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private Mlp: Black Death

Jack Baker

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" listen here, you arrogant cretin! I'm all for humility and helping my allies, but you try my patience! You have no idea what I can do. you've never seen me at full strength, nor have you even see me have to even try! I know your type. You're exactly like Gorven was years ago! He thought he was invincible, and thought that he had the right to rule the Griffon empire based solely on strength alone! You're deluded and self pretentious! Your way is the way of bloodshed and despair. You don't care for anyone here. Nor have you ever!" Kazas fury started to overcome him. The sword took its familiar red aura, but then burst into flames. The flames started to engulf kazas's sword arm, and his left eye started to glow a fiery red. Kazas was turning into something else. When Kazas spoke again, two voices were heard, as if two entities inhabited the same body. " you are a scourge of the world. You only seek destruction while others seek happiness! you should watch your tongue, and your actions, you wretch! I've seen more blood in a day than you have a life time! I had to slay fellow griffons and rip families apart countless times! I have seen many battles, and I have taken many lives! You're a coward who has no honor... And you only live to SAVE YOUR OWN ASS!" Kazas being further engulfed in flames, ready to use his true power... But the image of his wife and his old friends, as well as his new allies, flashed into his mind. as he regained control, the flames vanished and he was himself again. The ground was burned around him. he breathed heavily and very deeply. " I'm sorry.... I let my emotions get to me... I shouldn't have let that happen. It won't happen again...." He looked at vaas. " and you.... Watch what you say of war. You know nothing of it.... Boy." Kazas sheathed his sword and drank some water from his canteen. then, he walked off by himself. He needed to think on things.

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Vaas watch the griffon turn into something else and after he returned to normal his head started to ring. Ripping his mask off he put his hoof on his head, "You know nothing about my past...You know nothing about me...You call me a coward with no honor or loyalty..." The gems on the bow starting to fill with boiling blood. Vaas's head starting to spin, and everything became a blood haze to him. His eyes became pure blood red, and his voice sounded like 1000 dead ponies speaking at once. "You naive fool! We never given you a reason to treason us! You think your so mighty with your powers and strike fear into us! We had to kill everyone we loved and knew due to this fucking plague! We risk our own lives to make sure people like Diego and Raze have a brighter tomorrow! Vaas knows he can't go back to having a normal life, and he is giving his own life to help in this mission! Your past may be bloody, but Vaas's is filled with suffering and death! He had to kill a whole village to keep the plague down! You try to stare at a young filly's face as you tell her she must die to keep others alive! We should kill you where you stay for calling Vaas a coward! We should show you the face's affect because of this plague, and how Vaas stopped our suffering! YOU UNGRATEFUL..." Vaas grabbed a arrow out of his quiver and stabbed himself. His eyes went back to their normal status, "Scourge of this world..." He jumped into a tree and disappeared in a flash only leaving a blood trail and his mask.

Edited by Plague Doctor


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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Animal looked at the rest of the group. "Well at least no one was hurt...badly." Animal looked over to where Raze was when he was getting his face cauterized by Kazas flaming sword. "Ow that shit looks painful." Animal looks over to the bushes and says to himself. " They will be back in bigger numbers." Animal looks over to see Kazas bursting into rage and then calming down. He heard him talk manically to Vaas. "Wow Kazas are you alright." Animal says as he sees the griffon to start to walk away from the group into the woods. " Wait up for me I would like to tag along." Animal was too far away from Kazas for him to hear what he said. So he decides to follow him instead. He climbs up into the trees and starts to follow Kazas without him knowing. Animal then gets on the Tac Com and mutes Kazas communication with him. So he is able to talk to Judith alone. "I will be back soon I need to follow Kazas to see if there is anything wrong with him." Then he takes off his Tac Com and turns it off and slides it into his backpack. Animal then turns on one of his spot beacons. "I feel as if we are going to need a spot beacon." Animal then puts it in his back pocket and begins his incognito pursuit on Kazas.

Edited by TBB Animal


                                         Thanks to ~Cider Barrel~ for the signature

                                            My OC Forest 'Animal' Hunt forest-hunt

                                                   Look me up on fimfiction.net

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Kazas threw away his beacon. " it's best if I don't talk to them now..." Kazas walked for awhile. His sword eminating an aura once more, spoke to him aloud and not directly into his mind, as usual. The spirit was aware of what Kazas was not. And wanted the unknown pursuer to know exactly what they were speaking of, and to prove that his master was no mumbling fool. The spirit, better known as simorgh, the Phoenix lord, cared deeply for Kazas, and for the rest of his allies.



"' Kazas... I know that his insult of the war struck deep into your soul.... a war is a war. Civil war is even worse. I know how you felt, watching friends being massacred in front of you, and I know you're still bitter. You can't hide your sadness and anger behind jokes and smiles forever. However, you must realize, you are not the only one in life with woe. There are others.'l




Kazas begrudgingly answered. " I know... But poisioning a river? That's harsh and unethical. I care not what the others think. That is cruel and unethical... Besides, could you not feel the total darkness and evil within that pony? He has an appetite for death."'



The spirit answered "' yes... I could also feel it, my friend. However... I also felt something else... A great sadness and loneliness far beyond Diego's understanding of those subjects... When you both began transforming, I knew what the power of his bow carried. It is infused with the souls of the dead,... At least, that's my theory... I felt multiple presences coming from him, or more specifically, the weapon he wields... the presences seemed sad... Yet some were happy.., others were angry... And some were tainted. Vaas carries a similar burden to your's my friend, or so it seems. But there is a diffrence between you and him... You have a family... Someone to go back to. Your father, your mother, and your wife.... A man of vaas's mentality is borne of one thing; loneliness. he had no one, this I know for sure. This quite possibly explains why he is so enamored with Diego. They are virtually almost the same. Deep down inside, he doesn't want Diego or others to suffer as he has, and seeks the power to create a place where " outcasts" like him can be safe. However, the power he seeks is dark indeed... It steers him... Controls him... Almost drives him insane. He lets his ambition lead him, which may explain why he doesn't care about the methods employed. Of course, all of this is purely speculation. None of it may be true at all... But Kazas, understand one thing; you need to let go of the past and control your anger. You do realize that I grant you unlimited acess to my power.... This could kill you, if misused.... Remember... Only as a last resort or to protect loved ones... Never out of anger... If you were to become primal... There would be unheard of destruction...."'




Kazas let out a deep sigh. " I know... But in the end, I'm only mortal, and we make mistakes... And what you said about vaas... I'm going to assume most of it is true.., I've been feeling terrible from the moment I said it... I let my frustrations get the better of me..., dammit I gotta make it up to vaas!"



The spirit spoke one more time. "' this is why you alone are worthy... You may not always realize it, but your intentions are good. And don't forget about Diego... If you could be friends with vaas and Diego, you may very well steer vaas from the path of destruction."



" good idea" Kazas said. " hell after this is done, I'm inviting everybody to the griffon empire. They'll deserve the royal treatment after this is done."


the spirit spoke its last words "' now for the final order of buisness... Ye who hath followed, do not think yourself a ghost. I can feel your presence...."'

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Raze looked at the trail Vaas left behind. He didn't even have time to react, just stood there as he saw something... come ahold of Vaas.


"The fuck was that about?" Raze thought. Whatever it was, wasn't normal. And now he's gone; Celestia knows where.


Raze thought about looking for him, but then decided against it. The less ponies--and griffons-- he had to watch out for, the better. Now it was only Diego and that Kazas flake that he had to watch out for.


Then, he thought about the things "Vaas" had said. Kill innocent lives because of the plague? Making sure he had a brighter tomorrow? What did "a brighter tomorrow" even mean to Vaas? Probably a world of twistedness and insanity, as his name and attitude implied.


He saw White Darkness come over to him with antiseptic and a bandage. "For my wounds," Raze thought.


Darkness applied the antiseptic. It stung, but only for a while, and the pain from his wound went away. Darkness then wrapped the bandage around Raze's face, and he was all set.


"Thanks," Raze said, bowing to White Darkness in appreciation. "I really needed that."

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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Diego watched the clash between Vaas and Kazas in silence. He felt that he knew how Vaas felt, being an outcast; it was how Diego felt every day of his life. It was the feeling of being set apart from other ponies, of walking down a busy high street and yet feeling a terrible sense of being alone forever, of never being part of a family or even having friends. With Diego, there was the added and unwelcome sensation of having ponies turn their backs on him or hiss things at him when he passed. All due to his talent.


Discord's reign of terror had happened centuries ago, yet it still retained a memory, mainly due to the chaos entity's return several years ago. This had imprinted ponies with the general mood that chaos magic was irrevokably evil, and that had been the cause of Diego being shunned and feared in his home town. He had at first tried to ignore it and build a home with Starfall, his special somepony who out of all the others had believed in him, but then it had all gone hideously wrong.


The townsponies had marched to the house that Diego shared with Starfall, demanding that he leave the town. Diego had at first tried to plead his case verbally, but nopony was listening. That was the moment when he had cracked. He had unleashed the full fury of his chaos magic on the townsponies; the sky turned red and forked lightning crashed down from the sky. The townsponies had fled and Starfall too; by the time that Diego found this out, she was already beyond his reach.


Starfall had been terrified by the display, and had feared for both her life and the growing foal inside her. The pegasus mare had left a note for Diego, then had flown to the griffin country seeking sanctuary. Diego had never seen her since that terrible day.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






Want an Equestria Girls version, a pixel pony, or an Equalised version of your OC? Go here for links to shops here: https://mlpforums.com/blog/2506/entry-16610-details-of-my-shops/


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Vaas kept jumping from tree to tree not caring where he ended up, but he could feel the arrow in his leg moving deeper and deeper every jump. His head started to spin from blood lose, as he made a jump to another tree he missed the tree and landed flat on his back, "Must keep moving..." Starting to drag himself. He dragged himself to a shady spot when he noticed a blood trail following him, "That's a lot of blood..." starting to blackout. "I guess it's time for me to do this..." grabbing the arrow and pushing the arrow out of his leg, as the arrow came out he blackout.


Two ghost appeared out of Vaas's body, and began to watch over his body. "He'll be fine we just need to make sure no outer source can harm." One of the ghost to the other.


"I shall keep a look out from the trees, and you keep an eye out for anypony on the ground." The other ghost said.


"That griffon shall pay one day even if Vaas doesn't wish him harm. He insulted all the ponies that has been saved by Vaas." The ghost was turning red as he spoke. "You can never trust a griffon they're always looking to back stab a pony."


"Yes, griffon's always been a strange race. Unless he proves to be a serious threat we can kill him very easily if Vaas gave the command." The other ghost turning a blueish color. "Just give Vaas sometime before we get involved. We can talk later we need to keep an eye out for Vaas until he recovers." 


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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Animal was following Kazas in the best way he could through the trees. Animal checked his bionic eye every once in awhile if anything popped up. Animal then saw that an ally popped up on his beacon just for about a few seconds and said he was 295 feet east of his position. Then it went over 300 feet which meant he lost his position. It might have been Vaas. I hope he is alright after stabbing himself with an arrow. I will have to investigate after I follow Kazas. Animal thought to himself. " I wonder what is in that sword of his. It has magical abilities, and I think it is something more than just a fire ability that is in that sword." Animal whispers to himself. Animal turns down to see Kazas and hears that he is having a conversation with what seems to be his sword? Hmm this is definitely strange, but it doesn't seem to odd Animal was talking to himself in his thoughts. Animal jumps to the closest tree to Kazas to try and get a better listen in on his conversation with his sword. He listens in closely to the one sided conversation that is being held between a warrior and his sword.


                                         Thanks to ~Cider Barrel~ for the signature

                                            My OC Forest 'Animal' Hunt forest-hunt

                                                   Look me up on fimfiction.net

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Animal hears everything between the spirit and Kazas. " so I was followed... No matter... I have penance to serve. Leave me be, whoever you are..." Kazas went back to the area where vaas and he had their quarrel. There, he saw a mask and a blood trail. " what the hell... This is vaas's mask! And this... Is his blood... He may be in trouble. I have to help him!" Kazas followed the trail of blood and eventually saw what looked to be an unconscious vaas and two... Ghostly apparitions. It looked as though they were guarding him... " he's lost too much blood.... At this rate, he might not make it." The spirit called to him.



"' Kazas... Make your peace with vaas and ask his forgiveness... There is only one thing left to do now... And you know what that is..."'



Kazas approached vaas, only to be repulsed by the spirits. " look, I know what I said was wrong, but I'm here to make amends." Kazas could think of only one thing to gain the trust of the ghosts. Kazas stripped off his upper armor, leaving his chest unprotected. " if you wish to kill me, do it now. But I'm only here to help. You can trust me."


The ghosts were surprised, and as disgusted as they were, allowed him to pass. Kazas drew his blade and the aura appeared. He cauterized the wound so it wouldn't bleed.


"' Kazas... Closing the wound won't work... You'll have to use my restorative powers.., with this, you completely trust vaas with your life, as you will be terribly weakend from this... This deicides if vaas forgives you..."'



With this, Kazas took the complete manifest form of the Phoenix lord. Flames engulfed his entire body,.. Both eyes were open and his eyes glowed a bright orange... However, the flames were calm, almost welcoming... he put his hand upon vaas's forehead and started to give him his own life energy. Vaas slowly woke up. Kazas spoke to him with two voices. " consider this my apology for the wrongful things I said... After I complete this process, you'll be completely healed, and I will be left unconscious and unable to fight. You deicide if I live or die. I offer you the ultimate penance... You deicide if I live or die... Don't worry... You'll be okay before long..."




After the process was done, vaas was completely healthy and should be able to stand in a few minutes



" damn... This power... Really takes a lot.., out of a guy..." Kazas feel flat on his back, a few feet away from vaas. Kazas had given a good portion of his life force to vaas, and it would take time for Kazas to recover his energy. Kazas faded from conciousness, unsure of If vaas would accept his apology...

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Vaas blinked a couple times before he was fully aware what just happen, "The griffon...saved me?" Kinda confused. "Why would anygriffon save me? Most people would rather see me dead then alive." Slowly starting to get up.


Vaas turned to the two ghost, "Thank you for keeping an eye on me in my moment of weakness. Now take a rest I will call on you in the future." The ghosts bowed to him, and slowly began to disappear.


He turned to the unconsciousness griffon, "Even if you did disrespected me. You just saved me, but this changes nothing between us. I've wait until you regain consciousness before I take my leave." Talking to the Kazas's body.


This over grown chicken just saved me, but why? Just a bit ago he was calling me the Scourge of the world...Scourge of the world...I guess this will be my name after all this is over...I best prepare myself for this new name. Everypony in Equestria will know of my deeds and shun me once again. At least Diego will be able to go back to society a hero. I'll just keep wondering Equestria until I pass I guess. He thought as he laid on a base of a tree.


Vaas remember he had some smelling salts. Grabbing the salts off his vest, and began to weave them under Kazas's noise. "Come on and wake up." Weaving them closer.


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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Kazas slowly woke up.... " goddamn... What is that smell..." Kazas's vision was very blurry for a moment, then everything came into to focus. He could see that vaas had recovered consciousness and was waving smelling salts over his nostrils... " I'm awake... Damn... that restoration process really takes a toll... You okay? Pfff.. Who am I kidding... Of course you are." Kazas slowly used his sword to pull himself onto his feet. " looks like you made a full recovery, vaas. Very good. look... What I said earlier... I didn't mean any of that. old flashbacks and demons came back to haunt me. I wasn't myself.. I came to apologize, but found your mask and a trail of blood... and well, that's the story so far. But... For what it's worth, I really am sorry. You are definitely no scourge, friend, or I'd be dead. I didn't mean the other harsh insults either... it was all out of anger. I'll control myself next time." Kazas limped over to his chest plate, picked it up, and equipped it back to his chest and smiled. " tell ya what, ill make it up to you. I was part of the griffon royal guard and now I'm a warrior/ambassador to equestria. After we finish our mission, I'm going to invite you all to the griffon empire. I'll make sure you all are treated like royalty. Great dinner... nice place to sleep... Women... Except my wife. She's off limits." Kazas said with a chuckle. " but in all seriousness, i may be limping, but I can defend myself. Go on to the others. I can handle it..." Kazas looked at his sword, then to vaas. " you are not alone in this world... You have people you can rely on, if you so will it... One doesnt need to voluntarily walk alone. hard times are mandatory, but suffering and hatred are optional. These are not nesscesary to be strong..." Kazas used his sword as a walking stick. " thanks for waking me... Go on now. Catch up to Diego and the others... I'll be there soon. Oh, and by the way, here's your mask."

Edited by Dirge of souls

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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"Easy for you to say. You have a home and your kind accept you, but I'm shunned by most ponies. I walk alone because no one is willing to offer me a hoof or claw in your case, so I learned to rely on myself. The only ponies that accept me are the dead and Diego." Taking the mask out of Kazas's claw. "Also don't think you've earn my trust. I know some of those things you said you meant, but at the same time you helped me understand what i will be known as after this mission...they will call me the scourge of the world..." Putting on his mask. "Thank for helping me, and I will walk with you back to the group. Once you're safe that's when I'll disappear back into the shadows." Walking along Kazas side.


This is a strange griffon, but at the same time he seems like he wants to help me. What does he have to gain from befriending me? There got to be something I'm missing here, but what could it be?! He still is a threat to me, and that sword is his power... if it comes to me vs him I'll have to use my skill at will send me and him to my realm of darkness and madness, but at the cost of ten years stuck in there. He thought.


"Kazas I must ask why are you being so friendly to me? You would of been a hero if you killed me. I just don't understand why anypony would care for a insane killer that i am." The bow started to glow and the area around vaas and kazas started to change into a village. "I know this village, wait this is my village...no..no.." vaas dropped to the floor.


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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Animal followed Kazas back to where he had his fight with Vaas, and where Kazas found Vaas's unconscious body. Animal watched the revival process happen as well. "I thought that Kazas hated Vaas. Huh he is giving Vaas the choice of if he gets to live or die." Animal watched as Kazas fell over unconscious and Vaas got up. Animal watched as Vaas mixed up smelling salts to wake up Kazas. He also watched their little conversation and started to journey back to the group. Animal then saw both the assassin pony and griffon disappear out of thin air. "Woo ok where in Tartarus did they go?" Animal plugs in his mic and unmutes Kazas Tac com. "Kazas, where are you?" All he heard was static. " Damn it he must of thrown it away or something." Animal then tries to reach Judith. "Judith are you there?" Just more static. Animal then turns on another spot beacon because the one he was using was out of power. His bionic eye saw nothing, but static. "It seems to be some kind of EMP hotspot or something. Maybe it was caused by them when they disappeared." Animal then looked around him. "I better get back to the group before I get killed." Animal runs through the trees as fast as he can and he appears to end up near a village. Where at the edge of the village he sees Kazas and what looks to be a very frightened Vaas. "I don't think, we're in the same forest as before." Animal jumps from the tree he was in and lands in a bush. He walks from out of the bush and calls out to Kazas and Vaas. "Hey guys, where are we?"


                                         Thanks to ~Cider Barrel~ for the signature

                                            My OC Forest 'Animal' Hunt forest-hunt

                                                   Look me up on fimfiction.net

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White Rose stared back at Vaas' attempt at intimidation with equal mavolence, keeping her hoof on her sword. She watched the clash between Vaas and Kazas quietly, trying to maintain her cool with two ponies seemingly interested in killing each other. She finally lost her patience when Vaas was possesed by whatever spirit in the bow, but him wounding himself, he seemed to calm down. He nodded at Shadow Seer, who began to follow Vaas. She remained silent for a while. "Alright... now... the village is not far from here..." She sighed. "Knowing that necromancy is stronger at night, do we continue, or do we wait until morning?"


Shadow Seer was slowed down, due to the fact that she (stupidly) decided to walk through a bramble patch. When she arrived, she saw Animal and Kazas sitting next to Vaas - who was starting to convulse on the ground. She could sense energy coming with him- dark energy- but she persevered. Entering the clearing, she noticed that they were in a village- an older one, by the looks of it- and realized that this energy was creating a live version of his memories. Realizing what that meant, her eyes widened. "Kazas! Animal! Get out of there!" Then the illusion kicked in fully, swathing them up. Steeling herself, she withdrew several items before plunging into it as well.


The Jester of Death sat back from the current events, back with the others, blinked, and said, confused, "Well... that was interesting..."

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Diego wasn't drawn up into the memories which were ensnaring Kazas, Vaas and others; he stood, teetering on the edge, using his chaos magic to shield him. He had enough bad memories of his own without wanting to investigate others. He did plan to use his magic to get the others out, if need be, but wouldn't go in unless he had to. This magic, if magic it was, was unlocking various memories of his own, ones he'd have prefered to stay buried.


Diego thought about his foalhood, his fairly normal life before he'd discovered his talent. True, he had been given asides due to his mother's drinking and his father's absence, but since everypony treated him normally, he'd been able to shrug them off and go off with friends. That was something he didn't have after developing a talent for chaos magic. Even the ponies he'd been close to had shunned him, scared of being lumped in with the town outcast and shunned too.


The unicorn mage shook his head and used his magic to affect a viewing window so he could see what happened to Vaas and the others who'd been sucked in. He didn't want anything bad to happen.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






Want an Equestria Girls version, a pixel pony, or an Equalised version of your OC? Go here for links to shops here: https://mlpforums.com/blog/2506/entry-16610-details-of-my-shops/


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Raze saw what happened, and decided maybe he should try and stop it. Who knows what would happen if it continued, it could end up killing them before the necromancer did. Plus, he needed everyone to keep it together. As much as he hated to do this... he felt like he should.


"Alright, I've had it. I'm going in," Raze said as he drew out his two blades. "If I don't make it out alive with everyone else..." He looked at the Jester and the other mercs. "You better get that fucking necromancer. I don't wanna die for nothing..." He looked at White Rose. "Adios..."


He then ran into the illusion head on. When he stopped, he found himself in what looked liked an old village...


"Yo! Animal! Vaas! Griffon! Shadow! Where the hell are you...?" Raze shouted, hoping that he would get an answer. Not knowing where to go, he decided to explore this "village" in hopes he would find somepony... or whatever.


Is this really what that crazy-ass Vaas can do? Raze thought in his head. Damn... looks like I had him all figured wrong after all....


It all looked so real to him. Houses with straw and stone roofs and various stores were standing next to each other, although no one seemed to be inside any of them. It almost seemed as if you could touch them and feel the texture of the brick walls on every house, but alas, when Raze tried, an invisible wall blocked him from doing so. It was as if he was surrounded by a large projection of a town... Vaas's hometown, from what he figured.

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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" a hero? What do I have to gain by killing you vaas? The only outcome to that action is that we all lose a skilled ally, and Diego will hate me for the rest of his life. I didn't mean those things and you know it deep down. I allowed my anger to control me and I hate myself for it. besides, I know that there's more to you than just being an ' insane killer'. Had that been true, you would've iced half of us by now. A true scourge is something that wishes suffering on everyone in this world. You don't meet that definition, vaas. Besides, you know how Diego feels. I know you care about him. And in turn, he cares about you."



Kazas's sword gave off a gentle, warm aura, as if it was satisfied by his words.


After all of this, the world began to twist and turn. vaas hit the floor. " what the hell... Is the necromancer here?!? Animal, get ready! Vaas, get up! Something's happening!"


But it wasn't the necromancer... The group found itself near a village that looked peaceful enough. " what? A village? Untouched by the plague?...." He then am saw that vaas had a sad and terrified expression on his face.


" wait.... No way... Are we in.... Vaas's village?" Kazas turned and saw raze appear out of thin air. " raze?!? how did you get here? How is this possible?"


Kazas, though weakend, could now stand and fight due to the adrenaline pumping through his veins."


" whatever this is... We better prepare for the worst."

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Vaas stayed on the ground as ponies began to walk out of their homes. Vaas slowly backaway from all the ponies, "This can't be happening..." He slowly got off the floor. One pony walked towards vaas, "It can't be!" turning cold from the pony walking towards him.


The pony walked up to vaas and hugged him, "You're home early. How was your patrol?" She said to him.


He couldn't move or speak as he stared at her face, "wi..winter..." was the only word he spoke.


She stared at him funny, "You alright? Did you caught that sickness that's spreading around the village?" She asked questionable

She coughed, "I think I might be coming down with a fever, but I should be fine. More ponies are getting sick by the day here. Something strange is going on here."


Vaas whispered to kazas, "I think they can only see me...I think I must do this alone, but i guess you get to watch the slaughter I cause here." He looked at winter, "Let's go home, and get you into bed." He walked with her to their house. "Go inside i'll be there in a moment. I need to do something right fast."


She coughed again, but this time some blood came with the cough, "Whatever you're doing make it fast I might need you soon." walking inside the house.


Vaas turned to the group, "And so my killing shall soon begin..."


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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Animal was listening to the conversation that Vaas was having with his marefriend or wife. Vaas turned to the group and told us that "his killing shall begin." Animal walked up to Vaas and said. "Ok so if this is a reenactment of what you did in your village, then don't you at least think that someone wants you to get another chance to do the right thing. Maybe find a cure before it gets too bad." Animal told Vaas. " If we could have some way of telling whoever is outside the bubble to get some information out of him maybe even a cure from this necromancer asshole. We might have a chance to save your village. He turned to the wide open world facing away from the village. "Diego, Jester if any of you can hear my voice right now I want you to get that necromancer and interrogate him til he talks about a cure or something of vital importance." Animal turned to Vaas. " The reason why this place came back to you is because someone, or something wanted you to have second chance. We might only be here as spectators, but we can still give you advice." Animal turned to Kazas. " Kazas I know it might be a longshot, but we got to help him out if possible. To help him and his village through this without a massacre to occur."


                                         Thanks to ~Cider Barrel~ for the signature

                                            My OC Forest 'Animal' Hunt forest-hunt

                                                   Look me up on fimfiction.net

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@@TBB Animal,


"Animal it's to late to save my village...This is the place where I found bloodthrister, and if you go to where my village once stood all you will find is a hole in the ground." Looking at the village with sadness. "Nothing could bring this back no matter how bad I want it to. I just need to complete the task and unleash the full force of bloodthrister. You'll get to see how this could change a pony's life for ever, and how far I've fallen into darkness." Turning to animal. Vaas started to show a more peaceful side, "All the souls in my bow are from friends, loved ones, and even enemies. The one soul I couldn't keep was winter's. You'll see what happens to her soon once I find the alter of Bloodthrister. I'll just say it makes me sick to this day." A chill running up his spine.


I'm sorry winter I know you'll never forgive me or understand why I did it, but it was for the best. May your soul be free once I'm dead. He thought to himself.


"We should keep moving and get this awful memory over with..." Walking towards the village's town hall. "This is only the beginning of the affect of the plague here by nightfall everypony was sick with the plague I was the only one without it. Everything from this point on is the reason my heart is filled with darkness and hatred. I don't understand why I'm so peaceful about this." Reaching for his bow. "That's why I'm so calm and peaceful! I don't have Bloodthrister!" Looking at animal, kazas, and raze. "Seems once I get bloodthrister back I'll return to my former self. I guess you'll understand my past better. I should tell you this before we enter the alter...I remember taking bloodthrister, but after that it's all a blank. I suggest going to my house, and wait to find out what happens to winter." Sighing before enter the town hall and opening a secret passage into the alter room. "Remember what kind of pony i was before all of this happen, but now witness the birth of the vaas you know now." He spoke these words as he entered the alter room preparing the ritual of Bloodthrister.


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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Kazas witnessed an entirely diffrent vaas emerge from what he once knew... This vaas was kind and somewhat gentle. " vaas... This is the real you. I knew you couldn't be the kind of person you appeared to before... Your eyes were filled with sorrow and hopelessness..."


Kazas then did something that no one else expected to see; he shed tears from his slashed right eye. He knew what he was about witness, but he knew that he couldn't look away. This was the very thing that turned vaas's heart to stone. A good man

Overcome with such grief, that darkness overcame him..


Kazas reached out and grabbed vaas's shoulder. " vaas... You don't have to do this..." But vaas continued on, resolute in what he must do.


The spirit of the sword's aura startled to crackle uncontrollably... The sword Quaked in kazas's hand, then was engulfed in flame. " wha.., what?!? What the hell?!? I'm not doing this! Simorgh, my friend, what are you doing?!?"



The spirit answered. "' Kazas... That weapon, bloodthrister, is the very epitome of malevolence... Many evil beings are sealed within that bow... I must speak with vaas..."'


Then, a flame shot out of kazas's sword. It slowly started to take the form of a giant Phoenix. the Phoenix, approximately twelve feet tall and with a wing span of 20 feet, flew between vaas and the bloodthrister. Simorgh spoke to vaas.


"' hello vaas... My name is simorgh... I am the Phoenix lord... I'm sorry I can't meet you in my truest, purest form, vaas... In fact... It's kind of dissrepectful of me... Considering that you are in your purest form right now.."'


The fire surrounding the Phoenix was calm and warm.


"' I don't have much time, friend. I can't survive out here too long without my host, Kazas... But I do have enough time to talk... You said that after you picked up bloodthrister, your mind went blank,.. It is my understanding that you have been possessed, or at least, followed the will of the spirits in that bow... Vaas, you did the right thing... they would've suffered for weeks without any hope for help.. However, there are evil spirits contained within that bow... They will surely overcome your grief stricken heart... however... It is my firm hope... That this time will be diffrent... Vaas... Back then, you were alone.. You had no one... No one to talk to... No one to love.. No one to love you back... But vaas... This time has diffrent circumstances than before.. last time, the spirits took hold of your body because your spirit was weakend from sorrow... None of this is your fault. If any of the others were in the same position, they would've also cracked... You may be wondering what is so different from last time... And the answer is a simple one. You have people who care for you... Diego, and even though you may not believe it, my master cares for you as well... You have friends now vaas... You are no longer alone..."'



The pheonix looked at bloodthrister, and then at vaas. "' I cannot stop you vaas... these are your memories... Your world... But, when you take ahold of the bow, do not give into sadness and be taken over again... Instead, think of your companions... I know you have trouble trusting others. But trust my words... That bow will overcome you if you let it... It is time for your final test... who is the master? And who is the puppet?"'


With this, the pheonix stepped aside, and let vaas have his path to the bow. "' it is... Time to deicide. Destiny calls... You are free to sever the chains of fate that bind you..."'


The pheonix watched with anticipation. Kazas was surprised to see that simorgh would come out... In his head, Kazas was praying that this vaas would believe the Phoenix's words, and would be his old self, even after he brandished the bow of darkness.

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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"I understand I could change this, but I kinda don't want to...Bloodthrister helped me forget about my past until this moment. The ritual is what made me dark...The ritual requires a sacrifice of somepony you care the most for...at this point I think you can figure who that is, but I fused her soul with the bow. So Winter is Bloodthrister her soul is the very bow it's self. The plague took her from me, and bloodthrister is the only way I know she is still with me. Kazas answer me this could you stare into your wife's face and kill her? That is what made me go insane. Hearing the cries as she died, hearing the others screaming as i killed them. That is what made me dark."


A dark aura began to consume him. "I'm the voice of the dead, but that the same time I'm the monster of Equestria." Slowly walking towards the ritual knife. Stopping for a moment. "I under you and Diego care about me, but you have a home you can return to. Even Diego has family. He has a wife with a kid somewhere in griffon empire. I'm just alone with no home and no future."


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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"Oh, shut the hell up!" Razed shouted at Vaas, slugging him in the face. Vaas looked a little surprised when he did, but Raze kept a straight face.


"You think this is a time to be sulking?! About how you have no life? About how you're 'the Monster of Equestria'? Get over yourself! I've been alone all my life too! Made fun of everyday because I look like a freak!" Raze held up one striped hoof. "But this is not the time to get worked up over and start sulking like a fool!"


After his little rant, Raze managed to calm down a bit.


"Look. You did what you had to. There was no way you could help anypony once they had the plague. If you left them alive, they'd just be suffering more. As for you beloved Winter... I'm sure she'd understand why you did what you did... no matter how insane it was. Because let's face it... She'd love you no matter what, right?"


Raze helped Vaas get up.

"Now, stop acting like a kid... that's not something anypony wants. Right now, we got a necromancer to catch. So I'll say it again... snap out of it, get on your feet, and let's do this thing before we all catch the plague."

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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Since the question was directed at Kazas, the pheonix stayed quite.


" no vaas I couldn't. You are more of a man than me when it comes to self sacrifice. I could've never done what you could do... I'll admit that. You know, I actually came here with three objectives, you know... The first was to help you all in the mission... The second one was to scout out the damage, and file reports so that we could send help to equestria... And then, there is something off the record... Which I'll reveal later. But now... I can see I have a fourth... Saving you. Vaas, what if I brought you to the griffon empire? A fresh start in my village? I could get you a nice homestead so that you will have a home to call your own. Many of the other griffons will get to know you and call you friend." Kazas then deicided upon a joke, even though now was a very serious moment. " just stay away from Gilda. She's a major bitch." Kazas smiled to himself. " but in all seriousness, a man can't run away from his past, vaas. I know you want to forget. Believe me, I want to forget the face of the hatchling whose father I ran through with a sword, but I can't. We all have to face our demons vaas. We can't simply run away forever... Yes, this is a harsh reality, but we have to accept our pasts and deal with what we did. Life can be harsh and even cruel. But in the end, it is life. But with that power, you'll be controlled against your will. That's not life vaas. Your life is the most precious thing in this world. You only have one to live vaas. You are only what you want to be, vaas. And I know you don't want to be called a monster. I'm not saying not to take up your weapon... I'm saying that you shouldn't let it control you, as simorgh said. your free will Is what makes you... Don't enslave yourself to a force that only wants death and would toss you away like a rag doll. If you give in now, what good would your village's sacrifice be? I didn't know your people, nor did I know your wife. But I know that they would not want this for you."

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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The Jester looked at the psychic interference created by the large amount of dark energy with extreme suspision, as if at any moment, a daemon would jump out of it. And, sure enough, the sustained period of darkness, the fabric of space-time was beginning to weaken...


White Rose, sensing this and being even more paranoid about it happening, drew her dual blades and took up a fighting position. White Darkness took up a similar position next to Rose. The Jester stood back and silently kept his cannon trained on it.


Shadow Seer saw how the others in the illusion reacted to this. She sighed and shook his head. "Vaas... do what you must do." She turned to the others. "No matter what happens here, he cannot change the choices of what he has made... and Bloodthirster, being an extremely maveolent artifact, will probably force him to do it anyways. Abusing him will not increase the chances of him being able to break what appears to be a daemonic possesion working up, and certainly not be able to change the past. If anything, We should leave him alone to suffer in peace..." She sighed and turned to him. "Vaas... if you need someone to talk to... come to me, and I will do what I can for you." Slowly, she stalked out of the illusion, letting her psychic sense guide her towards the exit.

Edited by The Space Marine Twi
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