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General Chat Thread

Apple      Bloom

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UHHH...Sorry thought i was posting on something else...


UHHH...Sorry thought i was posting on something else...


UHHH...Sorry thought i was posting on something else...


UHHH...Sorry thought i was posting on something else...

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Lion king yay! Why are we talking about lion king?! >.<


Hello, welcome GCT. You appear to be a new member, but it says you signed up a while back.
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I think i'll get to be muffin now?...After this post?

Your posts would only count if you post outside Cloudsdale Colusseum, Welcoming Plaza, and RP world :P


Just try posting stuff in the Media Discussion and General Discussion

  • Brohoof 1
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Never really fond of the "Ask Me" threads or tumblrs... I'll think of some bizarre questions later

I'd rather you ask me questions about anything you've ever wondered about me.

So ummm...Can you help me out with getting something else than blank flank?....I'm sorta new to this all...


I think i'll get to be muffin now?...After this post?


You need to post outside of Cloudsdale Colosseum. Like maybe Show Discussion or basically anywhere else. You need to make 5 posts.
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But it's a normal question! Posted Image


Nonsense. I would know. It's my profession.


What ho? A rapid flurry of brohoofs?


I see a huge wall-of-text quote post from Haven/Kirby/Idon'tknowwhattocallyouanymore in the near future.


He just brohoofed that post... He's here!!!
  • Brohoof 2
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Shut yer bucking mouth, ! :l

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Posted Image

And Berry Pie i will make you one, i promise you that. ^_^


Ooo, those aren't too bad. I kinda dig your style.

What's an ass day?


Idk, but it sounds like the best day ever made.

Anyone ever want to ask me questions?


Dear Lord, why did you make an ask thread? :lol:

What ho? A rapid flurry of brohoofs?

I see a huge wall-of-text quote post from Haven/Kirby/Idon'tknowwhattocallyouanymore in the near future.


Nope. No wall this time.

Mostly cause you bums only spawned 4 pages of content.

Then cause i got lazy at the beginning, but half way through I started anyway.

Lol, just call me whatever you like Haven or Kirby, which ever you prefer.



Sup, bitches.

What's hannening?


Oh, look! A somewhat technically new person! :wacko:

Time to feast! >:3

  • Brohoof 1
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Ooo, those aren't too bad. I kinda dig your style.


Thanks :lol:

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