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Apple      Bloom

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What bothered me was why they couldn't just keep it the same.


You can go from the original to SSBM and not experience trouble (ignoring the controller differences) in terms of pacing/speed, so I wondered why they couldn't keep it consistent...

Aah, Idk. Does seem like the smart thing to do, though.



I really wanna play all three of them now...

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Guys, don't panic about the quote boxes :P I notified Scoots about it, and he should be fixing it... I hope


Nothing happened. This is not a chicken cover up. This is serious business. Honest. True. I will deny it all.

  • Brohoof 2
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Nothing happened. This is not a chicken cover up. This is serious business. Honest. True. I will deny it all.

Two words: Chicken-muffin. That is all.




I'm currently listening to Lego House. It's a really nice song. I wish I had my coloured pencils...


As long as it's nothing too embarrassing.

See above: Would you be able to make a chicken-muffin?

Edited by Ganaram_Bloodrune
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Though admittedly, I forgot to pull off the JoJtin Bieber.

That is too hilarious!

If I had more patience and more knowhow of doing this, Id have done more.


Oh, man. That is great! Yo, ScootScoot ! We made you some fan art!


Today's been strangely slow for the GCT.


Ah well, I'm tired and stuff, so... G'night I guess.



Edited by TGAP Haven
  • Brohoof 1
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I like my new sig, but it doesn't match with the avatar at all...



Though admittedly, I forgot to pull off the JoJtin Bieber.


Today's been strangely slow for the GCT.

Ah well, I'm tired and stuff, so... G'night I guess.

It has been... Night, though.

Edited by bluetrace
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It's from a YTP called Dustbin Jieber Enjoys A Sweaty Backdoor Fondue, and it's around the 54-second mark. That's when Justin Bieber says "This is JoJtin Bieber", and... Look at his face(s).


I was talking more about that image you posted...

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