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private Equestria Divided Roleplay


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@@Spell Shock,



Whitetail Woods - Campsite


"No we are not part of that Inquisition  I would never serve myself to that witch of a mare Trixie." Eternity said feeling a bit insulted he would think that. "We are just travelers. Outcasts. We are going to Manehatten too. Because we have no where else to go. Hopefully we would be able to stay in the Undercity. I'm guessing you are doing the same. Something must of happened to you I suppose. Something bad. Why else would a soldier leave his House and head south? Alone too. You may travel with us. But watch yourself Earthpony. I'm not the kind you would want to anger." Eternity sat down on a fallen log near  the fire. "But i doubt there would be many Bandits here. Bandits stalk the roads for travelers. Not thick woods. Or at least you would think that."


Eternity starred into the fire for a bit. Gazing as it dances. "How about I ask you the same question? Why are you here Hammer?" 






??????? - Painting


The white stallion smiled as he saw Lila walking around in the forest he made. To stop her walking, and to scare her a bit, for fun of course, wooden spikes appeared in front her quickly as if they were supposed to kill her. Then behind her, then to the sides until she was surrounded.

Laughter of the stallion could be heard all around the forest. "Hahahahaha."


"Oh my dear dear, trapped Lila. Odd name for a pony don't 'cha think?" He was floating down on a cloud, laying on his back like he was relaxing. He was taking bites out of floating grapes that were over his head. As soon as he stood up on the cloud the grapes vanished. It was odd that he was on a cloud since he was an Earth pony. "Wonderful isn't it? I call it the Forest of Arcadia. Nice name right? I made this forest myself. Quite a masterpiece of Art is it not? Well, sort of." The grapes appeared gain for a second and he ate a couple from the floating vine and then they vanished again. "You are probably wondering how to get out right? Well, you can't. Until i say so. I won't kill you in here. Maybe. I will let you free once your friends are out of the city. I only allowed you to wake up. You are still unconscious in the real world. If I let you out now you are out you are just going to be extra weight for them to carry and slow their escape." Grapes appeared again and he took a couple a started talking with his mouth full of grapes. "Now... om just waitaum in thes forist *Gulp* for a while. I will be preoccupied out there so nothing should pop out and scare you here. Maybe. Should be a regular forest unless you go far enough." He ate more grapes "Ani quesstons?"






It was a magnificent sight seeing Wind kill those ponies while flying. But the moment ended when several guards came after him and Derpy on the ground. He smirked. "I'll handle them Derpy."


It was roughly around 10 guards.  He pulled out another painting as they charged after him. It was one of a thunder storm. He held it out towards them, and a couple lightning bolts shot out of the painting killing around 5 of the militia. His saddle bags flung open again revealing the flying dagger once again. It shot at them stabbing them several times. It returned to him but instead the weapon flew into a painting. A couple seconds later it came back out but instead of a small weapon, it was was a huge paint-brush with a iron spike at the end of it.He took hold it at the impaled the rest of the guards with it.


"Riposa in pace, mother buckers." He said to their lifeless bodies. A couple ponies with guns appeared on the rooftops, and aimed their weapons at him. They fired, but he quickly used his brush and made a blotch of ink appear in the sky. The bullets hit the floating ink and disappeared. He sued the brush to clean up the floating ink then swung the brush once again in the sky created a new blotch of ink and then the bullet flew out of it right back at the guards. Killing them. Then the large brush poofed and turn into a smaller floating brush. It was the dagger that was flying around.


"Now, shall we go and see that undead pony of yours Miss Hooves?"

Edited by AnonBrony
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Rain's eyes widened as the bowl filled with the green magic.

He listened quietly and when she finished he couldn't help but wonder why the liege would want to do this...Fluttershy did say that the well was a place away from the pains of life and such...but he still didn't really like the thought, The souls weren't able to move on...its almost like they were just stuck there and the ponies part of House Everfree were feeding off them.

Maybe he was overreacting, Fluttershy did say that it wasn't bad...but he still couldn't stop feeling like what they were doing was wrong.

"I understand My Lady...but...why are you telling me these things ?" He asked, a little curious as to why she would want him to know.

Then...a thought popped into his mind...a thought he did not enjoy...the thought of his mother, what if she was there...what if she never got to move on ? He held back the tears screaming to roll down his cheeks then asked. "One m-more question...h-how long have you b-been doing this ?" He asked, his voice shaking, scared of what the answer may be.



(OOC: If you don't know, Rain's mother was killed and they lived in the everfree forest...so he doesn't like the thought of her being stuck.)

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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House Stormwing – The Southern Boarders


Commander Dash moved with relentless speed, almost getting too far ahead for her guards to even see her. After many hours her wings were in pain and her soldiers were exhausted. She did not know what she would do, what was there to do? Nine Pegasi was all it took to change the course of a battle, but the stakes had never been higher. There was only one option left for them; there was no other way, unless she risk the destruction of her house. She flew south, full speed towards New Ponyville. It was risky but what choice did she have? Earthborn may be their last hope.


Rainbow landed just beyond the gates of the town, instantly a hundred guns turned their aim towards the commander. Her guards raised their shields and formed into a small phalanx. Rainbow trotted forward without fear, her mind dead set on her goal. “Applejack, get out here! This isn’t a game anymore, I need your help!” She eyed the ranks of Ponies at Arms, some even looking rather terrified at just the sight of nine Pegasi. Looks like she had brought more soldiers after all. “Hey, one of you bastards go and fetch your commander! We need to talk!”


House Stormwing – Cloudsdale – The Last Gambit


Commander Spitfire looked to Gilda with a grin, turning to her ranks of guard ready to die. “I think I may be able to get you close enough. My Hoplites can get you close enough to the Zebra, using iron and weather to keep them occupied. Get you job done and get out of there, we’ll deal with the rest.” She quickly turned back to her troops, 400 soldiers prepared and ready. Each was as willing as the next to lay down their life for their house, each was ready to die for their city. “Alright lads, you want glory, here it is! You want honour, take it! You want a death worthy of remembrance; the jaws of the beast lay before you. Mares, Colts; now is the time they die… now is the time we live forever!”


The idea was risky, a solid spearhead aimed straight towards the heart of the enemy. All previous raids were met with failure, Soarin’s own chariots destroyed and many other Pegasi dead. Every soldier that feel, their soul was defiled and desecrated by their foul arts. This was a time of vengeance, they would go down fighting. Ranks of dull iron shields and helmets, rows of razor sharp spears. No Pegasi would go down without dragging ten with them. “They want us to surrender, they want us to throw down our arms! Lads… let’s go give it to them!” They launched from the city centre, charging headfirst into fray. The ents bark was thick and their modifications were deadly, but no enemy could withstand the heavy clash of iron. Each warrior protected his brother and sister, everypony had each other’s back. They were a war machine.


They brought down the weather on their heads, pelting them with lightning and twisters. Great bolts of electricity set wood alight, ents burning out of control. Twisters threw around their troops in droves, disorienting their lines beyond recovery. Oh sure, Everfree killed many with their primitive weapons, they made their own kills. But no Pegasi fell without dragging down his foe with him. That was what they lived by; no retreat, no surrender. They would die for their house, no exceptions. “Gilda, get your ass down here! There won’t be much left for you if you don’t hurry!”


Long Stride – Whitetail Wood – The Campsite


He shrugged at their questions. “I have no story to tell. Nothing to say other than it had nothing left to offer me. You could call it many things, but there is nothing too complicated about why I left. Manehattan offers a chance at a new start, a start where I can best out my… talents to use.” He sat down a bit closer to the group. “It is kind of you to let me travel with you. Although I must say I’m not surprised that Moon and Star have driven you out. That house is doomed to collapse in on itself, from all I’ve seen in my years. You’d be lucky to leave before it eventually does.”

Edited by The-Master


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While Lila was walking several spikes appeared out of no where, almost hitting her. She let out a yelp and backed up only to be met by more spikes. Lila quickly looked up to where the laughter was coming from, rage radiating from her almost literally. "No one... and I mean no one, throws the royal name in the dirt. Do I make myself clear?" Lila replied through gritted teeth. True she originated from a 'royal' line of kin, but not like from the sisters who used to rule Equestria. And that was a long time since and didnt really mean much anymore since the kingdom had fallen long before she even made it to Equestrian borders, but she used the fact to try and gain a mutual power over a pony who was otherwise disrespectful to her or just plain annoying and wasn't in the mood for killing any pony at the time. But right now her headache wasn't helping her much and magic would be pretty much useless at this point so right now it was the only thing giving her a little leverage against this mysterious pony in front of her. But even now she had doubts that it would work, even slightly.

"And with a sigh, she closed the old dusty book and set it gently back on its self. Wishing for a better day to come tomorrow. So that today can be forgotten and lost in the memories of that book..."

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/cadence-r2169 -Cadence (Little Hop)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/lila-fireheart-r2356 -Lila Fireheart: The queen of FallenMoon
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/flash-note-r5473 -Flash Note: Silent, sweet, and explosive....


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Whitetail Woods - Campsite
-“ Well, those two jumped out from the bandwagon on accident, they helped me and my friend Lightning here” – Spell would speak – “I’m Spell, Spell Shock. It just so happened they wanted her for some reason. We were… not about to let them have her. But we did kind of anger inquisition. And “archmage”, so you might want to look out for unknown unicorns while you with us. Oh and a fair warning, do not touch Lightning. DO not look at her funny and along those lines. We both might be fillies, but we are more when capable of self-defense.”

She was looking at him, strictly. She would probably attack him if he did look at Lightning weirdly or tried something out on him and a little flux on her horn returned. Right now it was a red dot circling her horn, she was alarmed.


- “Spell, relax, there is no reason to be rude.” – Lightning would walk to Spell and hug her, after which Spell turned her attention to Lightning.


- “I guess… I’m sorry, it’s just what earth ponies usually brought us trouble, when just two of us traveled.  So.. are you hungry? Thirsty? I have water, Eternity probably can provide apples. I still have a grass sandwich is anyone wants it.” – Spell asked, looking at her container with water. She would need to refill it soonish. 

Throught Equestria relics of the past lay forgotten and alone, never truly resting, awaiting recognition

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Long Stride (Helm Hammer) - Whitetail Woods - The Campsite


It seems they have a couple of overly sensitive fillies on board. He cast a weary gaze at Lightning, not really to sure what to make of her. "You two are a strange couple, but I will speak no more of it. If it is food and drink you're offering then I would gladly accept some water. Any longer without it and I may just pass out from exhaustion." Long Stride sat on his haunches within the group, taking a quick drink from the canteen handed to him.


Surprisingly though he could not hep but look at the two young fillies curiously. Surely they could not have caused so much trouble. Then again, that unicorn was more than ready to off him. He would have to keep a weary eye on her. Actually he didn't have a plan anymore. He was. Originally just going to rob a few things but now it seems he's fallen into this small company of bandits. Does that mean he has to foalsit?


"If you don't mind me pointing out, you are both very young to be so far from home. It's not safe for fillies to be out in the wild these days. Ponies go missing daily without a trace these days, and you seem willing to take that chance."


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Spell and Lightning Shock - Whitetail Woods - Campsite

- “Well, I would sit in the Hoofington, watching Archmage build that insane device which will probably fail and bring doom to this world, but she tried to take Lightning, well not she but her minions, to slave work. Lightning can’t find her parents; mine were killed by one of the houses or bandits, posing as a house. I originally thought Earthborn, but I… declined that idea, when realized the gas they used was magical. Only family I have is Lightning about now, well and now those two I guess. So when I had a choice, sit nicely and let Lightning work a slaves work or just travel with her, you can guess which we all picked. Well, they got dragged into it. But they were great help. Drink up if you want, I don’t think anyone of us needs water right now.” – Spell replied, doing something with her bags – “And here, have this. But really, be vary of unicorns other when us around here. They might be Inquisitors. I think they will be kind of angry,  if they will be here at all.”.


She would hand him over a grass sandwich. Simple, but filling.


-  “Well, you did scare the living daylight out of Head Inquisitor with your show, Spelly” – Lightning replied giggling – “I wish I had a camera, just to make a picture of it. But yeah, me and Spell didn't fancy staying in Hoofington.”

Throught Equestria relics of the past lay forgotten and alone, never truly resting, awaiting recognition

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The Cult of Laughter - The Manehattan Inner City - Somewhere (???)


Derpy nodded to the painty-inky-stallion before running off around the city to find Tondrak. It didn't occur to her how strange it was that this pony knew so much about the Cult - no one but the Prophets knew of Tondraks' "condition".


Derpy soon heard yet another clamor and turned to face it, seeing several guards chasing (guess who?) Tondrak. She sped after him and soon caught up with the living skeleton. He was hard to recognise at first, but he was bony and his skin sewn on, and no other Cult pony she knew of was on a mission in the city of Manehattan.


"Tondrak!" she yelled, turning to look at him, for Derpy was now running and fighting alongside him. "We need to go to the place! The one with the ponies! Fill...Fillydelphia! Lila's in a painting right now, but a nice pony who gave me muffins says she'll be fine! So follow me!" She turned toward where Fillydelphia was and took off into the air. She wasn't sure Tondrak had heard her over all the ponies yelling, explosions, gunfire, magic blasts, and other havoc, but at least the guards hadn't heard.

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Cult of Laughter - Manehattan - inner city


@@Sky Warden,





Blood was about to follow Derpy until she remembered somepony...who she told she would find him.

She smiled and gripped the chains around her hooves, then she flew off towards...somewhere, in search for some guards.


After a few minutes she came across one guard who looked like he was a bit of a higher rank than the others.

He was down at the bottom of a building, ordering troops around to search for everypony from the cult.

Blood smiled and waited for the guard to go off with a small group, Then...she dived down to the ground and before anypony could do anything she pulled him up high into the sky. "WEEEEEE...Okay...there was a pony who helped you guards find the cult members...that's me...where is he ?" She asked, dropping the guard but catching him before he fell.


(OOC: Star you did say it was okay for us to control the guards right ? If not...like before, I will just edit this out.)



The guard yelled as he was pulled into the air and he magically levitated a gun from its holster. "P-Put me d-Down you w-witch." He said, pointing the gun at Blood's head.

Blood burst out laughing and almost dropped the guard. "You bucking idiot...if you shoot me...you fall and die. Now, answer my question and get this thing out of my face." She said, blowing at the gun.

The guard reluctantly pulled the gun away. "All I know is that he was with some other guards...he was either taken to the palace, the prison, or the military buildi- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAh." Blood dropped the guard and giggled as he plummeted towards the earth, then she happily flew off towards the castle...but she planned on giving the military building a peak as she passed by.

Edited by Jolteon

Something something something something


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(OOC: What the--for the name of Celestia?!)


House White Gold - Manehettan - The Military Headquarter - Somepony's Office.


(OOC: I forget whose office it is. laugh.png)


"Did you hear that?" Cunning Horn said to the guard next to him. Even between the havoc, a scream, and the noises of hooves taps against the paved road outside, he knew that voice, "Buck this. Not now!"


He turned to the soldier, "Stay here." Panic, he trotted out of the room and took all the swords and weapons he could found and hid them in many parts inside the room, "Help me hide these things." he said to the guard. It took him three times of gallop in and out the room with a bunch of weapons on his back. After they hid all of the weapons, he desperately pushed the guard out of the out of the door with him. He locked all of the keys, switches, and used everything to protect the door to the now empty room, as if he was hiding inside the officer's room.


"Well, it was nice to meet ye. Now if ye don't mind it, we need to go separately. Fair wind me hearty." With that he galloped into a random room he found earlier when he was taking all the weapons and hid them. He sat there, staring at the door and listening to any hoof step. He harden his horn once again, and tried to gather as much energy as possible, in case if the Cultist could find him here.


(OOC: I assume that Blood didn't bring any weapon other than the chain. Fair enough? )

Edited by Sky Warden
  • Brohoof 1



Pinkeh asked me to put this here. Just another What Do You Think About Me stuff.

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House Whitegold - Manehatten


The stallion ran over to Derpy and Tondrak and started running with them. "Oh so you're Tondrak. Haven't seen you in a while. Wonder if you remember me? Probably not. But anyway, Hello, nice seeing you again!" He said trying to shake his hoof while running, which didn't work out. "Got a couple guards on your hooves? I handle them." He jumped into the air and took the painting with the storm and shot several lightning bolts at the guards. Then he landed and continued running "Okay now, where are we running too?"





"Royal? OH that's who you are! Now I recognize you! Thought you looked a bit familiar. You were the pony that lead that revolt in the far way floating kingdom right? And then everyone in the kingdom died and stuff. Mainly cuz of you right? Hehehehahahaha!" he started to laugh. "You use the term royal as a complement and to make you seem better then me, while all your royal blood has done was be tyrants and kill ponies, so in reality, you and I, Miss Fireheart, We are exactly the same." He gave a wicked smile towards her. He was saying all of this to stir up her emotions, just for fun. It was always fun to see ponies get angry. 


"Now before i leave you here in my Forest, is there any questions? Don't want you messing up something around here or getting yourself killed."



@@Spell Shock,




Whitetail Woods - Campsite


"Perhaps you should be talking less Spell. You are saying a bit too much information." He turned to Hammer "Yeah, these two can be hard to manage, but as far as I know they are orphans, somepony has to look after them I suppose. Guess that would be me." He starred into the sky for a bit. Looking Into the stars, spotting a couple constellations.

Edited by AnonBrony
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@@Sky Warden,


(OOC: The chains and wingblades after this post.)

Blood happily flew towards the military building and started flying around it, looking into the windows. She was alone until a pegasus guard noticed her from the streets...its not every day a pony flies around a military building looking in the windows...right ?

"You there. Stop what you're doing and follow me." Said the pegasus, flying up towards Blood.

"...Um...no." Blood said, attempting to hit the guard with the chain, but the guard dodged it and flew at Blood, giving her a long cut down her side. "Now that...is annoying." Blood swung both the chains at the guard, on either side. The guard tried to dodge the oncoming attack but got hit in the wing by one of the chains. She started falling but Blood flew down and swung a chain around her middle.

Blood pulled the guard up to the roof of the military building and dropped her on the roof. The guard did her best to get out of the chains, but it was no use...a few moments later Blood snapped the guards neck and was pulling off the guards wingblades and putting them on her own wings.


(OOC: Sorry for the bad grammar if there is some...i'm really tired dry.png )

Something something something something


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@@Spell Shock,@@Sky Warden, @, @@The-Master, @@AnonBrony, @@Nightfall


(OOC: Jolteon, yes I did. Also, didn't Wind already have wingblades that were just invisible?)


House Whitegold - Manehatten - Inner City Boundary - Military Headquarters - Vice General's office


The guard stood there on alert after the stallion bolted. Remembering how easily the Cultists killed off the gatekeeper, the agent, and some soldiers, he ran into a room southwest from the stallion's hiding place. He silently unsheathed his blade and kept his eyes on the door in case somepony came in. He then went and hid in a spacious closet used mainly for storing armor that went out to the Whitegold militia. There was only a few boxes in there that contained armor for ponies slightly bigger than him, so he donned one of them and hid in the box it was once contained in. He closed the box and clutched his weapon tightly.


House Whitegold - Manehatten - Ivory Tower - Rarity's Room


The Prateorpony and the messenger waited outside of the thick door while Rarity slowly closed it and bolted half of the dozen locks. She took a seat at a gorgeous tea table that was gilded with gold and adorned with rubies, sapphires, and emeralds of the finest quality on the side of it. On top of it sat a beautiful china tea set, its intricate, blue designs so artistically done that it seemed to have taken on a life of its own. The teapot was already filled with tea, so she poured some into two tea cups to get her guest comfortable. 


"Have a seat, dear sir," she said quietly. She wore a gentle smile on her face, but she didn't trust this "unicorn" one bit. 


House Moon and Star - Whitetail Woods - Campsite


The cyan light subsided, but Star Rain's mistrust didn't. Yeah, right. A traveler from the south headed toward Manehatten. If that were true, he would be at Manehatten by now and not in these woods! He would have to have passed by it to be here. And it's a massive fortress city! She said nothing and silently wished Spell didn't spout out all of that information. Ugh, whatever... I guess I better tell my name... "Star Rain," she said, pointing to herself.

R66Gz.gifClick this dragon hatchling to help it grow, please!

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House Everfree - The Old Castle Ruins - Lady Fluttershys' Dining Hall


Jade only then realized that the Lady Sparrow, or whatever she was called, was wounded. She felt truly hurt by Evergreens' comment, much more than she had expected. "I," she began a little shakily, "I'm...I'm sorry, I didn't..." her face and voice hardened and she trotted swiftly over to where Evergreen was mending the pegasus mare. "How do I help to heal her?" Her eyes were locked on those of Evergreen when asking the question, then moved to the wound, which was rather large and had a spear coming out of it at an odd angle. She'd never healed anything before, but she might as well try to start now. There would not be any more deaths, not then.


((Yeah, Jade is a little useless at this point, but trust me - she'll get better. I have PLANS, teeheehee...))



((Sorry for the wait, guys. I've been busy beating up Spain and Ethiopia in the name of mighty Denmark. Civ V is addicting.))


"Dab the poultice..." Eve's voice was somewhat faint, but she remained awake as she extended her slightly trembling hoof with the mashed-up herbs on it for Jade to take. "Around the wound... Then we need to get that spear out of her, and see how bad she really is." Her eyes locked with Jade's for a brief moment, and she saw something almost primal in them that definitely had not been there when they had met that afternoon. Well, the first day was always the hardest, and this wasn't exactly the most nurturing environment for the change to occur... 


Suppressing a shudder at the memories of her own Day of Allegiance, she went on wearily, "I don't think the spear hit any vital organs, but it's hard to tell. Sparrow might have gotten lucky." 


And with a final tremble, Eve's legs gave way, and she fell gracefully onto the floor, where she lay. Somehow, miraculously still aware, she licked at a wound on the inside of her front left hoof, eyes half closed, looking bizarrely like a feral cat.

Find the Heart of the Jungle!

Still searching for players! Join today!

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House Whitegold - Manehatten - Ivory Tower - Rarity's Room


The Prateorpony and the messenger waited outside of the thick door while Rarity slowly closed it and bolted half of the dozen locks. She took a seat at a gorgeous tea table that was gilded with gold and adorned with rubies, sapphires, and emeralds of the finest quality on the side of it. On top of it sat a beautiful china tea set, its intricate, blue designs so artistically done that it seemed to have taken on a life of its own. The teapot was already filled with tea, so she poured some into two tea cups to get her guest comfortable. 


"Have a seat, dear sir," she said quietly. She wore a gentle smile on her face, but she didn't trust this "unicorn" one bit. 


Nightfall smiled at the Lady and sat down, magically taking a cup of tea and putting it in front of himself.

"Thank you, milady."

He always kept his eyes on Rarity, and sipped his tea a couple of times before talking again.

"Milady, you may question why I am here with a mysterious bulk. Well, simply, I have a new invention that could get this house a victory over the Diamond Dogs and, if you would like to, a chance to get more secrets from the other houses."

He got up, and magically brought the covered invention over, still in it's cart. He took off the cover, revealing the small engine.

"What I have hear, simply put, is a smaller version of the engine that used to power the, er- old train that ran throughout Equestria; the Friendship Express, as I think it was called."

He cringed a little, saying the train's name.

"I haven't finalized it yet, but was hoping to offer it to you to get help to make it more powerful. Currently, under my calculations, it has a little less power than a full grown stallion; .9, er- horsepower, as it were. But I think, if I could obtain such help, I could make it more powerful."

He paused for a moment.

"Under mass production, we could save causalities in the battles against the Diamond Dogs by using it instead it and not ponies."

He looked at the Lady, awaiting a response.

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House Everfree - The Old Castle Ruins - Lady Fluttershys' Dining Hall


Jade nodded and took the poultice from Evergreen. Not entirely sure how it would help, she spread it around the wound as instructed. Eve then fell to the ground, and Jade was alarmed, but she then felt at least a little better when she saw that Eve was not passed out.


Jade looked to Lady Sparrow. "This is probably going to hurt. Bite this." She ripped off a piece of the blanket from her bag and inserted it into Sparrows' mouth to ease the pain before proceeding to pull the spear out. She peered into the wound and gagged a little, as she was not used to seeing so much blood and gore, or any at all for that matter.


"It..." she began, "it's not too bad, as far as I can tell, although it is a bit deep." She had seen a few people with battle wounds the few times she had gone out as a filly, and she knew they had to be bandaged. She tied the remainder of her blanket, which was most of it, around the wound on Sparrows' waist. Jade took the cloth out of the mouth and put her hoof on the Ladys' shoulder. "It's alright, everything will be okay." That's what her mother used to say. A few tears threatened to roll down her cheeks at the thought of her mother, but she wouldn't let them. She began to sing a song to comfort Sparrow, and also sort of Eve, who seemed to be worn out.


She sang softly and sweetly and with emotion, a song she sang when trying to lift her spirits as a filly after her father died, a song she now knew by heart:


"Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree,

Merry merry king of the bush is he-e,

Laugh! Kookaburra Laugh!

Kookaburra gay your life must be..."


And as she sang, slowly, the tears began to fall.


((That's the only song I could think of, and it seems kinda' fitting to sing a song about a bird to Lady Sparrow))

Edited by TheSonicAlicorn
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House Everfree - The Southern Ruin - The Dining Hall


It hurt so much, she gripped her teeth and clamped her eyes shut. Shock was beginning to set in on her, her senses fading to a cloud of grey. As the spear was removed her eyes flung open and she yelped in sharp pain. The blood began to flow anew, the would now exposed to the open air. She felt herself becoming numb, the slow tingling sensation running through her body, creeping up her limbs and pooling at her hooves. She couldn't feel a thing.


But then she heard the singing, such sweet singing. Her mind was slowly put to rest and her heart beat began to return to normal. She tried to reach out a hoof to the source but it did not respond. All she could manage was a faint word. "Help." As her vision began to clear she could see the pony sitting in front of her. Tears began to pool in the corners of her eyes, unable to hold back her fear anymore. "Could you stay with me...  ?"


Long Stride (Helm Hammer) - Whitetail Wood - The Campsite


The traveler raised a hoof in gesture' "It's fine, any information given to me is safe, although I pity your situation. By the sounds of it you've all been through hell, and now you have them to look out for. Commendable, but stupid." He didn't seem to hesitate in speaking his mind, his tone unaltered as he spoke. "I guess since you've been honest enough to share your story, and hopefully aren't planning to kill me, it's my turn to come clean."


"My name is Long Stride, I used my grandfathers name simply as a guise. Do not get mad, I was simply being weary of strangers in the wood. I served in the Earthborn Military for close to fifteen years, a Pony at Arms. After my parents death at the hooves of Everfree I swore vengeance, but I was so scared. I would spend the rest of my life pointlessly throwing myself on the front line, killing any who stood in my way. Unfortunately it has taken its toll as you can see." He indicated to his many scars and even his more recently acquired limp. "I was a fool, so I left. Wandered for a few days and here I am. Now you know my story."


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Spell and Lightning Shock - Whitetail Woods - Campsite
- “Pity it’s the case of how most militaries are shaped right now. War, war as far as some can remember, long one and rotten to the core” – Spell replied – “Through one would think someone would reward you for such a long service, but when again, it’s Earthborn. While there are certainly some smart guys in there, we had one which though an image of a unicorn on a wall was a real unicorn. So, he naturally charged the wall. Most dangerous work of chalk ever.”

- “We never runned into Everfree through, I believe. Through from what I’ve heard of them, they are all kind of nuts.” – Lightning would reply, thinking – “But when again, half of the planet is nuts by this is beside the point. Oh and thank you for being honest! Well, honest with precautions.”


She would give off a cheerful smile and sit down on the ground for a little bit.


- “I think we all should get moving, if we want to reach Manehattan in reasonable amount of time. The quicker, the better” – Spell would reply – “Oh, also. You three, if you ever get in any kind of weird trouble, like you in trouble, but you can’t talk about it, use word “Cornflex” or blink, while saying it. Because well, Whitegold territory, better be over prepared when dead, robbed, skinned alive and when turned into meat for animals.”

Throught Equestria relics of the past lay forgotten and alone, never truly resting, awaiting recognition

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Lila relaxed slightly seeing that this stallion was getting bored. "Yeah, just one. How long will it take for me to burn down this place since you seem to like making ponies angry. And no, everypony in my kingdom dying was not my fault and I'll ha......... wait..... how do you know about that? No one should know about that..... you're one of them aren't you? The ones who were trying to kill me!" If she still had a headache she didnt notice it anymore as she took a combat stance. Lilas tail swished back and forth violently with anger. At this point she wished she had her flail with her which would greatly help her if it came down to close combat. Her horn sparked and a dome of fire formed around her in a shield, not burning the grass around her. The heat from the fire warmed her coat and made her feel more alive than she had for the past few hours. She thought about summoning a laughing dead or two but thought she would just pass out again before even completing the spell. *Come on, what are you waiting for?* Lila thought as she slowly expanded the wall of the shield.

"And with a sigh, she closed the old dusty book and set it gently back on its self. Wishing for a better day to come tomorrow. So that today can be forgotten and lost in the memories of that book..."

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/cadence-r2169 -Cadence (Little Hop)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/lila-fireheart-r2356 -Lila Fireheart: The queen of FallenMoon
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/flash-note-r5473 -Flash Note: Silent, sweet, and explosive....


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@@Spell Shock,




Whitetail Woods - Campsite


"Its night time Spell. I don't think we should get moving now. Perhaps we should sleep." He looked at the pony again. Long stride... he thought. "War. Sure is something isn't it. I appreciate you being Honest, Long Stride. I can understand you lying to us. And yes we have been through hell. And it seems you have too. Fighting sure has done a toll on you huh? Maybe we can find a better life in Manehatten." He thought about what to say next. He realized he hasn't been so honest as well, and if this pony can say the whole truth they can too. "And well, I haven't been completely honest. What i have said was true but i haven't said the whole truth. Not only are we outcast but are one of the most wanted ponies in Moon and Star right now. Maybe it isn't safe to travel with us. Though, you seem like a pony we can trust. Unicorns and Earth ponies gotta learn to trust each other one day. Maybe it's time to start."


He turned back to the group "So sleep or not? I'm good with whatever, but I don't feel like walking much." 





"Oh we don't want that now do we?" And with a clap of his hooves her fire barrier dispersed. "And no more magic too." Her horn disappeared. "Did you not hear me you royal fool. This is my painting. This is MY Forest. MY work of ART. MY DOMAIN. And what I say in MY domain, is LAW! You are lucky I have mercy on a poor poor fool like you! And to answer you stupid question you CAN'T burn down my work of Art. Not unless you want to know how it feels to die! Capisce?" He was getting angry at this mare. How dare she wish to destroy his art.


"And no, I am not one of your stupid kingdom peasants who tried to kill you. Let just say I know a lot, maybe i bit too much. I am just an Artist. Now, Behave yourself, Lila Fireheart. Ciao." His body vanished.


(OOC: Out side the forest if you go far enough would be a complete replica of your kingdom. Just sayin,wink.png  *wink wink nudge nudge*)

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Cult of Laughter - Manehattan - Military Building


@@Sky Warden,


Blood was about to put on the other mares wingblades until she realized something...she still had her own set of wingblades on. She facehoofed and dropped the guards wingblades onto the ground...er...roof of the military building.

"This is one good spell...now to find our friend...right me ? That's right me." She said, spreading her wings and flying down towards a window.

She had been searching for a couple minutes and was about to give up until... "Heh heh...there he is." She said, looking through a window into the room where her friend could be seen watching the door.

She grinned from ear to ear before hitting the window with the chain and flying in. She landed on the windowsill and smiled. "Hey there...remember me ? Yea...I told you, But I like you...you're horn is sharp and pointy so I am gonna let you live...well, kidna, I am going to give you twenty minutes to get away from here...you can go wherever you like...but just know that I will be looking for you, and when I find you I will make the last moments of your life...the worst moments. And then, when I am done I am going to have a unicorn turn you into a smiling doll." She said, laughing like a maniac before spreading her wings and flying just a little ways away from the window...but she was still in sight of the pony and she was still watching him. "Your time starts...in three...two...ONE. BLOOD IS GONNA FIND YOUUUUU." She yelled, letting out another crazed laugh.



(OOC: Oh my mind...you're kinda bucked up.)

Something something something something


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Lila let out a gasp when the stallion somehow made her shield and horn disappear. After a few short seconds the stallion also disappeared now leaving her by herself in the forest. Lila let out a long sigh laying in the grass. She was starting to feel like her old self again just laying there. Again she looked towards the darker part of the forest which seemed to beckon her. After a while she couldnt hild back the temptation and stood up quickly trotting into the dark area. Lila took one last look behind her into the open sunny parts of the forest before continuing down the trail. As she went further in it got darker and darker till it was almost pitch black. Lila kept trippin on things because she couldnt see an tried to use a lighting spell....... But she forgot. "No horn..... Great....." She muttered to herself before again tripping and falling face first on something hard... And cold? Lila brought herself to her hoofs before she cautiously began walking again, the soft matalic clacking that came with it. A little ways out she could see a dim light, which her walk turned into a trot to a full on sprint. When she reached the light she froze where she was and her heart sank into her stomach.

"And with a sigh, she closed the old dusty book and set it gently back on its self. Wishing for a better day to come tomorrow. So that today can be forgotten and lost in the memories of that book..."

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/cadence-r2169 -Cadence (Little Hop)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/lila-fireheart-r2356 -Lila Fireheart: The queen of FallenMoon
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/flash-note-r5473 -Flash Note: Silent, sweet, and explosive....


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@@MagicalStarRain, @.


House White Gold - Manehettan - Military Headquarter.


(OOC: I assume that the window is right behind you.)


Cunning Horn stared at the pegasus without any expression, very different with what he used to do. He noticed that she had a chain, and snorted, "Where the hay did she find that after escaping from the prison?" He slowly stood up, and charged his horn with magic energy, faster than he did before, "Take yer twenty minutes. Running away isn't my hobby."


With that he galloped to the pegasus, with horn pointing straight to his target. He forced his legs to gain as much speed as possible. He felt that his energy might be not enough to fight her, making his head dizzy and blurred his sight. For a second he wished that he still had his rapier with him. He had to do it with one swing, and was forced to take any risk came after that.


The range between them disappeared quickly. He casted a smoke bomb when he was only two feet away from Blood. He spun his body and made a particular tearing and slicing swing with his horn as he darted on the left side of the mare. Before he lost his speed, he stomped the floor with his legs and jumped over the window. His back legs stumbled on the sash as he jumped. Losing his balance in the air, he landed hard on his back. He winced when a sharp pain ran throughout his spine and he almost lost his consciousness. He laid there, looking up at the window, with horn fully charged with energy.


(OOC: You can make that slicing movement miss or whatever. I'm trying to be as normal-powered as possible here. img-1284440-1-laugh.png )

Edited by Sky Warden



Pinkeh asked me to put this here. Just another What Do You Think About Me stuff.

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Cult of Laughter - Manehattan - outside the military building


@@Sky Warden,


(OOC: She was actually outside the window, but  I will roll with it wink.png )


Blood prepared herself to slice the ponies neck...but she didn't know he had a smoke bomb. She growled as the ponies horn scratch across her face. She licked the blood off her lips before flying out the window after the pony.

She dived down to the ground and landed next to him. "You know...running outside when fighting a pegasus is probably a bad idea...we have more room to dodge stupid petty unicorn attacks like your's. You have fifteen minutes now." She said, flying into the air, preparing herself to dodge any more attacks he threw at her.

She couldn't help but laugh, she knew that this pony probably wasn't going to run...so by the time he finished throwing attacks at her he would probably be...to tired to fight. "You still have the chance to run you know...it doesn't kill your honer or anything...it just means you don't feel like dying right now...because I will win...and, as I said before, I will make your last moments the worst moments of your life...then I will turn you into a smiling doll and you will be set out to kill all of your loved ones...because that's always fun." She said, flying back and forth in the air.

Edited by Jolteon

Something something something something


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@. (OOC: Now I can feel the grim dark sensation. Thanks. :lol: )


House White Gold - Manehettan - Outside the Military Headquarter


Cunning gritted his teeth as he tried to stand up, but couldn't make any movement. Even though he could move his eyes freely, he still couldn't feel the muscles in his neck and shoulder. He opened his mouth to make a curse, but sighed and cursed inside his mind instead when he found no voice was coming out. He stared at the circling mare above him. His plan was completely ruined. He was going to jump out from the window successfully, and shot his arrow into the window when the mare jumped to catch him while she was blinded by the smoke, so she had no chance to dodge, but it was all ruined.


His eyes narrowed, and were now half closed, "Bloody bucking Manehettan biscuit eaters. Never there when you bucking need them."


He got another idea, but wasn't sure if he could do it. He tried to stand again, but no result. He swung his body to the left and right, and finally prostrated his body on the ground. Standing felt easier this way, and he hobbled slowly to the wall and leaned on it.


He looked at the circling mare again, waiting for her to come. He still could make another smoke explosion, but not an arrow. At a moment he thought about being a smiling doll. He would be very fast and swift, and he doubted that smiling dolls needed sleep. Another opportunity, but what was the fun? He had no beloved one. The idea that smiling dolls were controlled didn't help so much. He wondered if they could think freely.


He remained silence there. His own heart beat even was hard to hear,  "If those soldiers somehow come in time and can arrest that Cultist, I will still die of exhaustion."

  • Brohoof 1



Pinkeh asked me to put this here. Just another What Do You Think About Me stuff.

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