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MLP:FiM Comic Book Series Discussion

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http://mlpforums.com/blog/1527/entry-11250-mlp-comic-issue-18-review/ check up my comic review for issue 18 to know I dislike it. Though it may ruin your opinion of the arc if you enjoy it so you may not want to read how I thought of it if so.

Well, Luna herself admitted that she was in the wrong in that whole situation. But putting that aside, we don't know how those events transpired. I would agree with you that Celestia neglected Luna if Luna was seeking help in any way, but as far as I can remember, the conversations in the earlier comic (I think) mention that Luna was acting distant. Of course the show itself doesn't help when Luna turns into Nightmare Moon and downright attacks Celestia like a child having a temper tantrum and the whole scene lasts... What? Two minutes? So, I don't think that Celestia can be blamed with abandoning Luna or something.


I also disagree that the romance adds nothing to Celestia's character. It shows that she is not some unreachable goddess that is above the feelings of mortals. That is valid character development, in my opinion. Of course, it IS a convenient plot device, but everything is, it is just more palatable if it has a good reason to exist.


In your next point, you say that this romance will never be touched upon again, and I agree. But this doesn't invalidate this development.


They are beating Celestia with the idiot stick so that they can move on with the plot. It's the same problem with the show. They need to move Celestia and Luna out of the way so that the Mane Six, the actual main characters can do their stuff. Sometimes it's done via clever writing, most times it's not. I have to re-read the comic, but I guess that even if there was no romance, it would still go down like this. They would just put some speech about saving the inhabitants of that world. And mark my words: we're going to see good Luna and Celestia battling the evil sisters yet.


I'm not saying that your points are wrong. I just don't think that it's as bad.


For dumb, self-important fics about mythology, ponies and fascist griffons that can't figure friendship out.

And I'm just getting started.


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Well, Luna herself admitted that she was in the wrong in that whole situation. But putting that aside, we don't know how those events transpired. I would agree with you that Celestia neglected Luna if Luna was seeking help in any way, but as far as I can remember, the conversations in the earlier comic (I think) mention that Luna was acting distant. Of course the show itself doesn't help when Luna turns into Nightmare Moon and downright attacks Celestia like a child having a temper tantrum and the whole scene lasts... What? Two minutes? So, I don't think that Celestia can be blamed with abandoning Luna or something.


Yet does that give her an excuse to essentially forgo whatever is troubling her sister for an au boyfriend, especially when Celestia herself values herself as a good ruler and sister? Also even if Luna admitted that she was in the wrong previously, this comic is trying to portray her betrayal in a better light by showing that it was partly Celestia's fault for not being a good sister instead of wholly being Luna's own.


I also disagree that the romance adds nothing to Celestia's character. It shows that she is not some unreachable goddess that is above the feelings of mortals. That is valid character development, in my opinion. Of course, it IS a convenient plot device, but everything is, it is just more palatable if it has a good reason to exist.


Her relationship with Twilight, Cadence, Luna, Spike, Discord, the remaining five, and how she interacts with the rest of the ponies in Equestira showcases that she's not some unreachable goddess. She cried in pain when banishing Luna and cried in joy when she returned to her normally. She might as well be considered a 2nd mother to Twilight or even a surrogate mother to Cadence for how she treats them. The fact she's willing to speak to commoner ponies and is quite humble and motherly shows that she doesn't consider herself as such. Also, in the 'Spike and Celestia' friends forever issue, Celestia herself has admitted that she is willing to lose battles on purpose to ensure those she cares for achieves their goal even at her own expense as she considers herself a teacher first and foremost. Being able to show platonic love and motherly care for her ponies shows she isn't above mortal feelings thus this romance has introduced nothing new to her character, especially towards another immortal in Sombra. Falling in love with AU Sombra at the expense of compromising her character doesn't highlight it well also.


In your next point, you say that this romance will never be touched upon again, and I agree. But this doesn't invalidate this development.


They are beating Celestia with the idiot stick so that they can move on with the plot. It's the same problem with the show. They need to move Celestia and Luna out of the way so that the Mane Six, the actual main characters can do their stuff. Sometimes it's done via clever writing, most times it's not. I have to re-read the comic, but I guess that even if there was no romance, it would still go down like this. They would just put some speech about saving the inhabitants of that world. And mark my words: we're going to see good Luna and Celestia battling the evil sisters yet.


Except the attempts Katie is trying to implement in the arc is trying to inject certain characteristics into Celestia for the sake of trying to alter Celestia's character in a way she believes will make her more relatable to the reader. I personally believe she's doing a poor job at it as I feel she's portraying Celestia as some lovestruck idiot rather than the caring ruler of Equestria the ponies look up to her for benevolent 1000+ year rule.


I'm not saying that your points are wrong. I just don't think that it's as bad.






I have my reasons for disliking the arc, however you do offer some well thought out insights upon this matter.

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I have my reasons for disliking the arc, however you do offer some well thought out insights upon this matter.

Why do you say that Celestia forgoes Luna's troubles? We don't know what Luna was doing and Celestia is not omniscient. I think that Celestia says that Luna is shutting her away. What was she supposed to do? Tie Luna down and stuff her with fluoxetine?


Celestia has always displayed agape. This time, the author has given her a boyfriend. It seems that everything Celestia ever does is for the sake of another. While this is an admirable trait to have and something that I think people should strive to, from a character development point of view, Celestia being "selfish" and having a boyfriend for her is valid character development because in this case I don't think that it detracts from her characteristic of giving of herself to others. Without this trait, Celestia seems a lot more like CelestAI from the fanfiction Friendship is Optimal. A machine that exists only to please others. What are your thoughts on this, if you ignore that she could be harming her sister? Do you think that Celestia should exist only as the matron of Equestria?


For dumb, self-important fics about mythology, ponies and fascist griffons that can't figure friendship out.

And I'm just getting started.


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Why do you say that Celestia forgoes Luna's troubles? We don't know what Luna was doing and Celestia is not omniscient. I think that Celestia says that Luna is shutting her away. What was she supposed to do? Tie Luna down and stuff her with fluoxetine?




Celestia has always displayed agape. This time, the author has given her a boyfriend. It seems that everything Celestia ever does is for the sake of another. While this is an admirable trait to have and something that I think people should strive to, from a character development point of view, Celestia being "selfish" and having a boyfriend for her is valid character development because in this case I don't think that it detracts from her characteristic of giving of herself to others. Without this trait, Celestia seems a lot more like CelestAI from the fanfiction Friendship is Optimal. A machine that exists only to please others. What are your thoughts on this, if you ignore that she could be harming her sister? Do you think that Celestia should exist only as the matron of Equestria?


Not go after a boyfriend while leaving her sister high and dry. I mean would any decent brother or sister leave their sibling when they know something is up with them?


Except it makes her hypocrite as well when at the season 4 premiere showed that had wanted her sister to resume her duty as a princess despite the comic showing that she was partly in fault because she was willing to forgo her duty as a ruler and caring sister for some alternate universe hopping and getting infatuated with an AU version of an evil tyrant in her realm. I' am not in favor of adding a character trait that damages a character simply because they want to add a character flaw in there without thinking how it adds to a character or damages it.


Also how is being a benevolent matron for a thousand years that is idolized by every pony because of excellent rule a bad thing. Most people wish to achieve the kind of adoration and love Celestia has worked to earn for her people's sake.

  • Brohoof 1
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Not go after a boyfriend while leaving her sister high and dry. I mean would any decent brother or sister leave their sibling when they know something is up with them?


Except it makes her hypocrite as well when at the season 4 premiere showed that had wanted her sister to resume her duty as a princess despite the comic showing that she was partly in fault because she was willing to forgo her duty as a ruler and caring sister for some alternate universe hopping and getting infatuated with an AU version of an evil tyrant in her realm. I' am not in favor of adding a character trait that damages a character simply because they want to add a character flaw in there without thinking how it adds to a character or damages it.


Also how is being a benevolent matron for a thousand years that is idolized by every pony because of excellent rule a bad thing. Most people wish to achieve the kind of adoration and love Celestia has worked to earn for her people's sake.

I don't know if I should be happy that I just don't see any of this as a problem, because I just blame Luna for being bitchy. I guess the difference here is that we have different interpretations on how their relationship developed along the time Luna was going Nightmare. Maybe it's because I internalized that Luna just blows up in Celestia's face in the show and that is all that is shown, while I assume that Celestia would be worried about Luna if she was showing that there was a problem.


And I don't see how her leaving I don't know how many times and for how long can damage her effort as a ruler. Equestria turned out just fine. It's not like I expect her to sit in her throne all day long and do nothing but her job. What kind of life is that? 


For dumb, self-important fics about mythology, ponies and fascist griffons that can't figure friendship out.

And I'm just getting started.


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I don't know if I should be happy that I just don't see any of this as a problem, because I just blame Luna for being bitchy. I guess the difference here is that we have different interpretations on how their relationship developed along the time Luna was going Nightmare. Maybe it's because I internalized that Luna just blows up in Celestia's face in the show and that is all that is shown, while I assume that Celestia would be worried about Luna if she was showing that there was a problem.


And I don't see how her leaving I don't know how many times and for how long can damage her effort as a ruler. Equestria turned out just fine. It's not like I expect her to sit in her throne all day long and do nothing but her job. What kind of life is that? 


The point is that Katie Cook seems to be trying to imply that part of the reason Luna turned to Nightmare Moon was because Celestia was being neglectful of her sister from what was shown. That is one the reasons I'm upset about as I view it as her trying to please some fan's fanon idea that Celestia was in part responsible for Luna's fall to Nightmare Moon. The Comic showed that Celestia had felt there was something troubling Luna but instead of showing her trying to figure the problem out she instead goes off with Starswirl the Bearded on some Au dimension hopping adventures instead. Heck, Starswirl had to close the portal just to keep Celestia from visiting AU Sombra because she had been going behind Starswirl's back trying to see him.


It's a life she willingly chose and seems to take seriously as she has ruled Equestria for over a 1000 years, and her people love her for it. I'd rather have Celestia be a benovelent ruler and caring sister than be turned into some lovestruck idiot because they wanted to add a relatable characteristic to her when Celestia's whole schtick as a character is to be a character people look up to for her virtuous and excellent her rule is and how she behaves sort of like a benevolent mother a person wishes to make proud of and whom she personally seeks to ensure they achieve their goal, even at her own expense.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Friends Forever #5, starring Fluttershy and Zecora, was released today!


When the animals start talking inexplicably, Fluttershy goes to see Zecora for help, and together the two run a series of tests to determine whether Fluttershy's hallucinating or the critters have actually gained speech. Hijinks ensue for a while, but then we get a plot twist by learning that....



The animals are talking thanks to Discord, who temporarily granted them the ability to speak back to Fluttershy in her own language as a present for his friend.


Double spoiler for adorable panel:




Seriously, this is one of my favorite friendships in the entire series. Good job, writers.




The comic was really cute, and it was great to see Zecora finally get (or at least co-star in) a focus issue of her own. She definitely had some great lines here, and Fluttershy didn't disappoint either. The surprise appearance from the special guest (see spoilers) was also great.



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Have really been enjoying the comic series recently, though that's not to say that they are perfect, as they do actually tend to share some of the same problems as the show. While humour has always been a highlight, and for the majority of the time the art itself is wonderfully characteristic (although with a very select few comics, I don't know, the art just looks really off to me), sometimes certain characters do end up not doing much or contributing to the plot. This is only a concern in the main adventure series, but I do find that it is a prominent one, as they do show an ability to present all of the characters in a respectful and comical fashion, so any inconsistencies with that representation is noticeable. 

The micro series and friends forever series are also brilliant, though can occasionally by slightly hit and miss. While I find something enjoyable in every comic, certain characters just aren't given very interesting obstacles or scenarios to overcome, or at least they are presented in a way that doesn't reveal much about the character, or it feels like the comic is over before it even starts. There can also be a case of missed opportunities as well, especially in the case of friends forever with certain characters teamed up. However, I do understand that as a side-line comic series, they are limited in terms of how they can develop characters, as they can't drive too far away from the show's canon, nor can they overtake the show's own character development. However, this doesn't stop the writers making some genuinely great stories that I think do adhere to the wants of the brony community. With a few exceptions, a lot of the comics have involved either shedding light on an ambiguous character from the show, or showing the return of a character from the show. It's always great to see a continuation of some characters' storylines that are unlikely to appear again in the show, yet the comics also show that they are capable of creating entirely new and interesting villains and scenarios, in some ways even overtaking the show's own creativity. 

Overall, while flawed, the comics aren't really any more flawed than the show it's based off, and with it's understandable limitations, the comics are full of great humour, wonderful art, and just plain good story telling that's enjoyable and fun to read. It may not have the ability or even permission to develop characters to a great extent, but that's not to say that there haven't been some teary-eyed moments along the way.

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Well, this was a nice read.

It was cute and funny (because of Zecora).

But I thought it was a bit pointless.


Fluttershy already understands the animals in the show, like in Keep Calm and Flutter On and Inspiration Manifestation, for example.


Anyway, the comic was fun to read and that is all I ask of them.


For dumb, self-important fics about mythology, ponies and fascist griffons that can't figure friendship out.

And I'm just getting started.


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Well, this was a nice read.

It was cute and funny (because of Zecora).

But I thought it was a bit pointless.


Fluttershy already understands the animals in the show, like in Keep Calm and Flutter On and Inspiration Manifestation, for example.


Anyway, the comic was fun to read and that is all I ask of them.

I think you missed the point. EVERYBODY could understand the animals! They were speaking the pony language! Edited by Rarity Paige Belle


Beautiful, Stylish, Fabulous AND evil! What more could you want?
(Thanks Kyoshi for letting everyone use your sigs!)

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I'm interested to hear what people think about the interactions between Discord and Zecora. From the way they talked, it seemed to me that they knew each other personally, like Zecora had to deal with him in the past.


I could just be reading to much into it, though.


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Well, this was a nice read.

It was cute and funny (because of Zecora).

But I thought it was a bit pointless.


Fluttershy already understands the animals in the show, like in Keep Calm and Flutter On and Inspiration Manifestation, for example.


Anyway, the comic was fun to read and that is all I ask of them.



I think it was less about Fluttershy understanding the animals and more about Discord doing something nice for her.


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Issue 5 is great and all, but when are we gonna see an issue with beloved Rarity in?




You were saying? :D



Date: 8/13/2014

(W) Katie Cook (A) Andy Price (CA) Amy Mebberson

It's road trip time with Applejack and Rarity! When the two friends discover they are headed to the same destination, they naturally decide to ride together. A seemingly easy trip turns disastrous when calamity upon calamity interrupts their journey! Will Applejack and Rarity's friendship... or sanity... survive the trip? 


We'll be seeing Rarity and Applejack costar in an issue this August! Hyped for it already!

  • Brohoof 5



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I think it was less about Fluttershy understanding the animals and more about Discord doing something nice for her.

Yes, I understand that. But it's the same as Discord making everybody in this site post in Portuguese. I already understand English, so it's pointless.

  • Brohoof 1


For dumb, self-important fics about mythology, ponies and fascist griffons that can't figure friendship out.

And I'm just getting started.


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You were saying? :D



Date: 8/13/2014(W) Katie Cook (A) Andy Price (CA) Amy MebbersonIt's road trip time with Applejack and Rarity! When the two friends discover they are headed to the same destination, they naturally decide to ride together. A seemingly easy trip turns disastrous when calamity upon calamity interrupts their journey! Will Applejack and Rarity's friendship... or sanity... survive the trip? 


We'll be seeing Rarity and Applejack costar in an issue this August! Hyped for it already!






Yes, I understand that. But it's the same as Discord making everybody in this site post in Portuguese. I already understand English, so it's pointless.

Maybe, but making everyone speak Portuguese wouldn't be as meaningful a gesture as what Discord did. Also, I'd like to note that understanding the animals is different than talking to them. She understands their wants and needs but can't tell them stories, or be told stories by them.


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You were saying? :D


img-2658467-1-STK645569.jpgMY LITTLE PONY FRIENDS FOREVER #8

Date: 8/13/2014

(W) Katie Cook (A) Andy Price (CA) Amy Mebberson

It's road trip time with Applejack and Rarity! When the two friends discover they are headed to the same destination, they naturally decide to ride together. A seemingly easy trip turns disastrous when calamity upon calamity interrupts their journey! Will Applejack and Rarity's friendship... or sanity... survive the trip? 


We'll be seeing Rarity and Applejack costar in an issue this August! Hyped for it already!



Again? Sheesh, and they're having an arc together in the Main series as well(well with Fluttershy, Applebloom, and Trixie, so maybe that'll spice things up a bit), I was hoping for someone else with Rarity, since just about everyone else has gotten paired up unpredictably, and a FF comic with them too seems like overkill. It'll most likely be good since Katie Cook is writing it, but I'm honestly getting sick of this pair

Edited by Megas75
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Maybe, but making everyone speak Portuguese wouldn't be as meaningful a gesture as what Discord did. Also, I'd like to note that understanding the animals is different than talking to them. She understands their wants and needs but can't tell them stories, or be told stories by them.


Well, then I guess we just have different interpretations. Because as far as I can see, Flutteshy talks normally to the beaver in Keep Calm And Flutter On and to the bird in Inspiration Manifestation and they seem to understand each other perfectly. So I don't see why she couldn't tell them stories.

  • Brohoof 2


For dumb, self-important fics about mythology, ponies and fascist griffons that can't figure friendship out.

And I'm just getting started.


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Again? Sheesh, and they're having an arc together in the Main series as well(well with Fluttershy, Applebloom, and Trixie, so maybe that'll spice things up a bit), I was hoping for someone else with Rarity, since just about everyone else has gotten paired up unpredictably, and a FF comic with them too seems like overkill. It'll most likely be good since Katie Cook is writing it, but I'm honestly getting sick of this pair

do eventually want to see Rarity paired off with a non-mane 6 character, like everyone else has been (except for Applejack, incidentally, who was paired off with Pinkie before). However, I could never be sick of seeing them together, and I think their friendship has tons of great potential for memorable lines and character growth. By the time this issue releases, it'll be Applejack's second FF (and we'll have seen Pinkie's second as well, with Luna), so there's always a chance to see Rarity co-star with someone else in the future!

  • Brohoof 1



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So after I've finished reading issue# 19, not only is Celestia a love struck idiot, but she's a vindictive asshole towards Starswirl the Bearded as well.

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