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searching Equestrian Civil War (OOC)


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Why is there going to be a battle in Ponyville? Lunar forces have pulled all the way back to the southern most river and only hold about 3 miles north of Sweet Apple Acres and then everything south. That leaves 3\4 of ponyville left to the Solars. Luna and I decided the fight for ponyville was an emotional one and holding ponyville Vs Baltimare of Filly was far less important.

When you're not busy and you find the time, could you please give Golden Age some orders?



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Ponyville is kind of the center point of the war its under SE control but NLR has been putting pressure on it from there advantage at dragons peak and there control over the every free forest (also for anyone RP Fluttershy, that's her forest and she can tame the creatures there if she has the courage to).


so most of the battle and conflict will be over that vantage point (note ponyville get taken NLR have and base to stick attack on canterlot )


but that just the idea at the mean time MetaKnights orders, if he wants to attack another place he can either way Whirlwind has been hired to remove Steel Eye from the battle and that gonna happen, if he's already out the 2000 gold given and my last two post were for nothing. 




hmmm well...... if its automail or anything like that i'm calling hax 

I really think at this point the best thing for me to do is just to bow out. Your worried about wasting your two little posts when Luna and I have spent several posts setting up our plan. Its not our fault you didn't read the Rp and see what had happened. POnyville serves no advantage at all other then for Solars and we have them blocked off at Sweet Apple acres. Its just more of a head ache to go back and argue points. Frankly I'm exhausted answering question and commenting on stuff thats already been played out in the Rp.

To prevent this from going further I'm gonna go. I have 3 VA projects I'm working on and two other Rp's. I didn;t want to admit it to myself because I poured a lot of thought into this Rp but I think the ones who have left were right to do it.


Have fun. General Applejack is now open.


Obsidian Winter

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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Obsidian, if you really are backing out just know that taking applejack out will put the RP at stand still...Please think this through. Well that's all I have to say for now.

As men judge generally more by the eye than by the hand, because it belongs to everybody to see you, to few to come in touch with you. Every one sees what you appear to be, few really know what you are, and those few dare not oppose themselves to the opinion of the many

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I really think at this point the best thing for me to do is just to bow out. Your worried about wasting your two little posts when Luna and I have spent several posts setting up our plan. Its not our fault you didn't read the Rp and see what had happened. POnyville serves no advantage at all other then for Solars and we have them blocked off at Sweet Apple acres. Its just more of a head ache to go back and argue points. Frankly I'm exhausted answering question and commenting on stuff thats already been played out in the Rp.

To prevent this from going further I'm gonna go. I have 3 VA projects I'm working on and two other Rp's. I didn;t want to admit it to myself because I poured a lot of thought into this Rp but I think the ones who have left were right to do it.


Have fun. General Applejack is now open.


Obsidian Winter

fine you free to leave if you wish, but you whining over a the fact that there may be a battle in ponyville, from what i'm awear of it Meta knights choice and i can be any wear there are multiple stronghold all over Equestria.

i've just got out of surgery and all i get is you harping on me.  

Edited by PonyEcho

my DA http://heavyecho.deviantart.com/ check my stuff out

the Anime Club http://mlpforums.com/topic/48196-the-anime-club/ plz join us

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I really think at this point the best thing for me to do is just to bow out. Your worried about wasting your two little posts when Luna and I have spent several posts setting up our plan. Its not our fault you didn't read the Rp and see what had happened. POnyville serves no advantage at all other then for Solars and we have them blocked off at Sweet Apple acres. Its just more of a head ache to go back and argue points. Frankly I'm exhausted answering question and commenting on stuff thats already been played out in the Rp.

To prevent this from going further I'm gonna go. I have 3 VA projects I'm working on and two other Rp's. I didn;t want to admit it to myself because I poured a lot of thought into this Rp but I think the ones who have left were right to do it.


Have fun. General Applejack is now open.


Obsidian Winter

Nooo!!!! Don't go!!!

You were an awesome AJ, and a great contributer to the RP!


Also, by VA, do you mean voice acting?

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@PonyEcho : Please just stop for the love of Celestia. I have walked in here for like, three days straight now and all I see is my side being nerfed, even in opposite directions! Want to make a plot arc? Lolnope. Want to use LIGHTER FLUID to try and burn your enemies? Tryagainandpayanotherfiftybucks. Want to try and make some amends for overstepping boundaries? Nope. Your forces are now magically restored, and I forgot to mention, your character who is still alive is no longer allowed in.


If you are going to say another thing here, I am BEGGING YOU. Speak with Metaknight or Berryzoid! first!

  • Brohoof 1


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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@PonyEcho : Please just stop for the love of Celestia. I have walked in here for like, three days straight now and all I see is my side being nerfed, even in opposite directions! Want to make a plot arc? Lolnope. Want to use LIGHTER FLUID to try and burn your enemies? Tryagainandpayanotherfiftybucks. Want to try and make some amends for overstepping boundaries? Nope. Your forces are now magically restored, and I forgot to mention, your character who is still alive is no longer allowed in.


If you are going to say another thing here, I am BEGGING YOU. Speak with Metaknight or Berryzoid! first!

Same here I had dinner and now come back to see arguments up. Shame that someone has left D:

Btw Higurashi if there is anything I can do to get into the rp, just say so since I am on the Solar Empire. :)

Edited by Vedana Purity

My Main OC (Vedana Purity): http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/vedana-purity-r2096

My second OC (Orange lightning): http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/orange-lightening-r2158


"One must let go of the painful past in order to achieve positive progress." ~ Vedanā Purity quote on life.


"Hey, hey, hey sweet pea. They don't call me 'The most hardcore flyer in Equestria' for nothing you know. Besides, someone has got to deal with the pesky Thunder and Lightning clouds!" ~ Orange Lightning quote to random mare.

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@PonyEcho : Please just stop for the love of Celestia. I have walked in here for like, three days straight now and all I see is my side being nerfed, even in opposite directions! Want to make a plot arc? Lolnope. Want to use LIGHTER FLUID to try and burn your enemies? Tryagainandpayanotherfiftybucks. Want to try and make some amends for overstepping boundaries? Nope. Your forces are now magically restored, and I forgot to mention, your character who is still alive is no longer allowed in.


If you are going to say another thing here, I am BEGGING YOU. Speak with Metaknight or Berryzoid! first!

i did that because that kinda of tide turner at the very start of a war seems unfair, especially using it against a civilian settlement like appalosa


hell i didn't even do much other then remove a powerful weapon (for now) the SE is capable of far greater advance's but you chose the cheap and easy that why people called BS and i removed it.


and you're the one who removed you're OC leg , do you thin a general can fight in a war with 3 legs, (unless Steel eye will be sitting on the side line in which case i greatly apologies.

and you forces are not magically restored just the numbers were wrong:p


now i'm trying to remain a neutral DM and all i'm getting is shit from both sides. which after just getting back from surgery is not helping.


if you want to do something BIG run it buy the DMs  

Edited by PonyEcho

my DA http://heavyecho.deviantart.com/ check my stuff out

the Anime Club http://mlpforums.com/topic/48196-the-anime-club/ plz join us

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What is this argument even about! I mean, who's taking what side and what means neutral, and how is there even a 'neutral' side, as you call it, in a two-sided argument. There is no middle in an argument between two.


What is a DM anyway? I've never one who's enjoyed being in charge, as far as I can tell from the meaning of DM. All I do is roleplay.

Edited by The Alicorn Amulet
  • Brohoof 2

Signature made by me!

Here's a list of my old names so you all remember me, old to new. Strawberries Yum/The Opal Family/The Opals/Luna Opal/Bumble Berry/Rainbow Jack/Colgate Revolution/Bad Seed/Bad Apple/The Alicorn Amulet/Opalicious/Doctor Who/The Tenth Doctor. I can't believe how long I've been here :')

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Nooo!!!! Don't go!!! You were an awesome AJ, and a great contributer to the RP! Also, by VA, do you mean voice acting?

Yes I do. One reason I play a good AJ is because I love her so much and I do some Voice Acting for her.

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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:/ i'm stepping down from DM since i don't think i deserve it and but i would still like to be in the rp if that ok (if not, then i'm ok with that)

i apologies for my actions against Higurashi. 


how i would like it to remain the MetaKnight be the only other DM



my DA http://heavyecho.deviantart.com/ check my stuff out

the Anime Club http://mlpforums.com/topic/48196-the-anime-club/ plz join us

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Okay everypony. Lets just calm down. Maybe things got a little out of hand and everypony just needed to take a step back. PonyEcho and I have been talking in PM's and working things out. I think the Rp can be saved and we can wrap up all the confusion so everyone hang tight. I need to eat and do some chorses but I'll be back.

  • Brohoof 1

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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Hi guys, I just came back from a basketball game and- OH MY BUCK.

I'm gonna put on my judge wig now. BRB.

HAHAHA where have you been? shit hit the fan while you were gone.


anywayz it kinda resolved (well me and obsidian are now friends) but still put that wig on and send me a picture  

Edited by PonyEcho

my DA http://heavyecho.deviantart.com/ check my stuff out

the Anime Club http://mlpforums.com/topic/48196-the-anime-club/ plz join us

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Well first PonyEcho and I were all like "grrrrrrr" but then I was like "Oh no you didn't!" and then he was like "Oh yes I did!" And I was all like "Well screw you then!" and then he sent me a PM asking me what the hell my problem was and then I responded and now we're all like complimenting each others accents......<.<...Yeah I don't know how we got there but he's kinda sweet now........*cough*

  • Brohoof 2

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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erm i have a complaint, and you're gonna listen (this isn't me abusing my power it me doing my job)

wait so steel eye has lost a leg? he should be taken out of the rp then as not fit for duty 

BTW the plan was for Whirlwind do assault steeleye on the battle field and push him back and out of the next battle damaging his reputation.

also cut down you loses you were likely to have more unicorn units on the battlefield who would assist in teleporting you troops out.


now feel free to edit and remove some of those losses.


as for Celestial, she has taken a political blow after her forces attack a settlement filled it civilians and refuges, increasting the amount of Luna Sympathizer with in Canterlot  



now that over the way

i don't suppose people could go into more detail about the OC prowess in battle i.e. what they use, how they use it, what are they like in battle.


also i am allowing the use of heavy catapults and Ballista's for future battles they are heavy duty weapons, take 3 ponies to operate and the SE have more then the NLR 


OK. First off, heavy armament (catapults, ballistas, etc.) are already canon. And declaring someone else's post nonexistant is pointless unless you have an extremely good reason.


Okay, this going too far. I mean really? REALLY? No one has been more critical of Steeleye then I have. In fact, I have called BS on nearly every single move he has made. But that crap about "your going to listen", I mean that was a dick move. How about he just pulls out of the Rp all together and then you lose one of your major people even keeping this running. He tried. He really tried. And I'm sorry but unless YOU are going to play every single character in this RP, learn to be more laid back. So he took heavy losses. It really doesn;t matter because they are NPC's. If he lost too many, well he can make more appear.


Just because he lost a leg, doesn't mean anything. We are in a land of Magic. I was looking forward to seeing what he was going to do with it. Its like you have this perfect little way you want this to go. As a DM our job....YOUR JOB, is to keep it interesting, not prevent creativity and Certainly not to abuse your power. I mean you just walk up in here after joining late and start taking over. Then you go on to ADMIT you don't fully know whats going on because you just joined. Well, how about you shut your mouth, go READ whats happened, then come in. All I have seen from several DM's is ego trips, arguing who is over who, who has more power, well I will spell it out for you, the PLAYERS have the most power because they can get up and stop playing, then you have the all powerful DM sitting alone in a world they created.


I am one of the Strongest Rpers in this damn Rp right now because I have been Rper for over 15 years. If you guys don't knock of the God complex, you won't have any players left to boss around. And, just because this reminded me of it, something for your listening pleasure.


The first like 10 seconds you can skip. Its just the video makers trolling people who say D and D was evil and such.




And, no offense Obsidian, but you can stop flaming him.


Let's keep this under control, guys. If you two are going to argue over what goes on in the RP, that's fine. But please remember that there are other players in your roleplay reading this thread, who would probably rather not have a full-fledged fight break out. I can attest that those sorts of things are a huge cause of RPs dissolving, so let's please be considerate of everypony. Thanks! :)


Thanks for trying, Auriety.


ok let me point this out before some pony else jumps on my ass.


anything i do can be over ruled by the other DM MetaKnight and Berryzoid, the reason i'm a DM is because i have experience in this specific RP (i even organised as Grand Galloping Galla in said RP and got my OC killed) also i agreed to be the middle man rather then RPing Luna or Celestia so other people could pick them. 


i'm not removing creativity i'm ensuring fair play, Napalm or something like it destroys on a grand scale, and is not necessary when there are more creative means.

now if you want to be creative go right ahead run what you want though the OOC in detail not in the RP, and if you want heavy loses don't go to exstemes when it can be avoided though creative thinking. also Steel eye's missing leg the reason i wanted to fix that is because we have a big battle soon that he need to be in, if he has lost his leg he is in no contion to be there and would be in recovery for quite some months.



also for those who think i'm halting creativity we have a Automaton in the rp and all did about that was point out he need to be controlled by a strong unicorn, have an idea run it though here not in the RP.


also so what if you are the stronger RP Obsidian big deal    


All of these above points were true.


O_o orely let me get my nerf wand, jokeing of course but can't rely say i like this since he's still going to be taken out of the battle in Ponyville and i don't like the idea of second chance lime trance planting BS


but plz run me and the other DM's though the detail plz


What battle of Ponyville?


Why is there going to be a battle in Ponyville? Lunar forces have pulled all the way back to the southern most river and only hold about 3 miles north of Sweet Apple Acres and then everything south. That leaves 3\4 of ponyville left to the Solars. Luna and I decided the fight for ponyville was an emotional one and holding ponyville Vs Baltimare of Filly was far less important.


Facts facts facts.


Ponyville is kind of the center point of the war its under SE control but NLR has been putting pressure on it from there advantage at dragons peak and there control over the every free forest (also for anyone RP Fluttershy, that's her forest and she can tame the creatures there if she has the courage to).


so most of the battle and conflict will be over that vantage point (note ponyville get taken NLR have and base to stick attack on canterlot )


but that just the idea at the mean time MetaKnights orders, if he wants to attack another place he can either way Whirlwind has been hired to remove Steel Eye from the battle and that gonna happen, if he's already out the 2000 gold given and my last two post were for nothing. 




hmmm well...... if its automail or anything like that i'm calling hax 


Define hax.


I really think at this point the best thing for me to do is just to bow out. Your worried about wasting your two little posts when Luna and I have spent several posts setting up our plan. Its not our fault you didn't read the Rp and see what had happened. POnyville serves no advantage at all other then for Solars and we have them blocked off at Sweet Apple acres. Its just more of a head ache to go back and argue points. Frankly I'm exhausted answering question and commenting on stuff thats already been played out in the Rp.

To prevent this from going further I'm gonna go. I have 3 VA projects I'm working on and two other Rp's. I didn;t want to admit it to myself because I poured a lot of thought into this Rp but I think the ones who have left were right to do it.


Have fun. General Applejack is now open.


Obsidian Winter


No. Please do not leave.


fine you free to leave if you wish, but you whining over a the fact that there may be a battle in ponyville, from what i'm awear of it Meta knights choice and i can be any wear there are multiple stronghold all over Equestria.

i've just got out of surgery and all i get is you harping on me.  


I'm not showing mercy on you because you have surgery (well, maybe a little, but still). Fairness is fairness.


@PonyEcho : Please just stop for the love of Celestia. I have walked in here for like, three days straight now and all I see is my side being nerfed, even in opposite directions! Want to make a plot arc? Lolnope. Want to use LIGHTER FLUID to try and burn your enemies? Tryagainandpayanotherfiftybucks. Want to try and make some amends for overstepping boundaries? Nope. Your forces are now magically restored, and I forgot to mention, your character who is still alive is no longer allowed in.


If you are going to say another thing here, I am BEGGING YOU. Speak with Metaknight or Berryzoid! first!


Hishu... such is the nature of things. Sorry for nerfing and all of that, and they are sorry for messing up this plot arc severely, but... you know... I was planning to have my old OC Chaos Breaker go super sometimes. It sucks, but it is.


i did that because that kinda of tide turner at the very start of a war seems unfair, especially using it against a civilian settlement like appalosa


hell i didn't even do much other then remove a powerful weapon (for now) the SE is capable of far greater advance's but you chose the cheap and easy that why people called BS and i removed it.


and you're the one who removed you're OC leg , do you thin a general can fight in a war with 3 legs, (unless Steel eye will be sitting on the side line in which case i greatly apologies.

and you forces are not magically restored just the numbers were wrong:p


now i'm trying to remain a neutral DM and all i'm getting is shit from both sides. which after just getting back from surgery is not helping.


if you want to do something BIG run it buy the DMs  


I agree with this post.



OK. Final outcome is that ou are both wrong, that you all fixed it, and we can get back to playing. I am assuming that everyone is happy now, correct?





Edited by Meta Knight
  • Brohoof 2
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Well first PonyEcho and I were all like "grrrrrrr" but then I was like "Oh no you didn't!" and then he was like "Oh yes I did!" And I was all like "Well screw you then!" and then he sent me a PM asking me what the hell my problem was and then I responded and now we're all like complimenting each others accents......<.<...Yeah I don't know how we got there but he's kinda sweet now........*cough*

And while dat shizzle was happening, me and everpony else was at the background eating popcorn. :D


Sorry, just trying to shed some comedy light in the manner ^^; And I still don't know how to get into the rp. xD


OK. Final outcome is that ou are both wrong, that you all fixed it, and we can get back to playing. I am assuming that everyone is happy now, correct?






That will go down as the fastest case ever solved in history, dude you do not mess around. xD

Screw you being the judge in the court. xD

  • Brohoof 4

My Main OC (Vedana Purity): http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/vedana-purity-r2096

My second OC (Orange lightning): http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/orange-lightening-r2158


"One must let go of the painful past in order to achieve positive progress." ~ Vedanā Purity quote on life.


"Hey, hey, hey sweet pea. They don't call me 'The most hardcore flyer in Equestria' for nothing you know. Besides, someone has got to deal with the pesky Thunder and Lightning clouds!" ~ Orange Lightning quote to random mare.

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erm didn't you plan a big battle for monday? ( i though it was in ponyville) also i asked for it to be edited a bit that's all 

hax= hacking= godmodding 

also you honor i humbly request Steeleyes leg be fixed (seriously i think his leg is cut off but i could be wrong)

Edited by PonyEcho
  • Brohoof 1

my DA http://heavyecho.deviantart.com/ check my stuff out

the Anime Club http://mlpforums.com/topic/48196-the-anime-club/ plz join us

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also you honor i humbly request Steeleyes leg be fixed (seriously i think his leg is cut off but i could be wrong)

Oh Ok, I'll take care about that, gonna change a few things about my post and wait for Celestia's answer

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erm didn't you plan a big battle for monday? ( i though it was in ponyville) also i asked for it to be edited a bit that's all 

hax= hacking= godmodding 

also you honor i humbly request Steeleyes leg be fixed (seriously i think his leg is cut off but i could be wrong)


Oh... the big battle is of Baltimare.

Remember: Monday morning, 7:00 AM EST.


And for Obsidian and PonyEcho... what have the two of you decided? Is anything going to change?

  • Brohoof 1
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Oh... the big battle is of Baltimare.

Remember: Monday morning, 7:00 AM EST.


And for Obsidian and PonyEcho... what have the two of you decided? Is anything going to change?

yeah i'm still in the RP, and a DM (with restrictions )

also Whirlwind  is going to meet with Applejack and her forces before the battle for further orders about his mission 

  • Brohoof 1

my DA http://heavyecho.deviantart.com/ check my stuff out

the Anime Club http://mlpforums.com/topic/48196-the-anime-club/ plz join us

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So the battle is at 7... that's like... 3 over here? I dunno, I'll double check. Not that I'll really be involved anyway :  (


My character will probably have to like... find a tortoise or something trivial XD unless Luna has any priorities...

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