos Sphere was cut off by Twilight's magic, then Twilight produced a fog of sorts. Knuckles picked up on Applejack's holler right away. "That's the cowgirl pony... And 'Magic wiz'... That could be the smart purple one... What's-her-name!" Knuckles didn't really remember the ponies names that well, he thought he'd never see them again, "Well, that's gonna make the tibial conversation awkward, but I gotta talk to 'What's-her-name' about the Master Emerald... And potentially the Chaos Emeralds... Crap I didn't even think about that" said Knuckles to himself while face-palming, it was a good thing he had to, cause just as he did the motion his head barely avoided the beam that cut through the fog, decimating the roof of the newly repaired Sugarcube Cornor, Knuckles turned his head toward the ruined building and saw what could have happened to his head, his expression was one of shock, with sweat rolling down his face like water.

"ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND!?" Knuckles exclaimed to the direction of the beam while charging at it, his arms flailing as he did so, but as the fog settled, he saw Shadow in front of Trixie, a Chaos Emerald in his hand, holding it in a threatening manner toward Trixie, Twilight was apparently scolding Shadow about something, but Knuckles was oblivious to what was happening. "Hey Shadow! What's going on here exactly? Last I remember we-" just then a green blur struck Shadow and took his Chaos Emerald, then tripped Trixe and nicked her Emerald as well. "No. Scourge! WAIT!!!" But the Scourge took off, gaining momentum. "STOP!" Knuckles Exclaimed, punching the ground, shattering the earth around him, he then picked one of the larger chunks up and threw it at Scourge and gave chase to him. "GET BACK HERE!"

"Twi!" Applejack said with both relief and excitement to see her friend after so long, she galloped up to her friend and hugged her, "It's so good tah see ya again Sugarcube!" Applejack said, her voice trailing off into concern. "Even though there'd be nothin' Ah'd be happier tah do then to sit down and catch up with ya'll, but as Ah'm sure ya know." she said while looking at the damage done to Ponyville, then to Trixie, then to Knuckles as he disappeared down the trail chasing after Scourge. "Ah think we may have a problem... Again." She said flatly, a slight breeze blowing through town.

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"I understand why you want to take her out yourself Twilight, but we need all the emer-AGHG" Before he could finish Scourge had knocked Shadow into a building and stolen his Chaos Emerald before stealing Trixie's as well. "Dammit Scourge." Shadow said before getting up and chasing after him. He soon came across Knuckles who was also chasing Scourge "It's about time you showed up. Try to slow him down, I'll go for the emeralds." The chase went on for a while and soon they ended up in Canterlot "He escaped into the city. Follow me, I sense a large amount of power coming from the middle of this place." Shadow said running off to find Scourge and his emeralds.

Edited by N-Harmonia



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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Rouge smiled at Scourge. "Ooh, darling, are those, emeralds? Mind me taking them off your hands?" Rouge said as she caught Scourage unprepared, and snagged the emeralds. "Hahaha! These emeralds are a-"


They seemed to react to the Elements she stole, and she freaked out. The emeralds near the elements scattered, and Rouge backed up.


"Well well well...that backfired...and I still have right a mind to pay for your betrayal. You don't ditch me for Fiona, baby." Rouge said as she cracked her knuckles.




Trixie smacked her forehead.


"Great CELESTIA, I thought that this was a you-and-me duel? I guess we could have a rematch sometime...looks like I gotta go to Cinder's Magic and Much again...anyway, i'll be at the land that is rules by the one who's day was going to be perfect, and saved by the tip of a spike. See ya. I also don't want that red-headed loser to go after me, so, yeah. I'm also not a coward, I just thought it was a me-and-you thing. And where did my emerald go?" She asked before seeing them rocket accross the sky, one landing in a magical-y crystal land. She sighed.


She set off a smoke bomb and disappeared into the Everfree, heading toward Cinder's Magic and Much [Located inside Crystal Empire].




"EEEP! THERE ARE THREE MORRREEE!" She screamed from her tree.

Edited by DJ Shift
  • Brohoof 1

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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