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Apple      Bloom

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It means that you're doing something right when I'm not. :V

Because I win more fights than you? :huh: 



wasschu wanna help with?

Oh um, not yet. I'm first going to read some of the "Help" part later. THEN I'll come to you if I'm still "WHAT THE HELL?!" after all of reading. ^_^ But thanks! :wub:




haha you will, you will :3



yes it is! D:

Very well~ :3


Nah... it just can't be... :(

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Perhaps some of you remember that story I posted here last year?


I finally decided to do chapter 2, if anyone is interested...








Chapter II: The Hunt of the Beasts


The creature's claws raked across the door, ripping a hole through it. It's red eyes bore holes into my skull. (in the metaphorical sense, of course) One of my team members turned towards me, and said:

"Go on without me... I'll fend it off while you run"


"Are you insane?" I asked him.




He took a sword and an AK-47 out of his pocket and moved in front of the door. How he was carrying these, I haven't the slightest clue.


"GO! RUN!" he shouted, and the others ran as fast as they could down the hallway.


Before I did so, I looked around the corner to see what would happen.


The creature ripped the door off it's hinges, and tossed it aside. That was when I noticed there were three creatures, not one.




My team member, Alex I believe his name was, stared directly into the eyes of the creatures and shouted as loud as he could:


"YOU SHALL NOT PASS" and started swinging his sword towards them and shooting his firearm.


Knowing it was far past the time to run, I slipped back into the hallway and started sprinting with all my speed.


"Nice, but unesscesary Tolkien reference" I muttered as I was running. Then again, the man probably wanted to die as a badass, and he succeeded.


I heard an inhuman screech followed by a scream that sounded like a person in completely unbearable pain, which was no doubtly Alex.



After five minutes or so of running, I had finally caught up to my group.


We stayed at the spot we had found each other for a while... Until we heard the sound of speedy foot prints.


Almost immediately, I whispered to everyone, telling them to run. And run we did.


After twenty more minutes, we came to a halt in the new room we had entered. The footsteps and growling of the creatures could no longer be heard, but what was in the room... made me want to vomit even more so than the pile of bodies that we saw earlier did.


There were more fresh corpses, except these ones were dressed in very dark purple robes and were ripped apart. Some of the people were just piles of flesh, and there was some limbs thrown around here and there.


The smell was unbearable.


Possibly the worst thing that has ever entered my nostrils. If you know what I mean.


I examined some of the bodies, and almost immediately after touching the cloak of one of them, something green lashed out at me.


I jumped back, with the green stuff missing my face by an inch.


I stared at it with widened eyes as it approached me at a slow pace.


This... Thing, whatever it was, was made entirely of moss. It's body writhed about as it came closer and closer, and it became slightly humanoid in shape.


I had had enough.


I jumped up, and ran around the room like a mad man.


The creature's very presence gave me unspeakable fear, but it stared at me in confusion, probably asking itself what the actual fuck I was doing.


I tripped on a pair of lungs from one of the many corpses scattered around the room, and fell face first into what appeared to be a fire pit. Luckily, the fire wasn't lit. Unluckily, there was a plethora of organs and gore in the pit.


I vomited in disgust, and it landed all over me, worsening the situation.


After vomiting a few more times because of the vomit I was creating, I finally managed to recover, and I looked up.


Three of the members of my group were already dead, and five of them stood huddled in the corner, praying to every single deity they knew. Surrounding them, was two piles of sand and the pile of moss, both writhing around and changing shape.


I stared boldly at the scene, and I knew what I had to do.




I screamed for the others to follow, not even bothering to ask myself how they could, and I ran down the nearest hallway.


When I made it to the end, I was greeted by a humongous chamber, with no exits aside from the way I came.


There was a massive structure in the middle of the room, crafted with sandstone and bricks. It was in the shape of an arc, and on the bottom middle, there was a throne.


This sight alone was enough for me to marvel at... But surrounding the throne, was thousands, no, MILLIONS of gold, jewels and other precious materials.


I had to stop myself from leaping into the pile of wealth, and from trying to carry every single piece all the way to the entrance.


As soon as I took my first step towards the riches, I heard footsteps from the hallway behind me.


I cast myself upon the ground, and began to weep. It mustn't end like this, I cannot be consumed by these... MONSTERS! These ABOMINATIONS!


When the footsteps finally reached where I lay, I heard some chuckling next to me, and I decided to look up.


All five of my remaining colleagues stood next to me, laughing at my lamentation.


"Why do you laugh, while I weep?" I asked them, anger boiling in my veins.


"Cuz u wer as scared as a little skool gal!" one of them said with a mocking laugh.


"Well I think I have reason enough to be scared, seeing as we are about 50 feet under the deserts of Egypt, in an assumed to be abandoned tomb, with very minimal supplies and mossy sand creatures attacking us!" I said to them. "Anyway, how on earth did you get past those creatures?!"


One of them spoke up:

"Well I really needed to pee..."


"NEVER MIND! I do NOT want to hear it anymore" I interrupted.


Suddenly, the members of my group's eyes lit up, as they stared at the colossal mountain of riches behind me.


"Holy... Shit." one of them said. "Turns out this expedition wasn't a hopeless journey after all. But how will we take all this home?"


"We won't!" I said "We will take a few things, and then leave as quickly as possible to the nearest and swiftest exit!"


"No way bro, I'm takin' as much as I can! Even if it kills me" another said, and started running towards the mound of precious gems. Mere seconds after his hand touched a golden crown from the pile, he exploded into billions of bloody bits of guts, organs and flesh. A chunk of his lower torso fell in front of my feet.


"Well, that escalated quickly" one of my group members said behind me.


"Something's not right" I said, blatantly stating the obvious, while staring at the crown.


There was something under it, moving ever so slightly.


"Oh god, I'm getting the hell out of here!!!" one of my group members screamed, and began to run towards the exit.


He didn't even have the chance.


A dark tendril shot out from under the crown, and faster than light, it cut the running man clean in half. His still screaming upper body flew into the air, hit the ceiling, and slammed onto the ground.


I gulped, and turned to look at the crown once more.


The crown was still there... But there was something else there, wearing it upon it's head.


This thing looked almost exactly like the statue I had found when we first entered.


It was shaped like a camel, except it had rotting flesh that was sometimes covered in a black, gooey substance that throbbed and writhed over it's body.


All along it's back, it had 3 foot long, extremely sharp, spikes and a hump that had tendril-like appendages coming from it that writhed and contorted themselves.


It had six pairs of legs, each one ending in either a hoof or a claw.


It's eyes were almost draconic, but the pupils sometimes faded away and it's hundreds of teeth looked like those of a shark.


It's mouth was spread into a huge smile, so large that it looked like the sides of it's head would rip open.


To my infinite horror and bewilderment, it spoke.


"How nice of you to pay me a visit, I rarely receive company!"


"What... What the hell are you?" I said in an almost inaudible voice.


"What am I?" it mocked me with a horrifying laugh that resonated throughout all of the tomb.

"I am God" it said in a matter-of-factly tone, and stretched it's mouth into an even more impossibly large smile.


It was then that I realized, we would not be making it out of this tomb alive.


End Chapter 2.


To be continued...




If you need your memory refreshed, here is chapter 1:



Chapter I: The Horror in the Sands.


I beg of you...

Read this with an open mind.


What I'm saying may seem absolutely ridiculous, but I swear to the god I'm not sure I still believe in... It is the complete and total truth.


This thing... Whatever the hell it actually is... Is called "Domtar".


I first became aware of it's existence in the summer of 2003, when I was on an expedition in Egypt, they had found a large cavern deep under the sands, and my archeological team was sent inside.


We climbed down the ladder they had installed, and entered a dimly lit room full of sand, with walls made of sandstone. There was a very faint smell in the air, one that smelled slightly of rot.


The first thing we did was clear the sand in the room, which took us about an hour. After looking around the area I cleared, I realized I had uncovered an inscription in the sandstone wall.


Or... Maybe that was just random scratches...


I shrugged, and me and my team walked into the next chamber.


The next chamber had no features that differentiated from the other room we had been in, save for a small pedestal that rested in the middle of the chamber. (I have decided to use the word "chamber" again, because I currently cannot think of another synonym for the word "room")


I approached it as my companions started to clear the sand. There was a small statue on the pedestal, it depicted an equine creature similar to a one-humped camel. I say similar, because it had several tendrils coming from it's back, as well as multiple spines along it's back.


Quite obviously, this was not a normal camel.


Less obvious was it's meaning.


Perhaps it was just a decoration placed inside? When the ancient people of Egypt made tombs for their pharaohs, they usually placed inside furniture, food and decorations for their king to bring with him into the afterlife.


Of course, I wasn't sure what the exact purpose of the tomb was at the time, so I didn't jump to conclusions.


And I would have dismissed it as just a decorative, had I not noticed the inscription on the pedestal holding the statue.


Before I tell you the following, I want you to know that I am very skilled at understanding hieroglyphs and various other ancient texts.


However, I could not understand what was carved into the pedestal what so ever. I alerted the others in my team about my find, and they did not know what the inscription said either.


After awhile, I gave up and my team and I decided to head on.


As soon as we entered the third room, the ground underneath us fell away, and we tumbled down into the darkness below.



I woke up to the sounds of yelling coming from above.

"Wha... What happened?"


"Professor Bright are you okay?"


"I am not in any physical harm"

I yelled back up to the members of my team that had not fallen down with me.


I started to stand, but a sharp pain shot through my back.

...Maybe I wasn't okay.


"We'll go get some rope, you stay there" they said, then left.


"Well, this sucks. I can't see shit" someone said to my right.


"Don't worry, there's a torch in my bag" someone to my left said as he searched his bag. When he found it, he lit the torch and it cut through the blackness a few meters in front of us.


I began to look at the area we had fallen into.

Unlike the room we were in before, this room was carved into the rock. The walls were oddly perfectly smooth.


My companion passed me the torch, and I walked around the room for awhile, looking for anything that might be lying around. That's when I noticed an iron hatch in the corner of the room. I told the others to come with me, and they did.


I opened the hatch, and looked inside.


There was a ladder leading down. I picked up a rock from the floor, and tossed it down into the abyss.


All was silent for twenty seconds, then I heard a clang as the rock hit the floor and bounced around.


"Should we go down?" one of my comrades asked.


"No, we wait for the others, then we go down" I replied.


We waited and waited, and eventually they returned. They lowered down a rope ladder, and came down with flashlights and torches. They handed me a flashlight, and we climbed down the ladder, which eventually brought us to a long hallway.


The scent I had smelled earlier was much stronger now, and the more we walked down the hall, the stronger the scent grew. It was unmistakable... The smell was of something dead.

In fact... It was the smell of Multiple dead things.


When we arrived at the point where it was unbearable... I saw the source.


We had walked into a medium sized room... And were greeted by a pile of dead bodies...


There was cats, dogs, camels... And people. Oddly, some of the bodies were coated in fresh blood.


The moment everyone entered the room, the door I wasn't aware existed slammed shut behind us.


I cursed under my breath, then started looking for a way out. I found a hallway to the right, that was an option. Before we took that way however, I noticed a chest in the corner of my eye.


I bolted towards it, and opened it, revealing the gold ingots within. However, immediately after my hand touched the first piece of treasure, a loud inhuman shrieking resonated throughout the entire tomb and shook my very soul.


All of my team members turned towards the door that had closed behind us, and listened. All was silent for a moment, until the sound of quick little footsteps came from the hallway behind the door.


A moment later, a clawed hand ripped through the stone door, and a pair of glowing red eyes stared at us through the hole.


"Oh shit..." I said.


End chapter I.


To be continued...



Edited by Zalgo


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is Haven that boring to play against? 




No, cause you practice with people and not bots or just standing characters.


Its better to use live people.

if you practice alone, you can master easier your combos, but if you practice with people you will learn the experience that you need to apply these combos.

Talking about that, I think I'll change my main to Twilight Sparkle :D

  • Brohoof 2


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

Sorry, I don't take REQUESTS!

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if you practice alone, you can master easier your combos, but if you practice with people you will learn the experience that you need to apply these combos.

Talking about that, I think I'll change my main to Twilight Sparkle :D



yea and thats where I fall behind is. The actual use of the combos on live people.


lol, can't do good with your favorite just cause of a few problems? I am disappointed in you, Motion.

  • Brohoof 1


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No, cause you practice with people and not bots or just standing characters.


Its better to use live people.





fine! what do we have to do to be able to play together

You have the last version of MTSP, called Telepone? Then find me by Arcanel when I connect, and you're set! :D

  • Brohoof 1
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lol tis ok.


I mean, if you really wanna switch mains then go for it. Its totally up to you.

what are we talking about, there is no game in the first place :(

I can't even say "I'll change mains" because the final product has been c&d which sucks :(








You have the last version of MTSP, called Telepone? Then find me by Arcanel when I connect, and you're set! :D

I have MTSP but I don't have that Telepone, link me to that thing


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

Sorry, I don't take REQUESTS!

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You have the last version of MTSP, called Telepone? Then find me by Arcanel when I connect, and you're set! :D

To expand on this, , Ouker left the link to it in the FiM thread. Also, one of you will have to host by forwarding your port 7500 and joining as a host. Otherwise, no battle I think.


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To expand on this, , Ouker left the link to it in the FiM thread. Also, one of you will have to host by forwarding your port 7500 and joining as a host. Otherwise, no battle I think.

that goddamned thread has ton and ton of pages already, can't you find me the specific post for that link?


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

Sorry, I don't take REQUESTS!

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My nine year old sister screamed "Fucking bitch!" just the other day because she died in CoD. 




mai mum iz duin it so rite 


Kids these days...


...Not sure how I can concentrate on them.


Unless he means EQ wise cause I don't do dat shit.


Or unless he means vary it more, then yes. I dont' do that all the time as I usually run out of ideas. Though, its more cause of my laziness to make something different every time.


EQing is hard as shit and rather painstaking, yes. It's something you're really gonna need to concentrate on if you want your mixes to sound right though.


Aah, okay, that makes sense.


Ya know, I dont' think Ive heard much DnB doing something like that. Well, out of the little Ive heard anyway.


You have heard things like that, you just weren't listening close enough probably. It's the little details that make or break a song.

  • Brohoof 1



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