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Apple      Bloom

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Yeah, it was a hard time for each of us



Also, are you reading those posts? The purpose of brohoofing really old posts is to make them read and remember. People change, or at the very least, forget the thousands of posts they've made.

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You can only brohoof a post once, and after that it's just the notifications without the brohoof :o

Yep! Too many nostalgia :x

Don't forget to brohoof someone else, I'm also going through the earlier pages. Blue or Nightfal would be freaked out :P


Ooh, you mean like that. I thought you meant like brohoofing every post of his in their welcome thread.

Goodnite forums, may all your chats be merry and your sanity left in tatters.



nevertheless, you can't have enough ass.


So. Fucking. True. :D
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It's Pyfgcrl now, suckers!!!

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You suck


Also, are you reading those posts? The purpose of brohoofing really old posts is to make them read and remember. People change, or at the very least, forget the thousands of posts they've made.

I'm reading those... While some of them brings me memories, there was a time where I did something I'm not very proud of in this thread ._.


Welp, can't spend too much time worrying about the past, eh?

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there was a time where I did something I'm not very proud of in this thread ._.

Will I find it in my travels, or have I passed it? Or will you need to tell me?
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Posted Image

You suck

I'm reading those... While some of them brings me memories, there was a time where I did something I'm not very proud of in this thread ._.

Welp, can't spend too much time worrying about the past, eh?



That just makes my curiosities of that time back then grow.


And no, you cant. It's something I live by.


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That is all.

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Will I find it in my travels, or have I passed it? Or will you need to tell me?

Good chance it's already deleted :U


Can't really remember where, though


That just makes my curiosities of that time back then grow.

You can start from page 175! :P

Bring your own cake, though. The ride will be rough

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Good chance it's already deleted :U

Can't really remember where, though

You can start from page 175! :P

Bring your own cake, though. The ride will be rough


Damn, it possibly got deleted...


And I shall, just not on my phone.

I don't like cake...I'll bring some pies and cheesecakes! :D

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Yeah, it's crazy back there. You're an odd person you know.

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From one (cool guy) to ten (hell if I know what is this guy talking about), how weird as I? :o


I don't like cake...I'll bring some pies and cheesecakes! :D

>don't like cake

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From one (cool guy) to ten (hell if I know what is this guy talking about), how weird as I?

5. I'm generous though. Get someone REALLY critical on this thing. They'll totally know how to rate you.
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5. I'm generous though. Get someone REALLY critical on this thing. They'll totally know how to rate you.

But I get better, right? Posted Image


I've just completely grown out of it.

No, you're not. You just picked the wrong type of cake :P


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