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private Ponyville-A month later(Action/Adventure)


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Virus smiled his wicked smile kniwing he had been caught, "no matter you cannot fight it off forever and sooner or later you're going to give in and when that happens it'll all come crashing around you." A flash of light and maniacle laughter later and he was gone.


When Parcel pulled away he could still feel Luminaris emotions she felt love. But how could that be he hadn't changed into anypony from her past how could she be in love with him he was a changeling it was imposssible.

Parcel stood up and turned to Nexus feeling giddy that was his firstkiss that didn't involve feeding it was his first kiss as himself and he liked it. He shook his head trying to snap out of it and asked, "what are we going to do now? And what did he mean give in? Is there something wrong?"

Edited by slimmyjimjim
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Nexus smiled at the scene, but also amazed. How did this mare knowingly fall in love with a changeling? And could changelings fall in love? Don't they just feed on it? He sighed as he was asked about what Virus said.


"I'm still infected. He is in my mind, trying to take control." He said quietly.


"I don't even know if killing him would cure it. I'm going to try though. I will fight it off the best I can but..." He looked at him, but with a sad, tired expression painting his face.


"I need you to kill me if I turn. Without hesitation. Just rip a claw off one of my hooves and plunge it into my throat. The lightning will cook me alive. This is morbid but if I change, you need to kill me." The bat pony fell to his haunches, taking a moment to rest.


"My life...has been tough. My family dying, living alone since 15, committing terrible acts against changelings...it's really taking its toll on me Parcel. I don't know how much more pain I can take. But as long as I got some life left in me, I am going to do what is right, and defend those who can't defend themselves. Just like my father." He got to his hooves.


"Get out of here. Take your friend and get back to Ponyville. You can help tend to the wounded and maintain a barrier. I should be able to get to Virus without attracting much attention. Plus, I don't want you to be around when and if I turn. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I just mindlessly slaughtered you. Or you." He said, nodding to the mare. He walked over to a window, and gingerly opened it.


"You should be able to fly safely back to Ponyville from here."


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

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Parcel smiled a rye smile, "can't. The windows are sealed shut and the enterences are guarded looks like you're stuck with me bat boy." He walked up to Nexus and nudged him with his elbow. "Dont think you can get rid of me that easily, c'mon let's go." Trotting back over to Luminari he offered her a hoof to help her up and leaned in to whisper in her ear, "we'll continue with this after we save Equestria." Then he made introductions," Nexus this is Luminari she's a mute and she's quite helpful. Luminari this is Nexus, he's just a pain." Then he started trotting down the hall hoping to find some stairs going up and when nopony could see his face he bit his lip worried about what he would do if Nexus did change.

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"Woah, uhhh... I'll get Rainbow Dash here as fast as I can." He took the badge and rushed out the door. He didn't know Ponyville was under attack. He knew he was faster than the train so he just took flight. "Ohhh buuck, Ponyville under attack? I came here to live a calmer life. I didn't know something like this would happen." He said to himself. He flew as quickly as he could. Once he approached Canterlot he flapped his wings so hard some leaves and a few rocks flew. He ran up to the guard, showed the badge and asked him where Rainbow Dash was. Once he knew where she was, he rushed to her. He found her and said with a raised and tired tone, "Rainbow Dash, you gotta come back to Ponyville. Its an emergency."

Rainbow Dash

"Hey, Storm Cloud, Nice to see you, What brings you to Canterlot. I just got done flying with Spitfire on a patrol around Canterlot. Can you believe it?....What, what about Ponyville? I know things have been tight around Canterlot since I got here. The Princesses have some sort of shield up, and their not letting anypony in or out without special clearance from the guard themselves. How did you get in........"


Rainbow sees the badge that Corkscrew gave him.


"Ah crap......I'm almost afraid to ask, but how did you get that?" Are things really that bad in Ponyville?"

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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Nexus nodded, and grunted at his comment.


"If Virus has his way, Axel will be more than just a pain to you." He muttered. He treaded carefully, making sure that he stayed undetected. It seems like most of the changelings were outside or on the ground floor. Eventually they made it to the top floor, where Nexus fell to his knees, clutching his head, and groaning in pain.


"You're worn out. Tired. You don't want to fight anymore, but yet you persist. Giving in would make all the pain, all the fatigue, all the sorrow go away. We can help you become something more. The ponies will just slow you down, bring you more pain. We can end it. Just give in, and end your sorrow."


Nexus forced himself up to his hooves, and spoke through clenched teeth.


"It's getting worse, we don't have much time. We need to find him and kill him fast." Nexus was able to compose himself, and continued walking, until he found a large room-likely a cafeteria, and saw a familiar changeling leader. Nexus chuckled.


"For a random idiot that fell for a trap, you are busting your ass to see me your new pet."


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

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Virus chuckled. "indeed there has been a lot but work? No this is fun. Oh and about you, your mind is as weak as an over used chrysalis im surprised you lasted this long, no it's you body that's strong, stronger than dragon scales. Yes if I had control over that then changelings would be unstoppable, oh the irony a changeling killer helping the changelings take over Equestia oh what fun.


Parcel helped Nexus off the ground and looked up at Virus fury in his eyes.


"Oh and yes the changeling traitor last chance to come back to join us."

"Never. I would never betray my friends right Nexus?" He turned Nexus only to have his face turn to shock at the site of him.

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Nexus couldn't hear what anypony was saying, he was too busy fighting mind control.


"Moment of truth. Come to our side, strike down the forces that seek to undo us. Join the hive."


Nexus was getting close. He started to force himself up, looking between Parcel and Virus. He couldn't tell which was which. He stepped to the middle of the room, and removed his helmet. He set it down, but the spell held up. His coat was still grey, his eyes gold, his mane purple. He stood there, unsure who to turn to, and started to chuckle. Then he laughed, then he howled, until he was on the ground laughing. Even he wasn't sure what came over him.


"You...you sissy bitch...you-haha-can't even beat us without worming your way into the heavily armed changeling hunter. Luna's night, you are a wimp." And with that, he continued to laugh, holding his gut with his claws. He probably looked insane. 


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

Avatar by Motion Spark

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Parcel looked from Nexus to Luminari to the door and back to Luminari and nodded. She turned the nod her muscles visibly tightening ready to run at any moment when Parcel turned back to Nexus who was on the ground laughing? And he felt a bit offended Nexus was laughing at his old way of life a way that changelings have been surviving on for centuries. And then it clicked was he trying to anger Virus? He had no idea but he was going to find, "it's not just that he's weak but he's a poor planner I mean this whole time he's been helping us along the way it's like he wants to lose."

A flash of anger cross the changelings face at both Nexus and Parcels comments.

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Nexus was still laughing, pounding his hoof into the ground, which caused sparks.


"H-he impersonated you, and helped me reach the hospital, when he could've backstabbed me at any moment. Not to mention that he just stood there and watched us wipe out his worthless security force. Man Virus, you are the dumbest changeling I have ever met. And I have met a TON of dumb changelings." Nexus said, facing the ceiling. He looked up to see that one was getting angry, while the other one was chiming in. In an instant, the deceit dropped, and he could once again tell them apart. He was beside himself now, finding the entire thing hilarious.


"Sweet Celestia, LAUGHING IN YOUR FACE is all it took to fight off your mind control? You SUCK! Is Parcel really the ONLY capable changeling in the entire damned hive? Virus you loser." He said, returning his helmet to his head, patch lighting up on activation, before continuing to laugh.


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

Avatar by Motion Spark

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Parcel started to laugh now too the whole thing did seem quite silly. And he was greatful for the compliment that Nexus had given him. And then he turned around walked over to Luminari and stood next to her whispering in her ear, "I'm sorry." She looked a bit confused before she toppled over leaning against him her eyes unfocused. Parcel knew pulling his line from her would leave her weakened and disoriented but he needed to know what Virus was feeling so he attached his line to the changeling expecting to feel embarressment, shame and guilt. But instead the feeling he recieved was satisfaction he tried to cut the line but it was too late. "Nexus I can't pull out. It's aaaaaAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!" The emotions that Virus was feeding him were hate pain and anger all of these were draining him he slumped to the ground barely concious. "Kill him.....now."

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Nexus sobered up immediately and heard him say "Kill him" but at that moment, he also heard a voice say "Finish him"


Nexus closed his eyes, sat on his haunches, and attempted a technique he saw some of the Guards practice. He earned a confused look from his adversary.




Nexus was once again in his mind, and before him stood Axel, his changeling counterpart. He was wearing the same armor as him, minus the helmet. Nexus' own helmet was gone as well.


"I see no, hear no evil." Nexus sang.

"Black writings on the wall

Unleash a million faces,

and one by one they fall."


"Black hearted evil." Axel chimed in.

"Brave hearted hero."

"I am all, I am all I am." The sang in unison.


They paused for a moment, before Axel began to sing, an edge in his voice


"I see and feel the evil

My hooves will crush them all

You think you have the answer

I laugh and watch you fall.


Black hearted evil."

"Brave hearted hero."

"I am allam all I am." 


"Can you see all of me

Walk into my mystery

Step inside and hold on for dear life

Do you remember me

Capture you and set you free

I am all, I am all of me"


Nexus looked across at his counterpart, knowing that he couldn't continue until he was dealt with. One look, and they both knew what needed to be done. Nexus extended a hoof, and after some hesitation, it was met with Axel's own hole ridden hoof.




The spell on the armor broke, revealing the bat pony's true colors. Midnight blue coat, black and blue mane and tail, and green eyes, though those were still closed. His coat shifted to a jet black, his mane and tail turning solid blue, and when he opened his eyes, they were a solid, insect like green, much like a changeling. His bat wings retained their form, but the webbing between the joints was now transparent. He stood up, looking at Virus with a blank expression.


"Your bucked." He said, giving a grin, which revealed his fangs.


(This was an idea that I got and had to go for. The idea of a hybrid is really cool. And I will try not to make him this OP character, as that is why a lot of people hate black alicorns. No horn on Nexus though. Link to the song

) Edited by ActFast231


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

Avatar by Motion Spark

Signature by Marco

My OCs:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/max-r2747




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Virus was delighted he jad the bat exactly where he wanted him and the changeling fell right into his ploy knocking down both of the side kicks and leaving him only to face one enemy and even that enemy was about to switch sides. But then it happened the bat closed his eyes and began to change a transformation that sent a shiver down Virus' spine, "half changeling and half bat?! That's impossible!"

Meanwhile Luminari had shaken herself from the daze and crawled toward Parcel placing a delicate kiss on his lips sending a shock of love throughout his body he was flly concious but he dare not move until Virus was destroyed.

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"You claim it to be impossible, yet here I am. I went into my mind, my heart, my soul. I found the corruption, and joined with it. Became one with it. You have no control over me Virus. Your precious plan backfired. Now you shall die at the hooves of what you were hoping would be your new pet. A weapon to use against Equestria. You will harm nopony else, and your changeling army will fall because of your lust for power. You're finished." His claws came to life, lightning coursing through them madly. His new look, combined with the armor, makes Nexus look terrifying. 


(How do you want to do this?)


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

Avatar by Motion Spark

Signature by Marco

My OCs:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/max-r2747




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Pinkie Pie

Pinkie Pie enters Corkscrew's house, only to see a face she had seen before. 


"Hia Mr. Plagal! You don't look so cranky today. Where'd the neato aromer come from? Is it Nightmare Night already? Let me guess, your going as Corkscrew!"


"Aha!  Miss Pinkie Pie!" Plagal exclaimed.  "Just the pony that I wanted to see!  Er... at least one of the six that I wanted to see..."  He quickly scanned the mare and saw that she was wearing a necklace, which he assumed to be her Element.  "Excellent!  You seem to even be the real one."  His face contorted in confusion when his mind registered the questions.  "What?  Um... no, it's the middle of summer; it's not even close to Nightmare Night.  I'm wearing this armor in case the changelings attack...  Aren't you even slightly concerned that we're being overrun by the changeling army?!"

"Ceterum censeo background ponies delendas esse" - Stellafera


Credit for the Octavia vector goes to the awesome Harmonic Revelations

Credit for the creation of my avatar and signature goes to the amazing Wubsie

Once again, thanks!

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Twilight look at Fire he tell her " Twilight why are you using your royal voice" Twilight look at the other ponies and noticed what she was doing. She look down and said " Sorry all of you ponies I didn't mean to us my royal voice. Sorry you all" All the ponies said to her is they understand. All the ponies look at her and they give her a big smile and tell her they believe her and they will follow her where she goes.


Twilight was happy to know all the ponies were behind  her all the way. And then Pinkie pop her head out of the door and said Corkscrew was next to his house. Twilight look over and saw Corkscrew trying to got Twilight attention. Twilight look over to the ponies and said to them " I well back I getting all the friends to end the invasion to I got them all of you stay here you are  save here" Twilight said in an comforting ton.


Twilight walk over to Corkscrew he was happy they were OK he tell them. He gave a plan to Twilight and tell her he was going to save Fluttershy and he ask Twilight. To go and save Apple Jack Twilight said " OK I like your plan but be careful there are changelings there I try to go there but the changelings stop me before I got to her." Twilight tell Corkscrew before he left to save Fluttershy . Twilight look at Pinkie and tell her " Keep a eye at Rarity OK" And she left to got Apple Jack.

Edited by Fox801
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"Aha!  Miss Pinkie Pie!" Plagal exclaimed.  "Just the pony that I wanted to see!  Er... at least one of the six that I wanted to see..."  He quickly scanned the mare and saw that she was wearing a necklace, which he assumed to be her Element.  "Excellent!  You seem to even be the real one."  His face contorted in confusion when his mind registered the questions.  "What?  Um... no, it's the middle of summer; it's not even close to Nightmare Night.  I'm wearing this armor in case the changelings attack...  Aren't you even slightly concerned that we're being overrun by the changeling army?!"

Pinkie Pie

"Changelings! Changelings! There nothing to worry about. We kicked there butt in Canterlot, and we'll do it again. I know that Corkscrew will protect us, and our elements will defeat that evil. You have to look at the glass half full Plagal, or in my case half full of chocolate milk! I think Rarity is already here in Eclipses apartment in the attic."






Corkscrew motioned to Plagal through his window and pointed in the direction of Fluttershy's. He took off in that direction. 


When he arrived, he saw nopony. Fluttershy was nowhere to be found. He thought that she would have locked herself up in her house. Corkscrew sees Angel Bunny and looks at him with a concerned look in his eye almost to say where is Fluttershy. I need to protect her and get her to safety.





Rainbow Dash

Once they were got clearance, they were given permission to leave Canterlot, The spell protecting the capital city was opened.for a few seconds and Dash and Storm Cloud left. As soon as Rainbow Dash's tail passed through the opening, It closed behind them.


"So are things as bad as I here in Ponyville. I go away for one day, and the changelings decide to come back. I guess I'm pretty important to Ponyville. So.....Hang on there Storm Cloud, I think were being followed.....By ourselvesChangelings! They might look like us, I bet they can't fly like us! Last one to Ponyville a....Never mind. I'm still the fastest flyer in Equestria, so it doesn't matter. Just try to keep up."


Rainbow Dash was surprised by how well Storm Cloud was keeping up with her. At one moment, he had even passed her. She was at her maximum speed without going Sub-Sonic Rainboom. At this speed, altitude, and proximity to Ponyville she dared not risk not being able to stop.


As the two approach Ponyville, it is neck and neck. The changelings were left in the dust. 

Edited by Skycoaster (Corkscrew)

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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(OOC sorry i hevent been on in such a long time skycoaster i might not b on for another while too ok am i still in the forum jw im still super sorry about going AWOL. its almost the end of school for me so ill try to get on during the summer hope you forgive me thx bye.)


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(OOC: Sorry Skycoaster, I've been busy for quite a while because yesterday was my last day for finals. I see you already got the run from the changelings thing down. I don't think I'll be very active here anymore eier because I got babysitting in the summer starting next week. I'll try to keep posting as smoothly as possible.

Edited by The Big Bad Wolf

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Darksun woke up in his room on the floor the pets were there and so was opal with no sign of rarity. He wondered where she was and went downstair. She was down in the kitchen cooking something for breakfast and darksun asked rarity where corkscrew was he left she replied then said come sid down at the table to eat breakfast


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Pinkie Pie

"Changelings! Changelings! There nothing to worry about. We kicked there butt in Canterlot, and we'll do it again. I know that Corkscrew will protect us, and our elements will defeat that evil. You have to look at the glass half full Plagal, or in my case half full of chocolate milk! I think Rarity is already here in Eclipses apartment in the attic."






Corkscrew motioned to Plagal through his window and pointed in the direction of Fluttershy's. He took off in that direction. 


When he arrived, he saw nopony. Fluttershy was nowhere to be found. He thought that she would have locked herself up in her house. Corkscrew sees Angel Bunny and looks at him with a concerned look in his eye almost to say where is Fluttershy. I need to protect her and get her to safety.





Rainbow Dash

Once they were got clearance, they were given permission to leave Canterlot, The spell protecting the capital city was opened.for a few seconds and Dash and Storm Cloud left. As soon as Rainbow Dash's tail passed through the opening, It closed behind them.


"So are things as bad as I here in Ponyville. I go away for one day, and the changelings decide to come back. I guess I'm pretty important to Ponyville. So.....Hang on there Storm Cloud, I think were being followed.....By ourselvesChangelings! They might look like us, I bet they can't fly like us! Last one to Ponyville a....Never mind. I'm still the fastest flyer in Equestria, so it doesn't matter. Just try to keep up."


Rainbow Dash was surprised by how well Storm Cloud was keeping up with her. At one moment, he had even passed her. She was at her maximum speed without going Sub-Sonic Rainboom. At this speed, altitude, and proximity to Ponyville she dared not risk not being able to stop.


As the two approach Ponyville, it is neck and neck. The changelings were left in the dust.


Storm Cloud almost laughed at Rainbow Dash being so sure about being the fastest fyer in Equestria. So once they took off he didn't eben hesitate to actually try to fly faster than her. He passed her once but she caught up again. He knew she wasn't flying to her full potential. But why would she? They're too close to Ponyville. But at this moment, Storm Cloud let out a little burst of acceleration to get ahead of her. "How's that for fastest flyer in Equestria?" He said in his mind. But he looked to his side but he barely got ahead. But, it was good enough. The changelings were too far back so he just wanted to stay ahead of Rainbow Dash. Ponyville was getting nearer and nearer.

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Pinkie Pie

"Changelings! Changelings! There nothing to worry about. We kicked there butt in Canterlot, and we'll do it again. I know that Corkscrew will protect us, and our elements will defeat that evil. You have to look at the glass half full Plagal, or in my case half full of chocolate milk! I think Rarity is already here in Eclipses apartment in the attic."


Plagal Cadence


"Glass half... full...?  Er, yes...  Wait... Yes!  The glass is half full!" Plagal exclaimed when he remembered the 'inspirational' part of his job description.  "You're right, there's nothing to worry about!  As soon as your friends get here, we'll have those changelings scurrying back to wherever they came from.  Honestly, they should have made you the element of wisdom.  Wait, Rarity's here?  Excellent!  We're already a third of the way there!"




"Oh my goodness, I hope that Angel's okay!  I know how not nice those changelings can be..." Fluttershy said as she paced worriedly.  "Thank you Harry, I really appreciate you letting me stay in your cave for now."  The bear waved her off as if to say, 'It's no problem'.  Fluttershy smiled at him, thankful for the hospitality.  Until she noticed something that was off.  "Harry?" she asked, "This green slime here on that I noticed on the underside of the table...  That doesn't happen to have anything to do with where the real Harry is?"  The bear's evil smile combined with the sudden green glow of his eyes was all the answer she needed.  "Eep!" she squeaked.  That squeak soon became a full blown scream when the changeling-Harry charged towards her.

  • Brohoof 1

"Ceterum censeo background ponies delendas esse" - Stellafera


Credit for the Octavia vector goes to the awesome Harmonic Revelations

Credit for the creation of my avatar and signature goes to the amazing Wubsie

Once again, thanks!

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Storm Cloud almost laughed at Rainbow Dash being so sure about being the fastest fyer in Equestria. So once they took off he didn't eben hesitate to actually try to fly faster than her. He passed her once but she caught up again. He knew she wasn't flying to her full potential. But why would she? They're too close to Ponyville. But at this moment, Storm Cloud let out a little burst of acceleration to get ahead of her. "How's that for fastest flyer in Equestria?" He said in his mind. But he looked to his side but he barely got ahead. But, it was good enough. The changelings were too far back so he just wanted to stay ahead of Rainbow Dash. Ponyville was getting nearer and nearer.

Rainbow Dash


As Rainbow Dash and Storm Could approached Ponyville, they could see the changling force closing behind them. By the time they reached Ponyville, Storm Cloud pulled ahead of Rainbow Dash. She could not believe that he was that fast. She tried to catch up, but a sub sonic cone was forming and had to back off. By now Storm was a good neck length ahead of her.


She could see Ponyville, and was going in for a landing, hoping that Storm would fallow.


"Wow Storm, that's the best compitison I've had in a while. You may have just helped save Equestria. Thanks. I'll have to let Spitfire know of your Actions today. Good job!"


She than muttered something under her breath that sounded like "you beat me...today."

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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Rainbow Dash

As Rainbow Dash and Storm Could approached Ponyville, they could see the changling force closing behind them. By the time they reached Ponyville, Storm Cloud pulled ahead of Rainbow Dash. She could not believe that he was that fast. She tried to catch up, but a sub sonic cone was forming and had to back off. By now Storm was a good neck length ahead of her.

She could see Ponyville, and was going in for a landing, hoping that Storm would fallow.

"Wow Storm, that's the best compitison I've had in a while. You may have just helped save Equestria. Thanks. I'll have to let Spitfire know of your Actions today. Good job!"

She than muttered something under her breath that sounded like "you beat me...today."

Storm Cloud flapped his wings in such a fashion to hover and land smoothly. "Thanks Rainbw Dash, I appreciate the comment. I also have to thank you for your offer to tell Spitfire." He smiled at Rainbow Dash and thought to himself "I can't exactly say I'm THE fastest flyer, but I can say I'm one of them. And thank Celestia I have competition like Rainbow Dash, it really is an honor." Storm Cloud looked at Rainbow Dash and said "C'mon, we should get to Corkscrew."

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Plagal Cadence


"Glass half... full...?  Er, yes...  Wait... Yes!  The glass is half full!" Plagal exclaimed when he remembered the 'inspirational' part of his job description.  "You're right, there's nothing to worry about!  As soon as your friends get here, we'll have those changelings scurrying back to wherever they came from.  Honestly, they should have made you the element of wisdom.  Wait, Rarity's here?  Excellent!  We're already a third of the way there!"





"Oh my goodness, I hope that Angel's okay!  I know how not nice those changelings can be..." Fluttershy said as she paced worriedly.  "Thank you Harry, I really appreciate you letting me stay in your cave for now."  The bear waved her off as if to say, 'It's no problem'.  Fluttershy smiled at him, thankful for the hospitality.  Until she noticed something that was off.  "Harry?" she asked, "This green slime here on that I noticed on the underside of the table...  That doesn't happen to have anything to do with where the real Harry is?"  The bear's evil smile combined with the sudden green glow of his eyes was all the answer she needed.  "Eep!" she squeaked.  That squeak soon became a full blown scream when the changeling-Harry charged towards her.

Pinkie Pie

"My Pinkie Sense is going off," she said as she got a shiver. "There is a doozy at Flittershy's going on right now. I hope everypony is ok."




Angel pointed toward a cave as Corkscrew approached the cave, he heard the scream of Fluttershy.


"I'm coming Fluttershy!", he yelled into the cave. Inside he saw a large bear charging her. He charged the bear hoping to draw it away from Fluttershy. Corkscrew flew into the changeling at near full speed. The bear threw him into the cave wall. It then came over to him, it's eyes glowing a changeling green. By now, Corkscrew knew that this was no ordinary bear. He tried to stand back up, staggering. The bear than let out an evil laugh. Corkscrew was in pain. He looked over to see Fluttershy and it made him snap.


"You! YOU! You messed with the wrong pony," as blood ran down his face. "If you have even touched one hair on her mane, I'll make you pay!"


Corkscrew took another charge at the changeling bear head butting the bear, nicking it out, making it revert to its changeling form. Blood now covered his face as he winced in pain. If it had not been for his armor, he would be dead. He staggered over to Fluttershy.


"I.....I.....I'm glad your OK.....we...you have to get to my house.....your...your friends are meeting up there so you can use the elements."


Corkscrew was looking over his injures. He flexed his wings and looked Fluttershy in the eye.


"You...you are needed right away. I'll be right behind you... My wings are fine, so lets get going."


Corkscrew was lining to the mare, hoping that she would not notice. His wings were the only thing that did not hurt. He looked at Fluttershy once more, and than looked at the changeling he had just defeated. 

"Boy, he's a big one. look at the size of that horn..."


Corkscrew could feel something welling up in him, His duty said to protect the elements, and that's what he was going to do, no matter how much the pain. 


"Come on Fluttershy, we got to move," Corkscrew said. "I'll be right behind you. The elements are needed. Fly as fast as you can. I'll be right behind you." Corkscrew turns his head away from her to hide the fact he was coughing up blood.

Edited by Skycoaster (Corkscrew)
  • Brohoof 1

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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Twilight got to the farm and start to look for Apple Jack she walk around the farm. Calling out her name " Apple Jack, APPLE JACK!!" Twilight call out. And the sometime looking around for any Changeling. Twilight walk to the Apple tree are at still calling for Apple Jack.


Fire Star

Fire are still in the library looking at all the ponies in here. And saw Dogboots sitting down Fire left him alone. Fire kept looking for any Changeling coming around the library but not yet.



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