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Apple      Bloom

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Good morning fuckers lEJ9q.png

@@Twinkleshine, Star, are you okay!? Today I heard of a typhoon striking  the Phillipines! I know it's not that close to Indonesia, but I was wondering if there was any alert of that typhoon heading towards you guys.


Thanks to a special geographical condition here, it's rather impossible for any kind of typhoon to get in my town VnCRQ.png


The rain is a bitch, though.


Besides, Weyland's above me anyway. :V




And I really want to get you and Arcanel all learned up so that we can make an RP to test you both. I've been itching for more roleplays, but nothing available looks good. I don't have a good idea right now for one to make myself . But with you two, and maybe Star Weaver and whoever else in GCT, we could come up with a good idea.


How about having all the 4 OC gather first in one place, be it a tavern or an inn, then have something happened to the place?


Afternoon, GCT.


I order you guys to entertain me.

You're lucky, I was just finished posting comics elsewhere













Edited by Twinkleshine
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I see...Well, for one, you could make it inside a forest. The story could graduate in ways so that members from the RP will meet against the other, and also knowing that the more the numbers, the better it is, unless of course, the personalities end up being so frustrating to each other they end up separating.

Last time I did an RP similar to that, it did not end well. But, I wasn't using Lapis or Asteria.


Get some people to work on that idea, and maybe it shall be your test when the time comes.


 lol whats the point of asking for ideas if all the ones outside your preferred area are going to be decllined anyway?


I don't know. I don't want to be mean and say no one can have any ideas. But what I want to do is go on an adventure to the mysterious south with Lapis Lazuli leading the party. That's what I want ideas for.

Guys, Youtube has changed their design... Yet again... And this video best describes my opinion of this new design...

It looks about the same to me.

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>those red hats

Everyone is celebrating Yuletide or Saturnalia early I see 59ybA.png



EVERYONE is and i'm missing a red hat.  <_<

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How about having all the 4 OC gather first in one place, be it a tavern or an inn, then have something happened to the place?

4? What four? My two and my student's OCs? I plan to involve other people from GCT. Like the avid roleplayers.


Also, I don't like that idea all that fondly. Have any adventure ideas? Like going on a quest? Finding ancient stuff? Learning an important lesson about life?

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well... if you can get that penis cake from Caligula I might spare you

Screw that! I'd rather put up with your tyrany then get a penis cake from Caligula. That reminds me, I need to get a chocolate cake for preparation for Christmas. :D

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I don't know. I don't want to be mean and say no one can have any ideas. But what I want to do is go on an adventure to the mysterious south with Lapis Lazuli leading the party. That's what I want ideas for.

Aah. So like ideas for what could happen to the party down there?


o.o...Uh oh...I don't suppose cake would be a way out of the deed right Molestia? Heheheeh....Right? ^^;


Once you're seen by her, you're screwed.


Have fun!






Also, @,

Are you free this weekend?

Would you possibly be able to meet up at Hamilton before you move?

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Aah. So like ideas for what could happen to the party down there?



Once you're seen by her, you're screwed.


Have fun!






Also, @,


True pm on fb maybe on sunday would be great. But the best day for me would either be the 13 or the 14th 

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Thanks to a special geographical condition here, it's rather impossible for any kind of typhoon to get in my town The rain is a bitch, though.

Phew...that's nice to hear. :) And while I'm sure we Argentina never got a rain compared to the ones you guys have, today's rain was AWFUL. Cars floating, roads flooding...and of course, I just HAD to get out on this glorious day because of English classes...RIGHT on the same day I bathed...indeed, I have an impecable timing.


Last time I did an RP similar to that, it did not end well. But, I wasn't using Lapis or Asteria.   Get some people to work on that idea, and maybe it shall be your test when the time comes.

Interestingly enough, I'd see the RP becoming rather interesting with both Asteria and Lapis Lazuli.


Lapis is generally a quiet, stoic pony who RARELY lets out his emotions, and if he does, it's probably when Asteria is around. In this case, should Asteria get lost, true panic would set in his mind and most of what he is would kind of go to hell, while his mind is in a battle over to be logical, or just panic like a madcolt. Meanwhile, Asteria I see would be rather oblivious to the dangers that the forest might set, however, so as to not make it the cliched "One is worried, everything happens. the other is oblivious, escapes all dangers" disregarding how hilarious that could be, eventually, Asteria would start worrying about Lapis much more than herself, the problem being, that I think she can't control her mind as well as Lapis would, while said travelling scholar would try and keep calm, but might end in a situation similar to Twilight in Lesson Zero once his emotions can't contain themselves anymore, of course, in the way you'd feel Lapis would "explode" per se.


Plus, like you added later, each party of members to encounter might as well find different positions like pyramids, dungeons and even caves, which while similar of adventure style, can differ in the way they play inside.

Edited by Arcanel
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Shame its not the ask Molestia tumblr one.



This one hurts. >:3

Shame, I actually like the Ask Molestia tumblr.


Considering I am new to the site, I do not know how powerful THIS Molestia can be. o.o...And honestly, I do not want to test the theory.

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