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Rarity Fan Club


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Ooh... elaborate upon your acronym, if you please...

pain in the ass :please:


I like to use Obsidian's emotes he made that weren't made official sometimes, plus my little good morning fan club picture I've posted every morning for months now. Uploading more attachments would push those down and make them harder to find :confused: If there's a way to delete attachments from your media library, I haven't found it yet :confused:


  • Brohoof 5
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We have media libraries...? News to me...

Yeahh. To the right of the emotes button :please:


Anyway, *sigh* I needa post some Rarity even though I don't like using attachments at all :confused:




Her gothic look is so pretty :wub: Per usual, as her beauty is unparalled and she can pull off any style :wub:

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Yep, and as you can see I don't use attachments much at all. :please:



^ that was on the first page. Which reminds me ... I should do a blog post inducting the two Celebs we determined were worthy of Fabulosity or Generosity.


Unless we want to rotate them ... meaning each member that nominates the Celeb does a little blog? I don't want to hog the funzies

  • Brohoof 4
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^ that was on the first page. Which reminds me ... I should do a blog post inducting the two Celebs we determined were worthy of Fabulosity or Generosity.


Unless we want to rotate them ... meaning each member that nominates the Celeb does a little blog? I don't want to hog the funzies


There were a few who we confirmed for fabulosity before, but all I remember from before the most recent ones is Chris Jericho :please:


Hmmm...Personally, I don't know if spamming the blogs with our little inductions would be the brightest idea :please: I think anyone who wants to write out an induction should do so here in the fan club and someone can compile all of the inductions together and put it in a master blog, while giving credit to each member who did an induction, if that makes any sense :please:


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Beauty pone sees something inspiring.


Everything that catches the interest of her big, almond shaped eyes either inspire her for a new piece of art, or inspire her to beautify something, or somepony.


Rarity is all about beauty, physical and mental, in body and spirit. And she sees beauty everywhere. Like i do when i gaze upon her shapely form...post-25189-0-19552400-1405868640.png


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All of a sudden the people selling the Element of Generosity seem to be conspiring to take all my money.



Cause ... you know I'll buy it. The face is adorable on that one.

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I'll be ordering that :wub: Question is...when? :please:


I got the Funko Rarity and a t-shirt on the way and I need to be a bit more conservative with my money with NMND and the 4DE plushies coming up..I can't turn down Rarity though :wub:

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I'll be ordering that :wub: Question is...when? :please:


I got the Funko Rarity and a t-shirt on the way and I need to be a bit more conservative with my money with NMND and the 4DE plushies coming up..I can't turn down Rarity though :wub:

By the looks of it you'll have plenty of time to save, its due March 2015 :okiedokielokie: There's so much brilliant upcoming merch, I'm going to be broke by christmas XD


I saw someone down my local street wearing a Team Rarity shirt last week, I shouted 'Rarity is divine' but didn't get a response :lol: 

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I'll be ordering that :wub: Question is...when? :please:


I got the Funko Rarity and a t-shirt on the way and I need to be a bit more conservative with my money with NMND and the 4DE plushies coming up..I can't turn down Rarity though :wub:

I hear you. You should have been here when I made the case to my wife that we should take a nice vacation to San Fran in early April.




Btw Ghost ... guess who's coming to NMN now?

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Rarity helping Twilight shine!


She is so generous with her gifts. Rarity herself is deserving to be in the spotlight, but her friends are too for her. She does not want to stand alone at the top, she want her friends at her side, no matter how costly it will be for her.


She could so easily just give gifts of money or bought items, seeing as she has an easy access to gems, but even in the presents she gives she goes the hard way. She always crafts everything herself, puts her love, work and passion into it...


Her greatest gift are not physical though, they are things one cannot buy, not for all the jewels of Equestria.


Even in her generosity she is special, even her generosity is extra generous.


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She could so easily just give gifts of money or bought items, seeing as she has an easy access to gems, but even in the presents she gives she goes the hard way. She always crafts everything herself, puts her love, work and passion into it..


*vigorous nod*


Rarity puts a little piece of herself into every thing she makes, and tries to have the piece embody an important aspect of the person who will receive the gift. When it is given ... she likely views it as her love helping to bring out exactly what the customer, patron, or friend needs most. Artistic symbiosis!

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