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private Pirate Adventure RP!


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Fade nods once more. So they were going to Casaflanca? She could understand going there for more supplies, but other than that, what had brought on this all-of-the-sudden fancy to go there? In Fade's opinion, there wasn't much. It was too rowdy. Too noisy. Of course, back before she had joined the ship, it was her only source of things she needed. Life as a thief had been uncomfortable and hard, but she'd made due. But even still.....

"Butt out Fade," she thought wearily to herself, "We probably won't be there long anyway..."

She lets out a small, inaudible sigh and goes to prepare the ship for their arrival at the Casaflanca docks.

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(The head pony at the docks left, not Arcane... but i'll go along with it, to keep you from editing)

Arcane left for the market that was close by to the docks, where they sold ship relating things. The market in the centre of the town was the one where they sold things aside from the dock market.


Arcane had bought some extra supplies, such as repairing wood and smelting metal, since they didn't make his ship size cannon balls.

Cyril Coltefeller, the Head of Magical and Technological Development.

Fierasil de Rosa Canter, the optimistic flyer.

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"I'm not one to go around spending my money aimlessly, so I'm up to using my share to go to the market and get one of those fancy machines they call fridges to keep our food cool. I hear it is extremely efficient! Of course, I will also get us some food that I will keep in the kitchen. The store room might as well be used as a room preserved for rum," he joked.

"Don't those need electricity to run? We're not putting a generator on here. It'd be too loud..." she said passing him after she finished her breakfast. "I'll be on the docks if anypony needs me" she said on her way up-top. The deckhands had done a good job preparing the ship. The sails were ready to be pulled down, the anchor was ready to be released, and four ponies stood at the stern of the boat with ropes in hoof, ready to attach to dock. "I'll take over from here" she said to the pony on the wheel. She was sure he'd be able to do it, but Krystal only trusted herself with bringing her ship into harbor. After a series of maneuvers, the Sea Peregrine was docked next to the Wasp in Casaflanca's harbor. She got off her ship and greeted the stallion on the dock that greeted Arcane "Good morning, Al-Hassan. How is it with you?"


"All is fine, Krystal" he replied jollily "It seems like your ship has taken a beating recently"


"Yeah, I kinda got in a little skirmish with the Equestrian Navy..." she replied


"Equestrian Navy!?" He exclaimed "For this I must help you repair your ship. I shall give you discount. 16%. No less"


"Thanks, Hassan. How's this?" she said, tossing a small bag of gold at him


"This shall work fine" he replied, catching the bag in his hoof. He turned around and whistled at a group of ponies waiting by the docks. They quickly trotted over the the Peregrine and began working on it.


Krystal smiled, satisfied at the VIP treatment she had around here. She returned to her boat and dressed her deckhands who had already secured the boat and lowered the sails "Good work everypony. This ship would be nothing without you. Here-" she opened a door in the back cabin and pushed out a small pile of bags of gold "everypony take a bag and enjoy your day in Casaflanca. Be back by tonight or tomorrow morning when we set back off" she hoofed over a medium bag to each of her deckhands as they left the ship until her small pile was gone.

avatar and sig by your's truly
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Arcane had bought some extra supplies, such as repairing wood and smelting metal, since they didn't make his ship size cannon balls.


"We're going to need alot more then this, and I need new oiling clothes." Spark said. She likes bossing, well, her boss. It made her feel in charge, like she never was growing up. But she didn't care. As long as she was the best repairman, well, repairwoman, she had a job for life.

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Spark heard a clunking around in a nearby pile of garbage, and a head with a battered helmet popped out. "Oh hello. What's a fragile little sing like you doink out so early? Could get hurt out zere. I'm Red, banis-er, retired pirate! Excellent experimenter, cook, und part-time torturer. Any chance of a shpot on your ship? I know you have vone. Your flintlock is showink."

Edited by acualy is dolan



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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Pirate Opal opened a hatch above the table after he ate and rushed out, taking his own gold from his quarters, as it was only fair that he did not take from the captain's share that was given to the deckhands if he was already one of the top members of her crew, below Sky and herself, of course, as well as being more or lessd tied for rank with Rambler. He took two bags, and stepping outside, he went down the ramp onshore. He stretched his back, already used to the transition between land and sea, and put both bags in his saddlebag, budging past the workers Krystal had paid, and set off himself. He would return by noon to prepare himself for when they set off.

Signature made by me!

Here's a list of my old names so you all remember me, old to new. Strawberries Yum/The Opal Family/The Opals/Luna Opal/Bumble Berry/Rainbow Jack/Colgate Revolution/Bad Seed/Bad Apple/The Alicorn Amulet/Opalicious/Doctor Who/The Tenth Doctor. I can't believe how long I've been here :')

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Spark heard a clunking around in a nearby pile of garbage, and a head with a battered helmet popped out. "Oh hello. What's a fragile little sing like you doink out so early? Could get hurt out zere. I'm Red, banis-er, retired pirate! Excellent experimenter, cook, und part-time torturer. Any chance of a shpot on your ship? I know you have vone. Your flintlock is showink."


"Um, hello Red. Spark. And I'm not fragile. I could hit you upside your head with your helmet if I wanted to. I got no reason to though." Spark shrugged, wondering 'what the hay was wrong with this dude?' But the Wasp could usa a new torturer and arms expert, maybe she would talk to Arcane. After all, she always got what you wanted. "I'll talk to my cap'n about your spot on th Wasp. Of course, we'll have to verify your authenticity" Spark gave a devilish smile.

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(OOC: So the Arbitrator has apparently fought both The Sea Peregrine and The Wasp right? Also do we have a name for the sea/ocean we are in?)


Snowy Fields had learned two things last night. The first thing that he was learned was that the Arbitrator was as powerful a warship as he had heard. The second thing he had learned was that Naval warfare was literally nothing like the landbased battles that he had become accustomed to. 


He supposed he should be thankful that the Arbitrator had suffered as little damage as it had. Especially considering that it had been up against two ship, both with vastly more experienced captains. Ugh, "captain"...this honestly feels like a demotion. While lost in thought Snowy had wandered up to the deck. 

  • Brohoof 1

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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With a bag full of gold and a flask full of grog, Rambler stepped off the ship and headed towards a favorite pub of his. He had a full day of drink and debauchery ahead of him. On his way he passed Opal, "You sure you don't want to go to the tavern with me lad? I never did like drinking alone."

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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Arcane wasn't paying attention, he was busy buying a few things. "Look, I don't care what you go out to buy for the ship, as long as its a benefit" he said before throwing her a pouch of money. "Spend it wisely, spend it well" he said before leaving to get his own shopping done, there was a lot more needed than just some C.O. Or whatever that stuff was.

Cyril Coltefeller, the Head of Magical and Technological Development.

Fierasil de Rosa Canter, the optimistic flyer.

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Short Fuse looked out onto the deck, checking the sea and the deckhands leaving the ship. Then, he could see one of the deckhands stirring them up and out on the deck. 


How cute... The little deckhand is tryin' her best to be me... Too bad that I beat 'er to the punch already...


He looked back out to Captain Nightfall, trotting to him.


"Any few preparations left for this, Cap'n?"



  • Brohoof 1
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Opal considered this for a moment, then replied, "Perhaps, but don't expect me to start drinking, I'm one who wants to stay sober and with a clear head." He turned his body in the direction of The White Horse, which was the meaning of Casaflanca in Ponytuguese, though it was strange to name a tavern after a whole city. "Don't expect me to stay long though."


((OOC: To clarify, The White Horse is the ponified version of The White House, which is the meaning of Casa Flanca in Portuguese, and Ponytuguese is the same thing as Portuguese.))

Edited by The Alicorn Amulet

Signature made by me!

Here's a list of my old names so you all remember me, old to new. Strawberries Yum/The Opal Family/The Opals/Luna Opal/Bumble Berry/Rainbow Jack/Colgate Revolution/Bad Seed/Bad Apple/The Alicorn Amulet/Opalicious/Doctor Who/The Tenth Doctor. I can't believe how long I've been here :')

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(OOC: Hey Crew...Where are ya ?)


After several minutes of sailing, Slicer picked up his spyglass and searched the horizon for any signs of land.

"LAND...Wait...No that's just a speck on the lens...Never mind it is land. LAND HAY." He yelled, pointing out at the horizon.

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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Opal considered this for a moment, then replied, "Perhaps, but don't expect me to start drinking, I'm one who wants to stay sober and with a clear head." He turned his body in the direction of The White Horse, which was the meaning of Casaflanca in Ponytuguese, though it was strange to name a tavern after a whole city. "Don't expect me to stay long though."


((OOC: To clarify, The White Horse is the ponified version of The White House, which is the meaning of Casa Flanca in Portuguese, and Ponytuguese is the same thing as Portuguese.))

"I don't know why you'd want to be sober, especially on shore leave, but suit yourself, I guess. It'll be good to have you along anyway."

And with that, Rambler strolled down the street and into The White Horse. He smiled and greeted the bar tender, an old friend of his.


"Aye, but it's good to see you Foamy (the bartenders name is Foaming Glass), it's been far too long."


"Rambler, mate! It's been too long indeed! I suppose you're here to blow all that money burning a hole in your pocket, eh?", The stallion replied in a booming voice with a jovial tone.


"That I am, but first I'd like you to meet a shipmate of mine. This is Opal, our cook and lookout; Opal this Foaming Glass, the best barkeep in town and probably the whole word- and with all the time I spend in taverns I think I know what I'm talking about!"


"Well, nice to meet you Opal. I hope you're not going to try and match Rambler drink for drink, cause that's a losing battle if e'er I've seen one!"

  • Brohoof 1

Real men don't need signatures...


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"I'd rather not, mate, but if Rambler says you're good, I'll trust him. He's been using up our whole supply of rum spare a few barrels!" He chuckled at this a bit before asking Foaming Glass, "I do hope you have more here than beer and rum, you happen to have something nice, like a good wine stolen from Prance?"

Signature made by me!

Here's a list of my old names so you all remember me, old to new. Strawberries Yum/The Opal Family/The Opals/Luna Opal/Bumble Berry/Rainbow Jack/Colgate Revolution/Bad Seed/Bad Apple/The Alicorn Amulet/Opalicious/Doctor Who/The Tenth Doctor. I can't believe how long I've been here :')

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Short Fuse looked out onto the deck, checking the sea and the deckhands leaving the ship. Then, he could see one of the deckhands stirring them up and out on the deck. 


How cute... The little deckhand is tryin' her best to be me... Too bad that I beat 'er to the punch already...


He looked back out to Captain Nightfall, trotting to him.


"Any few preparations left for this, Cap'n?"




"No, not many."

He looked out over the deck. After yelling at the crew to wake up, he had assumed his position on the bridge.

"There's another ship that had just come in. I don't want to have to fire shots. Have a deckhand make sure we're good on supplies. Then, we'll go back to one of the islands."

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"I might have something... let me check my cellar.", He headed down a staircase behind the bar and came back a few minutes later carrying a dusty bottle. 

"Premium vintage from Prance. Only the best for a friend of Rambler's", He fills a glass and sets it in front of you, "and Rambler, I suppose you'll be wanting a whiskey as usual?"


"Aye, and make it a double friend. I'm usually drunk by now."

Real men don't need signatures...


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Fade looks up at Slicer's call. Apparently, Casaflanka was near. She walked up to him, where he was looking over the horizon with his spy glass. Indeed Casaflanka was there, she could see it on the horizon. She had a bad feeling about today. The wind tasted off. But nonetheless, she turned to Slicer.

"Orders, sir?"

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"I might have something... let me check my cellar.", He headed down a staircase behind the bar and came back a few minutes later carrying a dusty bottle. 

"Premium vintage from Prance. Only the best for a friend of Rambler's", He fills a glass and sets it in front of you, "and Rambler, I suppose you'll be wanting a whiskey as usual?"


"Aye, and make it a double friend. I'm usually drunk by now."

"Thanks mate, it's been ages since I was able to drink delicacies like this. He took the glass and took a small sip, the extravagance of Prance itself filling his mouth, and he could even taste it's origin, Chateauneuf-du-Pony, a great place to drink wine. It was a true work of art. "You really know how to get your drinks, friend. Respect."


((OOC: The real place is called Chateauneuf-du-Pape, and it is one of the 25 top hot-spots for drinking wine in the whole world.))

Signature made by me!

Here's a list of my old names so you all remember me, old to new. Strawberries Yum/The Opal Family/The Opals/Luna Opal/Bumble Berry/Rainbow Jack/Colgate Revolution/Bad Seed/Bad Apple/The Alicorn Amulet/Opalicious/Doctor Who/The Tenth Doctor. I can't believe how long I've been here :')

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Fade looks up at Slicer's call. Apparently, Casaflanka was near. She walked up to him, where he was looking over the horizon with his spy glass. Indeed Casaflanka was there, she could see it on the horizon. She had a bad feeling about today. The wind tasted off. But nonetheless, she turned to Slicer.

"Orders, sir?"

Slicer turned to look at Fade. "Today...Everypony can take their bits and have some fun...By that I mean just buy stuff. I need to visit an old friend. I believe he has something new for us." He grinned mischievously. "I will need a couple ponies to stay on board the ship and then the rest can go out and get drunk or whatever." He patted Fade on the head then trotted down the stairs and into his room. He grabbed his throwing knives and his two katana's.


After another few minutes the ship was docked. Slicer told three crew members to stay on board, Then he flew off the ship and into the town.

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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Foaming Glass smiled at the compliment, "Well, I've been doing this for years, so I'd like to think I know what I'm doing. It's good to see someone who can appreciate my fine selection.", he said glaring at Rambler.


"What!? I appreciate it. I especially appreciate how drunk it gets me."

  • Brohoof 1

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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"Um, hello Red. Spark. And I'm not fragile. I could hit you upside your head with your helmet if I wanted to. I got no reason to though." Spark shrugged, wondering 'what the hay was wrong with this dude?' But the Wasp could usa a new torturer and arms expert, maybe she would talk to Arcane. After all, she always got what you wanted. "I'll talk to my cap'n about your spot on th Wasp. Of course, we'll have to verify your authenticity" Spark gave a devilish smile.

"Und vat do you mean by zat? Hoof-to-hoof combat? A duel, perhaps? Oh, I have not had a good duel in a vile. authenticating But I cannot ausentificate myshelf until you, my dear, say vat I am ausenticating. Ve're at an impasse." Red watches Spark from under the brim of his futuristic-yet-beaten helmet.



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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Slicer turned to look at Fade. "Today...Everypony can take their bits and have some fun...By that I mean just buy stuff. I need to visit an old friend. I believe he has something new for us." He grinned mischievously. "I will need a couple ponies to stay on board the ship and then the rest can go out and get drunk or whatever." He patted Fade on the head then trotted down the stairs and into his room. He grabbed his throwing knives and his two katana's.


After another few minutes the ship was docked. Slicer told three crew members to stay on board, Then he flew off the ship and into the town.

Fade nodded, not particularly enthusiastic. But, albeit tentatively, she exited, nodding at Slicer's three chosen crew members as she left the ship. She didn't fly much, was never given reason for needing a quick escape. She was never particularly noticable, always blending in with nothing. Like mist. It was why she had made a skilled thief. But of course, as part of Slicer's crew, she didn't need to resort to theivery anymore. That didn't mean she couldn't do it. She was secretly fond of her title as master pickpocket. But she only ever did things she absolutely needed to do.

"Now is as good a time as ever to get some hobbies." she thought.

As she walked along Casablanka, she came across a rather unusual store. Unusual in the fact that it looked rather odd in a place like this. A library.

"I've always been rather fond of books." she murmured softly to herself, before intering the building.

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Und vat do you mean by zat? Hoof-to-hoof combat? A duel, perhaps? Oh, I have not had a good duel in a vile. authenticating But I cannot ausentificate myshelf until you, my dear, say vat I am ausenticating. Ve're at an impasse." Red watches Spark from under the brim of his futuristic-yet-beaten helmet.


"And why can't you authenticate yourself to me? Is it because I'm a girl? And I was thinking hand-to-hand combat..."  Spark was particullary aggressive when it came to the fact that she was a girl. She wore trousers, didn't she? That at least earned her some leverage. No 'proper' mare wouldever wear trousers. She could do anything a stallion could do!

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"And why can't you authenticate yourself to me? Is it because I'm a girl? And I was thinking hand-to-hand combat..."  Spark was particullary aggressive when it came to the fact that she was a girl. She wore trousers, didn't she? That at least earned her some leverage. No 'proper' mare wouldever wear trousers. She could do anything a stallion could do!

"Urrrgh. I explained zat! I do not know vat I am ausenticating, und zerefore cannot ausenticate it! Hoof-to-hoof combat is fine, by ze vay. Vat time vould you like to lose?" Red figured that a pants-wearing mare would leap at the chance to fight him to reinforce her perception of her own strength and ability.



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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