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Edited by Lord Magnus
I hate all my old posts. I want them deleted.
  • Brohoof 6


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I'm an emotional basket case lol. I cried when I read My Little Dashie, I cried (liquid pride) listening to Celestia sing b/c it was beautiful. Definitely Snowdrop because it was so touching.


There was this FANMADE video based on one's predictions of MLP Season 4 so it's fake. But anyway I cry watching it every time, especially when it showed *tears up * poor Twilight. Helpless. And that ending. If you want to look it up its called "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Season 4 trailer: It All Ends" and remember when watching it. IT'S FAKE! The show will never end. That video makes me tear up when I think about it.


I cried a lot a funerals of my 2 aunts and grandma. 2010-2012. Too many funerals I've been to. I'm just emotional what can I say :P

Edited by Sonicrules831
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I cry over real sad things to


Like Snowdrop, that thing had me bawling out tears


When i read books and a small animal, like a possum, gets hurt or dies


when I have nightmares of my father burning all my books and Ninjas killing my pets.


Rainbow factory


Now i'm crying :(

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I hear ya, mate.


I'm an easy crier. Even if a death had nothing to do with me, I'd probably shed a tear if someone I care about is upset about it.


Oddly enough, MLP has not made me cry once yet. S4, the burden is with you.

Movies/TV that make me cry every time:


  • Most of the Doctor Who episodes that are considered tearjerkers.
  • Iron Giant.
  • E.T. The Extra Terrestrial (strangely enough, it's John Williams' music that gets me).
  • Luck of the Fryish.
  • Terminator 2.
  • Toy Story 3.
  • The ending to Wall-E (I guess robots just make me tear up).
  • The Avengers (tears of joy).
  • Brohoof 2


Onwards to my DeviantArt page!

Sig by the illustrious Kyoshi!

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I honestly wish I cried more, I feel as though at times I'm almost unable to cry at times even if I have all kinds of emotions banging on me and all kinds of pain inside of me.


Not to mention sometimes it makes me feel heartless.


I didn't cry at all after Or during MLD the night I read it.


I really don't even cry for much, I think normally when I cry it tends to be out of being flat out stressed the majority of the time, and really not very common if ever for something actually sad.


I think part of it is the fact I'm afraid to cry or something sometimes due to judgement and thoughts of it deeply rooted in my thoughts, maybe I'm just out of touch with my emotions, or maybe I'm just not a sad type of person idk.

  • Brohoof 2


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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I don't normally get misty eyed at the typical 'sad stuff' that gets other ponies bawling...though many of the things others have already mentioned in this thread do give me plenty of feels.


The things that make me tear up are nostalgia-related things; scenes from old movies, cartoons, video games etc. that strongly impacted me as a kid. When I view them nowadays, it's like...



Edited by Lowline
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This is why i cry




Stupid bowl of onions.


Lol Jk


I cry over things that are sad.


My little Dashie-teared up so much


Turnabout storm Bad Ending example-shed many tears


Scary kids scaring kids Watch me Bleed-feel bad for the singer


Lullaby for a princess-Beautiful and sad


LOZ MM-Song of healing-It is sad,because every time you use it,somebody is

sick or dying.


Don't feel depressed after reading this topic.

It is just a topic

Do you cry when you hear sad things?

if so what things do you cry over?



Hmm, well I don't cry often and or ever... But my little Dashie burned, My eyes where burning and I'm sure I let a few tear cannons loose, however, it's mainly cause the subject of something being taken away near and dear hits surprisingly close to home!

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No easy crier, but My Little Dashie did it for me (and just about everyone who was willing to vest some emotion in the fic). It was the first time I ever thought hard about the father/protector role, and for a few months after that, I'd always look for boxes in the empty lots I passed on my way home from school.


I try not to cry at all, and most time I'm able to show no emotion. It's a give and take because I'm left alone.



Out of curiosity, what settings did your impression of My Little Dashie take place in? I always imagined the first setting being some kind of Detroit summer night thing, leading into fall, then moving to the countryside as things get colder.

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So, a bunch of teary eyed bronies here? I will just drop this off here.


As for cry, nah not me. I man up to a sucker punch in the most tender heart strings and shrug it off.







... No, I get choked up with simple stuff sometimes, depending on my mood. Even simple things, like a mother getting in to an accident one night, it was like the 23rd or 24th of December, and the back of the car was full of gift wrapped presents for what I guess were her children. Talk about crying. 

  • Brohoof 2


Proud member of the Code3 Bronies! Signature thanks to Doc Volt.

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I haven't cried in a while.The last time I can remember I did was a couple of years ago when I was super depressed and stressed out about life.I'm honestly surprised I don't cry more often since I actually have eyes that water easy. :v


My Little Dashie did nothing,I actually do a weird smile/frown thing while watching MLP when it's supposed to be a sad moment,Snowdrop did nothing to my tear ducts...hell,even the end of The Walking Dead video game didn't make me cry,but it almost did with the last episode.Up managed to make me cry though,but that was a while ago.Kind of wished I could cry still,since a good cry is always helpful.



tl;dr Pimps don't cry.


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Delete this thread,please!

Edited by Dr. Patson
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Well, I used to cry a lot when i was a kid.
But now, I barely cry.
The only thing would make me tear is Onions.
And besides, Nothing can scare me easily "Except the cockroaches"

But still, that doesn't mean i'll cry when i see a cockroach. :P

'ey b0ss

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That is the Dead Island theme and it goes good with the pictures.

I am crying now. Who was that pony and what was

wrong with him or her? Death is the real tearjerker for me.

Watched Up and when i got to the part with the death of Ellie.

I started crying. Same goes for My little Dashie,except Dashie is

being taken away from the guy and Dashie was the guy's daughter.

Beautiful stories,but make you feel for the characters.

I am a sympathetic person when it

comes to characters.

Take Batman for example,i feel for him when he

loses his parents as a child.

I would've done the same thing he does,if my parents

were murdered by thugs.

The Feels!! The Feels!! The feels!!

(Bursts into crying)


All I can tell is that he's an unnamed pony with an unknown condition. A lot of people speculate it's a brain tumor in irrepairable stages. Great story. I was bawling like a baby the first time I saw it. 

  • Brohoof 1


Proud member of the Code3 Bronies! Signature thanks to Doc Volt.

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  • 6 months later...

I cry at weddings, I cry when I know someone I love is suffering, I cry when a children cry, or they are screaming and looking for there mom or dad.. I cry when someone I love treats me like crap.. and I cant do anything about it, because I don't want to hurt them back... I cry when my very special some pony treats me like I'm stupid...

Edited by Princess CelestiaShy


"Does not matter what they say, my sweet love! I love you! and always will." 

~Princess Luna

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Do you have the time to listen to me whine about nothing and everything all at once?


I too am a basket case, and I'm depressed all of the time. I'm constantly making and breaking relationships of all kinds. I also have family issues and tend to read/watch/listen to sad things just because. I also tend to do really depressing roleplays on purpose. I'm a wreck.


Also, so much this.




Anyway, I don't cry that much, but it is kind of frequent. I used to always cry myself to sleep...

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I actually never cried while watching a movie/series or reading anything or something like that.

Well, other than that, I cried a few times when I was really scared or something like that as a kid. Or just cried over kid things, I don't know like when I was really little.

I used to cry when I get angry but I got over my some anger issues and I don't get that much angry anymore. So I barely cry now.

I hardly ever can remember crying because of sadness. But sometimes even I cry like that. What I remember the best about this is the one that happened years ago in my best friend's house. He was crying so sadly and I just couldn't take it, I felt all the pain he had at the time and felt really sad. Reeaallyy sad :C

Oh now I actually remember another one, I cried at elementary school years ago. I just felt so lonely because of the problems I had at the time. There were lots of people around me, yet no one actually did understood me.

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I feel this is a topic I can expand greatly on. So watch out.


I'm not too overly sensitive but I can cry my eyes out at something that genuinely hits me right deep inside. My family and friends always say I'm a heartless person, because I never cry and I find it difficult in situations when someone is upset; I'm so awkward at cheering people up. I do, however, have things that I get really upset about, and some of them are petty, stupid, some are genuine, and some are close to my heart. I never cry in front of people though, I'll always deny it; that's probably what continues to make everyone believe I am coldhearted.


I get teary just looking at an adorably innocent elderly person toddling down the street, and even more so when they are disrespected.


I once cried my eyes out over the most hideous video I had ever seen on Facebook. I mean, I don't know who wouldn't have. It was inappropriate, and should not have been allowed on Facebook. It some sick people who found amusement out of beating a puppy to death. I didn't tell anyone about it because my mum would have been ashamed that I clicked on it, but... You know Facebook these days? All those crappy vines and videos (hey, at least it replaced the chain mail and creepy photo period), and you're just scrolling... Scrolling and automatically clicking every video? Well, I'm so p!ssed off that the site even passed the video; whoever uploaded it is a... Well, decide for yourself! How disgusting is a video of a puppy dying? How is it FUNNY?

Ehem. Sorry about that rant. But yeah, that's what I cried my eyes out at for a good five minutes.

Other stories of rescued animals and unfortunate tales that animals had to endure upset me thoroughly. It's weird: why does the suffering of sweet, helpless animals hurt more than humans? Sorry, that sounds harsh — maybe I should reword it. I think it's just the fact that humans are responsible for the suffering of animals, and that it is so sad to see that we abuse the creatures that share the earth with us, have equal rights and have done nothing wrong. They depend on humans, really, but often, we let them down.


Um, maybe I should get back on topic.

I've shed a few tears at My Little Dashie (shocker, I know right?!), and various other fanfics.

I cried at the video Eternity's End. The music is so.... Beautiful. And the prospect that Twilight is immortal and will outlive all her friends is overwhelmingly upsetting for us to imagine, I'm sure. There's other fan-made videos that I cried at, but I can't remember them right now.


Music. A real good piece that's close to my heart, and flows right through me, is wonderfully sing or composed, can bring me to tears. Usually it's an orchestral/slow piece, but there's the odd song that I love so much it simply brims me liquid pride. And yes, liquid pride, I believe is the correct term there; music doesn't exactly make me depressed, but it definitely gets to you in the way that music just does. What it was made for, I guess.


Books? I've cried at a good book, but an author that always writes tearjerking stories, and is a favourite of mine, is Michael Morpurgo. Three of his masterpieces – Born to Run, Shadow and Out of the Ashes – made me cry because they are so well written and, well, sad!


Films that have made me cry are rare. The exceptions are Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron, which has been my childhood favourite and has always been special to our family. I think that's the aspect of it that makes me more emotional than the fact that it's just a sad movie; I've learned to control my tears, however, because that's embarrassing. The other exception is, and I have no idea why, Disney's The Fox and the Hound. Haven't seen it in ages, because that really WAS childhood, but that ending... It just got to me every time.


I cried at the season three finale of MLP. Because that was so heartwarming. It was so... Well, it was MLP - what else can I say? It brought liquid pride to some of us, it didn't to others. But I am not ashamed that I wept at the finale (among Bronies, that is), because that truly was beautiful and it was the pure love for MLP in my heart that brought the tears up. I don't know, but I might just cry when season four starts (FOUR DAYS OMG), for the same reason that I cannot fully explain, but only hope that my fellow Bronies understand.


It may sound like I'm an emotional wreck but I am hardly that; I just described the things that do pull at my heartstrings in detail because I can. Because this is a discussion thread. And I shall discuss in as much detail as I wish.


Oh, and I got rather depressed when I forgot my iPad passcode and consequently had to wipe my iPad, and prepared to lose all my content, including pictures, apps, my fanfics, well EVERYTHING... But my clever cousin resolved it.

Edited by Dashabel

Signature banner made by Champion RD92


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I'm by no means immune, but it generally takes a lot to really get me bawling.


I know this song does it:



Old man, hospital bed
The room is filled with people he loves
And he whispers
"Don't cry for me, I'll see you all someday"
He looks up and says
"I can see God's face"



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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Most of my tears come from the horrible abuse that I bring upon myself. I attack myself and constantly remind me of who I am and what I've done or haven't done. Or how pathetic I am.


Videos, pictures, songs, ect none of them can make me cry. 

I can cry if a friend gets mad and attacks me, I may or may not. My emotions are very strange and unpredictable, as there are times where I feel nothing towards things that should shatter me.


It's very rare if somebody I don't care about makes me cry.

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I cried while watching Catching Fire...which was by far the most depressing movie I've ever watched. blush.png And I usually cry over things that go on at school or at home. And I've gotten pretty good at masking my tears and crying quietly. So ya. I'm not that sad anymore. SO UMMMM YA> MY FRIEND IS AWKWARDLY READING OVER MY SHOULDER SO I THINK ILL STOP TYPING NOW.... ohmy.png

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