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I found this one scene funny because even though she's crying, she's being hella dramatic:

But it was the truth at the time, she was taken advantage of, and I was not ok with that! I wanted to punch Suri in the face so much for making Rarilove cry, I'm serious.

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But it was the truth at the time, she was taken advantage of, and I was not ok with that! I wanted to punch Suri in the face so much for making Rarilove cry, I'm serious.

But in the end, Rarity came up on top and here's Suri's reaction:


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WEll her own fault for giving a whoel swath of the fabric, you know a simple square f it wuld have ben just fine but no rarity gave her an itie plank o the stuff.

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WEll her own fault for giving a whoel swath of the fabric, you know a simple square f it wuld have ben just fine but no rarity gave her an itie plank o the stuff.

*sigh* I guess, but Rarity has generosity in her blood! There's now way she would've done anything less. She's generosity for a reason you know?

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WEll her own fault for giving a whoel swath of the fabric, you know a simple square f it wuld have ben just fine but no rarity gave her an itie plank o the stuff.

Don't blame Rarity for being extra generous. Rarity knew Suri before, and Suri was most likely trustworthy at the time. She uses the big city as an excuse for her greed, so she most likely became greedy after moving to Manehattan. Rarity, who never knew the greedy Suri, didn't expect that to happen. Suri is the one at fault, not Rarity. 

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Don't blame Rarity for being extra generous. Rarity knew Suri before, and Suri was most likely trustworthy at the time. She uses the big city as an excuse for her greed, so she most likely became greedy after moving to Manehattan. Rarity, who never knew the greedy Suri, didn't expect that to happen. Suri is the one at fault, not Rarity. 

Though rarity could easliy prove the fabric was her creatin since Suri can't produce more of said fabric..yeah what if her cleinets asked for more clothes other htne those 5..yeah suri can't replicate sadi fabirc  lolz.


RArity i'm pretty sure using hotel home as your nw fasion line woudl backfire..wait wasnit the same pony who said 'It a missh mash of everyting but the kitchen sink" 

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Though rarity could easliy prove the fabric was her creatin since Suri can't produce more of said fabric..yeah what if her cleinets asked for more clothes other htne those 5..yeah suri can't replicate sadi fabirc  lolz.


RArity i'm pretty sure using hotel home as your nw fasion line woudl backfire..wait wasnit the same pony who said 'It a missh mash of everyting but the kitchen sink" 

That was a problem I had with the episode. I get that like every other Mane Six, she went against her element. Unfortunately, her stealing hotel items had no consequences. She may not have stolen them, but they should have made that clear. In fact, her stealing other items led her to winning the Fashion Week thing. I honestly think Rarity shouldn't have won the fashion week. Suri shouldn't have won it either. Rarity would then congratulate the winner even though she wanted to win. Then Coco Pommel sees that and gives Rarity her key with the reasoning. 


I love Rarity, but winning a contest by stealing isn't right. It happens, but it shouldn't. Also, that would give Rarity a chance to show her generosity again. Oh well. 


Again! Rarity had a foal in Baby Cakes! As much as I love Rarity, let's just say that her home is not suitable for babies. 

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Ugh what, that foal thing really...never mind I"m not going there, I stay away from shippers liek the plauge. those guys fight like wild dogs.

Hey! I do not fight like a wild dog! I just think Rarity and Applejack would be cute together.

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Ugh what, that foal thing really...never mind I"m not going there, I stay away from shippers liek the plauge. those guys fight like wild dogs.

I only put that caption on that picture because I thought it would be funny. And not all ships are badly written.


This is my beloved OC Silver Sword:



I put my heart and soul into this guy just to make him the perfect stallion for Princess Celestia...I only hope that I succeeded...I feel that he could also be shipped with Rarity or Fluttershy though.

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Sure Rarity can fight but she not much of fighter.  She bucked a manicore in the face only to make said creature mad.

Don't talk lowly of Rarity here, please. It's a fan club, not a talk about how Rarity isn't as great as we think club. We're Rarity fans. At least most of us are...

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Good morning everypony.




I still can't get enough of that scene :proud:


Little Rarity and Spike



Even though I'm not very fond of Sparity, they look cute together.

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