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Pony stories in your mind


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Okay so this is hard for me to explain, but I'll try my best. By the way sorry for my English as it is not my native language and I'm a little bit tired.

I'm pretty sure most of Bronies are doing it but for those who don't know, I'll explain.
The thing I'm talking about is making a story in your mind. Like you are watching an episode, but you are the director and you use your imagination to make it. Damn explaining it is hard.

It's just about visualizing a story using your imagination.

Of course, you can visualize what you want, so you can make a story about:
-Celestia playing CoD
-Luna eating a sandwich

Or something common like a story about you being ponyfied (or not) and sent to Equestria for no reason.

I'm not sure someone will understand what I just wrote, but I wanted to try.

So, if you know what I'm talking about and you are doing it on a daily basis, let me know what your story is about :D

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I know exactly what you mean I do something like that I have a whole storyline that set to 15 songs so far that I listen to. I'll admit it even to myself the storyline is really really convoluted. Hang on I'll get the playlist *rummages* ok here it is, I'll put what the artists are when I know them;


1 - Bad Harmony (search youtube for bad harmony its the first video)

2 - Hold Me

3 - Diamond Tear - Omnipony

4 - In Flight - Andrew Lewis

5 - Awoken - Wooden Toaster

6 - Rainbow Factory - Glaze

7 - Cosmic Castaway - Electrasy

8 - Dig - Mudvayne

9 - Points Of Authority (Jay Gordon remix) - Linkin Park

10 - Prince Of Darkness - Megadeth

11 - Burly Brawl - One of the Matrix soundtracks

12 - Hero's Return - Hammerfall

13 - Rising Force - Hammerfall

14 - Smog - Seventh Element

15 - Double Loyalty


Thats it so far, it kind of keep evolving.

I'm not going to say what the story is because as I said its convoluted and well it gets gorey. Complete with a fight against Discord, souls being torn apart, demonic possession, all out wars, the final fall of the hero (in that world), an alternative beginning to season 3 and rebirth

Edited by Fridge

Street artist | activist | Fanfic writer | Fire Spinner | attempting Musician

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Not going to lie, I ship my OC with Trixie all the time. :3




Other then that, I'm not really big on this. I'm not good at imaging such things.



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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I know the feeling. :) A lot of mine are rełated to music, too.


Every time I hear the song "Home" by Philip Philips, I can't help but think of "My Little Dashie." Give it a listen, you'll know what I mean. ;)


At the same time, whenever I daydream about going to Equestria, I set it to the song "Home" by Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeroes.


I sense a pattern, here. :P


Now that I think about it, pretty much every time I here a new song now, I end up making a PMV in my head. I should get Vegas and make a few of them a reality.


Follow me on Tumblr! http://stratosthestallion.tumblr.com

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(• _ •)


Dammit I've been caught.


Well yes.

Sometimes when I'm bored I tend to daydream about ponies. Most of the times I end up creating my own stories and episodes (most that I find pretty good, if I do say so myself). Sometime I make up dramatic ideas and storylines.

Seriously if I had the writing skills I guarantee I would have plenty of good ideas for fan-fics.

Edited by Phoenix237
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Um...I dont know if this counts or not, but when I go for my regular walks at night, I have a list of MLP songs I listen to, and if I can clear my mind enough and focus purely on the music, I more often than not find myself daydreaming about MLP in some way. It can vary, but for the most part it's simply a single pony doing something in correlation to the music. 


(Eg: I imagine just a generic pony - no name or anything, and when the music drops in Omnipony's "My little changeling" I always imagine the pony stamping his front hooves on the ground and creating massive earthquakes. Dont...ask me why. That's just apparently how my brain works)

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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I've thought of some interesting stories over the time that I have been a brony, while I don't write fan-fic, These stories I think of keep me keen to at least try one day. Here is a summary of my most interesting one (When I was thinking of the story, it was A LOT more detailed than what I will describe below):


(starts off in real world) A guy buys a new computer from a shady-looking guy in a popular store in his local town. He sets it up no problem. Decides to watch some MLP - half-way though the screen becomes incrediably bright and sucks in the guy (I remember it doing it in a certain way, but I forgot it D: ) Wakes up in dark shed, two other people in room, they remain silent. Guy looks out of window, sees ponyville. Gets really excited, runs out and towards ponyville.


Arrives at ponyville, random stallion sees him, a sudden, painful headache occurs in both the pony and the guy, they both faint. Guy wakes back up in shed. One of the two people come over to help him up.

"I see you are a brony then, at least you'll be moderately happy here."

"Why am I back here, in this shed, whats this pain?"

"Everytime a... pony, sees you, you will faint, and return here. We are not supposed to be here"

"Well... how am I going to be pleased with that?"

"The F***ing brony that brung me here, he found this weird device then he went outside and hasn't returned, apparently it was going to  turn him into a f***ing horse, so he could go out and not have any headaches. he said that he would be able to hang out with the rest of 'em and he would never go back to earth even if he was given all the money, ever."

"I see, but you don't have the... device here do you?"

"Not he took it with him. *sigh* I just wish i could go home right about now."


*Slam* the shed door opened and large-pony looking figure was standing there and walked in, everyone prepared for a headache, but nothing became of it.

"Its me! I'm back! with good ne-. Wait, who are you"

He doesn't give an answer, he just becomes very excited. Excited at the fact that he could become a pony, and walk beside his favorate cartoon characters. But the person-turned-pony, he wasn't holding anything, at all.

"anyway, I've got good news, I've found a way back to earth!"

"Where! Tell me now!" - said the person in the corner that has not yet said a single word.

"Thats the problem, it's somewhere inside canterlot, the main city in equestia, filled with ponies"

"How the hell are we supposed to get in there without being noticed, I have no idea..."

The only human brony in the room came up with an idea: "how did you turn yourself into a pony then?"

"Oh yeah, I'm not sure what it is exactly, but theres a problem there as well. I left it in town hall, and I can't get in there, its locked shut for the arrival of princess celestia, a week from now..."

"But we haven't got a week! WE DON'T HAVE ANY FOOD! and you can laugh if you think I'm eating hay."


I'll think I'll stop there, I think I remember saying that this was going to be brief... (I've gone over 2000 characters). I did miss a few scenes and didn't name any of the characters in this post. As you can probably tell, I've kept this story in my mind for quite some time, adding to it every so often, and almost replaying it in my mind. but I hope it was a good read, let me know what you think :P

Edited by Dusty Sparkle

I can't be bothered to make my signature.

I'm sure I'll be bothered to make it a soon as I can be bothered make my OC...

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I tend to think of stuff in the show's style and future fanfic material if I ever got around to writing it. Among these ideas:


Each of the Mane 6 look up at the stars on an unusually clear night and have different experiences all across the spectrum. Pinkie Pie is reminded of her old home, Rarity gets some artistic inspiration, Rainbow Dash can't sleep because the moon is too bright...


Twilight Sparkle decides to write a diary to her future self (because she loves the idea of a time capsule) when she starts learning magic under Princess Celestia in her fillyhood until she is the pony equivalent of a teenager. The entries slowly improve in sentence complexity and grammar (I was inspired a little by Flowers For Algernon), but reveal Twilight's ignorance of the lessons about friendship that Celestia tried to teach her. 


Applejack feels doubtful that she truly represents the element of honesty... and finds out that her ability to acknowledge her imperfection about representing her element is exactly why she is the element of honesty.


Rainbow Dash doesn't just like books after Read It And Weep, she seems positively addicted to them. Her frantic behavior when she reaches the end of the Daring Do series arouses Twilight's suspicions. Rainbow Dash accidently lets a few intriguing words slip, but realizes that Twilight is trying to pull the secret out of her and gets mad. When Twilight feels repentant and just suggests a new book that RD will love, RD feels reflective after reading it and has a sort of epiphany  The next day, she tells Twilight the real reason why she was so addicted to reading; she had a lot of trouble with school and especially reading as a filly (which was why she got bullied and also why she got kicked out of flight camp) and how reading boosted her self confidence. Naturally, right afterwards she has a "oh crap, did I just tell her all of that?" moment, and begs for Twilight not to tell anypony else. Twilight, having learned her lesson, Pinkie-promises to not tell a soul about what Rainbow Dash revealed to her.

Latest Video: Come On: An Ode To Best Friendship


"Says they don't like MMDW or Merriwether Williams: Inb4 Stellafera" - Sugar Cube

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Well I am writing a story right now, so I have to think about how I want it to go and think about what the characters need to do. Sometimes when I am think about an episode, I sometimes get ideas from what happened in that episode.


Made by Gone ϟ Airbourne

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I've imagined up a very lengthy fanfiction which I may write about Twilight becoming a princess.  It would include a lot of individual stories about her slowly reaching her full potential.


I've also thought of one where Scootaloo gets her cutie mark.


I mostly think up Sad and Adventure stuff.  Not much Comedy or Shipping.

I love you.

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