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private Mlp: Black Death

Jack Baker

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(Ooc: you dare challenge me again?)

"Oh, fuck that," Raze said. "You really think that a demon's gonna stop me? If I could best you once, then I can sure as hell do it again!"


He took his swords and quickly broke the chains holding Seer.


"Keep track of the demon. I have a score to settle with this one..."


He pointed his blades at Vaas. "Come on, then. If you're taking me, I'm not going down without a fight."


They both charged at each other; Vaas with his scythe and spirits, Raze with his blades and blood aura. Their blades clashed, and both couldn't seem to move, until Vaas pushed Raze back with his scythe, and sliced at his chest. Raze quickly dodged it, but the scythe manage to nick his combat armor and cut his chest a bit. Raze felt a slight stinging pain, but ignored it. Vaas kept swinging at Raze with violent strikes, and finally he managed to parry a downwards slice, push the scythe out of the way, and stab Vaas in the chest with one blade, and slice at Vaas's shoulder with another blade, followed by a powerful kick which connected into Vaas's stomach, which winded him.


Raze kept his swords at the ready, no witty or cocky comments coming from him. Only silence...

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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Shadow grinned a horrible grin. "I've s-seen my death already, you bastard... and it WON'T be at the hooves of you!" She fell on the ground, convulsing as she locked away her spirit to prevent corruption, and as the daemon entered her body and made residence...


White stood up and tottered about a little bit. Then she shook her head and drew both her swords- except that they weren't there. She had dropped them on the hill when she was taken by surprise and clubbed. She was tempted to swear, but then she saw Shadow's blades on the ground nearby. She picked them up and stood at the ready, staring at the figure of Shadow Seer slowly standing up, as if he hadn't done so in a while.


The Jester of Death was laughing. His energy cannon was eviscerating to bandit gangs, who decided, against a terrible foe, fleeing was the best option. And so they did. He ran to catch up to the others, and then he saw two things in  the clearing that caught his attention.

One: Shadow Seer was being possessed.

Two: Vaas was standing there being evil.

He growled and charged out, slamming into Diego and sending him flying. He screeched to a stop and picked him up. "Sorry, Diego. It seems I came late. Tell me, who's on the daemon's side?"


White Darkness stood in the trees, figuring the best method of attack. He saw Animal bound by shadows nearby. He charged in and freed him from them. "You all right, friend?"


Resh stood up slowly. It had been a hundred years since he had used a body- no thanks to these doofuses here- and he needed some time to get used to it. He stretched and walked around a bit. He grinned. Easy as ever. He then proceeded to channel his energy into Vaas, having the corrupting energies strengthening him. Then he turned... to see White Rose standing there. "I see the hunter hast met his prey." He shook his head slowly. "Alright then... let's see what you have, Leader of the Daemon Hunters.

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Kazas had been with raze and the others up to the event of the duel between raze and vaas. He watched the duel carefully, trying to deicide who would win in the end. Kazas said one final thing to vaas.


" vaas! This is your last chance! Desist at once and you may be forgiven of your transgressions, or die with not only your life being in vain, but the lives of everyone you had ever taken into that weapon will be in vain as well. Don't be a fool. Look at yourself! You are undeserving of your weapon because you let the evilness of it consume you! Throw it away and become yourself again! You're not a murderer!"


At these words, vaas was infuriated beyond belief. He seemed to be even worse off than he originally was. It seemed as though vaas almost wanted to forget raze and charge at Kazas. Kazas yelled once more at vaas.


" do not prove to me that my giving you my own life energy was all for naught, idiot! You will end up being your own slayer at the end of this day, all because you were stubborn to a fault!"


Kazas keep hold of his sword tightly and gauged his will power to use the flames, should the need arise.

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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"Oh shit The shadows are converging." Animal started to back up hearing their whispering voices. "I didn't spy I wasn't sent to kill if I was spying do you think I would have come out of the trees to talk." Animal felt his heart pounding about how he was probably going to die. Adrenaline was being pumped quickly through his veins when he had the thought about dying. "Hell no I ain't dying. Shit so much adrenaline." Animal fell to one knee. He felt something change, his body was, he felt like he was growing. Animal's body from the core was shaken. He was enveloped in a cloud of green smoke than it disappeared quickly. He turned into a dire wolf. "Oh crap I never thought this would happen again. Oh well I guess I need it now." His voice changed incredibly to a really low pitch and he grew to ten feet in size. Animal looked at the shadows and took a swipe at it. The shadows just went through his claws without taking damage. "That's right your gas. Well then see you later smoke." Animal books it across the clearing and grabs Judith. "Come on that shadow thing going is to kill us get on my back. Kazas and Raze got Vaas right now we can't do anything except run away from that demonic black cloud of smoke." 

Edited by TBB Animal


                                         Thanks to ~Cider Barrel~ for the signature

                                            My OC Forest 'Animal' Hunt forest-hunt

                                                   Look me up on fimfiction.net

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Judith was awith Animal and agreed that they both needed to see what was going on with Vaas, Diego, and Shadow Seer. Judith watched as Animal had jumped in and out of the tree. 


"I'll be right behind you." Judith assured him


(I'm sorry I haven't been posting. School has really kept me busy lately.)

Judith then trots in from behind a tree and finds a place next to Animal. She quickly sees what is going on and backs away in case the mist would get over to her.  Frankly she wasn't afraid to die. It was her line of work. She seen that Animal had started into a gallop and had ushered her to follow.


"Ok, lets go before the smoke gets us. Your right Kazas and Raze can handle this."


I'm glad that the mist didn't get us, amking a quick escape was probably best. Thank goodness Kazas and Raze came so we could slip away. I haven't revealed my true abilities yet, also its a good thing I didn't need to. I'll save them for the necromancer.


Judith looked at Animal as he galloped next to her. 


"Hey, we should probably find a place to stay during the night. Also we may need to go back for Kazas and Raze, I mean they did help us out by distracting Vaas and Diego.:


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Vaas laughed as blood poured out of him, "Seems I can actually fight this time." Smirking at Raze as he wounds stopped bleeding. "This time is going to be different I can promise you this...I'm not holding back anymore!" Quickly gazing at Kazas, "I may not be fit for this weapon but soon we will be as one, also I'll make sure sure that second chance will be for nothing. Seer has been spying on me for awhile now. She says she can help me but she is really gathering information on me, so she can report it back to White Rose." Pointing his scythe at White Rose.


A piece of Vaas was inside Seer's mind, "Seer if this was you on my end things would be different they won't question you. They would never ask you what your were doing to me they would just keep moving along." Whispering for inside her.


He dug his hoof into the ground and waited for Raze to charge at him. He sent spirits to shield their duel so anypony couldn't interfere. Strikes the ground ripping open a fissure that was going after Raze at the same time he morphed into three Vaas.


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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" very well then! Live your life with hatred! I tried to help you, yet you simply refuse and live only to pity yourself! I'm tired of it. Stop this immediately!"


Just then Kazas saw that vaas had split into three seperate entities. " damn... I gotta get in there and help raze!" Kazas tries charging in, but was repulsed by vaas's spirits. " so you wanna play hard to get..,. No problem!" Simorgh's fire began to form around Kazas and his sword. After the transformation was complete, he started to strike at the spirit shield, but to no avail. " it's not... Working!!! Dammit I need to get in there! I'll give it my all in one strike!"


Kazas ditched his shield in order to use both hands for searing agony. He raised his sword for a two handed vertical strike, and slashed downward with all of his might. He heard the spirits scream, and light eminated from the scar he made in the spirit barrier. He immediately jumped into the dueling area before it was sealed off again. Kazas's flames were getting hotter and stronger by the second.


Kazas saw raze getting ganged up on by raze. Kazas came from behind and stabbed one of the vaas clones through the back, burned the clone until it was nothing but ash. Kazas then took his place beside raze. " 1 on 3 seems hardly fair... Now 2 on 2 is better! I somehow knew it would come to this.... Vaas! Ready yourself! The time for penance is over!"


Kazas took a two handed sword stance, and the flames grew ever more intense.


" now... Lets get this over with!"

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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White Rose was getting a headache from all of the dark energy going around. "Liar... I've only really heard about this since this morning! Shadow Seer told me because your plans crossed the line from dumb to evil. Which is why I wanted to know why Diego followed you."


Resh growled. "Enough talk, false one!" His- Shadow's- hoof slammed into the ground, creating cracks. "If you will not fight of your own will, then I will have to make you fight!" He summoned a large black sword, and assumed a fighting pose.


((Hey, not sure if you realize this, but Resh (daemon lord) is currently possessing Seer. Rash has a bit of loyalty towards Vaas, due to the fact that he summoned him- even if indirectly. He should take advantage of this.))


Resh charged fowards. White Rose slid to the side, and Resh retaliated by whipping the point of the blade across her stomach as she passed. They landed nearby, in the same positions, only reversed. White Rose threw a dagger that caught Resh in he shoulder. He grunted in surprise, grabbed it, and pulled it out, the cut healing. Then he threw it back at her. He then kicked her in the chest and sent her flying, and turned to Kazas. "If it's a battle you want, Phoenix Lord, then a battle you will get!" He warped  about 10 yards in front of him, and cast a spell, absolutely preventing contact- meaning that Raze would fight Vaas, and Kazas would fight Resh. He assumed a contact position, dark energy swirling around him.

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Diego stood apart from the fight, taking no part in it. He would not be responsible for the death of another pony, not again. In reply to the question given by White Rose, he replied with, "Vaas was the only pony who understood how I felt! You others couldn't even begin to understand how it is to be outcast, for something which is no fault of your own. I lost the mare I loved thru others' selfishness and hate, and never knew my daughter as a result of that. Those ignorant townsponies might have torn them both to shreds, simply cuz they stood by a stallion who possessed chaos magic. We cannot choose our talents, or our cutie marks; both are given to us."


He stood still, under spells of protection which ensured that nopony could touch him, whether living or in spirit. Diego didn't know what to do for the best. He didn't want Vaas to die, but neither did he wish for every other pony in the company to be drawn in and destroyed by evil spirits. A spell could be cast to protect everypony, but which one? And could he keep his thought process clear enough to be able to cast it so that the power could be contained and used for good rather than for chaos?



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






Want an Equestria Girls version, a pixel pony, or an Equalised version of your OC? Go here for links to shops here: https://mlpforums.com/blog/2506/entry-16610-details-of-my-shops/


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Raze quickly dodged the fissure coming at him, quickly landing on his hooves. When he looked up, he saw that there were now three Vaas standing in front of him. Raze charged and decapitated one Vaas, who was revealed to be a fake which disappeared in a cloud of smoke. He saw another Vaas charge toward him, but he quickly threw his serrated blade at him. Once again, though, it was a fake which became a cloud of smoke. Raze then noticed that the third-- the real Vaas-- was not there, and that he was alone.


Fuck, where did he go? he thought, searching the area. He then felt a tap on his shoulder. Quickly, he turned around and dodged a swift slice from Vaas's scythe. Vaas then tried to follow it up with a downward slice, which he parried, but Vaas sliced again, theis time hitting Raze in the chest, leaving a brutal wound. Blood was poruing everywhere, but Raze managed. Quickly, he activated his blood aura, his eyes flashing red. He sprinted at Vaas, who was going to decapitate him, but he parried it, the blow knocking Vaas to the side. Raze held the sword with the blade pointed downward, and stabbed Vaas in the back, which brought him to the ground. Raze came on top of him, and started stabbing Vaas repeatedly...

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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" so you're a daemon lord? Pffff. Pathetic wretch. Begone from seer and and my sight!"


Kazas knew that if he at least knocked seer out, the daemon lord would have to force itself from seer's body and would have to fight in true form. Kazas readied himself, but both resh and Kazas were surprised when the sword called out to the daemon lord.


" resh! You filthy soul of Tartarus... You have shown yourself once again in an attempt to ravage the world... I remember when we fought 2000 years ago... Oh how the times have changed... You were sent to your first improsonment in Tartarus, and I was left half dead from the battle. I had to seal myself within this sword to survive. The warrior you see before you now is the new wielder of my power... At his hands, he can bring forth salvation, or destruction at his whims... He has had many years of battle experience and is hardened. However, you are weakend from not being in the physical world for so long! This time... You will be reduced to ashes, daemon! Kazas... Defeat resh. Fight with all of your might! Do not spare him out of kindness. There is no redemption for him! Now make your family proud!"


With this, Kazas unbuckled his armor and revealed a glowing scar on his chest, along with the flames enveloping him. He was getting ready to use his true power. Kazas charged at the possessed pony. Seer, slow from resh's awakening, tried to slash at Kazas, but Kazas rolled under it. He was behind seer and quickly brought the hilt of the sword to the back of seer's skull, knocking the pony out. Kazas then stepped twenty feet away from seer. " Come out now resh! There's no cowering behind a mortal's flesh any longer! I'll finish what simorgh started 2000 years ago! The daemon touched should've done away with you the century before!!! Now it's my job!"



Ooc: ( backstory. It makes things awesome.)

  • Brohoof 1

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Vaas laughed as Raze stabbed him, "Look Behind you." A shadow pony rushed Raze entering his body attacking his brain. Raze fell to the ground in pain. Getting up Vaas stood over Raze, "You won't be healing this!" Slamming his scythe down into Raze's back twisting and turning the scythe inside Raze. He jerked the blade out of him, and wiped the blood from his scythe, "Let my taint flow through you." Dragging his scythe on ground he started to draw a symbol or a picture around Raze. Finishing his image he walked to Raze, "Just to make sure this fight stops..." Slashing Raze's legs and body. "Now it's time to keep you trapped as I help with the other fight." Striking the ground the image began to glow and a cage incased Raze, "I won't try escaping unless you want the life sucked out of you." Pointing to the bars around the cage.


Turning to Kazas and Resh, "Should of let me fight him this would be over now, but you had to jump in." Standing next to Resh cloning himself again. "Let's see how you do 1v4. Shall we end this?" Quickly talking to Resh.


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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" damn it.... Daemon lord and vaas..... I have no choice...."


With this, Kazas took his sword and plunged it into his own chest. Kazas coughed blood but laughed. " consider this an honor.... You're worthy enough to make me go primal AND use my full power."


Kazas had a crooked, malicious smile on his face. He knew what this power wrought, and had chosen this moment to use it. Kazas's slashed eye opened, and both began to glow with a golden glow. He slowly pulled the sword out of his chest. The sword's aura was now his own. This technique, he had only used once before.


Kazas began to transform. His claws grew in size and sharpness, with fire to boot. His lion like hind legs became that of a pheonix, enhancing killing power. The flames were the most intense they had ever been, with kazas's light piercing through the darkness and destroying all barriers made by dark magic.


Kazas spoke and two voices were heard. " we both knew it would come to this... Didn't we? However, I have something to fight for... You have nothing. Now... Lets see who is mightier! Death, or life?!?"


With this, Kazas took flight. With surprising speed, he maneuvered behind the two vaas clones, and ripped them in half with his claw. He charged the real vaas, and entered into a sword lock with him. " you... Are... Not... Vaas!!!!" Kazas broke through vaas's defense, and stuck his claw in vaas's gut. Vaas writhed in pain, and soon fell unconscious. Before he did, Kazas said one thing to him " your fate is deicided later. Now don't go anywhere. I'll see you soon" Kazas laughed as he said this. Kazas then turned to the daemon lord, resh, and pointed his sword at him. " you who treads the path of darkness.... Be destroyed be the holy flame!"


Kazas formed a golden flame in his hand and held his sword to it. The sword now shined golden. He flew at resh and impaled him with the sword, causing him to reel back. Resh was consumed in holy light from his wound, and vanished in smoke. Whether he was killed or sent back to Tartarus,Kazas was unsure. He turned to raze, who was trapped and bleeding.


Kazas banished the cage with light, and put his burning claw on raze's forehead. He began transferring not only his own life energy, but simorgh's as well. Raze's wounds eventually healed, and Kazas was left limping. Kazas then impaled him self in the same place before, and the fire went back into the sword, along with simorgh's spirit. When he pulled it out, the wound was sealed and cauterized. Kazas looked at raze, and smiled. " heh... You make.... The choice.... Now raze."


Kazas then fell flat faced unto the ground. Unless he reiceived intense aid, he was done for. Vaas was in intense pain, as the flames in his stomach would not let up.

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Raze was lying on the ground, his blood surrounding him. Using whatever was left of his power, he tried and healed his injuries, both internal and external. When he was finished, most of the injuries were gone, except for his chest injury, which was still bleeding. He covered it with one hoof to try and stop the bleeding. He looked around.


Stuck in a cage, huh? Damn... He looked at Kazas.


"Hey, old man! I hope you can get me out of here... or we're both fucked."


He heard what Vaas said, about if he tried to escape he would be drained of his life.


Naw... he's bluffing, he's gotta be!


Quickly, he tried to strike the bars with his blades, but when they did, they shocked him with a jolt of red electricity. Raze grunted in pain, and was a bit dazed from the shock.


Alright, lesson learned... he's not bluffing. But there's gotta be a way out somehow! Just got to look hard enough. And fast!


Quickly, he looked around the cage. It was relatively small, so the search for a way out would be relatively short. But no matter how hard he looked, he couldn't see a way to destroy the cage...


Fuckin A! he thought, slamming the ground in frustration. He looked up at the bars. If he couldn't find a way out, then he would have to FIGHT his way out. He just needed to hang in the there when the bars shock him.


Quickly, he pointed his blades at the bars, activated his blood aura, and struck at them. There was a loud clang, followed by a jolt of electricity. Raze shook it off, and tried again, only to be jolted again and again. After a few minutes, he could see the bars were getting worn from all the hits Raze had dealt. But he was getting exhausted. He had taken a lot, and he could feel his life slipping away, but he needed to hit the cage once more, and he would be free.


He took a deep breath, focused, and, instead of striking it, he charged and slammed at the bars. They shocked him pretty hard, but the bars broke, and Raze was free. He had a bit of energy left, but he still had enough to kill Vaas.


"A 4v1, eh? I don't think so..." He grabbed Vaas, and kneed him in the face, blood coming out from Vaas's nose. Raze then took his blade and stabbed Vaas in the back again, running the blade down his spine, paralyzing him from the neck down. He then pinned Vaas to the ground and was about to kill Vaas, but he said something first.


((Ooc: Sorry for this bit of godmodding, PD.))


"I should of killed you when I had the chance!" Vaas shouted at Raze.


Raze grinned wickedly. "Yes, you should have." He opened Vaas's mouth, and stabbed his sword through it. Then, he took his other blade and slit his throat. As if it wasn't enough, Raze stabbed Vaas three more times in the chest and head, making sure he would stay down.


"Always remember to double tap," Raze said with a smug grin, then slowly got up. His energy was completely drained but he walked up to Kazas. The sprits surrounding them both were now vanished.


"You better take care of this Kaz; I'm counting on it." He then walked towards a tree, and then passed out...


((Ooc: So, I guess PD is dead... you can post again for any last words you might have for your oc to say... P.S: Sorry...))

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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( twisted, read the post above ya bro. Kazas took care of the daemon lord, but now he's severely injured XD. He also healed you with both his and simorgh's power. You might just have the power of fire ;) )


Kazas was unconcious and flashbacks went through his mind as dreams. Kazas dreamed of the war and the toll that it took on the griffon empire years ago. He dreamt of all the people he had slain and of the little griffon of whom he left fatherless... Kazas quaked in his unconcious state. He then proceeded to dream of his wife and his soon to be hatched. He stopped quaking and smiled. He then remembered the last words that his wife told him.


'" come back safe, Kazas.... I love you'"


Dreaming this, Kazas snapped back to reality. The scar on his chest ached. Kazas hadn't the energy to get up. " gahhhhh...., this is bad.... Taya wouldn't forgive me if I died here.... Somebody..., help me out here"'


Kazas saw what raze had done to vaas. It was evident. Vaas was dead. He said to himself, " and after all of this.... I still would have tried to save you... I guess this is for the best... Be at peace.... Friend." Kazas saw shadow seer regaining conciousness. She walked over to Kazas and stood over him. He said " are you.... Okay?.... Did I.... Do good against the daemon?...."


Kazas didn't hear a response. His conciousness faded once more.

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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((OOC: You forgot something important and now the outcome will be different. Don't you love my tricks.))


Vaas laughed wickedly, "You lose this fight Raze!" His body began to turn into smoke. "Did you forget my clones?!" The true Vaas walking towards Raze's body, "What was that about double tap?" lifting his hoof creating a spike that impaled Raze. "You over looked my clones and that costed you your life. You blood savage monster. Should of just stayed in the cage and you could of lived, but now look at you..." Creating another spike impaling him from above. "I won't let you die, but you will know suffering and your life will be controlled by me and somepony else. But that will have to wait until I need to calm this bird down." Putting his hoof on Raze's face leaving death's mark on him.


Turning to Kazas, "This was between me and Raze! You were a friend to me Kazas! If you wish to strike me down then I guess our friendship was never true!" Vaas showed no signs of fighting. "You know things were going to get bad between me and Raz! You knew it since my village! I don't wish to fight you, but I will not roll over and die!" Holding his scythe ready to fight if needed.


((OOC: I don't see that as G modding but more of a trick that was in play. And no one iis dying just yet...and my post works with this still even if I got ninja! :D))

Edited by Plague Doctor
  • Brohoof 2


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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Resh grinned to himself as he regenerated. Wasn't that like... bah, he was bad with names. But predictability was not in Chaos, so he pulled a little trick and vanished into an in between dimension for now. Putting a thoughts into Vaas's head. Destroy them! Destroy the pony with the blood aura, destroy the Phoenix Lord, but, most important of all... destroy her... and her annoying allies.
White Rose slowly got up from her contact with the tree and shook her head. Then saw Shadow unconscious next to her. She put a hand on her forehead and neck. Still alive, and possession free. She shook her head. This was going too far...
She watched as Raze was impaled on spikes. She picked up her blades and stood up in a fighting posture, creeping closer and closer to Raze and Vaas...
The Jester grinned. "Never mind. I got this." He turned his cannon towards Vaas and zapped it. But then he turned to smoke. "What?!? That was a clean kill!" He realized what that meant. "Hey! Clones are active, guys! Be on the lookout!"
((derpy_emoticon1.png :muffins:derpy_emoticon1.png :muffins: Here we go for awesomeness.))

Edited by Thunder Knight
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Ooc: Hope this is alright.


Diego stood there and watched as the group fought, intent on destroying itself. He still didn't know exactly what to do, but he could no longer just stand there and watch as those he counted as friends were killed, and killed others. Diego knew for himself the pain of actually taking life and could hardly believe that these others would do so so casually. He braced himself, and his horn began to glow powerfully in anticipation of the spell he was going to cast. It was similar to the one he'd unleashed on the townsponies, but this time he wasn't allowing his emotion to control his spellwork. And this time, hopefully, no lives would be lost.


The spell exploded over those who were fighting. It forced apart those who were locked in combat, and surrounded them in a fierce green glow. He fired a volley towards Kazas and Vaas, in order to send healing magic towards them, to save their lives. Finally, he worked the protection spell once more, shielding the group as well as himself. Diego didn't know what, if anything, his magic would do; maybe it was even too late. But he could no longer stand idle.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






Want an Equestria Girls version, a pixel pony, or an Equalised version of your OC? Go here for links to shops here: https://mlpforums.com/blog/2506/entry-16610-details-of-my-shops/


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Vaas couldn't move after being hit with Diego's magic, "Why the fuck can't I move?!" Speaking out loud. "Who or what is doing this?!" Feeling variable. 


Resh I know you can hear me! Get me out of this mess so I can flee from here, so we can ambush the others later. Answer me Resh! Yelling to Resh in his mind.


Looking around trying to find out who or what is doing this quickly looking at Raze's body, "Ok my mark of death is still on him...once I get the chance you will live once again, but this time your life is on a chain which is controlled by me." He mumbled to himself.


"Diego you still alive?" Yelling out questionable. Vaas tried to focus his energy to break out this magic and take Raze's body to somewhere more private. "Fuck nothing is working on this shit!" Mumbling to himself. "I must get to that body, but how?" Thinking deeply. "Maybe Seer..." Focusing his thoughts on Seer.


Seer answer me if you can hear me. If you want to be released from my curse than listen closely. First get me out of here without being killed. Second after I let you lose you won't turn on me. And finally me and you will be able to talk to each other with this power I granted you. Sending his thoughts to Seer.


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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Ooc: ( kinda feel like my last couple of posts were ignored...)


Kazas woke up due to Diego's healing magic. He used his sword as a cane to get up. He yelled at raze. " I'm not an old man, I'm 33! I'm in the best shape of my life! I ain't old until I'm seventy!" He limped toward Diego. " without your help, there's no doubt that we would probably be 3 warriors pushing up daisies. I thank you Diego. Chaos magic really is the most useful of all" Kazas said with w friendly smile. Kazas then turned and faced vaas with a determined look on his face. " vaas! I do not wish your death! I never have and I never will! I'm trying to help you, don't you see that?!? Your letting yourself be controlled against your will. Please vaas, I'm begging! Forsake your current path and walk with us! You don't have to tread alone! I only did what I had to do to try and protect raze and seer from you killing them! This is not the way, vaas! Forsake that that wretched daemon lord and be at peace. Winter does not want this! I heard her cries as we fought!! Could you not hear them as well?!? She still loves you and hates that you suffer! Destroy bloodthrister so she can be free!"


With this, Kazas turned his back on vaas. And said one final thing. " vaas... Don't make me do something I don't want to do. You're still my friend... And I don't give up on a solider so easily. Free seer and do the right thing. Raze! I know you want to kill him with all of your heart, but leave him be... He has things to think on."


Kazas's scar eminated a warm glow from where his sword was plunged. The spirit of the sword was resonating with his own. Kazas put a claw to his scar and held it for a while. The wound was sealed, but did require physical medical attention. He would live to fight another day. He went over to his armor and shield, and put them back on. The fight wasn't over yet. Kazas was ready to go again. " come out resh! Fight me you cowering spirit! I know you are there!"

Edited by Dirge of souls

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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((Ooc: PD, you sneaky bastard, you! But I will prevail))

Raze couldn't move. The spike stabbed him through the back, and he couldn't feel anything. Slowly, he began to be consumed with rage. He could feel it crawling through his body, losing control of himself. His blood arua was becoming more dominant and his control over himself became lesser and lesser...

Finally, he could see himself staring in front of him, but the color of his coat was colored silver with black stripes, and he spoke to Raze...


"Hey, Raze, my man, you just going to let this creepy ass motherfucker kill you like that?"

Who... the fuck... are you? Raze thought.

"I'm your blood aura, man. I'm what drives you to kill, except a... how you say... real life manifestation that only you can see, and no one else can't. But I'm there, and I must say, I am sorely disappointed..."


Raze was a bit confused as to what and who this thing was, and it was evident...


"You didn't know?! Man, you must be some kind of dumbass or somethin... when you have this kind of gift, or curse, or whatever the fuck you wanna call it, and you learn to control it, this is the result. ME, mothafucka!" The silver Raze laughed really hard and patted Raze on the shoulder, to which the real Raze shouted in pain.


"Oh, sorry. But anyway, you gonna let him kill you like this? I thought you were better than this. I saw what you did, when you faced him the first time. You fuckin killed that mofo straight up! But this... I'm starting to think that maybe you just got lucky the first time..."


No, I killed him, but I healed him. Something I shouldn't have done...


"That's right, you made a shit move. But now's you're chance to make up for it. Let it out, Raze. Let your power consume you and take you over, making you a killing machine of doom, man!"


Yeah, Raze thought. Maybe I should..


"ALLLLLRIIGHT!!!" The other Raze shouted. "But first, let's take this nasty-ass death mark shit off your head. Can't do anything with it there..."

The other Raze took his hoof, and wiped the death mark off his face. Then, he looked at the real Raze and made a wicked grin.


"Don't disappoint me..." he said, and entered Raze's body. He screamed in a bit of pain when he felt the control over his body disappeared. Then, there was nothing but silence. Raze slowly removed himself from the spike, still bleeding from where it impaled him, and his eyes were now fully blood red. He yelled a blood-curdling yell, then made a twisted laugh.


Alright, the other Raze said inside the real one's thoughts. Let's get this party started!


((Ooc: If you didn't know, this is an Afro Samurai reference...sorta))

  • Brohoof 2

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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((OOC: Just fucking die already! I need you for something.))


Vaas witness Raze removing himself from the spike, "What the fuck is this madness?! Just stay dead already!" Noticing the death mark was gone. "Even my fucking death mark is gone!" Closing his eyes he could feel the rage building inside of him. His voice started to change into something very dark. You could see his breath as he spoke. His wings were set ablaze and his hoof were consumed with black fire. "Raze don't make me use my full force against you. I had plans for you, but if needed I will destroy my own plans to stop you!"


A wicked smile came across his face. "I have a better plan..." Pointing his hoof at White Rose sending Resh behind her putting blades against her throat. "Surrender now or her life is over." Sealing Resh and White Rose in a shield of spirits. "I told you to protect her with your life...seems her life is in your hoofs now." Transforming into a mist disappearing from the battlefield. "If you move she will die." Vaas's voice coming from all around the forest. Cloning himself just in case somepony tried to pinpoint his location.

((OOC: I'm just going to stop you there before someone dies. Pick carefully...never know who will come back to haunt you.))


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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Kazas was stupefied at what he was seeing. Diego heard Kazas mumble . " the flame of death... Vs my flame of life... Not today..." Kazas had to do something. Anything. He deicided the best course of action would be through Diego's magic. " Diego... Look I know you are fond of vaas but I need your help. He's going off the deep end and I need your help to stop it... This is getting out of hand. I gotta get that damn scythe away from him and destroy that evil object for good. I need you to pinpoint vaas and walk up to him.., get close, and knock him out. I want no harm to come to him. This should dispell the daemon and the darkness without bringing harm to him or anyone else.., please Diego, you're the only one we can count on at this point.


Ooc: ( c'mon PD stop already! I'm itching to get to the village, my brother. That's what this story is about, right?)


Kazas was nervous. His sword arm was engulfed in flames, but he stood motionless, as one wrong move could send rose to an early grave. Kazas started to yell in order to distract vaas and keep him busy.


" vaas! How could you! Using a pony's loved one like that... How would you feel if you were in this situation with winter, you fool! Think of what youre doing! You are no better than those who judge you! Those who intentionally give themselves to darkness and daemons have no excuse for why they are judged! You intentionally hurt people! Stop this instant and come out like a man!"


Kazas said with a smirk " unless you're a total pussy like I thought "

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Vaas had flashbacks of winter as Kazas spoke of her. Returning to the ground his body was engulfed in flames he released a huge waves of flames around him. Withdrawing Resh and all of his dark energy he was breathing heavily trying to control himself. "Speak of her again and your motherfucking head is coming off!" Staring at Kazas with his scythe pointed at him. One final shout of rage came out him before turning back to normal. He dropped his scythe and waited to see what they wanted to do with him. "Seems I will never get to finish Raze." Mumbling to himself as he watch all the ponies.


Pointing at Raze, "I bet your going to kill me still. Aren't you?" Gazing at him with disappointment.


Winter seems I won't be joining you seems I'm going to a darker place. My life has been curse do this ritual but I did it to save you and the others the pain of the plague. This is my reward for that...death. I know Raze is going to kill me since he some how lived from my spike and death mark! And then Kazas who plays with my weakness...fucking birds always attacking weak points. He thought as he waited.


((OOC: I just made my death bed pretty much, but whatever it's for the good of the RP.))  

Edited by Plague Doctor


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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That's right, Raze, kill this mofo! You know you want to... the other Raze thought as he prompted Raze's body to move towards Vaas.


I'm going to kill him... but you give me control of my body first. the real one said to the other Raze.


What?! Man, you're no fun... aw fuck it, fine!


Raze could feel himself take control of his body. His blood aura was active, but now controlled once more. He looked at Vaas.


"You never learn, do you? If I could best the embodiment of death once, I can do it again. You call me a monster, but you think you aren't? You submit yourself to evil, and some dumb fucking ritual and for what? To live in even more misery than you probably were before. I don't know what made you think that this path was going to best fucking thing for everyone, but it ain't. And now, here you are, at the tip of the blade of someone who you thought was a weak, spineless, fool. Think about that when you rot in some hellhole somewhere in the afterlife."


He ran up to Vaas and slit his throat, and he fell down to the ground, blood pouring everywhere. He walked up to Kazas.


"Let's just go... let him die in peace."

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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