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open Equestrian Civil War- Take Two

That One Techpriest You Used To Know

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Wavering entered the room and bowed at the Princess, after her welcome he said "Thanks for considering my help, Princess, and yes we are indeed having quite a demand of staff the hospital, and I don't want to sound too selfish but you could say that my abilities are a bit better than usual, now of course I need help sometimes but I can manage myself out of difficult situations" Wavering took off his earbuds since the ocassion called for it, he didnt want to show disrespect to the princess.


He looked around and saw the other ones summoned. Pinkie Pie, General Steeleye and a mysterious pony. He knew about Pinkie Pie due to some cupcake related accidents and small but bizarre emergencies, he also knew General Steeleye but not in person, most of his patients told him about the General and his deed, but he didnt know the misterious pony even thought he was curious about his identity he decided for once to ignore it, partially, and listen carefully to the princess

Edited by Danny Hollow

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Rainbow Dash frowned, she didn't want to break the news to the young pegasus, especially in a party of all things "Ehh... sorry, it's just that I'm gonna go to Cloudsdale after the meeting with Celestia,  I'll be staying there for a night or so, I can't risk you coming along, Scoots" She said disappointingly "Hey, don't worry though, I'll be back as soon as possible and we can hang out, I can teach ya'h some moves if you like" she finished smirking hoping Scootaloo wouldn't mind.




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Cunning Horn accidentally dropped his cake in a fake shocked reaction when Princess Luna said the last sentences, "Oh, my bad" He rubbed the floor with his hoof to clean it, but it went worse and the he just covered more surface with the slippy cake.
He stopped and pulled his slippery hoof from the floor, "I'm sorry yer Highness. Yer plot by sending a report that I was executed is kinda"  He moved his hoof in a weird gesture, "Ruin me reputation" He smirked for a second, "But clever. Ye are very kind yer highness. To offer a criminal like me to serve ye as a tactician. Ye indeed know me reputation".
He started wandering around the room and rose his voice a little, "'Tactician Cunning Horn', 'Sir Cunning Horn', 'Lord Cunning Horn'. Uhm, I don't know Princess Luna, but 'Captain Cunning Horn' sounds better to me somehow" He added politely as he walked towards the window again. Everything he needed to escape were prepared, but he wanted to negotiate a little more.

Edited by Sky Warden



Pinkeh asked me to put this here. Just another What Do You Think About Me stuff.

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Princess Celestia:

Colonel Steeleye had arrived with his attributed prompt timing. He had come in and immeadiately kneeled before her, bowing in the manner most of her subject did. A small sigh escaped her lips at this, drawing worried looks from her entourage. Dismissing their fears with a simple wave of her forehoof, she spoke softly. "Colonel Steeleye," She said with a quiet yet very audible tone. "I appreciate your loyalty and service to our Kingdom, but I ask you to stand. I would like to see your face, as I have heard much about you." Steeleye had risen to his feet with blinding speed, gracefully unfolding his legs in one smooth motion as he presented his eyes to her. After a moments examination, the Princess gave a smile and nodded her appreciation. "Much of what I have been told is true," she commented. "But  perhaps they were a little too... stingy when describing your better qualities. I hope to see the bravery and determination you possess in the coming days Colonel."


At this point her other summoned guests began to arrive in the audience room. Pinkie Pie's reliably cheerful antics brought a smile to the Princess's lips. She loved each of the Elements dearly as a friend could, even those who now fought against her. This was the same with Luna and taken a step further by the sisterhood they shared. It did mildly suprise Celestia to see Vedana Purity in Pinkie's company. In terms of pure energy they were polar opposites, one quite and thoughtful while the other was loud and boisterous. Pinkie's inquiry and rambling made her giggle, politely muffled behind her left forehoof.


"Of course he can join Pinkie," Celestia responded. "He's always been a wonderful pony to have around and I know several of my personal guard owe him many thank-you's." She turned her head to Vedana and widened her smile. "I asked you both here today to talk of a matter of great importance. Once the other ponies I have invited are present, we will begin." Thought she intentionally neglected to say what the meeting was about, she continued on. "Please, all of you, come over by me and sit. Refreshments are always there for my friends." Indeed, a number of cushioned chairs and small tables were nestled close around the throne, where all could easily see her and char. On the tables fruits and treats both simple and exotic were presented. "I do wish more ponies would simply come by to chat. At least the fruit doesn't go to waste each evening. The castle cook loves to make jams and treats for the soldiers."


Her attention was drawn to the door where Wavering Bass had just arrived, accompanied by a castle guard. "Thank you for coming Doctor Bass," she said. "It is a pleasure to have you in attendance. Many of my consultants say you are a fine doctor, much in demand as of late, unfortunate as that is. Come, sit by my throne. You are the last guest I can reasonably expect, so let us begin."

Vedana blushed to hear the compliments that Princess Celestia gave to him, "No, you do me too much honor your highness. I am just a simple, blind unicorn, helping the citizens of your kingdom the best I can." The blind unicorn bowed respectfully to the princess. He looked at Pinkie pie with a chuckle, "Well there you have it Pinks, the Princess has approved of me joining your squad." The blind unicorn told his general, which will properly take only seconds for her to explode with joy.


His ears perked up when Celestia when business is involved, he trotted over to the large table and took a seat beside Pinkie Pie, and placed his two hoofs together in a thinking position,(http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110213225547/evangelion/es/images/d/d2/Gendo.jpg like this but pony style) awaiting to listen to what her highness has to say. The Petrified Rabbit appeared on top of Vedana's head, he looked up and gently rubbed his ears to calm him down.

My Main OC (Vedana Purity): http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/vedana-purity-r2096

My second OC (Orange lightning): http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/orange-lightening-r2158


"One must let go of the painful past in order to achieve positive progress." ~ Vedanā Purity quote on life.


"Hey, hey, hey sweet pea. They don't call me 'The most hardcore flyer in Equestria' for nothing you know. Besides, someone has got to deal with the pesky Thunder and Lightning clouds!" ~ Orange Lightning quote to random mare.

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The Poacher examined where he stood carefully; He was in a town, passing ponies looking at him with puzzled expressions. Banners hanging along the sides of the houses showed the image of the sun, and there were small patrols of guards. The trace that he had been tracking had led him to the nearest Phoenix, there was one in this town.


Without sound, the Poacher stepped across the ground, moving with purpose and seemingly ignorant of its surroundings.

Edited by Silverpoint345
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Luna smiled. "If you wish, you may keep your captain title. You will even- if you wish- be in charge of the evening watch for Rockwington. This is a request- not a force into service. If you wish to leave, you may." She got up, saw the cake on the ground, and used magic to wipe it up.

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Applejack read the note again...and again, then drank some more, then read it again. She couldn't do it. She just couldn't raise up arms against her friends. But what if the NLR failed? What would happen to them then? What about Big Mac and Applebloom and Rarity and Sweetie Belle? Even her friends on the Solar side. She was so lost. She drank another two mugs nd staggered out into the streets to the Lunar Palace.

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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Pinkie Pie:

"YAYYY! Ooh, goodies!" Pinkie told out look, grabbing everything on the refreshment table and eating it in one bite, minus the silverware and bowls. "Mmmmm....juicy! But the apples tasted weird, are they apple apples? Eh, I miss the zap apples. And Nightmare Night. It's not the same without Luna scaring us! It's so booring, I couldn't even enjoy my FREE candy." Pinkie ploped down next to Verdana.


"YOU'RE IN MY...SQUAD?" Pinkie said, then shaking. Suddenly, she 'exploded' like a firework, hopping up and down. "YIPPIE! PARTY TIME! ...or something less over the top? I mean, we are in your castle and really...I don't want to mess up the place. It's too nice, unlike Sugarcube Corner. Sugarcube Corner is NICE, but not as clean as the castle. It's always messy! Too bad I can't go back with the battle going on...I can't even get to the Mirror Pool! I'd be nice to have two of me, but then again, we both know the disaster that happened! In fact, I could be a clone and the real one is in the mirror! OH NO!" Pinkie told herself, sobbing hysterically  "Oh, right, the meeting, sorry."


Lightning Dust:

Lightning Flew over the disaster of Ponyville. She really really really wanted to join in, but she was given strict orders not to. 



Scotaloo's expression deflated but then popped up.


"Okay! Well, at least can I go to the meeting with you?"

  • Brohoof 1

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Pinkie Pie:

"YAYYY! Ooh, goodies!" Pinkie told out look, grabbing everything on the refreshment table and eating it in one bite, minus the silverware and bowls. "Mmmmm....juicy! But the apples tasted weird, are they apple apples? Eh, I miss the zap apples. And Nightmare Night. It's not the same without Luna scaring us! It's so booring, I couldn't even enjoy my FREE candy." Pinkie ploped down next to Verdana.


"YOU'RE IN MY...SQUAD?" Pinkie said, then shaking. Suddenly, she 'exploded' like a firework, hopping up and down. "YIPPIE! PARTY TIME! ...or something less over the top? I mean, we are in your castle and really...I don't want to mess up the place. It's too nice, unlike Sugarcube Corner. Sugarcube Corner is NICE, but not as clean as the castle. It's always messy! Too bad I can't go back with the battle going on...I can't even get to the Mirror Pool! I'd be nice to have two of me, but then again, we both know the disaster that happened! In fact, I could be a clone and the real one is in the mirror! OH NO!" Pinkie told herself, sobbing hysterically  "Oh, right, the meeting, sorry."


Lightning Dust:

Lightning Flew over the disaster of Ponyville. She really really really wanted to join in, but she was given strict orders not to. 



Scotaloo's expression deflated but then popped up.


"Okay! Well, at least can I go to the meeting with you?"

Vedana Picked up a huge Cake filled with cream butter vanilla, sugar and all other kinds of fatty and delicious treats for her. "Here eats this general and sssssh." The blind unicorn chuckles as he stuffs a cupcake in Pinkie's mouth making a plug noise. He then turned to Celestia, nodding his head to her, "You were saying your highness."

My Main OC (Vedana Purity): http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/vedana-purity-r2096

My second OC (Orange lightning): http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/orange-lightening-r2158


"One must let go of the painful past in order to achieve positive progress." ~ Vedanā Purity quote on life.


"Hey, hey, hey sweet pea. They don't call me 'The most hardcore flyer in Equestria' for nothing you know. Besides, someone has got to deal with the pesky Thunder and Lightning clouds!" ~ Orange Lightning quote to random mare.

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Pinkie Pie:

"GOODIE!" She yelled out loud, hopped up, and ate it in one bite. "Mmm...Almost as good as the Mmm, right, Tia? Anyway...i'll be serious for now. Sometimes you just need to smile, and sometimes, I can be serious if I wanna."


"Are we talking about battle tactics? If we are, I suggest either Mirror Pond, Apples, Cupcakes, or Party Cannons."


After recieving strange looks, she smiled. "What? I used them all, well, except the Mirror Pond with the changelings! The Cupcakes are used to distract the opponents, the apples, when bucked, are actually quite painful, and the Party Cannon? They won't know what hit them!


But...I don't want to do that. I don't like hurting ponies."

  • Brohoof 1

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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The young golden haired earth pony rested by a building next to the gates of Canterlot. He had heard the parade from a here and chuckled at his laziness and he put the pipe to his mouth. Just like the good ol days ay Benethor? He chuckled to himself as he breathed out letting out a cloud of smoke. He should feel guilty neglecting his duty as a Solar infantry member to attend that parade. But that was Benethor, fighting was good and fine with him, but try and turn it into a complicated piece of eye candy and he just wanted nothing to do with it. He smiled as he continued to smoke his pipe as he watched an odd looking blindfolded unicorn enter the city, he shrugged however forgetting all about it. It was like this for a while till he realized that he would be late for the barracks roll call. He put away his pipe carefully into his saddlebag and trudged over to the Canterlot barracks, wandering if he would meet anyone along the way.

  • Brohoof 1

img-892511-7-t8R36.png (made by Jokuc thanks so much

Quotes me and dr stable like: "Age wrinkles the body quitting wrinkles the soul" Douglas Mcarthur

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Cunning Horn pulled his upper lip to the left quickly, showing his teeth for a second in a weird expression, when he saw Princess Luna obliterated one of his escaping tool. He stared at the Alicorn. Her wavy black mane shimmered from many bright stars on it, looked exactly like the night sky. Even though the Princess smiled at him, he could see some tired and stress attributes on her face. It would be very nice for him to see such beautiful creature grinning for a while.

"We have the same enemy yer highness, and ye have offered me yer kindness despite of my funny reputation" He gave the Princess a royal salute, but looked very awkward since he hadn't done it for years. He pulled his head backward and showed his chin, because bowing and directing his sharp and long horn at her would looks like a threat, "Captain Cunning Horn, The Horn Breaker, at yer service".


He winced and pulled his upper lip to the left again when a sudden realization struck him. "Wait. She spread a report that I was executed. That means I can't lead my own army until she get the right time. Also, I'm trapped in this castle since it's necessary to hide the fact that I'm still alive. Bah. I knew I shouldn't have distracted by mares. What a clever trick Princess, but I like that. I can threat the empire without any risk of being harmed, and give that Twilight Sparkle a big surprise when the time comes. I will enjoy the shocked look on her face. Hm, 'Captain Cunning Horn, The One Who Returned From The Death' sound good, I like that" He thought as he walked to the table.

He skimmed the table for beverages and snorted, "No rum" He mumbled as he took a glass of apple cider. He turned to the princess, "Now what I can I do for ye, yer Highness?".

Edited by Sky Warden



Pinkeh asked me to put this here. Just another What Do You Think About Me stuff.

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Applejack read the note again...and again, then drank some more, then read it again. She couldn't do it. She just couldn't raise up arms against her friends. But what if the NLR failed? What would happen to them then? What about Big Mac and Applebloom and Rarity and Sweetie Belle? Even her friends on the Solar side. She was so lost. She drank another two mugs nd staggered out into the streets to the Lunar Palace.

(I am assuming Aj is drunk)

Valkyrie slowly made her way to the tavern with no great enthusiasm. Only really looking at her hooves as she walked, she didn't notice the orange earth pony stumbling towards her until it was to late. The colladed, knocking Valkyrie over.


Shaking the shock off, Val sprung back onto her hooves looking around for the fool who. Her eyes fell onto the orange pony. "Watch where you are walking fool" giving her a shove.

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Luna put a small smile on her lips. "For now, eat, drink, and recover from being hunted. But if I could have you back here tomorrow, after lunch?" She walked over and looked at the food. "So... there isn't any rum..." She looked thoughtful. "I wonder if rum would help with a headache...?"

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Pinkie Pie:

"GOODIE!" She yelled out loud, hopped up, and ate it in one bite. "Mmm...Almost as good as the Mmm, right, Tia? Anyway...i'll be serious for now. Sometimes you just need to smile, and sometimes, I can be serious if I wanna."


"Are we talking about battle tactics? If we are, I suggest either Mirror Pond, Apples, Cupcakes, or Party Cannons."


After recieving strange looks, she smiled. "What? I used them all, well, except the Mirror Pond with the changelings! The Cupcakes are used to distract the opponents, the apples, when bucked, are actually quite painful, and the Party Cannon? They won't know what hit them!


But...I don't want to do that. I don't like hurting ponies."

Vedana could not believe to hear that Pinkie Pie managed to eat all the fattening cakes, sweeties and other delights. But nonetheless, he smiled to hear that she can be serious and listened carefully for her battle tactics. "Hmm the mirror pond does sound like a clever idea, maybe we can possibly clone our guards and soldiers? However the only downside is that they will not be able to withstand a direct energy blast from the enemy. However, I wonder if we can harden them..."

My Main OC (Vedana Purity): http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/vedana-purity-r2096

My second OC (Orange lightning): http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/orange-lightening-r2158


"One must let go of the painful past in order to achieve positive progress." ~ Vedanā Purity quote on life.


"Hey, hey, hey sweet pea. They don't call me 'The most hardcore flyer in Equestria' for nothing you know. Besides, someone has got to deal with the pesky Thunder and Lightning clouds!" ~ Orange Lightning quote to random mare.

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Apon making his way to the barracks he heard some guards gossiping about the odd looking pony he had seen before, making a quick descion he decided to head for the palace, he was already in trouble for sneaking out of the parade, missing role call wouldn't add to much. As he saw the room in which he could just see the two ponies discussing something he was stopped by the guards there. One violently pushed him back making him release a tunnel of smoke from his mouth into the room, he was still smoking his pipe after all. He then gasped as the smoke travelled to the next room. A bollocking from Celestia would really make his day.

img-892511-7-t8R36.png (made by Jokuc thanks so much

Quotes me and dr stable like: "Age wrinkles the body quitting wrinkles the soul" Douglas Mcarthur

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Whirlwind woke up in his room in the inn after passing out... he must have had too much to drink "oh... ow... i should stop drinking so much when i get paid.." he said sluring his word as he picked up a envelope that the bartender passed on.


he open the envelope with spoke of his next mission, it was simple enough, a former firework manufacture has decided to now make bombs for the solar empire and Whirlwind's job was to acquire some samples and recipes for NLR forces and thus ensuring the battle isn't ended as quickly as it began, meaning the mercenary's will have more contracts in the future.


he burnt the envelope and went back to sleep.  

Edited by PonyEcho

my DA http://heavyecho.deviantart.com/ check my stuff out

the Anime Club http://mlpforums.com/topic/48196-the-anime-club/ plz join us

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"Tomorrow after lunch" Cunning Horn nodded and tilted his head a little. He smirked when he saw a smile on the Alicorns face. Some battle plans, including his weirdest and craziest one, had floating on his mind since the second Princess Luna said something about strategy. "Canal, bottle, cup, smoke, mirror, wind, fire" He thought as he imagined how his tactics could work and made those cocky Solarian scampered off in terror and confusion. He stifled a giggle and chuckled "I wonder why not after the sunrise".

He gave the Princess a weird and little worry look, "Ah, I think it's not a good idea Princess Luna, especially for a Princess. Rum is a" He moved his hoof in a weird gesture, trying to find a word, "Ye know".

((OOC: @@Vedana Purity. Oh come on! I've planned that mirror thingy even far before the RP began :lol: ))

Edited by Sky Warden
  • Brohoof 1



Pinkeh asked me to put this here. Just another What Do You Think About Me stuff.

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"Company, prepare to break ranks! Break Ranks, march!" With his company dispersing in all directions to find some sort of place to relax, he then began to walk off towards the entrance of the palace. "Don't get too comfy lads, I would think we'd be getting off shortly." He said to his men. They nodded their heads in agreement while unbuckling their belts and unbuttoning their coats at the same time. "Aye then, but then I don't wish to hear yer complaining about the matter when we do get off!" He said while walking off.


The Lieutenant wandered through the maze of hallways, He was trying to find the Princess's throne room. How one can manage to successfully navigate through such a maze I"ll ne'er know. He said to himself. Golden Age eventually found the throne room, of which he slowly entered before beginning to walk at a more normal speed. When he reached near the Princess of the Night, he proceeded to take off his Hardee hat and make a quick bow "Yer highness, I've come before ye to ask for orders"


Edited by HistoricallyInaccurate
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Luna turned to Golden. "Ah, yes... Golden Age, isn't it? Very well..." She sat down at the large map of Equestria. "There are two targets on the map that need to be taken immediately. I am going to be sending Corporal Vanguard down to raid Ponyville, but you, General Applejack, and a few others will be going to Fillydelphia to assist in the attack there." She sighed and stood back up. "You are dismissed." She turned to Cunning Horn. "You are too, Captain  Your rooms are on the second floor of the eastern tower. Enjoy your condiments...."

  • Brohoof 1
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Golden Age did another bow and about-faced himself to which he then walked out. He decided to go outside and tell his soldiers they would not be marching out. Luckily for him, it only took half the effort to find his way outside. What greeted him was his entire company resting under a series of trees playing cards, sleeping, and other sorts of leisure activities, "Attention!" Golden Age shouted.


His troops sprang up and formed a neat line; some tried to button their coats unnoticed. "Right lads, luckily for you we will not be marching out, instead we'll be spending the night here. So, I'm guessin' ye will be setting up yer tents tonight."


"Sir, are we going to get to fight at all?" A private blurted out


"Aye," Golden Age replied "We certainly will, we're headin' down to Fillydelphia on the morrow. Besides, if I knew I wasn't going to see any action, I would've turned in my uniform a long time ago!" A few laughs replied to his comment.


"Dismissed" He said as we turned away back into the palace. It took him just about as long to find the throne room as it did to find the eastern tower. He liked his room. This was a big improvement considering he had spent the last week or so sleeping in a freezing tent. He threw his hat on the bed and sat down at a small desk and began to day dream.

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"Oh, thank ye. I can come up with a besieging tactics to take Manehettan tomorrow, if ye are willing" Cunning Horn copied as he gave another awkward salute and turned to the door. "I wonder if she will take some rum or not" He thought as he walked to the door. "Second floor eastern tower", he wandered inside the palace and realized something, "Western tower? I knew I should've asked for an escort" He looked out from a window "Eastern must be that way". He strode his way to the eastern tower and opened a door. The same general, whom he saw on the throne room, on his gaze was enough to indicate that he was lost. He pulled his upper lift to the left and rose his hoof, "Hi".



Pinkeh asked me to put this here. Just another What Do You Think About Me stuff.

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Princess Celestia:

While she had been watching the goings-on with a polite smile and the occasional giggle, now was the time to actually begin the proceedings. "I do not intend to use the Mirror Pool," she interjected. "Indeed, it was for an entirely different matter that I called you all here. Tensions have been growing between those who follow my sister and those who stayed loyal to me for the past few weeks." A spell popped a lit up screen in the air to her left for everyone to see. It showed pictures of riots in border cities and a graph that depicted a rapid increase in violence. "What I'm showing you is not the result of any military action or plan. Plain and simply, Equestria is turning in on itself by the looks of it. If something does nnot happen soon, the entire war front will deteriorate and martial law will have to ensue."


Looking at those present, a frown crossed her face. "I do not wish anypony to die in this conflict between my sister and myself. It pains me every day more reports come in from incursions and casualties. But my sister has decieved nearly half of the nation into her madness, so I took military action. Now, with even that option exhausted, I have come to a grim decision. This war must end, one way or the other. I intend to call a peace conference between my sister and I. I have called you here today to hear your thoughts and take your advice."

  • Brohoof 1


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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Princess Celestia:

While she had been watching the goings-on with a polite smile and the occasional giggle, now was the time to actually begin the proceedings. "I do not intend to use the Mirror Pool," she interjected. "Indeed, it was for an entirely different matter that I called you all here. Tensions have been growing between those who follow my sister and those who stayed loyal to me for the past few weeks." A spell popped a lit up screen in the air to her left for everyone to see. It showed pictures of riots in border cities and a graph that depicted a rapid increase in violence. "What I'm showing you is not the result of any military action or plan. Plain and simply, Equestria is turning in on itself by the looks of it. If something does nnot happen soon, the entire war front will deteriorate and martial law will have to ensue."


Looking at those present, a frown crossed her face. "I do not wish anypony to die in this conflict between my sister and myself. It pains me every day more reports come in from incursions and casualties. But my sister has decieved nearly half of the nation into her madness, so I took military action. Now, with even that option exhausted, I have come to a grim decision. This war must end, one way or the other. I intend to call a peace conference between my sister and I. I have called you here today to hear your thoughts and take your advice."

Vedana nod, "Then good because as i think about it, the mirror pond would be considered useless." The blind unicorn listened carefully as to what Celestia said, and how ponies around him muttered of what they saw in the pictures. Vedana could not see them for he is blind, and frankly he did not want to see them. "This is madness...Everyday this war becoming of a blood bath, and what is worse." The blind unicorn gently lowered the petrified rabbit for all to see, especially to the princes. "It is affecting the wildlife, to such a degree, that they are petrified of the majority of all ponies on both sides."


For the first time in his life, a frown appeared on his face, which caused some guards to gulp by the looks of it. "A peace treaty would be best, but even I doubt for many years of inner peace that will be unlikely to work..." Vedana looked at Celestia with the frown on is face, "You know as much as I, and any pony here in this meeting knows how far your sister has fallen. You can see for yourself what is happening, what was once love and happiness for all ponies that we all care for...is being corrupt by the force of war, chaos and violence on the inside."

My Main OC (Vedana Purity): http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/vedana-purity-r2096

My second OC (Orange lightning): http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/orange-lightening-r2158


"One must let go of the painful past in order to achieve positive progress." ~ Vedanā Purity quote on life.


"Hey, hey, hey sweet pea. They don't call me 'The most hardcore flyer in Equestria' for nothing you know. Besides, someone has got to deal with the pesky Thunder and Lightning clouds!" ~ Orange Lightning quote to random mare.

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Glad that the other ponies had ignored or not noticed his smoke trail Benethor sighed with relief and despite the guards at the door he actually managed to eavesdrop. Being a farmer near wild animal nests had taught him to enhance his hearing. He continued to stand by the door listening to every word the ponies said. He continued to listen and raised his eyebrows at the idea that Celestia would try and go to a peace treaty while preparing troops for war. He heard a cough of impatience from one of the door guards and he smiled back weakly hoping they wouldn't warn the occupants of his eavesdropping. He looked again at the mysterious priest. Benethor didn't know why but he felt strangely obsessed by him. Maybe he thought he was a spy or just a crazy old fool but something about him interested Benethor greatly. He bit the bullet and decided to try and get his attention so he could take a look at his blindfolded face, he let off a loud whistle at the unicorn causing the door guards to look angrily at him

  • Brohoof 1

img-892511-7-t8R36.png (made by Jokuc thanks so much

Quotes me and dr stable like: "Age wrinkles the body quitting wrinkles the soul" Douglas Mcarthur

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