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Question about pony haters...


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I don't know if this is the right place to post but, are most pony haters homophobic? Because most haters I've met call me stuff like gay and f**got.

There's also haters that think we are a sin...




Edited by Danger Dashie
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I doubt they're homophobic. I've met a few haters who were gay. A lot of people, like previously stated, just can't think of anything more intelligent to say, so they say the simplest thing that comes to mind.

  • Brohoof 1
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It's not homophobic, its just that the pony haters are running out of new material well they had no new material to begin with. Like the phrase says, ''Haters gonna hate.'' they will always try to go against us, but we always win in the end. I just don't understand what caused this spark between us and the pony haters. They are just full of jealousy and hatred.

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You don't have to be homophobic to grow some hatred to bronies. I've seen a lot of cases where neutral non-bronies turned hater because some bronies cannot stop from spamming them shitty pony memes. All it takes is some bad first impression on the show and viola, a hater that is not complicated with any bigotry is made.

  • Brohoof 2


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Have you ever seen something called "gay" as if it was an insult ?

But when peoples use it as an insult I just dont pay attention, it's not ment to be one and it only shows how non-open minded they are.

You don't have to be homophobic to grow some hatred to bronies. I've seen a lot of cases where neutral non-bronies turned hater because some bronies cannot stop from spamming them shitty pony memes. All it takes is some bad first impression on the show and viola, a hater that is not complicated with any bigotry is made.


It must be true in some cases, even if I never saw such an extreme one.

One of my friend doesn't like all the brony stufs, and I know that if I talk more about it, he's just gonna be pissed of.


We have to admit that, for today's society, youngh peoples that like little ponies can seems strange (even if I never think like that) and we dont have to impose it in an excessive way.

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I think its more that they figure if you watch a show meant for little girls and like it you must be gay, which assumes all gay guys are girly....which isn't true. 

  • Brohoof 1

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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It's human nature to fear, and shun things that ain't "normal". Some people are just unable to overcome that instinct and make their own opinions about things.



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-Duncan McLeod.

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No, they aren't for the most part. I know for a fact that I spring to the word "gay" as a default description for anything I don't like. Which is a really bad habit that I got into over the years.

Like other have stated, it's also the fact that people don't understand it. I was one of them, until I actually sat down and watched the show. People on the whole just need to be more open minded, and not knock things until they've tried them. ^_^


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Not all of them are but quite a few of them are homophobic and even many of them that aren't at the very least seem to have deep seated insecurities about their own masculinity. To me someone who feels they need to project this false macho image to prove they are a man is just a scared little boy pretending to be a man while a true man is someone who is comfortable enough in their own skin to give something a chance even if that thing is considered "girly".

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I wouldn't say that pony haters are universally homophobic, but it seems that people who are homophobic also seem to have a problem with MLP. This doesn't necessarily apply to all haters or all homophobes, but the latter tends to be more of a tendency than the former, in my experience, anyway.

maudpie_zpsh8n7erzx.png You're the most basic of jokes.

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No most haters are just ignorant people who just want to irritate us as they are nothing but trolls. Others because they hate it with a passion with it being hyped up and whatnot. I don't think there really is a brony hater simply because he/she is homophobic.

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Well a grown man enjoying a cartoon pony show can come across as somewhat feminine and I'm sure a lot of them are still in middle/highschool and "fag" is the insult du jour...Or decade. So being homophobic, at least in those years is "trendy" so to speak, especially in bumblefuck hickville, where I went to school.

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Some of them are homophobes, but most of them are either morons, hypocrites , or moronic hypocrites. Here's a list of reasons they might hate us:

  • Square A: Hatred of "feminine" things
  • Square B: Spamming
  • Square C: They hate things they don't understand

Square B and A: See, they claim we spam our pony stuff everywhere, but they don't bother to complain about things like trolls or haters of their own fandom. These haters claim they don't hate us because we like something presumed feminine, but let's did deeper: Square B connects with Square A in the fact that they hate us for showing them feminine things.

Square C, however, seems to be a common social defect in which people can take first impressions seriously and easily.

My main OCs:           Previously known as:

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Personally, I say yes, using "gay" or "faggot" as an insult denotes some degree of homophobia, even if the person themselves is gay (internalized homophobia is indeed a thing!). Because they need those words and the negative stereotypes associated with them to convey dislike for something: effeminate, unnatural, sexually deviant, so on and so forth. It's a casual homophobia thing. We don't really even fully think about it anymore because it's become so normalized. And that stuff, unfortunately, ends up flying under the radar more and more often because it's not regarded as outright homophobic.



Edited by Castoro Chiaro



I'm also of the opinion that deliberate lies and innuendos should never be allowed to go unopposed. At what point does tolerating the intolerable make you part of the problem? - John DeLancie

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I don't think they are homophobic. They just use that as a reasonable insult because it's ponies. Just ignore what other people say. everyone likes different things, and people can't condemn you for it.

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  • 1 year later...

Haters are going to hate... on anything and everything... they can. As for me I love haters! Because its someone that hates you so much they make it their life's work to make your life a living hell! and I just laugh at them! because its soo sad... and funny. 



Anyway No I don't think they fear us homosexuals... I think they are just mad they can't be as epic as us..


"Does not matter what they say, my sweet love! I love you! and always will." 

~Princess Luna

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When a hater calls me "gay" for liking My Little Pony, I kindly inform them that not only is that extremely unoriginal as an insult, but I am also a female. Usually shuts them up.


I just think that most haters just can't come up with anything better than gay as an insult.


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I honestly think it's mostly on the internet. I've got a friends who absolutely hate Bronies, but for a good reason. He's got brothers than spam the shit out of him with ponies. I don't blame him for hating Bronies with that being the case, but this guy is different. HE IS NOT A MINDLESS SHITHEAD! He knows I'm a Brony, and he don't give a damn. I don't bother him about anything pony related, so we're cool. 


[even when it comes to Brony hate, I don't understand anyone else who gets it..]

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Oh well, I just had discussion about it on Polish MLP forum few hours ago.

I don't really care about hatred on the internet and I never was hated for being casual pegasister however I see there's a problem in Poland when it comes to linking bronies with "faggots". People are getting quite agressive about whole "gender" thing here now an somehow being a brony = being gay and I mean literally which results in almost all conservative people hating on bronies of any kind.

It's not rare here to hear parents say that if their kids will end up a brony they will give them out to adoption. Imagine how that makes some people feel about their families. Of course they don't do it afterall but feeling of not being fully accepted stays, I guess.

Also catholic church started quite loudly call MLP a satanistic cartoon for some reasons I don't get at all but it also resulted in many people being not tolerated, especially by extremist parents and MLP merchandise is now banned from many catholic schools, causing even more frustration among bronies.

In all the cases above bronies are being seen as gay people or those who will become gay because "that's what MLP does to people". Some parents are very afraid of it and even take their kids to psychologists if they find out they're bronies.

I could write much more about situation here but for now I have enough of this topic, it makes me feel sad so just have this summary here- should be enough.

Edited by Burning Question

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I know a guy who claims to hate bronies. I'm not really sure why. Hate is a rather strong emotion, and I don't get why somebody would have any hatred towards a fandom which produces "love and tolerance."


Credit for the signature goes to Kyoshi

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