Party Cannon 876 December 3, 2012 Share December 3, 2012 (Please if you can forgive this somewhat mocking topic, for it does bear validity) I have noticed that if someone voices a dislike, whether it be as violently strong as wishes for death to it to the petty degree that it just simply doesn't tickle your fancy, people go "AaAaAaAaAaAaA!" It's a forum, a place for thought swap. There will be people who love something, and some who despise the very same thing, along with all the different degrees and affections in between. It is simply puzzling that there are multiple topics on "Why does everyone hate (blah blah)?" Does this concept really warrant a topic? (sigh) I guess... I can answer all of those topic right now (watch this): BECAUSE SOME PEOPLE LIKE (blah blah), AND SOME PEOPLE DON'T! 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Champion RD92 8,658 December 3, 2012 Share December 3, 2012 (edited) Hating something doesn't give people the right to wish death on others... People have the right to an opinion, but sometimes the hating goes too far. Edited December 3, 2012 by Champion RD92 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Party Cannon 876 December 3, 2012 Author Share December 3, 2012 (edited) Hating something doesn't give people the right to wish death on others... People have the right to an opinion, but sometimes the hating goes too far. Absolutely, things can get too far. However, we are dealing with imaginary fictional characters, yes? There are no death threats to actual people, yes? I completely agree that when the latter occurs it is despicable, yet the latter very rarely happens. I have said (too many times) that I don't like any extremism. On that same token, counter-extremist measures are extreme. To literally hate a hater makes one a hater themselves. You know what I mean? Edited December 3, 2012 by Party Cannon Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AegisReflector 886 December 3, 2012 Share December 3, 2012 I think it's because as humans, we like to just rant on things that seem very insignificant or stupid to us that we can't just hold at all inside. It gets more of a rise out of people to post why they dislike things rather than why they like it, at least that's what I see. Especially in everyday college life. People on the phones just love to badmouth people behind their back or just love the drama of hating things without no rhyme or reason. >.> 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SrFrog 927 December 3, 2012 Share December 3, 2012 (edited) The main problem I see with hating, is that it goes against some of the attributes that people have placed on the fandom. How everyone is worth of praise, but not criticism? the notion seems childish and detrimental. That train of thought is just helping to build a false sense of security that doesn't exist in the real world, and we all know that life in unforgiving. Edited December 3, 2012 by SrFrog 1 "Never give no manipulative bitch the benefit of the doubt" - Compa's grandpa... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Party Cannon 876 December 3, 2012 Author Share December 3, 2012 I think it's because as humans, we like to just rant on things that seem very insignificant or stupid to us that we can't just hold at all inside. It gets more of a rise out of people to post why they dislike things rather than why they like it, at least that's what I see. Especially in everyday college life. People on the phones just love to badmouth people behind their back or just love the drama of hating things without no rhyme or reason. >.> Insightful indeed. I guess to further flesh out this conundrum, I am asserting that words lately have somewhat contorted in meaning, or at least their use. This topic is more of a focus on the use of the word "hating" than the actual idea itself. "Hating" on this forum has become any show of dislike towards something another likes. Originally, "Hating" was only reserved for severe dislike and disgust. It has transcended from exaggeration to frankly the misuse of the word. Too bad there is no forum council where we agree on what certain words' current meanings are. It has practically gotten to that point. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sarajevo 124 December 3, 2012 Share December 3, 2012 Absolutely, things can get too far. However, we are dealing with imaginary fictional characters, yes? There are no death threats to actual people, yes? I completely agree that when the latter occurs it is despicable, yet the latter very rarely happens. I have said (too many times) that I don't like any extremism. On that same token, counter-extremist measures are extreme. To literally hate a hater makes one a hater themselves. You know what I mean? Haha very true, it's a paradox in itself I haven't seen any hating myself here but then again I haven't been on here long enough to make a judgment... 1 Special Special thanks to Gone ϟ Airbourne for the sig!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Alex Kennedy 1,228 December 3, 2012 Share December 3, 2012 There's a difference between not liking something and actively expressing your hate for it without any legitimate provocation. The latter is what people complain about because it is often unfair and potentially hurtful. 2 Real men don't need signatures... or legitimate usernames. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Clarity 3,094 December 3, 2012 Share December 3, 2012 There's a difference between not liking something and actively expressing your hate for it without any legitimate provocation. The latter is what people complain about because it is often unfair and potentially hurtful. This. In my opinion, hate is an extremely strong word and shouldn't be used as casually as "I hate this thing, I hope it dies forever" or anything similar. I'm not saying that the word should be taboo, but it really shouldn't be overused. Anyway. I haven't seen anything "hating on haters" on these forums.. but I noticed that the title of your topic seems, as well, to be "hating" on "hating on haters." These people who make topics like this are probably just asking why most people dislike this or that character. Maybe some people overreact if, for example, someone hates on AJ, I would probably get real annoyed. But I don't hate on these people if they have a (reasonable) reason. Everyone should try not to hate on haters, or make the assumption that everyone hates on this particular character. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Starshine 16,335 December 3, 2012 Share December 3, 2012 (edited) Implying every brony hates all the haters and vice versa Anyway, it's not that we hate the haters because they hate FiM, we hate the haters who act like a dick about it. Just like rabid bronies who never stop promoting ponies everywhere, some less-than-bright haters couldn't really understand the concept of modesty and assume every bronies are retards, and thus should be trash-talked on sight. Some of the bronies are also weird, they simply expect those who says "I don't really like FiM, it's not that good" as rabid haters. You can't really blame the haters for being so disgusted at us. Edited December 3, 2012 by Twinkleshine Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Party Cannon 876 December 3, 2012 Author Share December 3, 2012 Hm. I obviously do not know for a fact but I assume some fellow members here skimmed the topic and most of its content, thus kinda Gung-Ho posted. That I suppose is fair. It's a bit disappointing, but oh well. The Topic: The topic's title is by design ironic and mocking. If some did not pick up on this (sorry ) and took it in the literal sense, then I apologize that I did not make it clear. I guess I was hoping for too much for all to understand the context. My fault. Spark Notes: For those who do not like to read all of the comments: I do not support "haters." This topic lampooned those who take "haters" seriously/"jump the gun" on calling one a hater (whatever it really means) Comments were made about the paradox of hating haters (in the name of ponies) The term "hating" is misused in an exaggerating manner I am sincerely happy for those who have not seen "anything" at all on the forums about "hating," or its overuse, or its dabbling in the hypocrisy, or its polarization. (Here is the not so sincere part) I and perhaps those who agree with my sentiment are glad they are figments of our imagination, if that is indeed what the said some propose. (back to sincere) Well, I tried to make a lampooning topic. A brony social satire if you will. Some got it (yay) and some not some much (aw). I hope no one was offended, as that is never my intention. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PonyEcho 1,610 December 3, 2012 Share December 3, 2012 I think it because bronies mistake a negative opinion for hate. and when people get bashed with hateful comments they themselves start to hate. e.g. I expressed my negative opinion on Derpy and explain why i complained about her in the last round up, I got such vial comments and even death threat from this, so now when ever i see bronie get all self righteous and say that all those people who complained about Derpy are just ignorant parent who have no right to say whats good for there kids and should even have an opinion, ticks me off. 1 my DA check my stuff out the Anime Club plz join us Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bronium 512 December 3, 2012 Share December 3, 2012 Well, as I remember, people like to hate. It's a thing. And that goes for hating people who hate. Really, it's the vicious vicious cycle that will never end. It'll be end of us all. I mean, we'd all die first, but I'm sure hate will come into it somehow. 2 This one is a tad less creepy. Wouldn't you agree? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TailsIsNotAlone 3,695 December 4, 2012 Share December 4, 2012 Is that the new trend? Hating on haters? If so, I'm not part of it. I let them have their opinions and move on. Besides, if we do hate on hating, there's always a danger that we'll spark yet another trend... Hating on hating on hating. "Human beings fascinate me Being just the way they are..." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jghx5 33 December 4, 2012 Share December 4, 2012 People have opinion. They just like to share them with people they can trust (like here) and see what feedback they can get. They just may like to know there not the only person who likes or dislike X subject, topic, or thing. Sometimes there can be over amount of the subject but you can alway just not click on it and read the topic below it about some other random thing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Creamy Arty 6,252 December 4, 2012 Share December 4, 2012 You can insult some people all day and get no reaction from them, but insult something they love and you'll have a fight on your hands. That's how people are. And the more of a personal connection they have to that thing the more personally they'll take any derision of it. If they looked at it a bit more rationally and saw it for what it was, a statement of opinion rather than an insult to any who feels differently, this wouldn't happen so much. But asking some people to be rational is asking way too much. On the other hand, if somebody feels a certain way about a character, an episode, or whatever, and in his post starts to throw insults directly at anybody who might think otherwise, then it's reasonable for the slighted people to say something in their defense. There are certain boundaries of decency they need to follow when doing that, but keep in mind that you're dealing with humans; not all of them will think long on what they want to say before saying it. Kyoshi made this ^^ Come join us on on Fridays at 6 PM Eastern for our weekly movie nights! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
I used to be a stranger 7,994 December 4, 2012 Share December 4, 2012 "In case you hadn't realized, It has somehow become uncool to sound like you know what you're talking about? Or believe strongly in what you're, like, saying? Our words have been infected by this tragically hip and totally cool interogative tone? As if to say "Don't think I'm a nerd 'cause I've realized this, okay? I have nothing personally invested in my own opinions, I'm just inviting you to join into the bandwagon of my own uncertainty? Declarative sentences, so-called because they used to, like, declare things to be true, okay? As compared to other things, that are like, totally, you know... not? What has happened to our conviction? Where are the limbs out on which we once walked? Have they been chopped down with the rest of the rainforest? You know? Or do we have like nothing to say? Has society become so filled with these conflicting feelings of meh that we've become the most AGGRESSIVELY INARTICULATE GENERATION TO COME ALONG SINCE, YOU KNOW, A LONG TIME AGO!! So I implore you; I entreat you, and I challenge you; To speak with conviction. To say what you believe in a manner that bespeaks the deterination with which you believe it. Because contrary to the wisdom of the bumper sticker, It is not enough these days to simply question authority. You have to speak using authority, too." -Taylor Mali Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dusty Soul 2,612 December 5, 2012 Share December 5, 2012 When someone has a different opinion then someone else, people take it that that one difference is the only thing that matters. It's just the way people are. Soundcloud-------------------Facebook---------------------------Youtube Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shanks 10,816 December 7, 2012 Share December 7, 2012 To me "hating" or being a hater is when you can't accept that someone may like something that is not your thing and you unfairly judge them for it or worse yet when you don't even give the thing in question a chance yet still jump on people who like it which is what most hard core haters of MLP are. I try not to hate haters too much simply because it is a waste of time, I say let them waste their time and energy on hating while we save that energy to enjoy MLP maybe rewatch an episode or two we like, enjoy a new episode or read a fanfic or look at fan art or watch a parody on youtube. Rarity Get's Cockroaches Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Twilight Circuits 603 December 7, 2012 Share December 7, 2012 I think it because bronies mistake a negative opinion for hate. and when people get bashed with hateful comments they themselves start to hate. e.g. I expressed my negative opinion on Derpy and explain why i complained about her in the last round up, I got such vial comments and even death threat from this, so now when ever i see bronie get all self righteous and say that all those people who complained about Derpy are just ignorant parent who have no right to say whats good for there kids and should even have an opinion, ticks me off. The reason you got so many threats is because you took away the symbolic meaning of love and tolerance, and therefore, everyone gave you hate and intolerance. Derpy was a character people LOVED and the show reflected that despite a pony's short comings, you can still love someone enough to tolerate things they don't know they do or why. So realistically, it's you that brought the lack of love back to yourself by taking love away from everyone else. Thus a pony, darketh the earth. But it is also why I still know how to forggive you despite the anger and resentment you hold on to about yourself because i can't do anything else. 1 For I have saved your soul in the heavens, and now save it on the ground. - TwilighCelunaCircuits Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PonyEcho 1,610 December 7, 2012 Share December 7, 2012 The reason you got so many threats is because you took away the symbolic meaning of love and tolerance, and therefore, everyone gave you hate and intolerance. Derpy was a character people LOVED and the show reflected that despite a pony's short comings, you can still love someone enough to tolerate things they don't know they do or why. So realistically, it's you that brought the lack of love back to yourself by taking love away from everyone else. Thus a pony, darketh the earth. But it is also why I still know how to forggive you despite the anger and resentment you hold on to about yourself because i can't do anything else. and once again somepony comes into it without looking at the other side of the situation. I loved the character of Ditzy Doo, like myself she had a lazy eye..... then Bronies decided to call her Derpy, now derp is slang for stupid which some children (tho i can only speak for my self) were constantly called and bullied because of our condition (fun fact its not a handicap or a disability) you say she was a character loved, more a character bullied by bronies and now she has changed she's hated for it. that my opinion, i complained because of the use of the word derpy and RD's attitude. yet even after explaining that I got told to kill myself, threatened, and flat out abused and banned by mod for it. but those wounds heal despite bronies trying to act like there the victims. there more then one story about Ditzy Do yet bronies only look at the one that make them feel justified. 1 my DA check my stuff out the Anime Club plz join us Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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