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private The S.S. Romantic (RP)


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Her mind was calm, and empty. An empty void. A peaceful bliss.


She began to look over and remember her actions over the past few days, and the actions of the others she had been around. She thought about Stacy, and Spark, and Morningstar. She thought about the cruise, and what had happened since. She thought about Somber, who's very soul seemed coated in an unfortunate aura. She thought about everything, and nothing.


She allowed her mind to drift to all three options for her very special somepony.


Morningstar had been sweet, and had been very open and sincere about his feelings. He had given her his beautifully sculpted ruby that now adorned her mane, had he not? Never had he hidden anything from her, even not being afraid to come to her for help. And he had been the most sober, by far. She probably would have picked him, in all honesty, but... He was no more, left to dwell in the deepest part of the sea. Rose, in her meditative state, felt a single tear run down her cheek, but remained composed, and didn't move a muscle. 


Stacy... She had ended up choosing Stacy, as Stacy, as far as she knew, seemed to care for Rose very passionately. She seemed to, unlike Spark, appreciate the beauty of nature, perhaps not as much as Rose herself did, but then again, who could possibly love nature as much as she? Stacy genuinely and passionately loved her, and Rose appreciated that. But... something just didn't feel quite right. Rose didn't know what it was, but there was something about her relationship with Stacy... It just didn't... seem satisfying... Rose couldn't understand why. Rose was also unimpressed by several actions Stacy had taken; Stacy didn't seem to handle stress well, and always tried to escape when Rose needed her most, whether into liqueur, or into the icy clutches of death. She also seemed awfully defensive of Rose, which, while understandable and respectable, would probably grow to be a hindrance. And there was one tiny detail that made Rose uncertain, and nervous. Stacy had once said she was like Little Hop. Rose didn't know the mysterious Little Hop, but what if, what if Stacy only liked her because she was like Little Hop? What if Stacy preferred Little Hop? Rose didn't know what to make of that, and even though Stacy had reassured her to the contrary, she couldn't help worrying at least a little bit about that.


All that is visible of these unpleasant thoughts on Rose's figure is a slight shudder, no more.


Spark... The stallion truly was an inspiration. He was strong, not only in being, but in character. To live with such a painful past... And he hid it well. Rose knew now, from the incident on the cliff ledge, that Spark was neither flawless, nor heartless. On the contrary, she thought he was a very kindred spirit that had merely endured a lot of hardship. And she was ashamed to admit that she was probably contributing to it. She had seen the look on his face when he had kissed her. She had felt the passion of the kiss. He truly cared, and she knew how painful it was to see the one you loved with somepony else... She truly was ashamed of herself for never really giving the colt a chance, and momentarily allowed her mind to drift to the butterflies she had felt during said kiss... Somehow, it felt like more than she had felt with Stacy. Not that she was ever going to admit that to either of them. 

Despite all the praise she might mentally give Spark, he wasn't perfect. He, like Stacy, had a deep-borne depression and a tendency to drink, although he generally repressed his urges better. Rose respected that. He didn't seem to be overly fond of the natural kind of life that Rose held, but it was not uncommon for ponies of dissimilar interests to end up caring for each other. She didn't know what to think.




She stretched, and stood up, looking and noticing the sun had traveled quite a distance across the sky since she had laid down. The only conclusion she had made was that she could not choose, as of yet, between the two remaining ponies that might be her special somepony. All  she knew, was that she held both ponies' hearts in her hooves, and had to choose which to nurture, and which to crush. And she hated herself for it. 


She began to meander back the way she had came, not really looking at what lay around her, still lost in thought.


(OOC: 3,400 characters. Whew!)

Edited by Descant

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(OOC: Once again, I apologize for my absence. I will spare you all the long rant about problems irl preventing me from being here more. I'll try to post twice a day at minimum for the next couple days, and then (outside of Christmas) I should be able to post more using my mom's laptop.)


Moonbeam was utterly confused and horrified at the drama which played out before her. She looked up from the bottom of the cliff with her mouth agape and a nervous look on her face. Old tears still glimmered in her big, blue eyes


Finally, she went up to Firecracker and said, "Could you please tell everyone to meet at the beach later and then go there yourself? I'm going to go wait. I need to get away from all this."


Then she walked off into the jungle with her head hung low. She couldn't understand what had come over her friends, especially when they were faced with the threat of volcanic eruption.

  • Brohoof 1
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(OOC: When does my OC go to the beach after I get everyone to meet at the beach later? Also, where is everypony? It's just so I can keep track...)


     He was so traumatized about Spark, attempting suicide, he did shed at least one tear, He also almost forgot to notice a volcano, rumbling, almost ready to erupt.


     When Moonbeam asked Firecracker  to get everyone to meet up at the beach, then go down there himself, "Okay, I'll be able to do that." he responded to her. Then he went to find his friends, wherever they are.

Edited by Danger Dashie
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With no response from Scamps, Stacy prepared herself as she pushed herself back up. The shift moved her leg more and she held her breath to keep from yelling from the pain. When she was on her feet again she looked around to see if there was anything, but she didnt know what she was looking for. *Ok, i just have to somepony.* she thought having someone to lean on would be a good idea. Instead she sat down to think lightly rubbing her leg to try a massage the pain away. After a few minutes she realized that no one was coming and that she would have to endure the pain. So she got up and slowly made her way past the hot springs and to the cliff that Spark had atempted to jump off of, but found no one. Suddenly Stacy remembered something. She quickly made her way to the tree Scamps had picked her up from and kicked it as hard as possible. She feel back down, bitting her tounge so she wouldnt scream. *Please let this work!* her thoughts desperate.

"And with a sigh, she closed the old dusty book and set it gently back on its self. Wishing for a better day to come tomorrow. So that today can be forgotten and lost in the memories of that book..."

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/cadence-r2169 -Cadence (Little Hop)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/lila-fireheart-r2356 -Lila Fireheart: The queen of FallenMoon
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/flash-note-r5473 -Flash Note: Silent, sweet, and explosive....


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Bright Spark looked back at the cliff, not making eye contact. "look, i -i just need some time alone now. im just going to sit in springs and clear my mind." He turned to the available spring, and went to slightly relax and clear his mind of what had just happend.

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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Somber continued wincing in pain, as he laid back down on the leaf bed, thanks to Star's help. He looked over to her.


"Star... I can't help but feel... That all of this is my fault... Maybe... It was a bad idea... To even go on that stupid cruise... I would be safe.. And not fighting for my life every second... It's like... I'm just... A walking bomb of trouble..."

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"Somber... If you hadn't gone on that cruise...I would never have met you." She smiled and kissed him on the forehead. "Try to get some rest, I am going to go make something that we can carry you to the beach on. Try to get some rest." She stroked his cheek then trotted off into the jungle to look for something that she could use to carry Somber.

Something something something something


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Rose wandered through the forest, unthinking. She wasn't really paying attention to her nagging doubts, and was more focused on her surroundings. She wasn't even listening to the forest, trying to whisper to her. She just made her way, willy-nilly, back to the hot springs cliff. She was paying so little attention to where she was going she almost just walked over the cliff ledge. Dragging herself back up, the ledge, she made her way back to the tallest tree, and hopped into it, making her way back down as if it were a staircase. 


At the base of the tree, she made her way over to where she saw Star and Somber. "He's awake!" she exclaimed.

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Stacy was dissapointed when Rose walked pass her twice! She let out a sigh but didnt move. "Well i guess ive got nothing to do but sit here and think. And sleep." She said talking to herself to keep her mind occupied. She didnt know what to do so he gave up on trying to get help anymore. So she closed her eyes and sliped into a deep sleep.

"And with a sigh, she closed the old dusty book and set it gently back on its self. Wishing for a better day to come tomorrow. So that today can be forgotten and lost in the memories of that book..."

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/cadence-r2169 -Cadence (Little Hop)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/lila-fireheart-r2356 -Lila Fireheart: The queen of FallenMoon
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/flash-note-r5473 -Flash Note: Silent, sweet, and explosive....


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Now That He had found a place that he could stay in one position for more than 15 minutes in, Spark could clear his mind. While the spring was soothing physicly, it wasn't workin well mentally. It had now come to his attentin tha he didn't seem to make himself seem as if he had changed his mind, what with him avoiding everypony as if he had plans. He got up, and went back to scamps.

"just wait a minute i'm changing my style i AM going to talk. I didnt really say much to rose, but i sota' want to have a talk now...."

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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Somber nodded as Star left him. He then proceeded to close his eyes, immediately going to sleep. However, this sleep wasn't pleasant... He started dreaming...




"All right, you little runts! The list for today's job is up! You'll be paired with another of your rank today, so stay sharp!" The yelling came from a muscle bound pegasus, shades over his eyes. In front of him, a line of of small fillies and colts were eagerly waiting to be released. The one at the far end, was a much younger Somber, shaking from his nervousness. Somber was the weakest of the entire squad. He could never finish the job, no matter how small or easy it was. The coach (the one in shades) would yell at him from the top of his lungs, insulting him, always causing Somber to start tearing. He couldn't help to. And every time that the coach mentioned that he would talk with his parents about kicking him out, Somber would bust out with more of the waterworks. He had no parents... He was forced to live in a small warehouse, his friends being the rats taking nest inside. And now, Somber was here, waiting for his next assignment to screw up...


The list wasn't hard to find, as the group stared at it, some crying out in joy, while others were groaning. Somber only stared at his job:


Cloud Clearing high above Ponyville: Wing Span, Somber Tones


The other pony, Wing Span, was the one out of the entire group that was extremely pessimistic about the job. He turned over to Somber, an annoyed tone and scornful glance coming from Wing.


"Great! I'm stuck with the weakest, and scarediest pony! Coach, can I PLEASE be with another group?! Somber can't even buck a regular nimbus cloud without bursting into tears and flying off!"


The coach only stared at Wing Span, his voice being a bit less stern.


"Wing Span, I'm tired of your whining and complaining about your partner placings. If you want to complain about this, go ahead. But if I or one of your fellow pegasi here catch it, you're losing your free break for the next two weeks. Got it?" He took off his shades, piercing red eyes staring right into Wing's.


Wing couldn't help but droop a little. "Fine....", he said, flying to Somber, getting into his face when the coach wasn't looking.


"Look, you're not going to slow me down one bit. Heck, I'll do all of your work! You're not going to mess this up for me. Got it, Sunmane?"


As much as Somber hated being called Sunmane, he nodded, looking to the clouds. Their targets were all in one pack, except for one cloud off to the side. Wing Span caught sight of this, then looked to Somber.


"Perfect. I'll take that crowd of clouds, and you handle this flimsy nimbus here.", he directed as he flew to his area. Somber took to his, immediately getting a few hits on it. The cloud didn't budge at all. Somber tried to buck it some more with all of his strength in his backhooves. But the cloud wasn't giving way at all. It wasn't even long enough to where the cloud was immediately pushed away by the wind. The coach had immediately caught sight of this and flew over to Somber, grabbing his hoof and dragging him away to his office. The other students started to point and laugh at him before the door to the coach's office was slammed. The coach had sat down at his desk, glaring at Somber.


"Somber Tones, I am sick and tired of this. I don't care who or what will prevent me from doing this. You are expelled from Junior Speedster Flight Camp."


Once Somber had heard those words, he busted out of the door, flying away from the camp. He flew past his warehouse home, past Cloudsdale... He found a small cloud that was big enough for a colt like him, and he sobbed. His heart was breaking for every tear that fell from his eyes. He wanted to end his life... No pony cared about him... So, he was getting up, but then, a powerful wind had knocked him off the cloud, sending him plummeting towards the ground. Below him, all he could see was just ocean. Nothing else... He crashed into the surface of the water. Later, he was found ashore along Ponyville... That was all he could remember... But then, the worst happened... The dream kept repeating and repeating and repeating... It never stopped... On the outside, Somber kept thrashing about in his sleep. "No.... nonono....Nononono!"






Somber awoke, to a cold sweat, and his eyes full of tears. Was he... Crying? He was panting fast, looking around. He was still in the jungle, next to the hot springs. The mist from the waterfall was moistening his face.  



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Firecracker went to the springs first, most like to find some ponies there, he saw Somber lying right next to the spring, recovering from his injury. From the look on Somber's face, he looked sad, possibly crying... Firecracker couldn't help but cry, not out here, but in his head of course!

"Hey Somb, You know were going to meet up at the beach later? Also, hope you get better." he called out to him.

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After a few minutes of searching, Star trotted back to the springs with several strong vines and a few pieces of wood. "Now we can use these to get you back to the... Beach... Are you ok Somber." Star asked, Noticing the tears on his face as she sat down next to him.

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Somber was still trying to comprehend what had happened... Until Star came by and sat next to him.


"I... I just had a nightmare of my past... How I fell out of the sky... And it kept repeating... Over and over..."


He put his hooves up to his eyes, laying back down on the leaf bed, breathing heavily. He didn't want to set off waterworks again...


"This trip... It's just like my past... I fall into the ocean... Nearly drowned... washing up on unfamiliar land...."

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"Only... Instead of being stuck in the unfamiliar land... We are going to be able to get back home. Its all over now, We will get home" She said, Putting her hoof on his shoulder. "Now... I made a kinda sling thing...You can lay in it and I will be able to carry you too the beach... Hopefully." She smiled, Holding up the sling made out of vines and leafs.

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"How... Am I supposed to go home... When I have no home? I had to live with rats in a abandoned warehouse... I never grew up with parents... No one to say "Great job" if I did something right... No one to cheer me up if I messed up horribly... I never had that feeling... No one cared about me... Not even when I was kicked out of Flight Camp... My life has been one shitstorm after the other..."


Somber turned over on his back.


"How is escaping from this island going to change anything?"

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After confirming that both Star and Somber will meet up later, he pretty much knew that everypony was going to be there, he decided to go through the trees and bushes, to the beach, where he promised to meet Moonbeam at once he was done.


Staletate and Tailgate, while Spark was having his trouble, they were exploring in the forest for no reason, when they got to Dew's intact body... "Wait a minute, we forgot about that zebra!" "Well, why didn't you hide it sooner?" "I just forgot, okay?" They then carried Dew's body to the village, where they dumped him in a nearby trashcan without being seen. "Well, that takes care of that." Staletate said. They suddenly heard a volcano rumbling...

Edited by Danger Dashie
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Scamps began to walk to the beach with everypony else, nuding Airy to wake up. She began carrying him, as he still didn't have a replacement wheelchair. And she had no idea how to get him to fly again....


She looked down at Airy as tears began streaming down her face. "I'm sorry, Airy. We shouldn't have left Greenleaf's hut, then maybe you would have a wheelchair, maybe you would be able to fly. I took away any chance of your recovery....."

<p>MY OCS (So I never have to post a link again)Windy Scamper-Leafdew-Slide Grease-Silent Dance-MacHayver


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Moonbeam finally reached the beach, laying down in the sand so that the tide washed over her tail carelessly. She sigh, writing small words in the sand and thinking about everything that had happened. She looked up at the sea occasionally and her ears perked up at even the slightest sound. She was hoping a ship would cross the horizon soon so that she and her friends could be rescued from this island, on which they had faced so much trouble and suffering. Still, she was glad she was able to realize her feelings for Firecracker here.


"I hope everything is alright," she thought. Then she heard a low rumbling come from beneath the island. "Oh no!" She exclaimed, and she started to assemble a raft with whatever she could find, just in case this sound meant that the volcano would blow before a ship came by.

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Stacy awoke from the ground beneth her shaking. She quickly got to her feet forgeting about her leg, she yelled at the pain. After the stabbing in her leg stopped she prepared herself and started her way down. When she got to the springs she saw Star, Somber, and Rose. Quickly making er way to them paniting she asked, "Guys, whats...going on? The ground was just shaking, and wheres everyone else?" Stacy sat down and held her leg close to her body, looking between the trio as she did.

"And with a sigh, she closed the old dusty book and set it gently back on its self. Wishing for a better day to come tomorrow. So that today can be forgotten and lost in the memories of that book..."

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/cadence-r2169 -Cadence (Little Hop)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/lila-fireheart-r2356 -Lila Fireheart: The queen of FallenMoon
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/flash-note-r5473 -Flash Note: Silent, sweet, and explosive....


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Rose smiled at the recovered Somber. He did look like he was in a decent amount of pain, but considering what he'd been through, it was to be expected that he wouldn't exactly be comfortable. She looked around, and saw Firecracker standing around, and Stacy getting out of the pool. She ran towards where she stood near Star and Somber, and was holding her leg up close to her body. And suddenly, the ground started shaking. Rose, now very worried, responded, "I don't know! Stacy, what happened to your leg?" She knelt to take a closer look.

Edited by Descant

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"Somber... I will say 'Great Job' when you do something right, I will cheer you up when you make a mistake, I care about you... I care about you allot... And Why didn't you say you didn't have a place to stay earlier... I would be overjoyed if you were to move in with Diamond and I." She said, Laying the sling out on the ground and looking into his eyes.

Then She felt the ground shake. "We need to get you to the beach." She said.

Edited by ~Flame Dancer~

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"Yeah, but--" Somber's little backtalk was interrupted when he could feel the ground beginning to shake. He immediately got to his feet, ignoring the pain that he just gave himself, and climbed into the odd sling.


"I'll explain it more... Once we get to the beach... I have a feeling that this volcano is getting closer to... Let's just hurry."

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Stacy looked down at her leg. "I think i broke it earlier. It hurts a lot, i dont think i can straighten it." She said trying to move it but immediately pulled it back as the pain shot up her leg again. Stacy looked at Rose with worry in her eyes, "What am i supposed to do?"

"And with a sigh, she closed the old dusty book and set it gently back on its self. Wishing for a better day to come tomorrow. So that today can be forgotten and lost in the memories of that book..."

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/cadence-r2169 -Cadence (Little Hop)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/lila-fireheart-r2356 -Lila Fireheart: The queen of FallenMoon
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/flash-note-r5473 -Flash Note: Silent, sweet, and explosive....


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"Stacy... Rose or I can take a look at your leg once we get to the beach. Rose do you think you will be able to carry her ?" Star asked, Putting part of the sling around her neck and getting ready to jump into the air. *This is really gonna hurt my wing." She thought.

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