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ooc [OOC] Love of a Changeling


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RP Thread: http://mlpforums.com/topic/60619-rp-love-of-a-changeling/
If someone drops out (*looks suspiciously around*), I might open up a slot. Until then, no more entries are being accepted at this time.
Sorry about that. img-1418635-1-sad.png
POSTING RULES (as of May 18, 2013):
Please post at the very least once a week. Preferably more, especially in the early stages of the story. Please do not post again until three people have posted before you, or if three people have not posted since your last one, please wait until it has been two days (forty-eight hours) since your last post--this may be changed according to the level of activity. Remember, we're aiming for quality, not quantity here. Posts in quick succession are not nearly as important as the thought that is put into them.

It's posted in the Advanced RP section, which requires at least 800 characters per post. Please let me know if that's going to be a problem. I'd really rather do this in the Advanced section, but let me know if it's simply impossible for you, and I'll see what I can do.
Last rule... Have fun!! May your character shine! img-1418635-2-biggrin.png
I just clarified the story a little better. I've written a bit more below, so you can get a better idea of what to expect from the story. img-1418635-1-biggrin.png


Since Equestria saw the rise and fall of the Changelings, everything has, more or less, been at peace. Hopelessly defeated by the raw power of love, everyone assumed them to be gone forever. Some years later, the memory was almost completely forgotten. The Changelings were no longer considered a threat, and all had returned to normal.

All is not as it seems, however. As everyone goes about their daily lives, no one has noticed the Changeling Queen silently working in the shadows all these years. The truth is that she never left at all, and she has no intention of staying hidden forever. The hive has secretly taken over Canterlot, and imprisoned the Royal Sisters, the Royal Guard, as well as the six Bearers of Harmony. This time, they're much better at hiding their true nature. Ponies hardly even notice a difference, thus no one suspects a thing.

That's where you come in. A few ponies are seeing through the smoke and mirrors. Rumor has it that Chrysalis is hiding somewhere in Manehatten, controlling and expanding the invasion so slowly and quietly that no one will know until it's too late. Since the six Bearers of Harmony are missing, not even the Elements of Harmony will be able to stop Chrysalis; a new weapon must be devised, though it will only work if you can find it in time...

This RP will involve romance and shipping... lots of it. So be prepared. img-1418635-2-tongue.png
We will need a few OCs, some stallions, some mares. I'd like to keep a nice balance of each if possible, but know that the romances here are not limited to male-female pairings.
Restrictions are the usual: no alicorns (they're overpowered), no Mary Sues (see here for a good description of what a Mary Sue is), and no godmodding or controlling others' characters. Please note that I may ask you to step back and revise your character. Rest assured, this is nothing personal. I've just wanted to do this particular story for a long time, and I'm a slight hopeless perfectionist. img-1418635-3-blush.png
I will let you know if your character is accepted, and at that point, I will also add him or her to the list of slots. img-1418635-4-biggrin.png
Here's a breakdown of slots:

Slot 1: Flaire/F/Earth Pony, played by me.
Slot 2: Alice Starling/F/Unicorn, played by (aka Alex Night).
Slot 3: Sunset Sky/F/Pegasus, played by .
Slot 4: Asnee Hoof/M/Earth Pony, played by @Sky Warden.
Slot 5: Chiltide/M/Unicorn, played by .
Slot 6: The Doctor/M/Time Lord Pony, played by .
Slot 7: Peachy Pie/F/Earth Pony, played by .
Changeling drone: Weaver, played by .

I've added another slot. For new applicants, I'm looking for three different character types:

  • A hard worker (kinda like Applejack)
  • A happy-go-lucky, silly character (kinda like Pinkie Pie)
  • A tsundere (a hot/cold, "I love you/I hate you" character; see link for a detailed description).

I might accept different characters, but know that the above archetypes are really what I am looking for.
Feel free to break the balance of male and female; gay couples can make for some very interesting conflicts between characters, and that's what I'm looking for--conflicts that make characters question their existence and opinions. Slots are subject to change, and openings may be added or removed, depending on interest.
This is going to be a rather advanced RP, with a good amount of writing expected from those who participate--a paragraph per post at the very least. And of course, I am obligated to include a disclaimer that no public intimacy is to take place on the forum where it would be visible to everyone. That means implied, PG-13 romance is all that will be permitted.

Edited by Questio and Ashling
  • Brohoof 2
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I'll probably join. :P

One question though, is only one character per Rp'er permitted? And if you can have more than one, how many tops? And can changeling characters join? Or other pony like characters?

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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@, I do prefer that each player have only one character. In my experience, playing multiple characters causes one to have to divide their attention. I know the GM has to do that, but that's necessary. derpy_emoticon2.png


I might allow characters of non-pony canon races to be played. I just have to consider how it might affect the outcome of the story I have planned. What did you have in mind? ^_^


As for playable changeling characters, I honestly don't think it would work. In the story I have planned, you would have very little freedom in what your character did, and it probably wouldn't be any fun for you... unless you have some super creative idea that might fit in, in which case you are more than welcome to PM me about that. :D

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I think I might have to retract my original post about joining. Another roleplay I'm in that seemed dead just picked up, and currently I don't have much time for Rp'ing. Sorry about that. xD

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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I think I might have to retract my original post about joining. Another roleplay I'm in that seemed dead just picked up, and currently I don't have much time for Rp'ing. Sorry about that. xD


That's okay, thanks for letting me know. A lot of people don't even do that! :P




The first post has been edited to include more details.

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Interesting. Very interesting. I don't see many RP's involving Changelings. I'd love to join. My OC is an alicorn stallion.



Nilkad_Naqadah, trekking through the barren wastes of the internet, searching for... I dunno, something less barren and wastelike, maybe?


I critique things! http://nilkadreviews.tumblr.com


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Interesting. Very interesting. I don't see many RP's involving Changelings. I'd love to join. My OC is an alicorn stallion.




Oh I forgot to mention... I can't really let alicorns into this game (I've edited the first post to reflect this). Due to how strong and flashy they are, they have a way of taking the spotlight away from everything else. Might I suggest a unicorn for a pyro pony? biggrin.png


Also, multiple personality is an interesting idea (mental illnesses are fantastic handicaps for a well-rounded character), but I'm concerned that so many multiple personalities might become difficult to keep track of, for the rest of the players. May I suggest focusing on two modes instead of four? Snapping between personalities can make for good drama, but more than two modes and no specific triggers will probably just make things confusing.


I just feel that he needs to be fleshed out more. He seems unfinished at the moment. Give him a history, tell us what made him who he is today! biggrin.png


And don't forget, you could add a picture with the Pony Creator! I know the colors wouldn't be perfect, but it would give us a better idea of what to expect. It doesn't have to be perfect. smile.png


Hmmmm, yes it does seem like an interesting RP.  One of love, suspense, and shipping.  I think I will join this little crusade.  Here she is.


Alice Starling/F/Unicorn


You sir, have been accepted. I really like her backstory and how she got her cutie mark. It's well thought out, concise and to the point. :D

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Sunset Sky/F/Pegasus

This seems very interesting.

Hope she is accepted, if not I have a Pegasus stallion OC I'm making who I could join as instead.


Looks great! I like it! You're in. biggrin.png


I do have a couple questions though. What does it mean when it says how nightmares are just beginning? And who are those [insert name here] ponies? tongue.png


Also, may I ask that if you don't have a picture of her already, could you make a Pony Creator image for Sunset? I love having a visual reference. I could make one for you if you're unable, for whatever reason. img-1369822-1-UNZJLhS.png


EDIT: I edited the first post for more information! I've written a little bit more of the backstory behind this to give you a better idea of what's going to happen.

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You know, I really don't know much about the Changelings other than the fact that they feed off of the love of others.  I wonder if they operate like a hive mind given how much they look insectoid.  You know like ants or bees or something similar.  I would think that would be an interesting concept and it would make sense on how they were able to expand their influence so quickly...

  • Brohoof 1

Twitch channel: Alexnight91

YouTube: Alex Night

My OCs: Alex Night


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A hive mind actually seems like it might be accurate. Hard to say though, since it's not very well explained in canon, but that does leave room for interpretation. A hive mind would explain how Chrysalis might be able to coordinate an invasion while hiding away in Manehatten, as in our case.


Hmm, that gives me an idea... a Changeling drone might be a good idea after all... @, if you still want to play a Changeling here, now's your chance. ;)

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A hive mind actually seems like it might be accurate. Hard to say though, since it's not very well explained in canon, but that does leave room for interpretation. A hive mind would explain how Chrysalis might be able to coordinate an invasion while hiding away in Manehatten, as in our case.


Hmm, that gives me an idea... a Changeling drone might be a good idea after all... @, if you still want to play a Changeling here, now's your chance. wink.png

I might be able to, like I said, an Rp i'm started up again, but it is pretty slow. 

If no one else really wants to I suppose I could.

What would the character's rule be for what I have to do?

  • Brohoof 1

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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I might be able to, like I said, an Rp i'm started up again, but it is pretty slow. 

If no one else really wants to I suppose I could.

What would the character's rule be for what I have to do?


Well, you would have to work with me through PM. Suffice it to say that you'd be a "special" Changeling who would have a significant role in relation to the rest of the group. You would have the opportunity to explore the nature of an individual drone who is part of a hive. ;)

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Well, you would have to work with me through PM. Suffice it to say that you'd be a "special" Changeling who would have a significant role in relation to the rest of the group. You would have the opportunity to explore the nature of an individual drone who is part of a hive. img-1443878-1-wink.png


Question two:

Am I able to make it an Oc with a name or does it have to be like everyone other changeling.

For instance, can it be something like this? But more of a blueish purple color instead of cyan. Yellow eyes. And some sort of jacket for some individuality. tongue.png



And final question:

I know changelings can fly, and they use the shape-shifting magic. But am I able to use telekinesis or combat like magic? 

Edited by Hypno
  • Brohoof 1

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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Looks great! I like it! You're in. img-1433919-1-biggrin.png


I do have a couple questions though. What does it mean when it says how nightmares are just beginning? And who are those [insert name here] ponies? img-1433919-2-tongue.png


Also, may I ask that if you don't have a picture of her already, could you make a Pony Creator image for Sunset? I love having a visual reference. I could make one for you if you're unable, for whatever reason. img-1433919-3-img-1369822-1-UNZJLhS.png


EDIT: I edited the first post for more information! I've written a little bit more of the backstory behind this to give you a better idea of what's going to happen.

Oh, actually I have a drawing of her as a mare anyway, but I can't make it the main picture as I have to use my iPad.

I also completely forgot to update the character. The [insert] things nd nightmare things are for the RP in my sig. I'll update and send the picture soon. Oh, and thanks for accepting me!


Updated. I'd like it if you'd read it. Also, how do you show images on the database page itself? Not as the main picture.

Also, here's the image: (ignore my awful attempt at a close-to-the-show cloud)



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Am I able to make it an Oc with a name or does it have to be like everyone other changeling.

For instance, can it be something like this? But more of a purple color instead of blue. And some sort of jacket for some individuality. tongue.png


And final question:

I know changelings can fly, and they use the shape-shifting magic. But am I able to use telekinesis or combat like magic?


Sure, you can play an OC Changeling. You couldn't really be too different from the other drones, as far as appearances go, but you could have a jacket. And I'll give you a different eye color or some other distinguishing feature of your choice. As far as combat goes, you could do like little spells and stuff, but unless someone corrects me, I don't believe Changelings can do anything too fancy. It would be more believable if you fashioned some sort of weapon for yourself.


PM me, and we'll work something out. tongue.png


Updated. I'd like it if you'd read it. Also, how do you show images on the database page itself? Not as the main picture.

Also, here's the image: (ignore my awful attempt at a close-to-the-show cloud)


I do like the updates! Very nice! biggrin.png


You can add an image by using the code:


Also, be prepared... Flaire is very much a Rarity type. Actually, she's more of a Rarity than Rarity herself. When she sees Sunset with all her scars, she's going to be all over her with a makeover or something. It'll be a blast! tongue.png

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Alrighty. Changeling styled like in the picture. Royal purple weird changeling hair and tail. Yellow eyes. And a black naval peacoat every once in a while? Also I'm probably going to call him Weaver.

Some basic levitation is all I'm really asking about. :P

And Chrysalis did use some sort of magic attack against Celestia once.


I suppose I can join, by the way.

  • Brohoof 1

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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I suppose I can join, by the way.


Sounds good. I sent you a message, by the way. Glad to have you on board! I'm looking forward to starting this! :D

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Sure, you can play an OC Changeling. You couldn't really be too different from the other drones, as far as appearances go, but you could have a jacket. And I'll give you a different eye color or some other distinguishing feature of your choice. As far as combat goes, you could do like little spells and stuff, but unless someone corrects me, I don't believe Changelings can do anything too fancy. It would be more believable if you fashioned some sort of weapon for yourself.


PM me, and we'll work something out. img-1444378-2-tongue.png




I do like the updates! Very nice! [img=http://mlpforums.com/uploads/post_images/img-1444378-3-biggrin.png]


You can add an image by using the code:


Also, be prepared... Flaire is very much a Rarity type. Actually, she's more of a Rarity than Rarity herself. When she sees Sunset with all her scars, she's going to be all over her with a makeover or something. It'll be a blast! img-1444378-4-tongue.png

Haha, that'll be interesting XD :lol: especially since Sunset hates ponies touching her coat or mane unless theyre a close friend. Oh and thanks for the code.
  • Brohoof 1
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Sounds interesting. I have a stallion. Asnee Hoof. Link on my signature. Just tell me when you want to start. :3


His description is to the point... you wrote that writing guide, so I know you can write really well... and we need moar stallions. You're in. :P


From the looks of it, we'll probably have enough people to start this pretty soon.

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Oh boy, Silent Dawn. You'll find that Alice will be a lot like Fluttershy with the actual confidence of AppleJack. I hope Sunset likes flowers being randomly given to her. img-1444975-1-img-1369822-1-UNZJLhS.png

Oh wow. This will be interesting... I can't wait to start!

Oh, and @, how will the group meet? I can add backstory as to why she's in Manehattan and stuff, but it's sort of up to you as to how we all meet, in a sense. You did make this RP, after all.

Edited by Silent Dawn
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I can join with Storming Star, if you do still need more stallions. If not uh... I dunno.  Of course, I could always and really should make some more characters, but I don't think that'll be necessary.

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