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Apple      Bloom

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:o I wonder if anybody even noticed I changed my name :P Now my name is a combo of my two ACTUAL favorite ponies, so people don't think I like Apple Bloom the most... Night everyone!

Viscra was here earlier, but had to go because school. Vicke... Who knows about him xD Anyways, I gotta get some sleep... NIGHT!!!!!

Night both of you.
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No more Luna then? :x


Seems like the three converted (Zoop, Jonke, you) have taken off their Luna attributes, oh well



Being a Lunatic is clearly only temporary.



HmmmWhich Molestia?Barkion's Molestia or the ask tumblr Molestia?

Some third, more horrible version that the world has not seen yet!!!

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Which Molestia?

Barkion's Molestia or the ask tumblr Molestia?


More like JohJoseco's Molestia :wacko:


Being a Lunatic is clearly only temporary.



B-But... Posted Image


<I guess I'll change back to Luna theme in a few days>

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Yo, I have patience to burn


I'll do that massive quote thing when this site gets fixed, you'll see










Oh, and hello everypony, how are we all doing today :3

  • Brohoof 2
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The thing is, I kinda run out of moon-themed names, and avatar too


Is this good enough for an avatar?


Posted Image


Can't you just be Star Weaver or something? My identity is locked in place. I am Berry Pie, and I can't be anyone else.


Hey, wouldn't it be crazy if I could get the avatar rotator to work?

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