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The Six Gifted - Equestria - Hidden Mountain Hermitage





Singer would merely launch a glance in the direction of a composer before continuing to silently stand in the same way she was standing almost all the time which passed since she came in.


Actually, taking another look at her, anyone would notice her mane is not perfectly adjusted like it usually was; neither was it perfectly aligned in color, as she liked it. As if mane wasn’t the important thing for her right now, which it always was, technically. At least as far as they all knew.


It wasn’t really important for her singing, but she usually was very strict about looks, so far so what she would drill anyone who had even a little bit of dirt on their coat or clothes, until they would have it washed or at least covered.


Spell and Lightning Shock - Undercity Random Tavern Room


-“Well, this could go better.” – Spell replied, sighing – “Lightning, Eternity… we need some metal ore, if we could get some it would be lovely. I’m no blacksmith, but I think I will be able to make magical form to cast the rings precisely enough.”


-“What about the feather?” – Lightning asked, holing at the feather Spell used on the ring which affected Star.


-“What about it?” – She asked just throwing it away behind the bed where it wouldn’t be visible.


- “Um… nothing” – she replied, looking at Spell kind of weirdly.


-“Eternity, I could use your help. Do you think you can identify a spell if you would touch something which has little bits and pieces of it?” – Spell asked, all of a sudden, looking at Daawn who looked back at her.

Throught Equestria relics of the past lay forgotten and alone, never truly resting, awaiting recognition

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The Six Gifted - Equestria - Hidden Mountain Hermitage


@@Spell Shock


Thr Composer slowly padded over to the Singer, looking her over with her lavender eyes. She seemed a bit messier than usual - her mane was a bit scruffy and her coat was dirty in some patches. She knew how much emphasis the Singer placed in appearance. She'd experienced her pickiness herself once, after several nights of non-stop composition during which she hadn't washed once. The Singer had swiftly and ruthlessly berated her, all through song of course.


She approached the mare and cleared her throat pointedly "I noticed throughout my announcement you seemed somewhat out of sorts, as if something was bothering you. I know you hold no love for me or any of the Gifted, but I wish to know what troubles you.


She didn't expect an answer in any way, but it was worth a try, and she sincerely did wish to know what troubled her, if only out of curiosity. She'd never known the Singer to have troubles before, she'd always thought of her as apart from "mortal" troubles. Perhaps it was her esoteric mode of communication that made her seem so detached in the Composer's eyes...

"Humanity is the end; knowledge is the means; I will not rest until there are no more secrets to be discovered; I will not rest until there are no more ways to improve; I will not rest until there are no more problems to be solved; I will wield no weapon but my wits and intellect; With these weapons I will battle ignorance until the light of knowledge shines bright; When the light of knowledge shines upon us all, then I shall rest, and not before." - Atmomancer Creed

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The Six Gifted - Equestria - Hidden Mountain Hermitage
"Aspetti! Composer-Chan! Hold on now. Army? Want? You? Army? Need? Extra? Army? No? Yes!? Maybe? Client is WAITING!"
The Artist got all up in the Composers Face because he still needed and answer from her whether or not she would like an extra army or not.
The Artist - Painting
"Oh. I called you here on a proposition. But First. May I say it is an absolute Honor to finally meet you Laughing Mare." He bowed his head
"I see you like that you can actually move in your body. Your welcome. But before I make my proposition with the true leader of the Cult of Laughter, Can I ask you some questions?" He poofed a chair and desk and sat in in like a human would with his legs crossed and feet on the desk. 
"What are your... true intentions? Goals? What do you want? 'Cause maybe, I can help you with that." His smile grew and he laughed a bit. "Also... why the whole cult thing? Ya using them for something Nasty or what?" He laughed again.
"Does that even matter now?" Eternity was looking at the ground in despair. "He took her already. Even if we were to create some fake rings... It's not like we can put on the fake ones and pretend to be asleep on their doorstep." He sighed. "But If you still wish to go with this plan. I will assist. If it means I can get Star back. I'm all for it." He looked at the owl. "I wonder if he can feel it. I don't know. I have this weird feeling in my gut. Like... I'm not sure if that Earth pony lived up to his word. Like shes in trouble. Or maybe I'm just sleepy. I've only gotten like and hour of sleep." He sighed again.
"Now what do you mean a spell that can touch multiple pieces?"
Edited by AnonBrony
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The Six Gifted - Equestria - Hidden Mountain Hermitage



“The one might not be just like me

In feelings of our better nature

But we all compose in our hearts

Our acts and songs and direful acts”…


She would sing slowly, looking in the air and when at composer, with heavy eyes of hers.


“But when a person such as us

Finds nothing what he calls divine

And doesn’t seem to see the beauty

Which once was hidden everywhere
One knows, it comes. The end of story.

And while some seek it, some just wait

As their minds start dull, the others think

In glare of death, there is one line

And only death itself shall use it.”


She would turn, taking something out of her mane. It was a butterfly replica.


“I might not age, I might not suffer

The dullness which are others trouble

But still, it creeps all over me

I’m not afraid of it in such

But in the end, not even i

Can calmly look death in the eyes

Without rage boiling in my heart

Without the passion for my art

I’m getting old, but I don’t age

I getting weak but I am strong.

The time is coming soon

For that last line, which will be…



The general massage, since this one was kind of not a good attempt on my part is -  She doesn’t find anything to inspire songs in her anymore, it all seems dull. It’s the time when any kind of artist knows their time is coming and even though she seeks death to some extent, it still a feeling which is… foreign to her. In battle, she thinks of death little, as she is busy with her rage and with her art, but just patiently wait until her mind corrupts is another talk altogether.


Spell and Lightning Shock - Undercity Random Tavern Room


-“You know what my parents… were killed, right? I told how I thought it was Earthborn, but it was not because gas which did the job was magical. The thing is, do you see my eyes? They glow.  In dark. Both my parents were healers; they managed to save me while their lungs were rotting from this very gas. I want you to try and recreate this gas, at least partially. Just in case. I do not know the spell which was used, but I can tell you it really makes the flesh rot. While we might not be able to use it at all, at least now – I would like you to try” 

Throught Equestria relics of the past lay forgotten and alone, never truly resting, awaiting recognition

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The Six Gifted - Equestria - Hidden Mountain Hermitage






@@Spell Shock


The Composer nodded in acknowledgement, although inside she felt like screaming at the world. The start of their conquest was so near, she could've caressed it with her hoof, yet once again she found her plans postponed. The others were right of course; there would be much organisation and planning to get on with, and a week or so to get things together would certainly increase their chances of success. It was just that she'd waited for so long, to make the name "Taira" feared again, to make it a name that would be known in the history books as the name of leaders and heroes, not a petty Neighpanese clan who were utterly crushed in the Neighan period. Every moment she waited she felt like that dream was slipping away from her.


By the expression on his face she knew her brother was feeling a similar pain. He, too, wanted to stop sitting around in a cave and make a start, but, again, it was too early. There were songs that needed composing, fates that needed pulling apart and weaving back together in the way they desired. Only when everything was in place could they move against their foe.


"Then it's settled," she said levelly "We will wait for a week or two to plan and let everyone get their affairs in order. Storyteller, you may continue about your duties autonomously, although I still expect results from the operation in Hoofington, which you are in charge of, might I remind you."


She had a quick look over the rest of the Gifted assembled around the fire and smiled inwardly. No matter their personal differences, she knew she had assembled here some of the most powerful individuals Equestria or possibly the whole world had ever known. No matter, how much the Dancer might revile her, or how apathetic the Singer might seem, she felt proud of every single one for what they would soon achieve.


"Alright then, everypony, you are dismissed. Singer, if you would stay behind a moment to talk, that would be greatly appreciated."


The Dancer snorted, and turned, starting back towards her room. Recently, she had spent a good deal of time there, practicing her sword moves and generally trying to hide away from the Composer. She got back to her room, and blinked. This time spent in the cave may have been good in the fact that she could practice, but she was practicing against thin air, not something that could really fight back; it only whistled as she swung her blades, as if it were making fun of her and trying to get her to swing harder and faster. She wanted somepony to fight against. She wanted the Storyteller to make something she could physically attack, so she could train in a "better" fashion. She walked into her room and flopped on the bed, not caring to close the door, a habit she had made when the Composer had started "getting under her nerves." She closed her eyes, counting to ten, then opened her eyes, and picked up a sword of hers. Instead of swinging it around gracefully, she held it, feeling the blade and making sure that it was in prime condition.

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The Six Gifted - Equestria - Hidden Mountain Hermitage



@@Spell Shock


(OOC: Guys, I can curse in broken Japanese!)


As if out of nowhere (which was the norm when dealing with him but surprised her nontheless) the Artist popped up between her and the Singer, causing her to stumble backwards a few steps in shock. He was right in her face, shouting and yelling and hollering, and frankly she'd had enough of his antics. He was constantly late to every operation they conducted, working on some "artwork" that was a gross perversion of common decency or out murdering innocents for fun. Her respect for him only extended so far, and sometimes it snapped. This was one of those moments.


"Forgive me, Singer. I must take a moment to deal with this."


In one fluid movement she drew both fans at her hips and shoved the Artist down onto the floor with one blade at his throat and the other at his gut. Her eyes were aflame with anger.


"Damare baka! Nanda yo omae-wa?" she shouted in a fit of rage, resorting to her native language to express her anger with harsh syllables "I've just about had enough of you, you scum! Constantly irritating like an insect, conducting your own machinations and out wreaking havoc across Equestria while we try to make progress! And all with that damned smile, the signature of your inasnity! she dug the fan into his neck, not enough to cause a cut but sufficient to cause a few beads of blood to appear "I am composed most days, Artist, but some days I would like nothing more than to indulge my more primal instincts! Give me one reason I shouldn't give you another mouth with which to smile and perhaps I will see to it that my vicious side remains in its cage!"

Edited by Archi the Sandworm
  • Brohoof 1

"Humanity is the end; knowledge is the means; I will not rest until there are no more secrets to be discovered; I will not rest until there are no more ways to improve; I will not rest until there are no more problems to be solved; I will wield no weapon but my wits and intellect; With these weapons I will battle ignorance until the light of knowledge shines bright; When the light of knowledge shines upon us all, then I shall rest, and not before." - Atmomancer Creed

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The Six Gifted - Equestria - Hidden Mountain Hermitage

@Spell Shock,

@Archi the Sandworm,




The Storyteller stepped away from what was going on a bit more quickly,not wanting to get dragged into this. Often times, when conflict flared, he was one of the ones that worked to defuse the situation yet seeing the look in the Composer's eyes as her gaze leveled on the Artist told him he should let the Musician handle this. In many ways the Musician was at least as good at helping make sure every pony got along, more so perhaps because of how his music could effect emotions.


Seeing the Dancer leaving as well he decided to follow her, feeling this could be a chance for him to be himself for a bit before becoming some pony else. He also know that there was times the Dancer liked him to use his skills to help her practice her swordplay, though he also did so like seeing her graceful and dance-like movements. Seeing her move into her room but leave the door open he moved to the archway and knocked before saying, "Care for some company my lovely friend?"


Poking his head through the door he sees her holding her sword in hooves and says with a smile, "if you like I could even create one of your favorites of my characters to fight."

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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The Six Gifted - Equestria - Hidden Mountain Hermitage

@Spell Shock,

@Archi the Sandworm,




The Storyteller stepped away from what was going on a bit more quickly,not wanting to get dragged into this. Often times, when conflict flared, he was one of the ones that worked to defuse the situation yet seeing the look in the Composer's eyes as her eyes leveled on the Artist told him he should let the Musician handle this. In many ways the Musician was at least as good at helping make sure every pony got along, more so perhaps because of how his musician could effect emotions.


Seeing the Dancer leaving as well he decided to follow her, feeling this could be a chance for him to be himself for a bit before becoming some pony else. He also know that there was times the Dancer liked him to use his skills to help her practice her swordplay, though he also did so like seeing her graceful and dance-like movements. Seeing her move into her room but leave the door open he moved to the archway and knocked before saying, "Care for some company my lovely friend?"


Poking his head through the door he sees her holding her sword in hooves and says with a smile, "if you like I could even create one of your favorites of my characters to fight."


She looked up, hearing the Storyteller. She smiled slightly as he called her "lovely" and asked if she wanted some company. Out of all of the six, he was her favorite; he wasn't insane, like the Artist, he wasn't a self-proclaimed leader or the brother and close follower of the leader, like the Composer and the Musician, respectively, and he wasn't the Singer, who while was tolerable, was female. Then he offered to create her favorite character so she could fight against it.

"Yes, to both. Although, for a fight, we may want a bigger area; I don't want to harm any of my blades."

She smiled in both a grim way and in a slightly flirted way, both at the same time. She picked up her other sword, as they were a matching pair, and a couple of throwing daggers. She then walked out of her room, close to the Storyteller, and smiling in her seductive manner, towards the main opening of the cave.

"Whenever you are ready, Storyteller."

She grinned on the inside. "Company" had an everchanging meaning to her; it could refer to her seductive charms that she used to kill in the middle of the night, or it could refer to her former employer and employees, whom she had also killed eventually.

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The Six Gifted - Equestria - Hidden Mountain Hermitage.


"One reason?" The Artist frowned a little because the Composer was becoming angry with him. He was starting to think he could be a better leader than her. "But one is not enough my Dear. I am able to supply you with an army to help as take Control of Moon and Star and aid in our plans, just in case. I can also supply us with almost any supplies we would need. I am Also the one who will be able to get us through Canterlot's shield undetected. I am also good and manipulating and fooling ponies, which could be useful. I can be very handy in battle. I currently have control over an 1000 year old Lich, who I should give the book back... and a couple pretty useful Cult ponies."


His smile disappeared completely. He became more serious. "Trust me my dear, you may assume I am just some stupid rambling idiot phycotic killer, but oh no. No indeed. Underneath this insane smile I am a cold, calculating, killer, who would stop at nothing to get what he wants. Even if that means killing the pony that has given him his opportunities. Or perhaps..." Brushy snuck near her flank and stabbed through her dress, ready to make a larger hole. "Reveal her little secret to everypony around here." The smile returned. "I am here to Stay my dear friend. No pony needs to get angry now. Capisce? Now, Are you gonna answer me or not? Do you wish to have an extra army?"



@@Spell Shock


"And what would you have me do with the spell?" He ask Spell Shock. "Kill ponies? First, I don't even know if can cast such a spell, and second, I'm not going to run around killing Guards to save Star if that is what you plan on doing!" He was sort of angry that Spell would even think of wanted Eternity to a spell as dangerous as that one. He's never even learned such a spell anyway.

Edited by AnonBrony
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The Six Gifted - Equestria - Hidden Mountain Hermitage

@Spell Shock,

@Archi the Sandworm,




The Storyteller gave the Dancer one of his amused smile at her words and tone, knowing that the mare was good with her charm as well. He had suspected for a while that the Dancer may fancy him, which was fine by him as it meant that there was one mare out of three that he charms worked on. He also did enjoy having some time to do that which did not involving missions and work, as he spend to much time doing such... perhaps even too much so as it has begin to wear away at his mind to has so little rest.


With a soft chuckle at her words and the words "As you wish" they walked out of the cave, two ponies with a shared destiny that they did not ask for truly  he says softly to the Dancer, "So what character will it be today, who should have the honor of fighting with such a graceful dancer and fighter my dear mare?" The stallion had always been free with his words of praise and with honeyed words, though what made him somewhat different from other charmers is that he was never false with his words and when he gave a complement he did always mean what he said.

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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The place that the six gifted are at...



Kichirou watched his sister pin The Artist onto the ground. He took a few bites of his food and calmly stood up.

He walked over to his sister and placed a hoof on her shoulder. "Calm yourself Chiyoko. As annoying as the Artist is, you mustn't let it get to you." He said, in his usual calming voice...that is, until he noticed Brushy ripping his sisters clothes. His calm expression went from that to one of anger. "Artist, if you do what you are thinking, I will rip out your insides and force you to eat them. Calm. The. Buck. DOWN." He yelled, glaring into the Artists eyes.



House Everfree - somewhere in the forest




Rain nodded silently. "And what if Rarity just kill's us on the spot ? For some reason I don't think she would be that happy about us just trotting into Manehattan...let's just hope she is in a happy mood when we arrive." He muttered the last part as he started noticing Fluttershy leaning on him more and more.

He looked to Evergreen then back to Fluttershy. "My lady...is there anything we can do to help you ? Mrs Evergreen offered her timberwolves as help...if that is what you wish." He said.


Cult of laughter - Phillydelphia hideout - Pinkies corpse place thingamajig


Wind walked into the Laughing mares chamber and her eyes widened at the sight...Pinkies corpse was gone. "Gone...GOONE....GOOOOOOONE." She ylled, running out of the chamber and down the hallway...still yelling the word "Gone"

  • Brohoof 1

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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The Six Gifted - Equestria - Hidden Mountain Hermitage

@Spell Shock,

@Archi the Sandworm,



The Storyteller gave the Dancer one of his amused smile at her words and tone, knowing that the mare was good with her charm as well. He had suspected for a while that the Dancer may fancy him, which was fine by him as it meant that there was one mare out of three that he charms worked on. He also did enjoy having some time to do that which did not involving missions and work, as he spend to much time doing such... perhaps even too much so as it has begin to wear away at his mind to has so little rest.
With a soft chuckle at her words and the words "As you wish" they walked out of the cave, two ponies with a shared destiny that they did not ask for truly  he says softly to the Dancer, "So what character will it be today, who should have the honor of fighting with such a graceful dancer and fighter my dear mare?" The stallion had always been free with his words of praise and with honeyed words, though what made him somewhat different from other charmers is that he was never false with his words and when he gave a complement he did always mean what he said.


The Dancer smiled. She knew the Storyteller had charm, but the charm wasn't meant to hurt, like her own; he meant everything that he said. And that made her feel wanted, but yet a little uneasy; seeing as she had killed her employer, her teachers, hell, even her own parents, she didn't feel like the type of mare that could ever be loved, no matter what good she did. But the fact that she at least felt wanted in a way that wasn't one that meant she was being hunted down felt good on the inside. She trotted across the wide, open space, swaying her hips a little, and turned and faced the Storyteller.

"I don't mind if you send me a small army, or a worthy opponent; I just want some practice."

"And a little more of your company- Ugh. While I want that, it's not me to 'like' someone without having to kill them after getting secrets from them. I'm getting a little soft there, and that's what will kill me. Hopefully, practice will wash away any feelings I have. Hopefully, they haven't taken root to strongly yet..."

She got into a dance-like stance.

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The Six Gifted - Equestria - Hidden Mountain Hermitage

@@Spell Shock

She waited with bated breath as the Artist rattled off a long, long list of reasons. All of them completely rational, and she found her grip on him loosening. Her fans pulled away from his vitals and she started to sit up straight

What are you thinking, Chiyoko? she thought to herself You are acting like a child, this is not acceptable!

Over the years she had learned to trust her inner voice, as it often proved to be right, and she began to ease up a little. However, at the back of her head a more sinister voice whispered.

Kill him, it sneered Finish him and he shall never bother you again.

Almost imperceptibly she shook her head "Not today, deceiver," she muttered, and began to stand. Her brother's words were working their magic as they always did, and rationality prevailed.

That was until she felt the Artist's brush poke her side and make a tiny tear in her robes, prompting her to freeze almost solid, her eye widening in fear. Nobody could see the patterns that weaved across her coat, for they too would know full well what they meant, and possibly seek to destroy her for it.

She was certain he wouldn't dare, not here and not now, for both her and her brother's threats were true; if the Artist made a move he would be dead in seconds. Slowly yet calmly, she stood away from the brush and offered the Artist a hoof.

"I apologise, comrade, that was... Irrational of me," she said, and every word was genuine "As for this army you speak of, I will discuss it with you in a moment. The Singer commands my attention for now.

She turned back to the Singer, pondering her song, and upon realising her true message felt herself taken aback. The Singer had always seemed so uncaring, but to find out the true melancholy she felt... It staggered even herself.

She reached out a comforting hoof and rubbed her shoulder comfortingly "Do not worry, Singer. When we are finished I'm sure there will be songs aplenty for you to sing of our journey and those of the Houses who quarrel amongst each other. And I would advise you thus: do not seek death, as for individuals such as us there is always a time and place to work our art and make our mark. You will see."

Edited by Archi the Sandworm
  • Brohoof 1

"Humanity is the end; knowledge is the means; I will not rest until there are no more secrets to be discovered; I will not rest until there are no more ways to improve; I will not rest until there are no more problems to be solved; I will wield no weapon but my wits and intellect; With these weapons I will battle ignorance until the light of knowledge shines bright; When the light of knowledge shines upon us all, then I shall rest, and not before." - Atmomancer Creed

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The Six Gifted - Equestria - Hidden Mountain Hermitage


“Thou remind me of my daughter

Who was blossom flower mine

She was beautiful and wise

But the flowers end is set

From beginning to the end

Time for her has come so long

Far away from her I was

But now I know

Not anymore”


After this, Singer would just go away not really caring about anyone. She would join them when they would need her, but for now she needed to walk and stretch her wings. She had a reasonable dislikes with almost everyone here, so she wanted to get a silent, non-existing company for now.



Spell and Lightning Shock - Undercity Random Tavern Room



Spell would sigh, raise her head up and he could read off of her lips “I’m surrounded by idiots”. She when would look at him, fakishly smile and say “Very well, when we will just let Star rot in the dungeon. Good night"


She didn’t know what was hard about identifying the spell using the touch. He would need to mealy touch her and try to get at least a hint on what was the spell which was used back when, so they could have emergency fallback plan in case of “everything went wrong”.

Throught Equestria relics of the past lay forgotten and alone, never truly resting, awaiting recognition

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The Six Gifted - Equestria - Hidden Mountain Hermitage



@@Spell Shock


The Composer had trouble deciphering the real meaning of the Singer's verse. It wasn't as clear as usual, but she decided to respond to the song's mournful overtones in kind.


"In my death I see,

Worries sap my ghostly spirit:

Live without fear."


It was a Neighpanese death poem she'd learned when she was young, recited by a Bushicolt from the Minamoto clan when he died on the field. A rival had found the poem so chilling and insightful he had recorded it and passed it down to his children that they might lead more honourable lives. It was a personal favourite of hers, one that had driven her in her earlier years to meddle and manipulate. Now it drove her to achieve her new ambition, no matter the cost to herself.


She watched the Singer walk awa, and then looked over her shoulder at the Artist "You were saying about an army?"

she inquired as she started back towards the cave itself. The wind was picking up again, and despite the windbreak the temperature was also dropping as the sun began to set. Thankfully the torches inside the cave were ever-burning, magic courtesy of her brother.

Edited by Archi the Sandworm
  • Brohoof 1

"Humanity is the end; knowledge is the means; I will not rest until there are no more secrets to be discovered; I will not rest until there are no more ways to improve; I will not rest until there are no more problems to be solved; I will wield no weapon but my wits and intellect; With these weapons I will battle ignorance until the light of knowledge shines bright; When the light of knowledge shines upon us all, then I shall rest, and not before." - Atmomancer Creed

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The Six Gifted - Equestria - Hidden Mountain Hermitage


The Artist continued to smile as the Composer let him live. He knew she would. She wouldn't want for him to die. She needs him. And he is planned to use that need of hers to control her if need be. He just laughed a bit and ate some grapes and had Brushy move away from her as she want to go talk with the Singer. He was glad she was actually listening to him for once.


He was eating some more grapes when the Composer finally decided to talk to him. "Oh yes. An Army indeed. How would you feel about an Army of laughing, smiling maniacs ready to do anything you wish. Sort of." He continued to eat more grapes. "I can get it. I just needed to know if you want one and see if my client was able to oblige. Which she probably will."


(OOC: I guess you all know now why The Artist wanted to see the Laughing Mare. I'm surprised no one put two and two together.)



@@Spell Shock,


"Hold on there Missy." He walked up to her. "Don't get all sarcastic with me. I Have no idea what the bloody hell you want. And why the hell you want me to use such a terrible spell. Don't assume crap before you start acting like acting like a smart-alack." He put his hoof on her shoulder. He could sense the magic she was speaking about. It was still in her. Dormant. But... she should be dead. This pony becomes more impossible everyday "Is this what you meant by the gas? That magic still inside you? ... But that shouldn't even... how..." He shook his head. "Even if I do learn this spell, which I'm not sure if I can from a little bit of foreign energy... What do you even intend to use it for?"


That isn't possible. Then again she has... that inside her. Is she like some sort of magic sponge?

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The Six Gifted - Equestria - Hidden Mountain Hermitage



He noticed how the Dancer seemed to be quiet at his words, though she did smile as well which in the stallion's eyes was a win, and he considered what he would learn if he could read the mare's mind. He did know that the Dancer had killed a number of ponies and others, though he was not certain how this effected the mare.

The Storyteller considers for a moment which character he will choose, before looking over at the Dancer and smiling as he decided on which character and says simply, “I do believe that the Assassin will do for our purpose.?” With that the Dancer sees the stallion create a light brown stallion with a dark brown mane and tail, wearing a white outfit with a hood that hides the top part of his in shadow. She also sees blades connected to the stallion's forearms. He also has a red and brown collar and red sash that breaks the all white of the rest of the outfit.


The stallion that the Storyteller called 'the Assassin' smiles as he walks to stand before the Dancer, his blades showing themselves move clearly and glittering in the sunlight. Yet despite this show of confidence the stallion didn't say a single word, only waiting for the mare to make the first move.



Edited by EquestrianScholar
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Spell and Lightning Shock - Undercity Random Tavern Room


“The thing about magic, you can’t ever know how it will react. It’s still inside me because my parents couldn’t purge all of it before… anyway, we could use something like this if we ever will be… surrounded by more when ten hostile ponies, which would try to kill us. It is a gas after all, isn’t it?”


She would look at him, right in his eyes.


“No, I do not absorb magic. I always had something weird happening with my magic, I had empty spots, and the scourge came. I had an empty spot and this thing found it way inside. My eyes are glowing in the dark cause of it. But I do not absorb. I replace”


He could only think how she found out what he was thinking. Maybe it was a logical conclusion for his question.


He possibly could take the sample of magic it if he could have appropriate magical tools and crystals powered with magic and other things. Without it he could see basic signature, it was definitely not a work of a simple Earth ponies, it was somewhat complicated magic. Crafted to carry the poison with particular care, not giving up completely even after all the time which passed by. 

Throught Equestria relics of the past lay forgotten and alone, never truly resting, awaiting recognition

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The Six Gifted - Equestria - Hidden Mountain Hermitage



He noticed how the Dancer seemed to be quiet at his words, though she did smile as well which in the stallion's eyes was a win, and he considered what he would learn if he could read the mare's mind. He did know that the Dancer had killed a number of ponies and others, though he was not certain how this effected the mare.

The Storyteller considers for a moment which character he will choose, before looking over at the Dancer and smiling as he decided on which character and says simply, “I do believe that the Assassin will do for our purpose.?” With that the Dancer sees the stallion create a light brown stallion with a dark brown mane and tail, wearing a white outfit with a hood that hides the top part of his in shadow. She also sees blades connected to the stallion's forearms. He also has a red and brown collar and red sash that breaks the all white of the rest of the outfit.


The stallion that the Storyteller called 'the Assassin' smiles as he walks to stand before the Dancer, his blades showing themselves move clearly and glittering in the sunlight. Yet despite this show of confidence the stallion didn't say a single word, only waiting for the mare to make the first move.




The Dancer stood there, wondering if the Storyteller would make the 'Assassin' move at all. But the 'Assassin' stood there. She figured that the storyteller would want her to move first. But she knew that trick. Her experience told her to stay put, no matter the circumstances; it is a mistake to be the first one moving.

"Storyteller," she called out, in a mockingly sweet voice. "Storyteller, I thought that we were supposed to be practicing fighting and not having a stare eyes contest. If I had known better, I might have asked that lousy Artist to make some creature of hideous fright to fight against."

But she knew this wasn't enough. As she spoke, she slowly danced her way towards the 'Assassin,' stopping closer, but still a good distance away.

"And now... the first move. Aggravating your opponent is one of the best things to do; not many fight well under rage, and they'll try to use brute force. Dancing past is not always difficult, and then suddenly, they are out of position and unbalanced, making the kill easy."

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House Whitegold


Military District


Swift nodded reluctantly to the director.


"Of course sir..."


With that, the agent left the office, mulling over what to do next. It seemed that Star was out of reach, trapped beyond his influence within the Whitegold prison system. So... should he just go back on the deal he made; allow Star to fall into the scheming hoofs of Rarity?


For some reason, Swift felt uneasy about that, about just leaving her. It couldn't be guilt or sympathy surely... 


Nor fear at the threats of Long Stride. Swift could easily hold his own against that particular earth pony, using a mixture of agility and cunning.


A though occurred to Swift, one that widened a smirk upon his face. Of course! He didn't have to do anything to rescue Star; the promise was to keep her Safe! So long as he watched over her, ensuring that no harm came to the imprisoned unicorn,  then he was fulfilling his side of the bargain!


The self satisfied smirk remained on Swift's face as he left the agency, leaning on a wall outside.


When the time came for Star to be moved, then he'd follow her to the arcane district, ensuring that she remained unscathed...


Until her friends showed up to save the day.


Which they undoubtedly would...

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@@Spell Shock, @@AnonBrony,  

House Whitegold – The Undercity – The Tavern


“Or,” Suddenly a small dagger came flying in Eternity’s direction, missing her head by a couple of inches and hitting the wall. “, or we could get moving now. That pony was heading south to the Arcane District, beyond the walls. All we need to do is bribe one of the local venders to smuggle us beyond the defences. Once inside we can find her and get the hell out of there. If I can keep them held up you can make an escape with Star.”


He pulled the dagger from the wall and gave a small shrug to Eternity who did not seem impressed with him. “Sorry about that, had to get your attention. You’re both so annoying when you argue.” With that sorted he began to walk back out into the hall. “If any of you would care to join me then be my guest, but try not to get yourselves killed. The only way we have a shot at this is if we remain silent under their radar. When I said I would keep you safe I meant it, but now we have to take a risk and I can’t do this on my own.”


"And then, just for fun, I get to kill the bastard who got her captured in the first place."


@@Vedana Purity, @,

House Stormwing – The Road South


Although Scootaloo knew she wasn't going to get along with Lightning, she would try to make an effort not to knock him out. She didn't quite know why Rainbow thought it was a brilliant idea to send her, a clearly idiotic Pegasus and an Earthborn Mechanic on this mission. She would have been perfectly fine (and faster) alone. Maybe she just wants us out of the way, maybe she wants me gone? Or…  maybe she just wants to keep us safe. It would make sense, Applejack sent that Fixit guy with us, she must care about him. Orange…  well, I guess Rainbow might… care? I don’t know, he seems pretty stupid.


And then there was that smell, but Scootaloo had no time to go investigate something irrelevant. “Not now, it’s coming down wind and off the path. If we take a look we may lose the trail. Keep on track or we won’t find them.” The she quickly turned to Fixit. “They’re heading into Earthborn territory, but their movements seem almost erratic. The path leads further west, passing New Ponyville and then turns back south. I don’t know where they’re going, but sure as hell they didn’t want to be found.”


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@@Spell Shock,@@AnonBrony, @@Nightfall,@,


Athens - Manehatten - Undercity - Tavern


Athens had no idea what the unicorns were talking about. For a while, he just perched there, silently observing the quarreling ponies. Suddenly, something in him snapped and he began to sense that Star was going to be forced to do something pretty soon and that the chains imprisoning her have become tighter. He puffed his feathers up and began to glare at them. He then let out a deafening shriek, as if to say,"STOP FIGHTING! THIS ISN'T GOING TO HELP STAR!"


House Whitegold - Manehatten - Ivory Tower - Rarity's room


Sunlight filtered into Rarity's room. As the rays touched the crystal side of her face and reflect around the room, she woke up basking in the light. She got out of bed and used her magic to tidy it up. She paid attention to every detail of it until she was completely satisfied.  I better wake up Dusk now. Rather, she better send a servant to wake him up now.


She then spotted a note on her work desk. It was from the director of the 03 base! She felt a leap of joy in her heart as she trotted over to it and opened it up. The capture of those unicorns would be super-helpful to her and the House in the long run. Not only were they a source of power, high-value members like them could yield lots of precious information! 


Unfortunately though, she learned that only one of the ponies was caught, a mage by the name of Star Rain. Well, this is rather disappointing. She will have to do though. I can't risk sending my soldiers out after the others, especially after that wretched Cultist attack. With that, she put the letter in a secret files drawer thingy and sent her servant down to wake him. She planned on going with him to the facility in the arcane district, where she would oversee the whole process. Rarity also had plans to interrogate this unicorn.


Star Rain - Manehatten - Military district - 03 base - Star's holding cell


Star Rain awoke to the wardens unlocking the door to her cell. She couldn't move though, because of the chains keeping her trapped. What's going to happen to me? What do they want with me? They unchained her and immediately put a blindfold on her so that she doesn't see the path they're taking. Why... Where... So many unanswered questions were racing in her mind as they began to walk her out of the base.

Edited by MagicalStarRain
  • Brohoof 1

R66Gz.gifClick this dragon hatchling to help it grow, please!

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House Whitegold - Manehatten - Ivory Tower - Rarity's room


Sunlight filtered into Rarity's room. As the rays touched the crystal side of her face and reflect around the room, she woke up basking in the light. She got out of bed and used her magic to tidy it up. She paid attention to every detail of it until she was completely satisfied.  I better wake up Dusk now. Rather, she better send a servant to wake him up now.


She then spotted a note on her work desk. It was from the director of the 03 base! She felt a leap of joy in her heart as she trotted over to it and opened it up. The capture of those unicorns would be super-helpful to her and the House in the long run. Not only were they a source of power, high-value members like them could yield lots of precious information! 


Unfortunately though, she learned that only one of the ponies was caught, a mage by the name of Star Rain. Well, this is rather disappointing. She will have to do though. I can't risk sending my soldiers out after the others, especially after that wretched Cultist attack. With that, she put the letter in a secret files drawer thingy and sent her servant down to wake him. She planned on going with him to the facility in the arcane district, where she would oversee the whole process. Rarity also had plans to interrogate this unicorn.


(Seeing as it would be a waste to make us go back and forth between the servant and Dusk, I'm going to make the servant do the talking and the leading him to Rarity's room. It will save us a hassle, for sure.)


Nightfall, or should we say, Dusk had been awake for a little while when a knock happened on his door. He wondered if it could possibly be breakfast.

"Who is it?"

A voice came from outside the door.

"Lady Rarity would like to see you."

He snorted slightly, a little hungry, but he couldn't argue with the Lady, since she was now, basically, his employer. Besides, no one got on Rarity's bad side and lived too long about it, or so he figured. He took a deep breath, and began counting to ten, when the servant spoke through the door again.

"Hello? She doesn't like to be held up."

His eyes shot open, and if looks could kill, the servant would have been dead through the door. He sighed, and trotted over, unlocking the door and opening it. The servant turned and immediately began leading him to Rarity's room. He was let in, and he saw the lady herself. He half smiled.

"Good morning, milady."

He trotted into the room.

"You wanted to see me?"

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@@Spell Shock,  


Eternity – The Undercity – The Tavern


He would be surprised by the sudden shriek of the bird and sudden dagger flying across his face. He would glare at Long Stride for doing such a thing but then he would sigh.


Eternity would nod. "I suppose you are right. No sense being bickering over magic. I'm sorry Spell. Maybe we can discuss it later." Eternity did want to help though. Being able to take her magic inside her seemed interesting. He didn't like the spell, but it could help them.


He would start to head out the door when Spell would give him a feather from Dawn. He had no idea why. He would of asked why but there was no time. Eternity picked up his staff again. And went out the door with Long Stride. He would leave his book behind though. He didn't want to lose it.


He didn't like that Long Stride wanted to kill this pony. He would of said something but decided to remain silent. Until they were to go outside the tavern. "Okay now. Where do we start? You said we should bribe somepony..." He counted the bits he currently had. "Would 50 bits be enough? I doubt you have money, considering your the whole who stole money."

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House Everfree: Fluttershy

Fluttershy sighed a bit as the two of them offered to help her. "I appreciate both of you offering. For the moment... Rain, please carry me." She felt like a little filly again, clambering up onto his back. There she slumped, clearly exhausted to the bone. "The further from the forest we go... To be bound to such a place is disgusting. Everfree used the be the realm of the wild things and the home of nature. Now its just another cookie-jar for a vicious entity to steal from and abuse. I can... feel the changes, even from here. Its sickening, especially so because that place was entrusted to my care. As to your queries, no, Rarity will likely not abide our presence willingly, at least not at the beginning.


"She would stab me in the eye at the nearest opportunity and do worse for you all. She used to be a little whimsy... but now she is almost as bad as what we flee from. The reason we go there is because of the gem golems. Living beings, but not living. They are one of the few living things that the Liege cannot influence. I hope to... find a way to make that truth so for all life. To render him powerless." She let her head fall down to rest on Rain's back. His smell was... soothing. It reminded her of home, her home in Old Ponyville.


A thought would caress his mind, whispering to him softly, "By the time we reach Manehatten I will be in an almost comatose state. Rain... I'm scared."


House Everfree: Sand

As commanded by Fluttershy, Sand had been far from idle. Operating under his borrowed identity of Silver Silkmane, he was fast making making an impression on the rich and powerful in Manehatten. His manners were impeccable. The closest scrutiny could reveal no fault in his poise or etiquette. Whats more, he was swiftly netting the finest quality merchandise and staff. More than once a noble arrived to buy a treasured piece of art or a talented cook only to find the object of their desires already in the employ or possession of that notable newcomer. When confronted about such actions, his diplomacy quickly quieted the anger or suspicion raised against him.


However... here and there subtle hints were intentionally dropped. A vase intended for Rarity's own quarters was bought out at an astounding price. An exquisite gown scheduled for Sweetie Belle made its debut on a filly that was friendly to him. To the public, many of these hints would completely be unknown. But to Rarity, or those keeping an eye on the city for her, the a rash of purchases and event all had one common denominator, Rarity herself and Sweetie Belle. If one owned the finest spies and informants money could buy, it would be a blaring warning that something was going on. Of course this was the intended purpose, to attract her attention. But still, not a shred of evidence could be found to suggest that Silver Silkmane had any special interest in Rarity. This would likely only arouse her interest further.

Edited by Higurashi


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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