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open Life in Ponyville -Slice of life-


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"N-n-no. Really." Star took the items she handed him, slotting it back into his saddle bags. He picked himself back of the ground and brushed the dirt out of his old scarf. He smiled back at the apologetic mare, but quickly realised he had lost his manners. "Um, s-sorry. My names is Star. Star Keeper." He extended a shaky hoof in her direction, looking a bit uneasy.


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@@Curry Pinch @@The-Master @@Feather Gem

Because the light pink mare didn´t answer Iron, she decided to go home. It was late already and since she was tired it would be the best to end the day like it was. "Well, hope you feel better tomorrow. Perhaps you can sell me some fruits then. Have a good night..." she said to the pony, leaving her alone. She walked towards her watch tower on the south border of Ponyville. She had rebuild this tower and was satisfied with the results. There were some ponies on the way she was walking, a beautiful white unicorn mare and a yellow pegasus with blue mane. Iron Wing approached them but noticed that they were busy with something. "I wish you both a good evening..." she said while passing them. Iron Wing was an armored guardian pony who always tried to help everypony, but this two didn´t seem to need any help. With metalic hoove steps she continued walking to her tower.

Edited by Iron Wing
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"Oh," Angel whispered, reaching out to shake his hoof.  "I...I'm Angel Feather.  B-but most people just call me...Angel," she said quickly.  She gave him a soft smile back.  She nodded at deep blue Pegasus in acknowledgement.  She adjusted her messenger bag again, barely realizing she had done it.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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"A-angle. That's a lovely name. Um, yes, I-I, I... sorry, um. I..." The words were failing to leave his mouth, he tried tried to force them out but the only thing being said was incoherent babbling. This was becoming a bit of a habit.


"Sorry, I'm sorry. I don't usually do this. Well, that's a lie, I do usually do this, but... um, I..." At this point he subjected to simply powering his head and giving up. "I-I think I'll just go now. Sorry for wasting your time."


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Angel smiled.  "Thank you."  She listened to him stutter on until he said he was about to go.  Angel suddenly felt a bit disappointed without really knowing why.  "Really...it's okay.  you...you didn't waste my time," she whispered, lowering her head causing her mane to tumble over her shoulder.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Iron Wing arrived at the watch tower and entered it. "Ah, finally at home... I should..." she said and was interrupted because her pet Duran the lynx jumped onto her back. "Ah, hey Duran. I have something for ya!" she smiled and took some food out of the bags. Duran looked happy to get something to eat a last. After feeding her pet, she stored everything she had bought and went upstairs to get to her beloved bed. Iron took off her armor and hoove protectors and jumped into the fluffy and soft bed and finally got some rest.

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Sky Warden sprawled on his bed, stared at his rooms dark ceiling. He slid out of his bed, making no sound. He leaned and outstretched his body. He strode along the dark corridor and went downstairs. He snorted.A little late for my night shift. Well, better late than nothing.He jumped to the air and soared in the sky. He bucked some clouds since it wasn't scheduled to rain. He spared one cloud and and sat on it, staring at the moon.



Pinkeh asked me to put this here. Just another What Do You Think About Me stuff.

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hunter woke up in the middle of the night due to a sound that came from out her open window. she looked to see where she was, in her living room, the fire had burnt out but the embers remain. she had a book lying face-down open on her chest, she passed out on the couch. hunter trotted over to the window to find that repulsive sound and quickly shut her window when she realised what it was. the neighbours were trying to get their foal to sleep, with the noise now gone, hunter went back upstairs to bed.

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It was late when Rust finally reached the town, and the shadow of darkness allowed Rust to walk freely, without fear of looking uncool. He meandered slowly along the high street, searching for an open store. All closed. Rust sighed to himself, then continued along the street until he reached a grassy area of town. He lay down beneath a tree, and began waiting for morning.



Edited by Silverpoint345
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Vinyl sighed as she finished putting up her "work needed" posters. "Guess i best be off home to bed then!" she then proceeded to trot home, as she was on her way home she noticed a figure under a tree, she couldn't quite make out who or even what it was. as she walked through her front door she sighed yet again, "Right, to bed with me." And with that Vinyl jumped on the bed and fell asleep.



Don’t pretend I think you know I'm damn precious

And Hell Yeah I'm a motherf***ing princess


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     Cloud Shooter awoke to the sound of the train coming to a stop at his next destination, Ponyville.

     He slowly began to stretch his aching legs and wings, the train ride had been impossibly long from Las Pegesus. After he stretched and got the blood flowing in his limbs, He groggingly got up and retrieved his saddle bag from the empty seats in front of him. As he put the saddle bag on, the sound of bits jangled loudly in the empty cart. Cloud smiled as he recalled how he won all of those bits. Las Pegesus treated him nicely during his short visit. Thats one thing he had alot of, or at least in his mind he did- luck. It wasnt a substantial amount of bits, but it certainly was alot more than you would normally see on a traveling pegesus.

     He made his way out of the train and onto the platform were he took a look around. There were Ponyvillians going about their usual buisiness. He didn't know the layout of the the small town, so he made his way over to the assistance booth for directions.

     Despite it being early in the morning, the train station, indeed the entire town for that matter, was pretty busy.

     'Huh, early risers.' Cloud thought to himself as he approached the assistance booth. As he approached, a rather attractive mare noticed him from behind the counter and smiled.
     "Hi there, welcome to Ponyville!" she said happily. "What can I do for you today?"
     "Dinner and mabey some adult fun would be nice." Cloud muttered to himself.
     "Excuse me, what was that?" the mare asked, completely oblivious of his comment.
     "Nothing, never mind. Hey Im new here and I need directions. Can you help me out by chance?"
     "Sure can. What are you looking for?"
     Cloud thought to himself for a moment. The only landmark he knew of in this town was Sweet Apple Acres, but then again everypony knew that.
     "Um... well what places are there here in town?" Cloud asked somewhat unsure were to go.

     The mare looked away as if in thought. "Well let's see... theres the Golden Oaks Library, great place for getting hard to find books."

     "Nah, reading isn't really my thing. What else is there around?
     "Well... there's the town hall which is in the center of town, and near that there is the market district. If your hungry for sweets there is Sugar Cube Corner. They have the best cupcakes in all of Equestria, guaranteed."
     At the sound of food Cloud's stomach let out a loud growl which made the mare behind the counter giggle. Cloud looked away a little embarrassingly.
     "Uh, sorry about that. Yea Sugarcube Corner sounds good, were's that at?" 
     The mare smiled and told him the directions to the sugary destination. Cloud thanked the mare and started for Sugarcube Corner.
     'It isn't why I'm here, but why challange the best flier in Equestria on a empty stomach?' He thought to himself as he made his way through the growing population of ponies at the station.

Brony 4 life

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At some point during the night, Rust had fallen asleep, and now he lay beneath the branches of the tree oblivious to the gradually waking ponies. It had been a while since Rust had slept, and he did so greedily, sprawled on the light grass. The few passing ponies regarded him with slight interest, but continued to go about the morning tasks as usual.

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Vinyl woke to the sound of silence,"Oh yea i live alone now." Vinyl sighed as she got up out of bed and walked towards her window.As she peered out of the window at a nearby tree and noticed the same shape as before under the same tree, so she walked out of the house and walked over to the object, soon she realized it was a pony. she approached the figure and then spoke. "Hi, my name is Vinyl Fire what's yours?"


OOC: The figure is rust by the way.



Don’t pretend I think you know I'm damn precious

And Hell Yeah I'm a motherf***ing princess


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hunter awoke with a yawn and a peaceful sigh, she got up and brushed her mane and put her glasses on

"might as well get breakfast"

she trotted on out her house and looked around at the other ponies, lots of new ponies around now, she went to sugarcube corner to order her usual breakfast. sitting down at a table with her muffins and jam, she enjoyed the smell before eating them

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Rust yawned loudly, and stood opening his eyes slowly. Suddenly, he remembered where he was, and jumped in shock, quickly glancing all around. He altered his stance a little, and then looked over to the pony that had woken him. "I..." he started quickly, "I was just resting my eyes!!!"

Edited by Silverpoint345
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Indigo Breeze arrived in Ponyville from his train ride, focused on getting a new home.  It was about mid-morning when his train arrived, but the station was fairly busy today.  It's been about two years since the last time he was in Ponyville, so some things were familiar but he doubted he would run into any of his old classmates for at least a few weeks.  After leaving the station, he decided to go to Sugarcube Corner to say hello to Pinkie Pie, the pony that cheered him up after accidentally setting fire to the school garden back when he went to school in Ponyville.

"Rest, my sister. As always, I will guard the night."


Icy Breeze - My pegasus stallion, http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/icy-breeze-r2056

Blossom Winds - My pegasus mare,  http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/blossom-winds-r5277

Duskspawn - my changeling OC, http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/duskspawn-r2081

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As the sun bright up in the rising sky beyond the mountains good the night of sleep came to an end. He wake up with the sound of birds on the distance coming from the cottage far on his left the night was a good time for rest even if there was no shelter for him other than the leaves and trunk of the big oak on his back.


He smile as the floating fire vanish in front of his sight, at the same timehe reach the bag where the food he bought the day before waited for him. Bread and cheese was a good breakfast so as he enjoyed the morning view of Ponyville with the humming melodies coming from the curious cottage as background he realized his mind was at ease and found the possibility of that town becoming good place to spend some time.


“It maybe can be easier if I get a job in town” he whispered to himself with a ironic tone in his mind, it has never been easy for him to get a job among the ponies so in a way he was preparing himself for a hard day.


With that idea in mind he rise up stretch his claws legs and wings and went to the river to “take a bath” . Its going to be hard to get a job as a dragon, even more if that dragon smells”  were his thoughts seconds before jumping into the river's flow.

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Iron Wing finally got awake in the morning. It took Duran some time but finally he managed to wake her up. She fell out of the bed and shook her head. "Owww.... i got it... " she mumbled while walking into the bathroom. She prepared herself before making breakfast. She gave her pet lynx something to eat and started to plan the route for today while munching an apple. After breakfast she got into her armor and put on her hoove protectors and a saddlebag on her back. Duran hopped into the saddlebag and put on flight goggles since Duran was the one mapping everything. She went up to the top of her tower, preparing everything for takeoff. Pushing a button some sirens could be heard. They weren´t too loud, but at least ponies within the area knew that a military pony wanted to start. She oppened the little hangar door and pressed a lever. The starting platform was going out so that Iron Wing had much space for her start. She got onto the platform and started her takeoff, leaving the tower with high speed and spreaded wings she got into height very easy. She saw Ponyville from above and started the route she wanted to take to the Everyfree Forest. This patrol wouldn´t take long so she would be back within 30 minutes or so.

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"Haha it's okay." said vinyl while looking over the rather over startled pony. "Sorry if I interrupted anything, I don't mean any harm." Vinyl was now feeling kind of bad for waking up the sleeping figure. "I'm sorry I woke you, my name Is vinyl fire what's yours?"



Don’t pretend I think you know I'm damn precious

And Hell Yeah I'm a motherf***ing princess


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"Uh... my name's Rust," Rust replied, calming down a bit. "It's nice to meet you Vinyl, but I'm not intending on staying. I only stopped to get some food..." Rust glanced once again at his surroundings. "Man.. I was so tired. I must have fallen asleep!" he murmured to himself before addressing Vinyl, "Hey, Vinyl. Is there a store around here?"

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"It's nice to meet you rust and well I'm new in town so I don't know of any shops,but I have some apples back at my house, its just across the road from here,if you wouldn't mind joining me I'm sure we could find something to eat" said vinyl as nicely as possible.



Don’t pretend I think you know I'm damn precious

And Hell Yeah I'm a motherf***ing princess


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Rain woke up to the sound of muffled Dubstep. He smiled as the bass dropped, He loved living next to another DJ. HE crawled out of bed and walked to his kitchen. He ate a quick breakfast and went out to start his job as a weather pony. He flew around for a bit adjusting clouds and preparing any rain clouds needed for a rain storm that was going to happen in a few days.

As men judge generally more by the eye than by the hand, because it belongs to everybody to see you, to few to come in touch with you. Every one sees what you appear to be, few really know what you are, and those few dare not oppose themselves to the opinion of the many

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Rust eyed Vinyl carefully before replying. "I guess..." he said carefully before brightening a bit. "I may as well enjoy this town while I'm here..." Rust nodded to Vinyl casually. "Okay sure. You lead the way." He kicked at the ground with a hoof and watched the passing ponies. "But I ain't staying long!" he quickly pointed out.

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After hanging out at Sugarcube Corner and saying hi to Pinkie, Indigo went back outside to see if there were and closed down shops in Ponyville.  It was much busier than he expected and he couldn't find anywhere that was closed down.  Well, I can worry about getting my own shop later, I'm just going to hang out somewhere and enjoy the nice day.  Indigo Breeze thought as he walked over to grab a bite to eat from a restaurant.  Luckily, he got the last outdoor seating spot.  He ordered some hay fries and relaxed for a while.  When he was done he decided to find somewhere to nap.  He found a sturdy branch in a tree and decided to take a nap on it.  It was a little uncomfortable, but it reminded him of some of his childhood days when he stayed out too late.

"Rest, my sister. As always, I will guard the night."


Icy Breeze - My pegasus stallion, http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/icy-breeze-r2056

Blossom Winds - My pegasus mare,  http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/blossom-winds-r5277

Duskspawn - my changeling OC, http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/duskspawn-r2081

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hunter left sugarcube corner, feeling as satisfied as anyone who woke up hungry. she sat down at the park where she met rainy and looked up to the sky, all of a sudden, she noticed him flying around moving clouds.

"hey rainy, lovely day isnt it? when you've finished up, we can talk then, ok"

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