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open Life in Ponyville -Slice of life-


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Iron Wing Blazing Storm




“I know Is just that… Six days ago I didn’t even thought of leaving a good impression, hay!, my purpose was to didn’t leave an impression at all. And that was good, but now… ” Colt looked at Iron wing “…but now I must do a good one, great one or else…” the dragon closed his eyes for a second, for some reason just thinking in that “else” was not allowed witch in a way helped to snap out of it. “Forget it, Im just being a drama queen right now… lets hope for the best after all I will show them that I really care for you. I don’t think I can miss on that”.


"Don´t be too hard on yourself Colt. I can imagine that you are excited right now. My parents may be difficult, but they are not impossible to impress. Also you have to make a little impression on another family member..." she said smiling. She went to a picture, took it and showed it to Colt. Iron Wing could be seen on picture and a little filly pegasus she was cuddling. "That´s my little sister Dazzling Wing. She is just a cute one, but she is the most hyperactive pony i can imagine. She is even more restless than Blazing..." she said laughing, looking to the crimson mare.


"Well if you put a cute filly together with hot pepper sauce, an overdose caffeine and box full of pranks and mix this combination together, you will get a Dizzy Dazzy Dazzling Wing..." Blaze laughed while drinking her coffee. "She may be the opposite of Iron i think." she added to her thoughts.


“Well I sure I can’t Blaze Im pretty attached to my jaw”


"I have often thought about it... i sometimes wish to be a giant snake. So i could gobble 5 cakes with one bite without thinking of body restrictions..." Blaze laughed aloud. "But i don´t want to be on the ground forever. Flying is the one thing i truly feel free..." she added. Even Iron Wing nodded with her final thoughts. She wouldn´t trade her wings into any other things in the world.


“So when are they coming to see you?... or are we going fly for Cloudsdale?” the dragon asked to his special somepony


"To Cloudsdale? No, we are visiting the Clans lair in the nearby region because my parents are there too. It was build centuries ago from my ancestors. There is a big Clan meeting the next days and there will be more than enough member. I think that the tradition of greeting the members on this event is a bit... old... but i think it is also a beautiful event. I think you could like it because on an event like this, every one is a guest of honor and will be welcomed with respect. And also... i... um... well, it´s my duty to sing on the welcoming event the time we will arrive...." Celes explained to the dragon and blushed a bit.


"Singing? You? Awww, i wanna come along too!" Blaze said  a bit disapointed. She knew she wasn´t allowed to participate and made a sulking expression. Iron Wing just grinned a bit on the idea that Blaze wanted to come along.

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"alright thanks" he said, he picked up some of the blueberries and started eating. he was happy that he was finally getting some food, he ran out of money a while ago. he decided to ask some questions. "well now that were here, can I get to know you two more?" he asked nicely.

Angel Feather smiled softly.  "Oh, well..." she said softly.  "I myself just moved here a few days ago for Canterlot.  I'm still learning my way around..." she said.  She looked at him, giving him a polite nod.  "Why have you come to Ponyville, then?" she said, hoping she didn't sound rude or similar.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Angel Feather smiled softly. "Oh, well..." she said softly. "I myself just moved here a few days ago for Canterlot. I'm still learning my way around..." she said. She looked at him, giving him a polite nod. "Why have you come to Ponyville, then?" she said, hoping she didn't sound rude or similar.

Rockets past quickly entered his memories.memories of the fight, the fire, the moving from place to place. He looked down with sadness. He was searching in his head for the right way to answer.

He finally said "I'm trying to get away from my past and demons"


SIgnature by Reverie


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"That´s my little sister Dazzling Wing. She is just a cute one, but she is the most hyperactive pony i can imagine. She is even more restless than Blazing..."

The yellow eyes of the dragon fixed on the picture of the siblings as Iron keep telling about her. “You are so lucky” were the thoughts of the dragon as he watched the smiles on both sisters and remembered the other family pictures he watched with Duran some days ago. Melancholy bloom for some seconds in Colt’s mind as he remembered his own family with a little of sadness in his heart.


He went back to smile after listening to Blazing's over the top description of the filly, and he realized Iron Wing was right, he was exited Colt wanted to be part of Celes life and her family was part of it, so meeting them was a crucial step of being included into it.


"But i don´t want to be on the ground forever. Flying is the one thing i truly feel free...


"Well that and the fact I can’t picture you on hibernation a single day Blazing, you without moving or eating for months something way out of you " said Colt to the red pegasus.


And also... i... um... well, it´s my duty to sing on the welcoming event the time we will arrive...."


All of that get into the dragon’s nerves, and his mind once again ran free “Are we going to a family reunion? as a first contact with her family was big stuff…enormous stuff… gargantuan proportions stuff “ his mind started to overheat once more but suddenly brought all down to a magnificent surprise. 


“Sing… on the event?, Wait are you also a singer?” he asked with surprise “She is a singer?” he asked to Blazing Storm as listening to her wish to accompany them.  “No no no, this just cant be truth” he said with surprise and a smile that did nothing but to show the amount of joy the dragon was feeling “You are telling me that apart from that beautiful heart, strong will, bright mind and good looks my marefriend can sing?” Colt was so exited he didn’t even noticed that was the first tame he called Iron Wing his mare friend “You are kidding me, you both are, you can’t be that good” he said to both mares.


All of his worries went away he found something they both could share, he was not a singer… not in public but the dragon loved music and this was for sure something that could create a bond between them.

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Hunter took a sip of her coffee, it was exactly how she liked it, she looked back to Rain with a smile

"might need to make a list, but Im sure to add Twilight, Pinkie, Applejack, Rainbow, Fluttershy and Rarity. they have been real friendly to me when i arrived here"

Rain smiled back at her."Well that sounds reasonable...make sure to add sky to the list and I think he has a mare friend too...but I think we'll have to find out first, Earth Saphina I think is her name. Oh and your parents for sure...anypony else?...."




Dusk put on his new armor again and started to head downstairs.  He turned to Dawn.  "So are you ready for our first day on patrol here?  I've never done a patrol like this, so I'm pretty excited, what about you?"  But, I do remember something about Iron mentioning she saw changeling movement...  I really hope we don't actually encounter any...  If they recognize me, then they'll definately come and sneak into the lives of the ponies here...  Or worse, reveal what I am...

Dawn smiled."I am so ready!"Her stomach grumbled and she blushed. "Uhh lets get down there and eat some breakfast...It smells really goods." Dawn trots downstairs.


"Where is every pony?, cant they smell this?... isnt Blaze like an eating tornado?. and those 2 this is not the military discipline like I remember" the dragon said to himself as his stomach growled. The smell and sight of the breakfast was just too good but he will not start without everyone in the table, at least Celes. @@)NightmareLulamoon(,@@Pr3datorTaco,

Dawn came into the kitchen."Sorry we're late everypony, Mmmmmm smells really good..." Dawn took a seat.


(Sorry i haven't posted lately everypony been busy with school stuff and I've been getting out with a few friends for once)

Edited by Pr3datorTaco

As men judge generally more by the eye than by the hand, because it belongs to everybody to see you, to few to come in touch with you. Every one sees what you appear to be, few really know what you are, and those few dare not oppose themselves to the opinion of the many

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Dawn smiled."I am so ready!"Her stomach grumbled and she blushed. "Uhh lets get down there and eat some breakfast...It smells really goods." Dawn trots downstairs.


 "Oh yeah, I didn't even notice the smell of it."  Dusk chuckled a little and went downstairs with Dawn. So today I'll get to meet everypony else that live here at the watchtower.  Hopefully things turn out well.  He noticed the dragon was also here too.  I almost forgot about him and huh?  There's a strong bond between him and Iron, I can feel it.  I never noticed it before...

Edited by )NightmareLulamoon(

"Rest, my sister. As always, I will guard the night."


Icy Breeze - My pegasus stallion, http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/icy-breeze-r2056

Blossom Winds - My pegasus mare,  http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/blossom-winds-r5277

Duskspawn - my changeling OC, http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/duskspawn-r2081

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Rain smiled back at her."Well that sounds reasonable...make sure to add sky to the list and I think he has a mare friend too...but I think we'll have to find out first, Earth Saphina I think is her name. Oh and your parents for sure...anypony else?...."

"hmm, not sure. I'll keep a list just in case somepony comes to my mind. now we need a best stallion and bridesmaids, who do you think suits those roles?"

Hunter took another drink of her coffee whilst writing down a guest list with all the ponies mentioned before

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@@Iron Wing


Dawn came into the kitchen."Sorry we're late everypony, Mmmmmm smells really good..." Dawn took a seat.


“Hi there, eat fast or Blazing won’t let you get a bite ” the dragon smiled to Dawn as she took a seat.  Colt was unable to hid the joy of Iron being an adept of music.  


Dusk chuckled a little and went downstairs with Dawn. 


He was so happy that he almost missed the feeling of that strange pony entering the kitchen. Colt stare into him as soon as he came close to the table. “So you are going for your first mission are you both excited about it?” the dragon asked trying cut some slack and enjoy the moment.


“Im getting my chance to talk with that blue/white manned unicorn, and find what’s off with him” he thought at the same time he ended his breakfast.

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He was so happy that he almost missed the feeling of that strange pony entering the kitchen. Colt stare into him as soon as he came close to the table. “So you are going for your first mission are you both excited about it?” the dragon asked trying cut some slack and enjoy the moment.


(OOC: *Pegasus xP  Oops, nevermind, I was thinking of the wrong OC, I'm sorry >.< I just don't know who is what and where today lol)  "I'm definately excited, I've never done a patrol like this before, so it'll be kinda new for me.  But, I'll probably pick up on it quickly since I've been taught how to do it before, it's just been a while and I never had to actually do it before.  Are you coming with?"

Edited by )NightmareLulamoon(

"Rest, my sister. As always, I will guard the night."


Icy Breeze - My pegasus stallion, http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/icy-breeze-r2056

Blossom Winds - My pegasus mare,  http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/blossom-winds-r5277

Duskspawn - my changeling OC, http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/duskspawn-r2081

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Are you coming with?"


Colt looked at SpiritFlame with a mischievous grin “Yes I will accompany the guardians for today’s mission, I don’t have much to do as Its my free day from the Apple’s orchards” he said explaining to both new recruits “But don’t worry I just want to observe and learn, I wont be an obstacle for your mission” 

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Colt looked at SpiritFlame with a mischievous grin “Yes I will accompany the guardians for today’s mission, I don’t have much to do as Its my free day from the Apple’s orchards” he said explaining to both new recruits “But don’t worry I just want to observe and learn, I wont be an obstacle for your mission” 

"Well that's good then, I guess.  If it's anything like I imagine it will be, it probably won't be all that fun though.  And you work at Sweet Apple Acres?  I love their apple pie!"  He got a small portion of food on a plate and started eating it.  I don't remember how big a pony's breafast needs to be, but I hope this is sufficient enough to at least look like I'm getting enough food...

"Rest, my sister. As always, I will guard the night."


Icy Breeze - My pegasus stallion, http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/icy-breeze-r2056

Blossom Winds - My pegasus mare,  http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/blossom-winds-r5277

Duskspawn - my changeling OC, http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/duskspawn-r2081

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Colt stood up and started helping with the dishes washing them and setting them at place, both Dawn and Spirit flame kept up with their breakfast and Blazing well she kept on going and going. The excitement of the new discovery still had his heart raising with emotion. 


 And you work at Sweet Apple Acres?  I love their apple pie!"


“Eeyup! Both Granny Smith and Ms. Applejack are very good cooks when it comes to apples and yes I’m working there as a… general helper doing a bit of anything, there is always something to do in the farm”.


“Talking of jobs how much have you both been on the Guard?” he soften the defenses of the strange pony and made a question that could give some clues, also he noticed Spiritflame was unsure about something and that was a good opening to try out. @@Pr3datorTaco,

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Rockets past quickly entered his memories.memories of the fight, the fire, the moving from place to place. He looked down with sadness. He was searching in his head for the right way to answer.

He finally said "I'm trying to get away from my past and demons"

Angel Feather choked slightly on the air.  She composed herself quickly and stood up straight.  She nodded and frowned thoughtfully.  "Well..." she said.  "Most ponies are," she said.  Well...I'm trying to get away from my past...but...not exactly my demons...

Do I even have demons?



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Angel Feather choked slightly on the air.  She composed herself quickly and stood up straight.  She nodded and frowned thoughtfully.  "Well..." she said.  "Most ponies are," she said.  Well...I'm trying to get away from my past...but...not exactly my demons...

Do I even have demons?

rocket felt like he had made the meal awkward, he franticly looked for someway to change the conversation. "anyways..." he started "the shop looked really really nice. is it brand new or something?" he asked politely, hoping the topic would change and everyone would be happy again.


SIgnature by Reverie


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“Talking of jobs how much have you both been on the Guard?” he soften the defenses of the strange pony and made a question that could give some clues, also he noticed Spiritflame was unsure about something and that was a good opening to try out.


"Well, technically I'm not officially a part of it...  I came here looking for work and have had just enough experience doing random guarding jobs that Iron is letting me help here too...  I've done a lot of traveling in my life so I've never been in one place long enough to join the Guard.  But I think that now, I want to stay in Ponyville longer than I've stayed anywhere else."  He turned to Dawn and smiled then finished eating.


rocket felt like he had made the meal awkward, he franticly looked for someway to change the conversation. "anyways..." he started "the shop looked really really nice. is it brand new or something?" he asked politely, hoping the topic would change and everyone would be happy again.

"Yes it is, I just bought it today.  It's going to be a flower shop."  Indigo said smiling.  "And thank you for complimenting it.  I'm really looking forward to getting everything set up."

  • Brohoof 1

"Rest, my sister. As always, I will guard the night."


Icy Breeze - My pegasus stallion, http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/icy-breeze-r2056

Blossom Winds - My pegasus mare,  http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/blossom-winds-r5277

Duskspawn - my changeling OC, http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/duskspawn-r2081

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"Yes it is, I just bought it today.  It's going to be a flower shop."  Indigo said smiling.  "And thank you for complimenting it.  I'm really looking forward to getting everything set up."

"oh wow, it looks really good, I would love to help you set it up if you need another pony on the job" rocket said with a generous tone. (its the least I can do for these ponies practically saving my life) he then thought to himself as he took another bite of blueberries.


SIgnature by Reverie


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Hank smiles "i read a lot of books on my free time when i can. I read them in the private library in the castle." He hugs her. 

Spike came running down the stairs "Who is it twilight?" 

Hank smiles "im Hank.. Twilight's brother. Its really nice to meet you spike." 

spike smiles "it is nice to meet you.. i better be going i got work to do." He ran back upstairs.


Hank smiles "twilight, have you made any new friends yet?"

"Of course I've made new friends Hank! Lots of them actually, do you wanna meet them?"


"hmm, not sure. I'll keep a list just in case somepony comes to my mind. now we need a best stallion and bridesmaids, who do you think suits those roles?"

Hunter took another drink of her coffee whilst writing down a guest list with all the ponies mentioned before

Rain frowned."Hmmmm I'm not to sure who would be the best stallion...Sky maybe? Not sure....I don't have siblings... Do you?" Rain took a long sip of coffee and sighed. This is a bit harder than I thought it would be...


@@Iron Wing



“Hi there, eat fast or Blazing won’t let you get a bite ” the dragon smiled to Dawn as she took a seat.  Colt was unable to hid the joy of Iron being an adept of music.  



He was so happy that he almost missed the feeling of that strange pony entering the kitchen. Colt stare into him as soon as he came close to the table. “So you are going for your first mission are you both excited about it?” the dragon asked trying cut some slack and enjoy the moment.


“Im getting my chance to talk with that blue/white manned unicorn, and find what’s off with him” he thought at the same time he ended his breakfast.

Dawn nodded and loaded her plate with pancakes and different fruits and began to eat furiously(or fast which ever you feel fit to go there.)


"Well, technically I'm not officially a part of it...  I came here looking for work and have had just enough experience doing random guarding jobs that Iron is letting me help here too...  I've done a lot of traveling in my life so I've never been in one place long enough to join the Guard.  But I think that now, I want to stay in Ponyville longer than I've stayed anywhere else."  He turned to Dawn and smiled then finished eating.

Dawn looked up from her food and smiled, then she dug back into it trying to finish as fast as possible.

As men judge generally more by the eye than by the hand, because it belongs to everybody to see you, to few to come in touch with you. Every one sees what you appear to be, few really know what you are, and those few dare not oppose themselves to the opinion of the many

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Hank nods "i would love to. Oh twilight am i still your BBBFF?" He smiles "and you know i dont have a lot of friends except you and the elements.. because i trust you all.. well lets go. Ill follow you." He pats her mane as he walks outside. Twilight could see a dagger in its holder on his side



Thank you Party_Cannon for the signature!

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"oh wow, it looks really good, I would love to help you set it up if you need another pony on the job" rocket said with a generous tone. (its the least I can do for these ponies practically saving my life) he then thought to himself as he took another bite of blueberries.

"Really? That would be great, and if we need more help, I could offer you a job after we're all set up and everything."  He smiled and got some apple cider  It'll be nice to have hired help, but it would really only be temporary until I can run it comfortably on my own.

"Rest, my sister. As always, I will guard the night."


Icy Breeze - My pegasus stallion, http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/icy-breeze-r2056

Blossom Winds - My pegasus mare,  http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/blossom-winds-r5277

Duskspawn - my changeling OC, http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/duskspawn-r2081

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"Really? That would be great, and if we need more help, I could offer you a job after we're all set up and everything."  He smiled and got some apple cider  It'll be nice to have hired help, but it would really only be temporary until I can run it comfortably on my own.

Rocket looked at the couple then let out a yawn "well as much as I don't want to be a burden, I think I would like to crash here... if that's alright with you folks" rocket said, he hoped he wasn't interfering with anything. "it was a long night for me, thanks for the food."


SIgnature by Reverie


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(OOC: Sorry Sky. at least the exam is end now :lol:)

Saphina found a free table near the window and ordered a big chocolate cake for Sky and her. she smiled as she took a look at the delicious cake on the table. not a healthy choice for breakfast, but she just wanted to see Sky happy. she just remembered that she hadn't been in any Sky's birthday party. she knew that it's in the end of December, but Sky rarely talked about it. maybe because they lived in the different place. she decided to cheer him a little, "I bet this is bigger than your birthday cake" she said jokingly.

My Ponysona

Earth Saphina : http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/earth-saphina-r2097


"Saphina" stands for "Subphoena" which is the synonym of "call", so her name means "Call of The Earth"

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Rain frowned."Hmmmm I'm not to sure who would be the best stallion...Sky maybe? Not sure....I don't have siblings... Do you?" Rain took a long sip of coffee and sighed. This is a bit harder than I thought it would be...

"Maybe Sky and that Earth Saphina could fit that, if it was ok with them. I dont have any brothers or sisters, but hopefully they can be our best stallion and bridesmaid. planning is a little tough, but think of the outcome, the perfect day ever, just the two of us in union"

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Angel Feather smiled.  "You're welcome.  Oh, and it's no problem at all," she said.  "I can show you to your room if you'd like?" she offered.  I feel so old.  And the bedroom is all set up I think.  For Indigo.  But he won't mind sleeping in my room, I'm sure.

And again I have to mention to myself how I feel so old.

That is all.


(OOC: I don't know what happened in this post xD)



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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(OOC : Aye. It was pretty awful though. :lol: )

That question shocked Sky Warden a little. The fact that he never had a birthday party struck him for many reasons. He lived just with his grandfather in Cloudsdale, and they were fairly poor. The main reason why he had never has a birthday party might be that he had no friend there. At least close friend. He spent his time to study and wait for Saphie above the Unicorn Range. He guessed Saphie didn't know about this, so he just smiled back at the mare, "Well, yes" He chuckled, "I've never had any birthday cake before".



Pinkeh asked me to put this here. Just another What Do You Think About Me stuff.

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Colt finished washing the plates and turned back to @@Iron Wing, and the other guardians


“Well Commander, what are the orders?” he said with a smile expecting this to be a great day to spend with her. Truth was the dragon was eager to see Celes on her role of guardian, wanting to discover more about her personality and role.

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