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request shop Win-Win Requests

H.P. Lance

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(TL;DR: Request for a pony-related short story or a poem about anything!)


Recently, due to the wonders of technological failings, I have completely lost the vast majority of my creative works. Even back-ups have forsaken me and, in a cruel coincidence, several separate hardwares came apart in a very short space of time, giving me no chance to recover anything. And now, I suddenly find myself with very little confidence and motivation.


This is why I want you guys to request me to create once again. The nature of these requests can be absolutely anything involving the written word. If I were a pony, I feel sure that my cutie mark would be a pen scribbling words and ideas upon a piece of paper - I need you to help me live up to that again! Hence the title of this thread, where your request is fulfilled and my confidence restored.

Below are just a couple of guidelines:


If you wish for me to write a short story, I ask that you keep it pony-related. But I'd love to take on your OC as a character, and you can of course ask me to also include any number of the Mane 6 and other canon characters. Give me the necessary info and it will be done! If you have a specific plot set out in mind, summarise it and I'll do my best to weave an engrossing tale, or you could just throw a few ponies my way and request a story of my own devising. How much control you give me is entirely up to you; want me to enrich your OC's backstory? A fanfic where Fluttershy has to venture alone into a volcano? Spike wearing a sombrero all day for a reason only I could invent? You decide who holds the reins.


Shipping is allowed - just ask for it in your request! But short stories will be no longer than 4,000 words, so please try not to outline an epic.


With regard to poetry, I can be more flexible. If you wish for me to address a personal issue or particularly powerful opinion, then that's absolutely fine. Even better, you can ask me to dedicate a poem or story to a close companion on this site or indeed anyone else in your life. If they're a member of this forum, you may want to PM me your request instead - that way they'll have no idea until you spring it as a surprise!


When it's done, I'll PM you and unless you specifically ask me not to, I will publish the finished project into Octavia's Hall.


Finally, if you wish to take a look at some of my work to see if my style is for you, you can view an extract of the book I'm currently writing (in which completed chapters were luckily already uploaded before I lost everything); just check out the link in my signature. It's a Sonic fanfic, so may not be for everyone, but it should give you an insight into my style of penmanship.

I apologise for not being able to offer any examples of my poetry, but sadly every last piece is gone and I truly feel that just trying to recreate one from memory (which would certainly not be the exactly the same as the original) would be an insult to the entire art.


Over to you, fellow ponies.




Yeah, this image isn't mine.

Edited by Hiddenpairer
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so you write is what im seeing in this? or is it any request involving writing, poetry or art? caus eif so i could ask of somrthing.

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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So you will write what I request, eh? Okay, I'd like for you to write a short story about my two OCs. Their information can be found down below in my signature. The plot is that they are exploring ancient ruins. You have some creative freedom as to what happens in the ruins, but you cannot allow them to die. Please try not to make them act out of character. I suggest you read about them both to fully understand them. Good luck. If you have any questions, please do not be afraid to ask.


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Being me, I am obsessed with all things poetic.  


I am curious to see what your style of poetry is.



As for a request, I am asking you to read one of my poems, a rather long one, that may be considered prose.

And then, I iwould like to see what you take out of it, put it in a shorter version consisting of your own words.


The poem can be found in the link below.



I also give my deepest sincerity for the loss of your written works.


I would not be myself anymore if I had lost all my poetry.

Edited by TheBronyHeart


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so you write is what im seeing in this? or is it any request involving writing, poetry or art? caus eif so i could ask of somrthing.


Absolutely, I tried to make it as clear as possible that this is a request thread for the linguistic enthusiasts like myself (though not the art of drawing; I'm terrible at that) - ask away, I'd love to take on your request. I need to get some motivation back in my hooves!


So you will write what I request, eh? Okay, I'd like for you to write a short story about my two OCs. Their information can be found down below in my signature. The plot is that they are exploring ancient ruins. You have some creative freedom as to what happens in the ruins, but you cannot allow them to die. Please try not to make them act out of character. I suggest you read about them both to fully understand them. Good luck. If you have any questions, please do not be afraid to ask.

It will be done. Don't worry, I fully intend to get into the minds of your OCs before I pen a single word. A few ideas are swirling around...not sure how long this (and everypony else's) request will take to complete, but I hope the finished project will be well worth it, regardless of how long you had to wait on me.


As for a request, I am asking you to read one of my poems, a rather long one, that may be considered prose. And then, I iwould like to see what you take out of it, put it in a shorter version consisting of your own words.


This is an idea of genius; seeing how I interpret your work will certainly give you an insight into how my own mind works.

And thank you for the condolences - the first few days after everything sunk in, I just felt numb. Things are slightly better now, though, since the opportunity to make others happy is without doubt a boost. :lol:


If you have any questions, please do not be afraid to ask.


In fact, yes, I do have a couple of questions. You have clearly explained how Lapis Lazuli and Asteria first met and their individual characteristics, but I'd like to have a little more knowledge about their actual relationship and friendship. I'm assuming that you would like your two OCs to be the only ponies in the story, so they're going to be talking a fair amount. A bit more to go on with regard to their behaviour around each other would help me to ensure that they don't get out of character.


Does Lapis scold Asteria when she makes mistakes? Or is he always empathetic and gentle towards her no matter the situation? Is he protective of her?

Likewise, does Asteria always respect Lapis and believe in his greater knowledge, or is she self-assertive and not afraid to challenge his opinion? Is she headstrong in dangerous situations, or does she rely on Lapis to get them out safely?


Finally, I'm guessing that Asteria calls Lapis Lazuli simply 'Lapis', but I'd like to make sure.   

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Does Lapis scold Asteria when she makes mistakes?
Yes, but he tries not to yell or to be too harsh.
Is he protective of her?
He treats her like a little sister.
Likewise, does Asteria always respect Lapis and believe in his greater knowledge, or is she self-assertive and not afraid to challenge his opinion?
She's rather carefree and leaves things up to Lapis. If Lapis says he knows what to do, Asteria will follow along unless Lapis is clearly wrong. From time to time he is, and Asteria is always ready to correct him.
Is she headstrong in dangerous situations, or does she rely on Lapis to get them out safely?
Well, in case of emergencies, she can teleport the both of them away, but she seldom does that since it uses a lot of her energy. So Lapis Lazuli has to get them out of tough spots most of the time. Asteria defers to Lapis when things get dangerous.
Finally, I'm guessing that Asteria calls Lapis Lazuli simply 'Lapis', but I'd like to make sure.   
Yes, that is true.


One thing. Asteria can only teleport back to her home town, as detailed on her page. Beyond that, she can cast a weak fireball spell, and perform mostly defensive spells like a small bubble shield.


Here is an example of their interactions just to be sure.



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TheBronyHeart's request is complete! Finally I have a piece of poetry available to view - check out 'Planar Cycle' in Octavia's hall if you're interested in putting in a request for a poem but want to see an example of my style first.  

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