TheMarkz0ne 962 March 19, 2013 Share March 19, 2013 Not much to really say. But I was at my friends house yesterday and he said the creator of the .MOV series doesn't like bronies and that he thinks we are a bunch of losers. Is this really true Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Twinhead B 482 March 19, 2013 Share March 19, 2013 If I'm not mistaken, Max Gilardi is a brony himself, so I don't see why he would look down on us. I could be wrong though, but he has made a flash cartoon series about the show, so I can't see why he would dislike bronies... 7 Soundcloud: DeviantART: Xbox 360 Gamertag: Viny1 Scratch PSN: Booossh Steam: twinheadb Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rainblow H. Ash 5,091 March 19, 2013 Share March 19, 2013 I wouldn't put much stock into that. I don't think a person who hates Bronies would put all that time into making the .MOV series and attending Brony conventions. You know, unless they're some kind of self-hating Brony who hates all other Bronies too. But come on, that'd just be strange. *Takes a puff on pipe* Very strange indeed. 6 #bringbackmerriwetherwillaims Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nightfall 3,950 March 19, 2013 Share March 19, 2013 I doubt he does. Logically, would he spend a lot of time making the .MOV videos and hate us? No. Would he attend conventions about those who he hates? No. But I'm not him. All I'm saying is it's not likely. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jokuc 8,174 March 19, 2013 Share March 19, 2013 If I'm not mistaken, Max Gilardi is a brony himself, so I don't see why he would look down on us. I could be wrong though, but he has made a flash cartoon series about the show, so I can't see why he would dislike bronies... I'm actually quite sure he have said that he is not a brony. When he spoke about the mov series at some convention he said that bronies are fucked up. I think he sees us as a bunch of weird people but I don't think he cares that much. I'm pretty sure there will be no more pony stuff from him. Also, if you pause at a certain point in SWAG.MOV you can see the text "oh my god this is so gay I can't believe I'm animating this " Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Courageous Thunder Dash 7,824 March 19, 2013 Share March 19, 2013 So basically from what I've read, I'm not concluding this, but maybe, he made these vids just to make fun of us, but completely failed at it. Still, some of the jokes in those vids are very inappropriate and offensive, which is not funny at all. Youtube: Soundcloud: 2nd SoundCloud: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Homura Akemi 974 March 19, 2013 Share March 19, 2013 (edited) This question has been asked plenty of times, now please allow me to answer this from someone who met Mr. Gilardi last year. He loves My Little Pony. He's seen every episode. He just has a sense of humour that likes to take innocence and convert it to pervy themes. If he didn't like it, why would he attend cons across the country? Why would he make so many videos about it? He likes the show very much, but I don't think he exactly likes being called a "brony." If you'd like, I could retrieve the video of me meeting him at EQLA. I'm actually quite sure he have said that he is not a brony. When he spoke about the mov series at some convention he said that bronies are fucked up. I think he sees us as a bunch of weird people but I don't think he cares that much. I'm pretty sure there will be no more pony stuff from him.Also, if you pause at a certain point in SWAG.MOV you can see the text"oh my god this is so gay I can't believe I'm animating this " Sorry. But he is. Edited March 19, 2013 by Twilie Sparkle 5 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Twinhead B 482 March 19, 2013 Share March 19, 2013 I'm actually quite sure he have said that he is not a brony. When he spoke about the mov series at some convention he said that bronies are fucked up. I think he sees us as a bunch of weird people but I don't think he cares that much. I'm pretty sure there will be no more pony stuff from him. Also, if you pause at a certain point in SWAG.MOV you can see the text "oh my god this is so gay I can't believe I'm animating this " You have to remember that Max is known for going to conventions "in character". He often insults his fans and debases them regularly at cons, not just brony conventions. That same sort of humor is carried over into his animation, so going off of what he claims at conventions and jokes in his cartoons isn't very reliable. He's said that he's watched every episode and likes the show, but never really goes so far as to explicitly call himself a brony. 1 Soundcloud: DeviantART: Xbox 360 Gamertag: Viny1 Scratch PSN: Booossh Steam: twinheadb Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Homura Akemi 974 March 19, 2013 Share March 19, 2013 So basically from what I've read, I'm not concluding this, but maybe, he made these vids just to make fun of us, but completely failed at it. Still, some of the jokes in those vids are very inappropriate and offensive, which is not funny at all. That's his humour style. He does the same thing with Sonic and Homestuck. He likes both of them but acts as if he doesn't. That's Max for ya. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Courageous Thunder Dash 7,824 March 19, 2013 Share March 19, 2013 That's his humour style. He does the same thing with Sonic and Homestuck. He likes both of them but acts as if he doesn't. That's Max for ya. I don't see that as being funny...if he's calling bronies "losers" and other names of the like, then I think he's just one big troll wanting attention. Youtube: Soundcloud: 2nd SoundCloud: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rainblow H. Ash 5,091 March 19, 2013 Share March 19, 2013 Perhaps he's a troll in some people's eyes, but I think some of us need to learn that everyone has a different sense of humor. His is just different; while he likes the show, he obviously likes to make fun of the things he likes with parodies and insults, and My Little Pony is no different. 3 #bringbackmerriwetherwillaims Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Twinhead B 482 March 19, 2013 Share March 19, 2013 I don't see that as being funny...if he's calling bronies "losers" and other names of the like, then I think he's just one big troll wanting attention. I've always been of the mind that if you can't laugh at yourself, you can't laugh at anyone else. I find his brony-bashing humor to be funny. It's crude and blunt, but not overly offensive so I'm cool with it. Brony or not, Max is a funny guy, and I believe he could create his own full-size cartoon if he wanted to, as his style is very refreshing. 5 Soundcloud: DeviantART: Xbox 360 Gamertag: Viny1 Scratch PSN: Booossh Steam: twinheadb Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~Scootaloo 440 March 19, 2013 Share March 19, 2013 (edited) I think the better question to ask is "Who cares?" I mean whether he hates us or loves us it really doesn't matter at all it simply doesn't impact us that much at all. At the end of the day who cares if some douchebag thinks were all weird? compared to other fandoms *cough* Star Wars *cough* we're considerably normal. Edited March 19, 2013 by ~Scootaloo 2 By Kyoshi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Twinhead B 482 March 19, 2013 Share March 19, 2013 I think the better question to ask is "Who cares?" I mean whether he heats us or loves us it really doesn't matter at all it simply doesn't impact us that much at all. At the end of the day who cares if some douche bag thinks were all weird? compared to other fandoms *cough* Star Wars *cough* we're considerably normal. I would've said the Sonic Fandom over the Star Wars fandom. At least Star Wars fans care about whether or not their series is good, Sonic fans will love just about anything with the hedgehog's face plastered on it. 1 Soundcloud: DeviantART: Xbox 360 Gamertag: Viny1 Scratch PSN: Booossh Steam: twinheadb Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aeon Of Dreams 115 March 19, 2013 Share March 19, 2013 I heard that he simply does not like the title "brony" but he does indeed like the show, and as someone mentioned earlier, Max does show up to cons in-character. Here is a blog post he made on his website. The term ‘Brony’ has been coined to denote men between 18 and 30 who enjoy and partake in the fandom of Lauren Faust’s reboot of My Little Pony, titled My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. From the fact that this vernacular exists in the first place we can infer not only that Bronies exist, but are commonplace to the extent that coining a word to describe them was apparently entirely necessary. Bronies are so numerous, in fact, that ‘Bronycon’ has been formed; an entire convention dedicated to said fandom. And as the cult (using the term loosely, and in parody) continues to grow, people who DON’T indulge in the animated series about talking, improbably-colored horses have demanded time and time again one thing; an explanation. …And to be fair, it’s easy to understand why. The fascinating thing about the phenomenon, and the reason why non-Bronies are perplexed, is that never before has something in the entertainment world been so passionately embraced by the demographic it was never intended for. And therein lies the enigma. If you’re an adult who likes Pixar movies, you’re normal enough. Sure, they’re colorful and silly, but really, they’re not intended for children. They’re intended for everyone. Whom would bat an eye at an 18-year-old who likes Spongebob Squarepants, or a 35-year-old who’s heart belongs to The Muppets? These are simply those whom enjoy camp. Sweet, safe, innocent camp. The same can’t truthfully be said about MLP:FIM, a show that genuinely does cater to little girls exclusively. Any Brony who would tell you otherwise is deluding himself. And so, an explanation is demanded. I’ve had people ask me “Can you explain the Brony thing to me? I’ve seen the show. I don’t get it”. Unfortunately, here comes the cold, hard truth: This question can be answered. Explanations exist. A sufficient explanation, however, does not. I’ve heard what Bronies say. “The characters are really cool.” “The stories are really well thought-out.” “The voice acting is brilliantly done.” “It’s not pandering, it’s actually a very smart show”. I can’t understand how they can make such claims without seeing the irony in the situation. Maybe some of them do, I don’t know. Of course, the DOUBLE irony is that I agree with it all. But that’s a moot point. The real point is this; to the people who don’t understand the show’s appeal, these answers don’t suffice. No answer will. Not because it’s My Little Pony, but because anyone would say things like “It’s well-written” about any show they like. I’ve heard people say the same thing about F*R*I*E*N*D*S, and HOOOOO BOY do I hate F*R*I*E*N*D*S. Can we talk about how shitty F*R*I*E*N*D*S is for a minute? If you like F*R*I*E*N*D*S, you’re a moron. (I’m being facetious of course). We have to look further to understand what’s really going on here. As a friend of mine suggested, perhaps by coincidence the combination of colors used in the show triggers something in the adult male brain. Perhaps the show contains subliminal hypnotic messages. Maybe it’s something Freudian, having to do with all of us subconsciously longing to be an 8-year-old girl. Surely, these theories make more sense than “It’s well-written”. I like to think it has something to do with the show’s ability to reach a certain level of cute without crossing that line over into schmaltzy or sugary. Who among us hasn’t watched a sleeping cat video on Youtube or something equally as insipid? And as insipid as it is, it probably has 25 million views. I assume the same basic principle applies here. It’s this adorableness, partnered with the show’s unique sense of sentimentality, that has caused people to create an emotional attachment to the characters. I also like to believe that MLP:FIM is a children’s cartoon that, unlike Pixar films, doesn’t cater to adults as well as children, but rather, caters to the children INSIDE adults. The phrase “inner child” is a dumb old cartoony cliche and I don’t fully understand what the actual psychological reality of it is, but I sure as hell know I have one. I hope other people have them too. I pray to God that they do. But once again, I realize these answers are insufficient, so offering them at all is an act of futility. I’ll say this, though; respect Bronies. Simply because they’re people, and you shouldn’t need any more reason to. If you think you’re better than them, you’re living in an ignorant delusion fueled by your own sense of insecurity. Bronies have committed no sin, and in fact, I can’t think of anything more innocent than enjoying a children’s cartoon show. If anything, these are men of passion, and that’s something, according to our system of values, to be admired. Frankly, I even find people demanding Bronies for an explanation to be mildly insulting. On one hand, I can comprehend genuinely being curious about something you don’t understand, but you’re also kind of implying something is wrong with them. And don’t make the mistake of telling yourself everyone who likes the cartoon only likes it because they have a sexual affinity for the characters. That’s simply not the case. Every day people ask me if I am a Brony, and why I’ve chosen to write and animate parodies about the series. I guess they can’t extrapolate whether my parodies come from fandom, malice, or perhaps just because I saw comedy in something I’m apathetic about. For some reason I feel reluctant to say the phrase “I am a Brony”, even though I’ve said it before. Perhaps it’s because I don’t care for labels. I’m a bigger Simpsons nut than anything else, and yet I’ve never felt the need to call myself a Simpsy. But I like My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. I really, really do. I’ve seen every episode. If, by definition, that makes me a Brony, I suppose I can’t argue. Maybe I’m a casual-Brony, I don’t fucking know. For whatever reason I even like saying the word ‘ponies’. Ponies. Ponies. Ponies. I have a friend who despised the show and the entire fandom. I jokingly told her “Be nice to Bronies, because one day, you’re going to be one”, making light of the show’s infamous ability to suck people in. She swore to me she would never, EVER in a million years like it, and that she hated everything about it and the people who partake in it. Sure enough, now she watches and enjoys it just as much as I do. She has an OC named Cookie Crumbs. This doesn’t really have anything to do with why people like MLP:FIM, I just think it’s funny. The only conclusion that can be reached is that what attracts these men to this series can not be described, because it is, in essence, an indescribable factor. You’d have as much luck explaining to a blind man the difference between red and blue. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. You either get it, or you don’t. ~Max G. 15 Divinator Of Dreams Youtube Channel DeviantArt Tumblr Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rainblow H. Ash 5,091 March 19, 2013 Share March 19, 2013 Word up, son. I've never read that before, but that was really good. I'm gonna copy that and save that for later. Max really has a way with words, if I do say so myself. 2 #bringbackmerriwetherwillaims Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
starlight_wish 15 March 20, 2013 Share March 20, 2013 hehe, i think if anyone were to go to the trouble of animating a parody series as they have, they must enjoy the show and its characters to some degree. no matter how crude the humor. <3 my whole class was laughing at the animation style, and many are fans! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GeekBrony 85 March 20, 2013 Share March 20, 2013 I heard that he simply does not like the title "brony" but he does indeed like the show, and as someone mentioned earlier, Max does show up to cons in-character. Here is a blog post he made on his website. The term ‘Brony’ has been coined to denote men between 18 and 30 who enjoy and partake in the fandom of Lauren Faust’s reboot of My Little Pony, titled My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. From the fact that this vernacular exists in the first place we can infer not only that Bronies exist, but are commonplace to the extent that coining a word to describe them was apparently entirely necessary. Bronies are so numerous, in fact, that ‘Bronycon’ has been formed; an entire convention dedicated to said fandom. And as the cult (using the term loosely, and in parody) continues to grow, people who DON’T indulge in the animated series about talking, improbably-colored horses have demanded time and time again one thing; an explanation. …And to be fair, it’s easy to understand why. The fascinating thing about the phenomenon, and the reason why non-Bronies are perplexed, is that never before has something in the entertainment world been so passionately embraced by the demographic it was never intended for. And therein lies the enigma. If you’re an adult who likes Pixar movies, you’re normal enough. Sure, they’re colorful and silly, but really, they’re not intended for children. They’re intended for everyone. Whom would bat an eye at an 18-year-old who likes Spongebob Squarepants, or a 35-year-old who’s heart belongs to The Muppets? These are simply those whom enjoy camp. Sweet, safe, innocent camp. The same can’t truthfully be said about MLP:FIM, a show that genuinely does cater to little girls exclusively. Any Brony who would tell you otherwise is deluding himself. And so, an explanation is demanded. I’ve had people ask me “Can you explain the Brony thing to me? I’ve seen the show. I don’t get it”. Unfortunately, here comes the cold, hard truth: This question can be answered. Explanations exist. A sufficient explanation, however, does not. I’ve heard what Bronies say. “The characters are really cool.” “The stories are really well thought-out.” “The voice acting is brilliantly done.” “It’s not pandering, it’s actually a very smart show”. I can’t understand how they can make such claims without seeing the irony in the situation. Maybe some of them do, I don’t know. Of course, the DOUBLE irony is that I agree with it all. But that’s a moot point. The real point is this; to the people who don’t understand the show’s appeal, these answers don’t suffice. No answer will. Not because it’s My Little Pony, but because anyone would say things like “It’s well-written” about any show they like. I’ve heard people say the same thing about F*R*I*E*N*D*S, and HOOOOO BOY do I hate F*R*I*E*N*D*S. Can we talk about how shitty F*R*I*E*N*D*S is for a minute? If you like F*R*I*E*N*D*S, you’re a moron. (I’m being facetious of course). We have to look further to understand what’s really going on here. As a friend of mine suggested, perhaps by coincidence the combination of colors used in the show triggers something in the adult male brain. Perhaps the show contains subliminal hypnotic messages. Maybe it’s something Freudian, having to do with all of us subconsciously longing to be an 8-year-old girl. Surely, these theories make more sense than “It’s well-written”. I like to think it has something to do with the show’s ability to reach a certain level of cute without crossing that line over into schmaltzy or sugary. Who among us hasn’t watched a sleeping cat video on Youtube or something equally as insipid? And as insipid as it is, it probably has 25 million views. I assume the same basic principle applies here. It’s this adorableness, partnered with the show’s unique sense of sentimentality, that has caused people to create an emotional attachment to the characters. I also like to believe that MLP:FIM is a children’s cartoon that, unlike Pixar films, doesn’t cater to adults as well as children, but rather, caters to the children INSIDE adults. The phrase “inner child” is a dumb old cartoony cliche and I don’t fully understand what the actual psychological reality of it is, but I sure as hell know I have one. I hope other people have them too. I pray to God that they do. But once again, I realize these answers are insufficient, so offering them at all is an act of futility. I’ll say this, though; respect Bronies. Simply because they’re people, and you shouldn’t need any more reason to. If you think you’re better than them, you’re living in an ignorant delusion fueled by your own sense of insecurity. Bronies have committed no sin, and in fact, I can’t think of anything more innocent than enjoying a children’s cartoon show. If anything, these are men of passion, and that’s something, according to our system of values, to be admired. Frankly, I even find people demanding Bronies for an explanation to be mildly insulting. On one hand, I can comprehend genuinely being curious about something you don’t understand, but you’re also kind of implying something is wrong with them. And don’t make the mistake of telling yourself everyone who likes the cartoon only likes it because they have a sexual affinity for the characters. That’s simply not the case. Every day people ask me if I am a Brony, and why I’ve chosen to write and animate parodies about the series. I guess they can’t extrapolate whether my parodies come from fandom, malice, or perhaps just because I saw comedy in something I’m apathetic about. For some reason I feel reluctant to say the phrase “I am a Brony”, even though I’ve said it before. Perhaps it’s because I don’t care for labels. I’m a bigger Simpsons nut than anything else, and yet I’ve never felt the need to call myself a Simpsy. But I like My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. I really, really do. I’ve seen every episode. If, by definition, that makes me a Brony, I suppose I can’t argue. Maybe I’m a casual-Brony, I don’t fucking know. For whatever reason I even like saying the word ‘ponies’. Ponies. Ponies. Ponies. I have a friend who despised the show and the entire fandom. I jokingly told her “Be nice to Bronies, because one day, you’re going to be one”, making light of the show’s infamous ability to suck people in. She swore to me she would never, EVER in a million years like it, and that she hated everything about it and the people who partake in it. Sure enough, now she watches and enjoys it just as much as I do. She has an OC named Cookie Crumbs. This doesn’t really have anything to do with why people like MLP:FIM, I just think it’s funny. The only conclusion that can be reached is that what attracts these men to this series can not be described, because it is, in essence, an indescribable factor. You’d have as much luck explaining to a blind man the difference between red and blue. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. You either get it, or you don’t. ~Max G. I agree with you, he does have to show up in some fun way. I don't think he does look down on bronies. Just cause he is devoting his life to making fun of the show in a pervy way, doesn't mean he's not a Brony. In the quote, he said that he liked it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Addem Up 246 March 20, 2013 Share March 20, 2013 Hey, I'd read that quote before! Never realized it was him speaking. Funny how life works. As for his brony-ness, can we all agree that he likes the show? And I dream of an absolution... Addem Up: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Musix 237 March 20, 2013 Share March 20, 2013 Nah man, The guys at Hotdiggetydemon are a mix of bronies and non bronies - It's not just one lad doing all of it. Anyway, I don't think they do - They wouldn't animate it if they didn't like ponies. It takes tonnes of work to do such a feat of footage - Their video's last from 10 mins to half an hour; And that takes a hell of a lot of time to do. I reckon they love doing it and I hope they like being in the community, too! Brony Guards - Apply now! -Musix Nos Castor Auferet - 155 Squadron's motto Contrary to popular belief by strange people, Rainbow Dash is the best pony in the entire universe. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wingnut 7,003 March 21, 2013 Share March 21, 2013 I never saw that statement from Max before. It was rather enlightening. One thing I don't get, though, is narrow definition of Bronies he gives. Men from 18-30 ONLY? What about women who also embrace that title? What about me? I'm well over 30 but I thought I still qualified. I never knew a Brony had an UPPER age limit. I'm going to cry in my beer now. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rainblow H. Ash 5,091 March 21, 2013 Share March 21, 2013 I never saw that statement from Max before. It was rather enlightening. One thing I don't get, though, is narrow definition of Bronies he gives. Men from 18-30 ONLY? What about women who also embrace that title? What about me? I'm well over 30 but I thought I still qualified. I never knew a Brony had an UPPER age limit. I'm going to cry in my beer now. Aw, well don't take what he meant too seriously. He was just making a point, and I'm sure he considers you a Brony as well. Just think of it as something he said to give some perspective on the typical Brony age range. #bringbackmerriwetherwillaims Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bucky McGillyCuddy 956 March 21, 2013 Share March 21, 2013 (edited) He does pay Brony's out a bit in the series and other pony related videos. I feel like he likes the series but doesn't like the term Brony. Edited March 21, 2013 by Bucky_McGillycuddy If you'd be so kind as to check out some of my drawings, I would really appreciate feedback. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FoxyCryptid 4,330 March 21, 2013 Share March 21, 2013 Actually, I think he's animated bits specificity for showing at the animation festivals at brony/pony conventions(and not .mov stuff, just normal pony animations don in it's artstyle.) "You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that." -Duncan McLeod. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
uuunph 288 March 21, 2013 Share March 21, 2013 Maybe it’s something Freudian, having to do with all of us subconsciously longing to be an 8-year-old girl. If I could explain the show's appeal to someone in any one line, that is exactly what I would say. That was pretty cool to read. And besides, making profane-ish flash animations doesn't explicitly he hates anything. It's fun to joke about something you like. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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