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private Ponyville-A month later(Action/Adventure)


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"Mars was the first captain of the guard. In fact, we are standing in his office as we speak. He was also Luna and Celestia's cousin. He sided with Luna and combined their magic creating Nightmare Moon. Celestia could not believe that her sister was so full of hate and blamed her own cousin for corrupting her. As punishment, Mars was exiled to the distant red star that can be seen on clear nights such as tonight."


Looking up, sure enough, Nexus spotted a star in the distant sky with a red glow.


"I see. So Mars is the being that gave you your current power and made you into this." He turned his attention back to the alicorn in front of him.


"Let's hope we find someway to restore us in the hive while we're wiping the changelings out. Sign your soul to the devil, and you'll always burn, is how I think the old saying goes." 


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

Avatar by Motion Spark

Signature by Marco

My OCs:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/max-r2747




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"Let's hope we find someway to restore us in the hive while we're wiping the changelings out. Sign your soul to the devil, and you'll always burn, is how I think the old saying goes." 


Nightmare Corkscrew

"The Devil!? How dare you talk about my great great great great grandfather that way!," as his horn began to glow and the ancient castle shook and he let out an evil chuckle




"We are wasting time however. I see your friends are coming."

Edited by Skycoaster (Corkscrew)

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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"Have you ever wondered why there are so few male alicorns? The answer is simple. As punishment for his involvement, Celestia divided his decedents into two sides. pegasi and unicorns. Blueblood being the last of the unicorn, and myself as the last of the pegasi. When he escaped that star, he came to Equestria to find his decedents to return them to glory!"


That was not something that Nexus expected to hear. 


"So your a descendant of Mars. Makes sense for him to come to you then. But I doubt that even your power and my expertise that the two of us alone are going to be able to take on the entire changeling swarm. We either need a plan or an army."

Edited by ActFast231


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

Avatar by Motion Spark

Signature by Marco

My OCs:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/max-r2747




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She trotted back to the inn she was staying at to prepare for the midnight meeting, Parcel buzzing behind her. The way was shaky either she would trot too far ahead of him and he'd fall or he'd fly too highsecondse'd rise from the ground having to regroup each time. When they arrived Parcel stood in the doorway just looking around while Luminari went over to the closet and searching it for a few things they'd need.

'Come on in' she put the words where he could see and when she heard him step through the door she closed it with her magic. 'You need feather wings' then 'he'll kill you on site' and finally 'no arguing'




Surprise was on the stallions face, she was talking this so seriously so he took a deep sigh and whispered his apologies to Celestia as he broke the only promise he ever made and changes his wings. It took him a few seconds to recover from what he had done and when he had looked around the apartment he'd noticed that everything was very neat and tidy and realized that the whole town was like this and took a mental note that ponies had obsessiona with cleanliness and order. He looked up when the mare turned around to see her holding up two hangers with her magic one of which reminded him of another ponies tale he had read called "little red riding hoof" for on each hanger was a travelers cloak one brown but one was a deep red.

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That was not something that Nexus expected to hear. 


"So your a descendant of Mars. Makes sense for him to come to you then. But I doubt that even your power and my expertise that the two of us alone are going to be able to take on the entire changeling swarm. We either need a plan or an army."

Nightmare Corkscrew


"We don't need an army, for it is only one we are after, the queen. If we can lure her out, we can ambush her. I must admit that you are the expert on changelings here. I will go with what ever your plan if it means revenge on that witch! I swear by it."

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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I must admit that you are the expert on changelings here. I will go with what ever your plan if it means revenge on that witch! I swear by it."


Nexus took a moment to recall what he knew about the queen. She was the center of the hive mind, and gained power in the presence of love.


"Well...technically I have changeling DNA integrated into me. So I may be able to integrate into the hive mind and lure her here. A rogue hybrid messing with the hive mind will definitely draw attention. Provided I don't lose myself and become a mindless drone. But I fought off Virus, so it shouldn't have too much trouble."


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

Avatar by Motion Spark

Signature by Marco

My OCs:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/max-r2747




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They both stood in the shadow of Sugar Cube Corner each in one of the cloaks that Luminari had supplied Parcel in the brown one and Luminari in the red. They both watched the center of town where they had seen the alicorn arrive hoping for something to move. "Whelp looks like he's not coming guess we better go then."

'Sh!' Luminari watched intently trying to see in the dark, Parcel shifted from foot to foot nervously ruffling the feathered wings he wore not used to their weight, "look it's two minutes to midnight I don't think he's coming."


Two minutes later and the clock struck twelve, it was midnight.

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Corkscrew looks at Fire who was now in his mind


"I.....I'm sorry it had to end like this. Thank you for all you did for me, but that parasite left a void. It destroyed all my compassion. My love. Any chance I had at getting a chance to love somepony are dead. The only thing I crave now is revenge to  that bucking changeling queen that did this to me. The only thing I feel is hatred and distrust. All of my happy thoughts are just a memory now. Tell my friends that I am sorry for what I'm about to do. Mars has given me the ability to achieve my goal. I can defend Equestria from whatever threat may come our way. Now leave this place. I will be fine."


Corkscrew stomps a hoof and his whole sub-conscience shakes.  


"You saved my life...twice now, and I may never be able to repay you, but leave now before I wake up or you will be trapped here forever. Now....GET OUT!"


The magical cocoon was beginning to crack allowing Corkscrew to regain control of his body. He was now in nightmare form and bent on revenge agents the changelings.


Fire Star


And then he was puss out of Corkscrew mind. And Then he turn into Nightmare Corkscrew. 




Twilight look at Princess Celestia when she said Mars. Twilight wanted to ask her who is Mars but it was not a good time. Then Twilight  left the room they were in. It looks like he more interested to talking to the princess wait now.



Nightmare Corkscrew

"The debate is OVER! The changeling threat ends now, with or without your permission Princesses! Perhaps I will find more support in Ponyville!" as he lets out an evil laugh. My friends will support me!"


He looks out the window in the direction of Ponyville.


"You know, I think I'm going to thank that changeling queen for my new power...right before I finish her!"


Fire Star


After he bowl a hole in the room he left to ponyville Fire saw his friend in now evil. He ask himself" Now I need more magic to save him but how" Fire thought to himself. And then something come over Fire something good and has hope in it. Fire started to use his magic to focused this new found magic.


Then this magic surrounded him with light magic it started to turn him into a Alicorn. After a minutes he is now a new hope fore Equestria. Fire was in shock " How I did that" Fire said being confused. "But with this new magic of I well call it HOPE. The new hope I can save my friend form himself" Fire said in his serious tone.




She was outside of the castle, she went on the chavet she came on. Twilight ask the guards if they can make it to ponyville before he get there. But he was more faster he got to ponyville frist. Then Twilight get to ponyville second and she ran to the library to get the Elements of Harmony. "Now I need to get my friends now" Twilight said.




Nightmare Corkscrew


As he approached, Corkscrew began to circle the town. Looking for able bodied ponies to go on his crusade. As he lands, the ground tremmors slightly. His fur was now as black as his heart had become. With the exception of one small stripe of orange that still remained. His main was turned black, and was now wild and unkept. His cutie mark was tje only thing unchanged. The residents were hiding from him in terror.


"I can see that Ponyville is as week as those so called guards in Canterlot."


"Today, we take this fight to the changelings. We will defeat their queen, and end this pitiful excuse for an invasion! Their queen did this to me! Her pet paracite took my love, my hopes, my dreams. Any chance I had at finding true love. It almost killed me. Now I'm going to return the favor! If anypony is brave enough...we leave at midnight!"


Corkscrew was heading to the ancient castle in Everfree, where he would bide his time till the time for the attack would come.




Twilight saw all the ponies are so scared of him some are considering joining him and the other are not. The ponies are started to fight among each other Twilight saw all this and she have to do something. She went to the center of the town and using her Royal Voice. " All you ponies in ponyville why are you fighting among each other we are friends, Family, and Cousins who live here. We are better then that Yes he as a Nightmare but that it only a Nightmare we are more stronger together than apart. Whit you ponies me and my friends well defeat him and save Equestria" that Twilight said it come down.


All the ponies decided to help Princess Twilight to defeat ponyville form him. "Thanks you all" She said in a happy tone.


Alicorn Fire Star


Fire look at were he want, Fire start to use is new magic he look at the princess Celestia " I well fine Twilight and her friends and we well defeat him and bring back Corkscrew to us" Fire said in a serious tone. Then that he was gone, Fire appeared in town he saw all the ponies working together. Fire was looking fore Twilight and her friends.


He was looking fore her for 2 minutes and finally found you Twilight he was happy she was ok. " Twilight did you fine your friends" He ask her.




" No I didn't yet" she tell him. " I got one question, how are you, you look famiilar" She ask him.

Fire said " It me Fire I look different but it still me" Fire said to her.

Twilight look at him fore a minutes and she was shock " NO WAY HOW DID YOU BECOME A ALICORN " Twilight was still in shock.


Anlicorn Fire Star


"I well like to tell you but we need to save Corkscrew and Equestria" Fire said to her.

Twilight said " OK time to fine my friends we can use the Elements" and off they go to fine her friends.

Edited by Fox801
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(OOC: If you didn't wish for events to turn out like this Skycoaster, just let me know and I'll retcon this post)




Fluttershy's first instinct when the black alicorn landed was, of course, to hide.  So she did, and considering that the creature never saw her, she figured that she ad done a pretty good job of it.  Then it began to speak to the citizens of Ponyville, and she thought that she heard something... familiar.  Something in the tone of the voice was sounded something like...  She peeked out from behind her hiding place to satisfy her curiosity.  Her eyes immediately homed in on the cutie mark.  "Corkscrew!" she exclaimed.  She galloped out from behind her hiding place, calling for him to wait, but it was too late.  The alicorn had already taken off and was heading to the Everfree Forest.  Tears filled her eyes as he disappeared over the trees.


It... it's all my fault, she couldn't help thinking.  If it hadn't been for me needing to be saved from that changeling, Corkscrew wouldn't have gotten hurt and none of this would have happened!  She knew what she had to do next.  She had doubts that it would do anything, but she had to follow him into the forest.  She wouldn't let Corkscrew be all alone like this; not when he needed his friends the most.


Nightmare Corkscrew


It was well after nightfall when Fluttershy made it to the ancient castle.  "C-C-Corkscrew?  Are... are you here?" she called weakly. She then heard voices down the hall, and nervously began to make her way towards them.

  • Brohoof 1

"Ceterum censeo background ponies delendas esse" - Stellafera


Credit for the Octavia vector goes to the awesome Harmonic Revelations

Credit for the creation of my avatar and signature goes to the amazing Wubsie

Once again, thanks!

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Pinkie Pie

@The Big Bad Wolf, Plagal

"Hey guys, I hate to break up this consideration, but my Pinkie sense is going nutty. A doozie is heading our way!"


As soon as she said that, a faint explosion could be heard coming from Canterlot. A large dark figure was flying toward the town.


"Nightmare Moon is back! Nightmare Moon is back! Run for your lives!"


Pinkie was running around the square in a panic until she got a better look at the figure.


"Since when is Nightmare Moon a boy.....my bad. Oh my Celestia! Is that who I think it is Plagal?!"


Nexus took a moment to recall what he knew about the queen. She was the center of the hive mind, and gained power in the presence of love.


"Well...technically I have changeling DNA integrated into me. So I may be able to integrate into the hive mind and lure her here. A rogue hybrid messing with the hive mind will definitely draw attention. Provided I don't lose myself and become a mindless drone. But I fought off Virus, so it shouldn't have too much trouble."

Nightmare Corkscrew


"Excellent! The sooner we can draw that witch out of hiding the better!," He said with an evil laugh. "If you start acting like one, however I will put you down!"



(OOC: If you didn't wish for events to turn out like this Skycoaster, just let me know and I'll retcon this post)




Fluttershy's first instinct when the black alicorn landed was, of course, to hide. So she did, and considering that the creature never saw her, she figured that she ad done a pretty good job of it. Then it began to speak to the citizens of Ponyville, and she thought that she heard something... familiar. Something in the tone of the voice was sounded something like... She peeked out from behind her hiding place to satisfy her curiosity. Her eyes immediately homed in on the cutie mark. "Corkscrew!" she exclaimed. She galloped out from behind her hiding place, calling for him to wait, but it was too late. The alicorn had already taken off and was heading to the Everfree Forest. Tears filled her eyes as he disappeared over the trees.


It... it's all my fault, she couldn't help thinking. If it hadn't been for me needing to be saved from that changeling, Corkscrew wouldn't have gotten hurt and none of this would have happened! She knew what she had to do next. She had doubts that it would do anything, but she had to follow him into the forest. She wouldn't let Corkscrew be all alone like this; not when he needed his friends the most.




It was well after nightfall when Fluttershy made it to the ancient castle. "C-C-Corkscrew? Are... are you here?" she called weakly. She then heard voices down the hall, and nervously began to make her way towards them.

"Ah, I believe I hear my queen coming now."


Corkscrew waited for Fluttershy.


"Good evening Fluttershy, I knew you would come."

Edited by Skycoaster (Corkscrew)

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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"Excellent! The sooner we can draw that witch out of hiding the better!," He said with an evil laugh. "If you start acting like one, however I will put you down!"


"And I wouldn't blame you. I don't want to be a changeling slave." Nexus closed his eyes and tried to focus his inner energy. He tried to connect to his inner changeling, to summon that magic, and jack himself into the hive mind. He felt it starting to work, as well. He didn't even notice the yellow mare approach. He got closer and closer, until...


His eyes shot open, and he fell to his knees. Thousands of thoughts entered his mind from countless changelings. It was overwhelming.


"C-corkscrew. I-I-I'm in. The hive mind. It is-it is overwhelming." He started to broadcast his own thoughts into the pool.


Listen up. This is Nexus Tersona, changeling hunter, survivor of the Terra Nova invasion, and I'm calling you out, Chrysalis. You think you can get away with this crap? You think you can control me? Then come down to the ancient castle ruins in Everfree ASAP. We fight to the death. You don't show, I start slaughtering you subjects until you do.


"I-I sent the message. Sh-sh-she'll be here a-any moment now." He could feel it. He could feel the queen getting closer. The mind fog got more intense as she got closer, but he held on, as his integration into the hive mind was broadcasting their position like a beacon.


(I got an idea for a Nexus ending if you kill or disable Chrysalis.)


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

Avatar by Motion Spark

Signature by Marco

My OCs:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/max-r2747




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Pinkie Pie

"Since when is Nightmare Moon a boy.....my bad. Oh my Celestia! Is that who I think it is Plagal?!"


Plagal Cadence


"Er..." Plagal managed, still trying to comprehend what was happening, "I don't know....  I almost want to say that he's a distant cousin of Corkscrew's, though you'd think that he'd mention something like this to us."


"Ah, I believe I hear my queen coming now."


Corkscrew waited for Fluttershy.


"Good evening Fluttershy, I knew you would come."




Fluttershy froze as she was confronted by the massive alicorn.  She couldn't move; she couldn't speak; she could only stare up at him in fright.  Then something spoke to her from within.  This wasn't just any old big, scary, super-powerful, earth-crushing, disintegrate-a-pony-with-one-spell alicorn.  This was also Corkscrew, and he needed her right now.  He needed her to be brave, otherwise he would be hurt again, and this time he might not be able to be healed if that happened.  "H-hi... Corkscrew," she stuttered.  "Are... are you okay?  You... look different."

"Ceterum censeo background ponies delendas esse" - Stellafera


Credit for the Octavia vector goes to the awesome Harmonic Revelations

Credit for the creation of my avatar and signature goes to the amazing Wubsie

Once again, thanks!

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Pinkie Pie

@The Big Bad Wolf, Plagal

"Hey guys, I hate to break up this consideration, but my Pinkie sense is going nutty. A doozie is heading our way!"


As soon as she said that, a faint explosion could be heard coming from Canterlot. A large dark figure was flying toward the town.


"Nightmare Moon is back! Nightmare Moon is back! Run for your lives!"


Pinkie was running around the square in a panic until she got a better look at the figure.


"Since when is Nightmare Moon a boy.....my bad. Oh my Celestia! Is that who I think it is Plagal?!"


Nightmare Corkscrew


"Excellent! The sooner we can draw that witch out of hiding the better!," He said with an evil laugh. "If you start acting like one, however I will put you down!"




Fluttershy's first instinct when the black alicorn landed was, of course, to hide. So she did, and considering that the creature never saw her, she figured that she ad done a pretty good job of it. Then it began to speak to the citizens of Ponyville, and she thought that she heard something... familiar. Something in the tone of the voice was sounded something like... She peeked out from behind her hiding place to satisfy her curiosity. Her eyes immediately homed in on the cutie mark. "Corkscrew!" she exclaimed. She galloped out from behind her hiding place, calling for him to wait, but it was too late. The alicorn had already taken off and was heading to the Everfree Forest. Tears filled her eyes as he disappeared over the trees.


It... it's all my fault, she couldn't help thinking. If it hadn't been for me needing to be saved from that changeling, Corkscrew wouldn't have gotten hurt and none of this would have happened! She knew what she had to do next. She had doubts that it would do anything, but she had to follow him into the forest. She wouldn't let Corkscrew be all alone like this; not when he needed his friends the most.




It was well after nightfall when Fluttershy made it to the ancient castle. "C-C-Corkscrew? Are... are you here?" she called weakly. She then heard voices down the hall, and nervously began to make her way towards them.

"Ah, I believe I hear my queen coming now."


Corkscrew waited for Fluttershy.


"Good evening Fluttershy, I knew you would come."

"Doozie? What are you- oh my, this can't end well. But wait, it can't be, Nightmare Moon was reformed, you know as Princess Luna? But, there sh-wait? There HE is?" After Pinkie told Plagal that the nightmare-ish pony looked familiar, he turned to them and asked,"Wait, what do you- You know him?" Remix couldn't quite believe what was happening at this moment.

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Twilight and Fire ran for a 30 minutes on till they saw Pinkie Pie. Pinkie Pie was talking with Piagal and Remix. Twilight finally got to her " Pinkie......we......need....you.........now" Twilight was breathing really fast.

Twilight took a deep breath and said " Pinkie we need you help one of Fire friend turn to Nightmare Corkscrew and we need to get all of owe friends we can use the Elements of Harmony" Twilight tell her.

And Twilight saw this ponies Pinkie was talking to she look at them and said " Sorry for this but I need Pinkie for now sorry you ponies" she tell them.


" Pinkie I need you to go and get Apple Jack and I going to get Rainbow Dash got it" Twilight tell Pinkie Pie.


Alicorn Fire Star


When Twilight was talking to Pinkie Pie Fire look at Piagal and said " I hope this give you some idea for your music" Fire tell him. Fire walk away and he start to sense something Fire close his eye and using his magic he saw Chrisalis and then he heard a some kind of pony or a Changeling calling her here.


Fire walk to Twilight and said " We have a big problem, Chrisalis is coming" he tell her.




" Oh dear Celestia that what we need the Changelings queen. That what he want" she said to Fire.


Alicorn Fire Star


" Yes I know he want her for the magic he is going to kill her to" Fire said. " I have one thing to do I have you some time you can get rest of your friends" Fire tell her. Fire started to use is magic and tell her " Twilight go get your friends as fast as you can I do not know how loge I can keep him occupied" Fire said to her. Twilight tell him " I go as fast ok but do not do something stupid to ok" She tell him. Fire said " I be ok not worry" that said he vanish.


And then he appear in front of Nightmare Corkscrew " Hello there Corkscrew I hope you having a not a good day" Fire said in a funny tone. And then he look around and saw a Bat or Changeling pony and then he saw Fluttershy to. "Why is she here this is not good at all how I going to tell her Twilight is looking for her" Fire thought to himself.


He looking a is friend and hoping Twilight get the Elements of Harmony soon " Corkscrew you know you do not need to be like this you can be normal if you can beat that evil in you" hoping he can hear him. When he was talking to Corkscrew Fire was putting a light magic barrier around them knowing Corkscrew dark magic well not break it at all. Keeping Chrisalis out and keeping Nightmare Corkscrew in the barrier.


(OOC I well not be online Tomorrow at all and maybe Wednesday and Thursday but I be on Saturday see you guys then Fox Out)







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A few more ponies had gathered in the center of town, because they were both new to the town they couldn't recognize any of them. Each group arrived in pairs of two's and there's until there was little more than 14 ponies gathered including the pair that stood in the shadows. Parcel had closed himself from the hive mind for several months so when something tried pushing its way tthrough the wall of his mind his mind he had to force it back correcting the problem. Thinking it had gone he went back to glancing at the sky for any dark alicorns and now it can back in ten fold causing Parcel to fumble inside his own mind trying to push it back. He didn't want to hear anything his hive had to say none of them should be able to push this hard and it was possible that it was Chysalis trying to put a virus in his head. Finally he lost the battle in his mind and let the message through and was surprised to hear Nexus' voice echo in his own mind. He listen to what he had to say and stood there in utter shock first of all Nexus shouldn't have been able to even push on his minds wall much less break through. And he was stunned by the courage or stupidity of the challenge extened to the queen of the changelings someone who struck fear Iinto all that lay eyes on her.

Hearing where Nexus was at something clicked in his head and he turned to face Luminari kissing her on the lips. When he pulled away he looked her straight in the eyes and said, "I love you but there's something I need to do so I need to let you go fo r now.but I'll be right back I promise." And with that he flappped his wings taking off toward the Everfree Forest the line that connected them lengthening as he went and he made a smal victory party in his head glad that he kept his mare out of danger. He flew over the trews in his new feathered wings struggling under the weight of the brown cloak. He saw a small group below and landed in the trees waiting for an oportunity to approach.

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Plagal Cadence


"Er..." Plagal managed, still trying to comprehend what was happening, "I don't know....  I almost want to say that he's a distant cousin of Corkscrew's, though you'd think that he'd mention something like this to us."






Fluttershy froze as she was confronted by the massive alicorn.  She couldn't move; she couldn't speak; she could only stare up at him in fright.  Then something spoke to her from within.  This wasn't just any old big, scary, super-powerful, earth-crushing, disintegrate-a-pony-with-one-spell alicorn.  This was also Corkscrew, and he needed her right now.  He needed her to be brave, otherwise he would be hurt again, and this time he might not be able to be healed if that happened.  "H-hi... Corkscrew," she stuttered.  "Are... are you okay?  You... look different."

Nightmare Corkscrew


"Fluttershy?" He said in a questioning tone. "Thank you for Coming. I'm sorry for what I'm about to do. I'm going to defeat that changeling once and for all."


His eyes were back to their normal blue, however, his nightmare form remained. Corkscrew was regaining the upper hoof in his head.




Twilight and Fire ran for a 30 minutes on till they saw Pinkie Pie. Pinkie Pie was talking with Piagal and Remix. Twilight finally got to her " Pinkie......we......need....you.........now" Twilight was breathing really fast.

Twilight took a deep breath and said " Pinkie we need you help one of Fire friend turn to Nightmare Corkscrew and we need to get all of owe friends we can use the Elements of Harmony" Twilight tell her.

And Twilight saw this ponies Pinkie was talking to she look at them and said " Sorry for this but I need Pinkie for now sorry you ponies" she tell them.


" Pinkie I need you to go and get Apple Jack and I going to get Rainbow Dash got it" Twilight tell Pinkie Pie.


Alicorn Fire Star


When Twilight was talking to Pinkie Pie Fire look at Piagal and said " I hope this give you some idea for your music" Fire tell him. Fire walk away and he start to sense something Fire close his eye and using his magic he saw Chrisalis and then he heard a some kind of pony or a Changeling calling her here.


Fire walk to Twilight and said " We have a big problem, Chrisalis is coming" he tell her.




" Oh dear Celestia that what we need the Changelings queen. That what he want" she said to Fire.


Alicorn Fire Star


" Yes I know he want her for the magic he is going to kill her to" Fire said. " I have one thing to do I have you some time you can get rest of your friends" Fire tell her. Fire started to use is magic and tell her " Twilight go get your friends as fast as you can I do not know how loge I can keep him occupied" Fire said to her. Twilight tell him " I go as fast ok but do not do something stupid to ok" She tell him. Fire said " I be ok not worry" that said he vanish.


And then he appear in front of Nightmare Corkscrew " Hello there Corkscrew I hope you having a not a good day" Fire said in a funny tone. And then he look around and saw a Bat or Changeling pony and then he saw Fluttershy to. "Why is she here this is not good at all how I going to tell her Twilight is looking for her" Fire thought to himself.


He looking a is friend and hoping Twilight get the Elements of Harmony soon " Corkscrew you know you do not need to be like this you can be normal if you can beat that evil in you" hoping he can hear him. When he was talking to Corkscrew Fire was putting a light magic barrier around them knowing Corkscrew dark magic well not break it at all. Keeping Chrisalis out and keeping Nightmare Corkscrew in the barrier.


(OOC I well not be online Tomorrow at all and maybe Wednesday and Thursday but I be on Saturday see you guys then Fox Out)

"Fox, its nice of you to come, but MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS!," as his horn began to glow and eyes red again. "Had it ever occurred to you that I enjoy being like this? Defeating the queen should fix Nexis, and get my good emotions back. I'm asking...no TELLING you to leave me alone! I will figure this out on my own."


He looks over to Fluttershy.


"Thank you for coming, but I don't want to hurt you. Just go with Firestar. Everything will all work out in the end, I promise."

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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"Thank you for coming, but I don't want to hurt you. Just go with Firestar. Everything will all work out in the end, I promise."




"But you won't hurt me," Fluttershy argued.  "You're the nicest stallion that I've ever met; you would never hurt me.  I... I trust you.  I wish I could say that I'd never hurt you either but... well, it's too late for that..."  She winced as she thought back to the changeling bear incident and, perhaps even worse, when she told Corkscrew that she didn't share his feelings.  "I don't know what's going on right now to make you look like this big, scary alicorn, but it's not right.  There's something inside of you that's not very nice and I don't trust it."  She gulped, hoping that she sounded as assertive as she had practiced on the flight over.  "I'm not leaving your side until you're all better," the pegasus declared, stamping a hoof on the ground to accentuate her point.

"Ceterum censeo background ponies delendas esse" - Stellafera


Credit for the Octavia vector goes to the awesome Harmonic Revelations

Credit for the creation of my avatar and signature goes to the amazing Wubsie

Once again, thanks!

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Luminari huffed glaring at Parcel's back as he left, how could he have just left her here. And that's when she realized it, he had told her that he loved her this surprised her but what was even more surprising was that she loved him back. This was crazy she hadn't even known him for long and yet she had never felt so strong about anything in her life except that fact that she needed to follow him. She gulped realizing where he had gone into, the Everfree Forest. She mentally prepared her self before stepping into the forest and had walked for a few minutes when a changeling popped up out of no where.

Now once Nexus had sent out the challenge to the changeling queen every changeling instinctively homed in on the sender ready to attack. More than two dozen had already entered the foresr and were creaping towards the center.

This one had seen the mare in the red cloak and had seen an easy meal.

"Hello there. A little far from home aren't you."

'I could say the same for you' the flaming words she put before the changeling mad her step back in surprise but he quickly recovered speaking in a cool tone, "what are you doing out here in the forest?"

'I'm looking for a friend'

"What for?"

'He needs my help'

"What with?"

'You sure ask a lot of questions'

"I'm glad you took notice, may I join you on your journy to find your friend?"

'No, leave. Now.'

"Ok ok snappy I'm leaving."

But she wasn't going to give up so easily and she flew ahead of the path finding the a rather strange group and before any of them saw her she changed into the blue colt she had seen in Luminaris memory. she had gotten all the information she needed in the two minute conversation and planned to use it tobthe best of her cunning ability.

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Fluttershy   "But you won't hurt me," Fluttershy argued.  "You're the nicest stallion that I've ever met; you would never hurt me.  I... I trust you.  I wish I could say that I'd never hurt you either but... well, it's too late for that..."  She winced as she thought back to the changeling bear incident and, perhaps even worse, when she told Corkscrew that she didn't share his feelings.  "I don't know what's going on right now to make you look like this big, scary alicorn, but it's not right.  There's something inside of you that's not very nice and I don't trust it."  She gulped, hoping that she sounded as assertive as she had practiced on the flight over.  "I'm not leaving your side until you're all better," the pegasus declared, stamping a hoof on the ground to accentuate her point.

Nightmare Corkscrew

A tear began to run down from Corkscrew's eye at the dedication of Fluttershy to stay with him. 


"I appreciate what your doing for me, but it's still me in here. I'm not evil....well, that evil at least. All I want to do is defeat the changeling queen, and than deal with that little problem in Canterlot....But I'm fine...honest."


Corkscrew was now in full control of his body, he could feel the empty void that the parasite left in him, a void that had filled with his own hatred. Where there should be love, there was lust for Fluttershy, where there should have been generosity, there was greed, where laughter, pain. His jealousy ran wild. 

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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Nexus, for his part, was doing well in keeping himself from being consumed. But then he felt something. Something bad. VERY bad.




All I want to do is defeat the changeling queen


"Corkscrew, we have a problem. That message I sent backfired. Every changeling within a 50 mile radius is honing in on my to rip me apart, including the queen. And they are closing in fast."


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

Avatar by Motion Spark

Signature by Marco

My OCs:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/max-r2747




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Nightmare Corkscrew

A tear began to run down from Corkscrew's eye at the dedication of Fluttershy to stay with him. 


"I appreciate what your doing for me, but it's still me in here. I'm not evil....well, that evil at least. All I want to do is defeat the changeling queen, and than deal with that little problem in Canterlot....But I'm fine...honest."


Corkscrew was now in full control of his body, he could feel the empty void that the parasite left in him, a void that had filled with his own hatred. Where there should be love, there was lust for Fluttershy, where there should have been generosity, there was greed, where laughter, pain. His jealousy ran wild. 




"I know that you're not evil," she told Corkscrew.  "You never even had the teensiest bit of evil in you.  But there's something there that's not you."  She sighed, knowing that Corkscrew was only trying to make her not worry.  That in itself though worried her even more.  He seemed to think that defeating Chrysalis would help him, but Fluttershy didn't know.  Would it help him, or would it destroy his only chance of getting better?


Nexus, for his part, was doing well in keeping himself from being consumed. But then he felt something. Something bad. VERY bad.


"Corkscrew, we have a problem. That message I sent backfired. Every changeling within a 50 mile radius is honing in on my to rip me apart, including the queen. And they are closing in fast."


Fluttershy barely suppressed a squeak of fright at the news.  Her eyes widened and her muscles tensed, but she couldn't give up.  "A-Alright...  If you think that doing this will help you, then I believe you.  But I'm... st-staying... okay?  Otherwise, what happens if you get hurt?  There will be nopony here to get you help.  I-I'll stay out of sight, so you won't have to worry about me."

"Ceterum censeo background ponies delendas esse" - Stellafera


Credit for the Octavia vector goes to the awesome Harmonic Revelations

Credit for the creation of my avatar and signature goes to the amazing Wubsie

Once again, thanks!

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the changeling posing as Parcel came up to Nexus, "hey are you ok?" She attached her line to him feeding off his love and memories learning all she could about the pony ahe was imitating. All she had found out from Luminari was what the pony had looked like his name and where he was, the bare minimum. But now with Nexus all these memories gave her more than enough information she even learned the name of the mare in the red hood. She smiled she had hit the jackpot, this wasn't a pony at all this was the changeling that betrayed the hive and apparently he had made quite a few close friends on the way. This was going to be fun.


Parcel Shift was about to step out of the shadows when he saw his image walking across the clearing and he drew back waiting and watching. But when he saw the other him talk to Nexus, he had to take action but as soon as he was about to move into the clearing there was a soft thud and everything went to black.

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Nexus gave the changeling a very bored expression as it-or she, as he quickly discovered-attached a line to him. He knew was feeding felt like and knew when it was happening. He also could look through her own line to see through the disguise.


"Well, you didn't attack me immediately, so I am less inclined to rip your heart out, but you better tell me what the hell you want before I lose my temper." He said, not even paying attention to the occurrences around him. Though he could feel more changelings incoming. And he didn't like it. He could still fight to an extent, but physical fighting while battling mind control was difficult.


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

Avatar by Motion Spark

Signature by Marco

My OCs:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/max-r2747




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Nightmare Corkscrew


"Fluttershy?" He said in a questioning tone. "Thank you for Coming. I'm sorry for what I'm about to do. I'm going to defeat that changeling once and for all."


His eyes were back to their normal blue, however, his nightmare form remained. Corkscrew was regaining the upper hoof in his head.



"Fox, its nice of you to come, but MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS!," as his horn began to glow and eyes red again. "Had it ever occurred to you that I enjoy being like this? Defeating the queen should fix Nexis, and get my good emotions back. I'm asking...no TELLING you to leave me alone! I will figure this out on my own."


He looks over to Fluttershy.


"Thank you for coming, but I don't want to hurt you. Just go with Firestar. Everything will all work out in the end, I promise."






Fire noticed something Nightmare Corkscrew when he talk to Fluttershy he was more come. " Hmm this my work if Fluttershy gust keep on talking to him" Fire thought to himself





"I know that you're not evil," she told Corkscrew.  "You never even had the teensiest bit of evil in you.  But there's something there that's not you."  She sighed, knowing that Corkscrew was only trying to make her not worry.  That in itself though worried her even more.  He seemed to think that defeating Chrysalis would help him, but Fluttershy didn't know.  Would it help him, or would it destroy his only chance of getting better?



Fluttershy barely suppressed a squeak of fright at the news.  Her eyes widened and her muscles tensed, but she couldn't give up.  "A-Alright...  If you think that doing this will help you, then I believe you.  But I'm... st-staying... okay?  Otherwise, what happens if you get hurt?  There will be nopony here to get you help.  I-I'll stay out of sight, so you won't have to worry about me."



Fire look at Corkscrew was some what happy " Ok it is true he still like her but he is still fighting some what" Fire thought to himself.


Using his magic Fire ask her in her mind " Sorry Fluttershy you do not know me but I Twilight friend and I ask you to keep on talking to him. Twilight need some time to get Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity if you can be brave of a little longer" Fire begged her.


Fire was hoping Twilight got her friends soon.

Edited by Fox801
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The changeling smiled not dropping the disguise, "look we both need to get out of here alive, you dont want to get completely devoured by my bretherin and your friend over there doesn't seem too keen on keeping any of us alive." She pointed a hoof to Corkscrew.

"So I have a proposition for you I keep changelings away from you and you don't give my position away to grumpy over there and you let me feed on just one pony, that's all I ask."

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