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private Ponyville-A month later(Action/Adventure)


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Parcel nearly teared up at his words, he wanted so badly to feel what others felt not just taste it but feel it. He almost attched his line to Nexus in an attempt just get a taste of the emotions but forces himself not to he'd have to learn not to invade other ponies privacy and to not feed off of everything that moves. And then Parcel realized something, his line was already attached to something. So he tried cutting it but it wouldn't give, he furrowed his brows and looked down at his chest following the lines path he turned around and saw that it disappeared through the door they had just come in. "What in the hay is it attached to," he whispered feeling uncertainty and disappointment coming from the other end "well that could be anypony" he thought.

He looked over his shoulder at Nexus, "something's wrong."

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Nexus looked up, seeing Parcel with look of concern.


"What's up?" He said. He barely got the word out when he something. He focused his vision, and while he had no line attatched, he saw Parcel's line attached to something behind the door. Without thought, Nexus trotted over to the door, and looked back at Parcel before opening it. He didn't even bother to look at what it was. Which was odd given his curiosity. Maybe he just saw no point in looking, like it would come out on its own.


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

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Plagal froze, his muscles stiffening.  All of her friends? he thought with a shudder.  He was afraid that such a number would likely be very close to infinity.  Anxiety began to creep into his voice as he said, "Er, um...  Well, you see, I'd love to but..."  Then he stopped himself.  Taking a moment to clear his mind, he smiled and started again.  "You know what?  That does sound like fun.  Loads of fun, in fact, and I'd love to join you if you wouldn't mind me tagging along."  If I'm going to meet other ponies, he thought, I might as well start by meeting all of them.

Pinkie Pie

"Okie Dokie Loki!" Pinkie was so excited that she was going to introduce Plagal to as many ponies as she could.


"Ohhhh Ohhhh, I know. Let' start out in the market. A lot of ponies go there."


Pinkie walked down main street, Stopping and saying hello to as many ponies as she could


"Hi BonBon! Hi Lyra! How's it going? This is my friend Plagal Candace. He's a compusitor...no composer! That's it!" as she pointed a hoof at Plagal.

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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Luminari's flank could be seen trotting away from the house not far from where they had last saw her, Parcel looked at her longingly and wanted to be near her and soon got his wish for while she was walking away the line was beginninf to tug on Parcels chest once then again and then it suddenly yanked him forward. He flew past Nexus yelling,"HELP!"

He scambled to get to his hooves and crawl back to the room but the line was dragging him now until he received another hard yank that flung him into the beautiful unicorn mare knocking them both to the ground.

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Nexus ran after the two, and came to a halt at the pair, piled up on the ground in a tangled mess of limbs. Nexus decided to test a theory. He wanted to see what magical capabilities he had. He placed out a hoof, bringing it above them. His hoof began to glow a dull green and he soon found himself examining the line that Parcel had, not just observing it. It was beyond a link for feeding, but this one tied the two together, literally and magically. There hearts were now intertwined, and one could no longer exist without the other. He pulled his hoof back, the glow dying.


"Remember that connection between changeling/pony couples? This is one of those links, and it is very intense." He said, moving to help them up.


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

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The look on Parcels face was shock and horror at the realization that if anything were to happen to himself Luminari wouldn't survive he looked up at Nexus speaking gravely, "what do I do?"






The look in Luminaris face was that of confusion as the mare looked from Nexus to Parcel and back again one word popping up all around their heads "what?"

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Nexus had a grave look on his face. He put on his best tone-the cold professionalism voice that doctors use-before speaking.


"In all my research into the matter, the link cannot be broken. If it were ever to disconnect, theoretically it would kill both of you. It will feed you a constant stream of love to survive off of, but should either one of you perish, it will quite literally destroy the other ones heart. I'm sorry." He said, helping them to their hooves.


"You will probably want to speak to the mayor about shared living conditions." He said in his cold doctor voice. 


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

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Taking in a deep breath Parcel let out a sigh of relief, "well at least this happened after the attack I guess we can just cross that bridge when we get to it but yea you're right I should go see her right no-ow!" Parcel was jekred backward onto his back trying to trot toward Mayor Mare's office and was pulled back by the line that was still attacked between the two. He stood up facing Luminari and Nexus and walked backward which only managed to drag the unicorn along as well she dug her hoofs into the ground but that didn't work this continued until a large word appeared"stop!" She turned to Nexus and firey words flew toward him "what do we do now?"

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Nexus gave a sympathetic look. This couldn't be easy for her or Parcel.


"Your hearts, your essences are forever connected. You must be with him everyday, as he does with you. I'm sorry, but that's just how it's got to be. I suggest establishing shared living conditions and then sitting down and discussing this with each other. Figure out how your going to proceed with your lives going forward." 


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

Avatar by Motion Spark

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Pinkie Pie

"Okie Dokie Loki!" Pinkie was so excited that she was going to introduce Plagal to as many ponies as she could.


"Ohhhh Ohhhh, I know. Let' start out in the market. A lot of ponies go there."


Pinkie walked down main street, Stopping and saying hello to as many ponies as she could


"Hi BonBon! Hi Lyra! How's it going? This is my friend Plagal Candace. He's a compusitor...no composer! That's it!" as she pointed a hoof at Plagal.


It wasn't long before Plagal found himself in the market with ponies everywhere as he was being introduced to ponies that seemed to be in every conceivable direction.  He did his best to keep up with Pinkie Pie, but was doing rather poorly.  "Ah, hello Ms. Bon Bon and Ms. Lyra.  Yes, instrumental composer from Canterlot.  Oh!  Hello... Carrot Top was it?  Yes, a very fine day today.  And Ms. Derpy... or was it Ditzy?  I didn't really catch that...  Oh goodness..."  Perhaps I'm in over my head, he thought, Ah well.  I suppose it is sort of fun, in a very overwhelming sense of the word.

  • Brohoof 1

"Ceterum censeo background ponies delendas esse" - Stellafera


Credit for the Octavia vector goes to the awesome Harmonic Revelations

Credit for the creation of my avatar and signature goes to the amazing Wubsie

Once again, thanks!

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It wasn't long before Plagal found himself in the market with ponies everywhere as he was being introduced to ponies that seemed to be in every conceivable direction.  He did his best to keep up with Pinkie Pie, but was doing rather poorly.  "Ah, hello Ms. Bon Bon and Ms. Lyra.  Yes, instrumental composer from Canterlot.  Oh!  Hello... Carrot Top was it?  Yes, a very fine day today.  And Ms. Derpy... or was it Ditzy?  I didn't really catch that...  Oh goodness..."  Perhaps I'm in over my head, he thought, Ah well.  I suppose it is sort of fun, in a very overwhelming sense of the word.

Pinkie Pie

"See, isn't this fun? I can't believe you've never really mingled with the ponies around town. Can I ask you a question. Did you ever mingle with ponies in Canterlot? To me, they kind of seem cranky all the time, unlike in Ponyville, where everypony knows your name. Did you have a bad experience in Canterlot and that's why you were reluctant to make new friends?"



After she finish the letter she send it as fast has she can hoping it make it to the Princess before Corkscrew make it there and the Princess can help him. And after she send the letter to the Princess and then Twilight started to walk to the door and getting her stuff up. She was going to catch the train and then she head the door knocking she walk to the door and open it. And a mail delivery mare she give a letter to Twilight and she left Twilight close the door. It was a letter form her brother and she read the letter and she find out that Fire was in the Crystal Empire, Twilight was in shock " How did Fire got there he was going home the last time I saw him." Twilight has the do first help Fire or Corkscrew she thought for a minute and she decided to help Fire she know the princess Celestia will help Corkscrew after that Twilight left.

Meanwhile in Canterlot

Princess Celestia

"Ah, a letter from my dear student, Twilight."


Celestia opens the letter and is shocked at what she reads.


"A changeling parasite that has mutated to effect ponies. This is not good. Perhaps the invasion of Ponyville was actually a diversion to infect the residents. I can only hope that Corkscrew pulls through this. His train should be arriving in Canterlot any time now."


Just than, A guard medic rushes in with news of Corkscrew's condition.

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Just than, A guard medic rushes in with news of Corkscrew's condition.


"Princess Celestia." The medic saluted before continuing.


"Pardon the intrusion Princess, but I have news regarding the condition of the Guard you sent to Ponyville, Corkscrew." He pulled out the report he wrote with his magical grip and sent it over to where the Princess sat.


"He has no physical injuries, but he has near no cognitive function and has irregular brain patterns. His subconscious however is overactive and he has shown signs of dreaming. As of now he is a comatose state. We have him in the medical bay on the east wing of the castle." 


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

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Pinkie Pie

"See, isn't this fun? I can't believe you've never really mingled with the ponies around town. Can I ask you a question. Did you ever mingle with ponies in Canterlot? To me, they kind of seem cranky all the time, unlike in Ponyville, where everypony knows your name. Did you have a bad experience in Canterlot and that's why you were reluctant to make new friends?"

Remix walked off the train from Trottingham. "Oh boy, lets see what Ponyville has in store for me." Remix had a strong Trottingham accent. He put his headphones around his neck with the music still blasting. It was so loud that some nearby ponies gave him a look saying "turn down the music." He took a stroll around town and managed to arrive at market. "I found the market, I don't know how but I did. And I really have to stop talking to myself." He walked inside only to see a bunch of ponies. He just ventured deep into the market until he saw two ponies walking. But what caught his eye was the pink one. She was.... hopping. He doesn't know if this is normal in Ponyville but nopony else was hopping. "Well she seems quite happy," Remix thought to himself.

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"Princess Celestia." The medic saluted before continuing.   "Pardon the intrusion Princess, but I have news regarding the condition of the Guard you sent to Ponyville, Corkscrew." He pulled out the report he wrote with his magical grip and sent it over to where the Princess sat.   "He has no physical injuries, but he has near no cognitive function and has irregular brain patterns. His subconscious however is overactive and he has shown signs of dreaming. As of now he is a comatose state. We have him in the medical bay on the east wing of the castle." 


Princess Celestia

"Thank you guard. If I may ask your professorial opinion, what do you think is wrong with Lieutenant Corkscrew? Do you believe that it has something to do with the changeling invasion?"



Meanwhile in the medical bay, Corkscrew was still having a battle inside his head. Corkscrew cleared his mind at the mention of wanting something more. "Who are you?!" Corkscrew yelled at the alicorn double of himself.


"I am you, and I can see that you are happy as a plane old pegasus," The double laughed. "I shall leave you be, and let you return to your life." The double laughed again and than faded away.


All background went away in his subconscious and he was left alone. Suddenly, he found himself laying in front of a cottage door. It looked familiar to him, but he could not place his hoof on why. 


"Where am I? How did I get here?" he said aloud, scratching his head with his hoof. The sun is going down. I better go find out where I am."


Corkscrew walked up to the door and knocked to his surprise a young pegasus colt answered the door. The colt was a pale yellow with a pink mane. It's red eyes staring deep into Corkscrews. 


"Yay! Your finally home! Mommy said you were going to teach me how to fly tomorrow."


"Um......Ok? This may sound weird, but do I know you?" Corkscrew said to the young colt.


"Your silly! Of course you know me. I'm your son! Mommy is upstairs feeding Pookie, than she'll be down to see you."


Corkscrew was in shock. "How could I have a son? I mean I'm still....um, yea" he thought to himself. Corkscrew pulled up a chair and waited for whomever would be coming down the stairs.

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"Thank you guard. If I may ask your professorial opinion, what do you think is wrong with Lieutenant Corkscrew? Do you believe that it has something to do with the changeling invasion?"


"The abnormal brainwaves and overactive subconscious suggest some level of mind manipulation. However the energy signature that was discovered in him is inconsistent with known changeling signatures so it is unlikely that this is the work of changelings. However, it does look like mind manipulation of some description, and given the readings and symptoms, we suspect that whatever magic was used on him has trapped him in his subconscious and is keeping him in this comatose state. We are still discussing possible treatment, but have nothing concrete yet."

  • Brohoof 1


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

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Both Parcels and Luminaris mouths dropped but Luminari was the first to respond "how long does this last" were the firey words that appeared. Parcel nodded, "I can't live like this I have wings I need to fly around this can't be permanent. "

They were in quite the pickle and had no idea how to get out of the pickle they were in.

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"In my studies, this always happens when the couple first starts out. Eventually they can are able to seperate, but the line, as far as I could tell, remained. It just didn't physically bound them together. However the timing is random. Sometimes its a week, other times I come back to a town several years later and find them still stuck together. I am assuming when some unknown condition is met, the link stops bounding you two. It will be up to you to discover what it is though." 


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

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"The abnormal brainwaves and overactive subconscious suggest some level of mind manipulation. However the energy signature that was discovered in him is inconsistent with known changeling signatures so it is unlikely that this is the work of changelings. However, it does look like mind manipulation of some description, and given the readings and symptoms, we suspect that whatever magic was used on him has trapped him in his subconscious and is keeping him in this comatose state. We are still discussing possible treatment, but have nothing concrete yet."

Princess Celestia

"That clears things up. I feared that the changelings may have found a way of controlling ponies. If not the changelings, than who could be using such a technique?" I'm going down with you to see if anything through magic can be done."


With that, Celestia left with the guard medic to check on Corkscrew.



Corkscrew waited a few moments when the young colt vanished. Soon after, he saw a familiar mare coming down the stairs. Something was different about her though. Her eyes were red, just as the other figments in his brain, however he did not care. This was the answer to what he had always wanted, a family, and with the mare he loved so dearly.


"Hello Corkscrew," The figment Fluttershy said. "I have dinner all ready, and your son is so excited that he will get to spend all the time in the world with you. You know, the moment you told me you were retiring from the guard was the happiest I've felt in a long time."


Corkscrew ran over to the mare and gave her a huge hug.

"Your happiness is the only thing that matters to me," Corkscrew said with a tear. 


Corkscrew was loosing the battle in his head. It had struck a nerve. He did not want to looses Fluttershy, even if it was in a dream.

The entity was winning. While not able to possess Corkscrew's body on his own, it would have to make a deal to merge with the pegasi.

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With that, Celestia left with the guard medic to check on Corkscrew.


They trip was brief, and soon the medic and Celestia were in the hospital room that held the struggling Corkscrew. His eyes fluttered and he twitched ever so slightly from time to time. He had several pads on his head that monitored his brain activity to see about any new developments. The medic looked down upon the pegasus to witness a tear flow down his face. Several beeps from the console wired to the pads indicated something.


"It appears that whatever is causing this is causing some strong emotions in Corkscrew. Though I don't know why it would. Maybe it's trying to break him to assume control? Or perhaps it is trying to deepen the trap? We can't say for certain Princess, but things are not looking good for him."


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

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Fire Star

Still in his mind Fire look around knowing he is still in a Changelings nest. Fire decided to walk around in the Changelings Nest knowing the danger in here. Fire start to know all this is in his head " But I never been in a Changelings Nest before" Fire walking around. And then he started to hear a voice come to him it started to get louder and louder every minute.


And then the voice gust stop Fire was confused " Where did the voice go" Fire ask himself. And then the voice was be hide him " Well welcome Fire to the Nest of the Changelings" the voice said in a silence and creaking sound. Fire turn around and there he his a Changeling look white at Fire, the Changeling gust smile in  a creaking whey. " How are you and why did you put me in my head and how are you doing this" Fire said in a conmen voice.


" Come now that how you greet me you little bro" Changeling said. Fire look at him " You are not my little bro I do not have one. Stop playing mind games with me" Fire said in a mad ton. " Ho you do not know you are a Changing did your mother or the doctor didn't tell you" Changeling smile at Fire.


Fire look mad at this Changeling " I tell you stop playing game with me" Fire getting more mad at this Changeling. The Changeling started to laugh after he stop laughing at Fire he tell him " You dumb half Fox Changeling you are one of us" Changeling said it a evil ton. Fire look at himself he was turning to a dark color of himself and he was getting the Changeling wing and a one green eye like them.  


The Changing started to laugh at Fire and said " You see you are one of us" He stop laughing and tell Fire" Now you are one of us you need to stop fighting it and let it happen" Changeling tell Fire. Fire look at him a said " NO I well not stop fight you and all the Changeling, I know all of this is in my head but YOU  WELL NOT WIN" Fire said in a loud and serious tone. 


Changing look at Fire " Well then you must die now we the Changeling well kill you and all you friends start with Corkscrew" Changing start to laugh at him. Fire look at him " How are you going to do that he is in Ponyville he is save there" Fire said. Changing smile funny " Well you remember you heal him right" Changing look at Fire. " How do you know that" Fire was concerned in his voice.


Changing smile more " Well queen tell us, when you heal him you give him  a parasite with the queen help" Changing smile so big. Fire was in shock " That means the one I saw was not Luna but Chrisalis" Fire was so concerned of Corkscrew he wanted out of his mind. Changing laugh at Fire fighting himself  to stop the parasite and save Corkscrew before it kill him. Changing look at Fire " Go fight all you want you well not save him in time when you leave here he be die" Changing laugh so loud.  


And then Fire was so mad at that Changing he started to use is magic " That it I well destroy you in my mind now you well not bother me again" Fire use is magic and a blast of fire come out of his horn. The fire started to burn every thing but the Changing gust kept on laugh. Fire was confused fore a moments and then he saw the nest was not burning but was vanishing like he was waking up.

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Pinkie Pie

"See, isn't this fun? I can't believe you've never really mingled with the ponies around town. Can I ask you a question. Did you ever mingle with ponies in Canterlot? To me, they kind of seem cranky all the time, unlike in Ponyville, where everypony knows your name. Did you have a bad experience in Canterlot and that's why you were reluctant to make new friends?"


Plagal took a moment to think about her question.  "I... I don't recall really mingling with anypony in Canterlot.  Of course there were those that I could converse with from time to time, but... I suppose I was rather isolated there too...  I'm not sure why, I can't really pinpoint it to a specific event.  I think... perhaps I just found other ponies to be a distraction, but that's not true, is it?  By the time I realized it, I was either reluctant to change, or thought that I would become their distraction.  It's ridiculous, I know but... well anyways, that part of my life is over now.  Time to look ahead and... oh!  I don't believe I've seen him before.  Let's go say hello, shall we?"




"Hello there sir!" Plagal said as he trotted over to the new face.  "My name is Plagal Cadence and this is Pinkie Pie.  I've never seen you around here, so I figured I'd say hello!"

"Ceterum censeo background ponies delendas esse" - Stellafera


Credit for the Octavia vector goes to the awesome Harmonic Revelations

Credit for the creation of my avatar and signature goes to the amazing Wubsie

Once again, thanks!

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@The Big Bad Wolf,   "Hello there sir!" Plagal said as he trotted over to the new face.  "My name is Plagal Cadence and this is Pinkie Pie.  I've never seen you around here, so I figured I'd say hello!"

Pinkie Pie

"Now your getting it!" Pinkie Pie said with a huge smile. 



"Hi! I'm Pinkie Pie!"


Pinkie Pie pulls out her welcome wagon.

"Welcome welcome, a warm welcome to you! Welcome welcome welcome, I say how do you do? Welcome welcome welcome, I say hip hip hoary! Welcome welcome welcome to Ponyville today!"

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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Plagal took a moment to think about her question. "I... I don't recall really mingling with anypony in Canterlot. Of course there were those that I could converse with from time to time, but... I suppose I was rather isolated there too... I'm not sure why, I can't really pinpoint it to a specific event. I think... perhaps I just found other ponies to be a distraction, but that's not true, is it? By the time I realized it, I was either reluctant to change, or thought that I would become their distraction. It's ridiculous, I know but... well anyways, that part of my life is over now. Time to look ahead and... oh! I don't believe I've seen him before. Let's go say hello, shall we?"




"Hello there sir!" Plagal said as he trotted over to the new face. "My name is Plagal Cadence and this is Pinkie Pie. I've never seen you around here, so I figured I'd say hello!"

Pinkie Pie

"Now your getting it!" Pinkie Pie said with a huge smile.



"Hi! I'm Pinkie Pie!"


Pinkie Pie pulls out her welcome wagon.

"Welcome welcome, a warm welcome to you! Welcome welcome welcome, I say how do you do? Welcome welcome welcome, I say hip hip hoary! Welcome welcome welcome to Ponyville today!"

Remix was surprised about how they came up to him and said hello, and the fact that they act as if they knew the whole town. But what really caught him by surprised was the fact that Pinkie Pie pulled a wagon out of nowhere. "Nice to meet ya Plagal, same to you to Pinkie Pie, I'm Remix. I just moved here from Trottingham." He said with a strong Trottingham accent. "I just decided to take a stroll around Ponyville and ended up in the market." Edited by The Big Bad Wolf

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They trip was brief, and soon the medic and Celestia were in the hospital room that held the struggling Corkscrew. His eyes fluttered and he twitched ever so slightly from time to time. He had several pads on his head that monitored his brain activity to see about any new developments. The medic looked down upon the pegasus to witness a tear flow down his face. Several beeps from the console wired to the pads indicated something.


"It appears that whatever is causing this is causing some strong emotions in Corkscrew. Though I don't know why it would. Maybe it's trying to break him to assume control? Or perhaps it is trying to deepen the trap? We can't say for certain Princess, but things are not looking good for him."



"Corky, dear, you have to listen to me," the figment Fluttershy said to him. "You are in grave danger. That dumb half fox, half changeling put a parasite into you that's killing you. I can help you, but you have to accept my help."


Corkscrew could feel the pain of the parasite taking hold. He grabbed his side in pain.


"I don't want to loose our love. Do you know what will happen to you? You'll be locked up for medical study and I'll never see you again, and that's only if you survive. I don't want to loose you."


"I don't want to looses you ether," Corkscrew said with a look of pain on his face. "I'll do whatever it takes to stay with you."


The entity appeared before Corkscrew and his vision of Fluttetshy. Corkscrew looked over to Fluttershy and she nodded. It extended a jester for a hug. As Corkscrew embraced the entity, the began to merge. The entity began an evil laugh.


"What...what the buck!" Corkscrew said as the two were slowly becoming one.


"I will keep up my end of the deal and save your life. I'll leave you here with your family."


Outside, his eyes began to glow a brilliant white as a magical blast expelled the parasite from his body, sending the medic and Celestia flying back words.

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Outside, his eyes began to glow a brilliant white as a magical blast expelled the parasite from his body, sending the medic and Celestia flying back words.


Vision blurred, sound muffled, the medic forced himself onto his hooves. He shook his head to clear the haze, and saw the Princess slumped against a wall.


"Princess!" The medic grabbed the ancient alicorn in his magic glow, helping her to her hooves. He looked back to Corkscrew, who was glowing, eyes white, change beginning. Reading on the magic detector were going nuts, and brain activity pulled a 180.


"These reading...the entity inside of Corkscrew has completed its mind control process and is coming up to the surface. It is possible that he is entering a Nightmare form, similar to how ancient texts describe the transformation of Princess Luna into Nightmare Moon. If that's the case, we could be looking at a second Nightmare event."


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

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