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private S.S. Perennial RP


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((Best to mention or quote someone if you want their attention)


Dogboots hugged the crying mare. The stallion tried coming up with something to say though there were just no words. "I will." He said firmly, not realizing what he was taking on. 


"Are you serious? What do you know about being a body guard? Almost next to nothing, but still we have to help her. No! I'm putting my hoof down on this one. I'm all for helping others out but this is going too far. Look, once this cruise is over we'll have Photo- what's her name assign her proper body guard"

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Firebolt smiled slightly. Her light coat also showed a dull blush. She turned back to where Windy was sitting, and sat beside him. "Thanks." She said softly. It was rare she was complimented in such a rash way. But, it was a nice kind of rare, as well. Firebolt then levitated her drink towards her, and took a short sip from it. Looking at Windy, she realized how tired he looked. "Uh. Here." She said, levitating the drink towards him. "You look like you need it more then me."


((If you've never had sake before, it's an overly potent rice wine. Bit more potent hot, which is how it's usually served, but still much more strong then most grape wine.))



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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"No, it's perfectly fine. It's telling me more about you."

He blushed slightly.

"You know, in a friendly way."

"Of course you had to add that... it makes you sound like you don't want a relationship... but then again, there still is Sunburst and Fire Sky... Eesh. I better get to know all of them more."


Ocean blushed as well. "Yeah...I...I know." She said, sipping her tea to give herself something to do. She kept a smile on her face but felt like storming off inside...it was pretty obvious that Nightfall wasn't that interested in her...but that wasn't going to stop her. "So..."

  • Brohoof 1

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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Sorrow had slowly gotten out of bed, looking around her room for something to do... Then she spotted something in the corner of the room. Nightraxx's piano was right in the corner. She picked it up, nearly falling over because it was so heavy...


She placed it on her bed after plugging it in, and sat in front of it. She hit one of the keys, getting a high A blasted in her face, making her jump back onto the bed. She scooted back, turned the volume all the way down to a smudge, and hit the piano again, hearing the A a lot quieter... Then, she was hitting random keys, somehow creating a odd melody...

  • Brohoof 1
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Ocean blushed as well. "Yeah...I...I know." She said, sipping her tea to give herself something to do. She kept a smile on her face but felt like storming off inside...it was pretty obvious that Nightfall wasn't that interested in her...but that wasn't going to stop her. "So..."



He looked back at her, and the smile that had disappeared for a second came back.

"You were saying, Ocean?"

"There, that's good... be a little more interested in her... If you don't, maybe she'll say some lies about you, or she'll go running off, and even thought there's Sunburst and Fire Sky, that would be pretty bad..."

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Windy looked at the drink that was floating in front of him. Frowning slightly, and trying to hide the sarcastic edge in his voice, Windy quipped, "Well, considering how the last time I drank when you were involved turned out SO well, I probably shouldn't be drinking again. Then again... I am tired, and this might help." Grabbing the cup from Bolt, Windy drained the whole thing in a couple of gulps, before smacking his lips. "Mm, that was tasty... Ugh, hopefully it doesn't cause headaches though." Windy added, continuing to rub his temple on the same spot as before.


((For the Record, Windy has no idea what sake is or how potent it can be))  

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Firebolt looked at Windy with a face that showed a mixture of worry, confusion, and annoyance. "Uh..." She began. Windy's sarcastic quip would be... Accurate. Unless, of course, he could hold his liquor well. Which was unlikely, considering. The only question was, how would he react to it?


((I won't be on much tomorrow and Thursday. So yea.))



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Windy laid back on the couch, feeling the usual glow of alcohol begin in his gut. He liked to think of alcohol as 'liquid luck' since he always felt luckier and infallible when drunk. Usually, this lead to him and his friends doing things that they would regret the next morning when they sobered up, and promising they would be sober... until the next weekend when they did the same things all over again. Being smallish compared to his friends, and being in excellent shape meant that Windy had no fat or excess mass to absorb booze; as a result he was always made fun of as being a lightweight. As much as he had tried to condition himself to have better tolerance, his limit was still laughably low compared to most of his friends. Hay, there were even some mares who could hold their liquor better than him! As a result of this disposition, Windy began feeling buzzed quite quickly. However, since unlike the previous night he hadn't gotten drunk while harboring negative feelings, he wasn't feeling upset or angry. Instead, he felt... bold.


After a few minutes of sitting quietly with Bolt, Windy leaned over and once again wrapped his wing around her, and reached out to grab her hoof. Speaking in what he believed was a smooth purr, he asked, "Sooo Bolt, all things considered, are you glad you walked in on me sleeping in your bed yesterday?" He said, flashing a goofy grin.   

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"I suppose..." The mare began. "But, I've also caused you quite a few problems, huh? I mean, if we'd never met, you'd be on good terms with Scamps and... That stallion." Firebolt still hadn't grasped his name. Names weren't her strong suite. "But at the same time, greedily, I'd say I'm glad."


Firebolt's mind was beginning to think again. "Why so honest?" It asked in an irritated manner. "Being honest really isn't the best idea."


Firebolt also had no idea Windy was slightly drunk. Even if only slightly, she didn't think a stallion would be worse at holding liquor then her.



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Waiving his free hoof around in a dismissive way, Windy chortled, "Who, Scamps and Airy? I couldn't have been on good terms with 'em anyways. They're such losers! I mean, Scamps had known me for all of forty minutes and yet I 'broke her heart' and gave her 'depression'? Please! Not to mention how pathetic Airy is, what with his sappy clinging on to her. What can I say, pegasi of the same pathetic feather always fly together. But enough about them!" Scooting a little closer to Bolt, Windy took on a (in his mind) seductive look, allowing a tiny grin to form at the corner of his mouth. "Bolt, what are our plans for the rest of the night?" 

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"Maybe..." Firebolt said, reluctantly. She didn't want to really insult two ponies she had already insulted. Twice. Even if they couldn't hear either her or Windy, the unease Firebolt felt was enough to stop her from agreeing with Windy. At his question, still not picking up on any of his actions, Firebolt said. "Well, I don't know. So anything you want, I guess."



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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"Anything that I want, huh? Hehe, well, I can think of a few things to occupy the evening... Easy Windy, don't get too bold... You're not even super drunk, what's getting into you?! I don't know, brain, all I know is, I want Bolt. Tonight. Easy there champ, let's just take this nice and slow..."


Shifting again so that he was even closer to Bolt than before, Windy leaned his head closer to Bolt's, and said quietly, "Well, I can think of a FEW things to pass the time, but I wouldn't want to do anything you don't want to do as well..." He then broke eye contact and looked at Bolt's lips, moving his own a tiny bit closer to hers, leaving a minuscule distance between them. 


"I'm confused brain. Should I kiss her, or let her decide? I'd say play it safe Windy... Bolt's got a fiery temper, you wouldn't want to experience it again, so best to let her lead this 'dance', if you catch my drift."

Edited by Windy Runner
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((Meh, it doesn't matter that much. We'll pretend that the mechanics fixed it))

"You will?" Laray asked happily. She hugged Dogboots back. "That's what I love about you."

Okay, that came out wrong...but you did sorta mean it, didn't you? I mean, you love it when he is willing to help and you do like him...

I have returned! Again. sleep.png

School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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Still acting completely oblivious, most likely from bring tired, Firebolt smiled cheerfully closing her eyes in a happy manner ((^-^ Which is a face only cartoons can pull off.)). "Well, I'm sure there's nothing you would want to do that I wouldn't. Except maybe swimming that is." Firebolt moved away a bit, maintaining the same expression, realizing how close they were.


Suddenly her mind started again. "Come on, me! You're playing stupid! I just can't put my hoof on what he's implying though... I'll have to wait..."



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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"Uhh it's nothing really." He said scratching his mane while trying to force a smile.


"This is nothing...really? Putting your life on the line for a mare is nothing. I'm kind of questioning your motives on this. Look, if not me, then who? Besides its only temporary."


"First things first. I don't think it would be a good idea for you to return to your room. Seeing as how they know where it is, it wouldn't surprise me if there was somepony there. Secondly, with Trollsie dead. I'll have to take up her responsibilities for the time being or at least some of them. Can you give me a rundown on Trollsie's duties?" He asked Laray.

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He looked back at her, and the smile that had disappeared for a second came back.

"You were saying, Ocean?"

"There, that's good... be a little more interested in her... If you don't, maybe she'll say some lies about you, or she'll go running off, and even thought there's Sunburst and Fire Sky, that would be pretty bad..."


Ocean's blush got slightly worse. "Um...wh-where were you born, Nightfall?" She instantly regretted saying this and mentally facehoofed. *Where are you from? Ugh, pull it together, Ocean." She thought, going to sip her tea only to see that it was gone. She sighed and placed her cup back on the table before looking at Nightfall again...still blushing.

  • Brohoof 1

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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"There's no bucking way she's this dense, she must know what I'm insinuating! Maybe not Windy, I mean, are YOU ever really clued into subtle hints and suggestion? No... No, not really. Well, maybe she isn't either! Ok, plan B... 'B' for Be bolder! I guess I'll lead... But dang, look at that face she was making! Its so cute!"


Windy leaned back in towards Bolt. "Well, what I had in mind for us is something that I want your permission for. I am, after all, a gentlecolt." Windy said, with the same mock flair and pomp that he had used the previous night. Half closing his eyes and parting his mouth slightly, Windy again closed the distance between his and Bolt's lips, but this time, he went the extra inch, and made contact.


"Wow! No wonder she's FIREbolt... Easy there stallion, don't escalate it, let her do that. If she's game, she'll amp up the passion a bit. If she's not, she can still pull away and keep it a chaste kiss, nothing too complicating or awkward. Its in her hooves now, so you should just enjoy it. Ah, I already am!" 

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Firebolt's eyes immediately flashed open. "Ah... Seriously didn't see that coming? Seriously?! What's your problem recently, me? Ugh!" She thought, beginning to fluster herself for no reason at all. Ah... Just enjoy it. You'll probably never get this chance again, after all... And slow your heart a bit..." The mare thought, closing her eyes again and pushing Windy back a bit herself. Bolt's ears had folded back and a thick blush had developed on her cheeks.



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Ocean's blush got slightly worse. "Um...wh-where were you born, Nightfall?" She instantly regretted saying this and mentally facehoofed. *Where are you from? Ugh, pull it together, Ocean." She thought, going to sip her tea only to see that it was gone. She sighed and placed her cup back on the table before looking at Nightfall again...still blushing.


His smiled still existed, as did his blush.

"I was born in Canterlot, and I've lived there my whole life, so far. I came on this cruise to try to get out and relax a little bit."

"And to maybe find some mare to spend a little time with..."

He looked at her.

"And, um... and you?"

  • Brohoof 1
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"Mmmm... That's good, she's still letting me kiss her..." 


When Bolt returned the kiss with a force Windy hadn't been expecting, she pushed him backwards, making him fall into the armrest of the sofa, with Bolt falling nearly on top of him. Through the small tumble, their lips never separated, and Windy decided to up the passion a bit, since it seemed Bolt was on board with spending the evening in this manner. Opening his mouth a little more, Windy started to turn the kiss from a still semi-chaste closed mouth kiss into a more... heated embrace.


"Wow... She's a really good kisser... I don't know how this could get much better..."


((Never fear, this won't get too passionate too fast, I have a plan to change it a bit on my next post...)) 

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It had been rare that Firebolt ever got to experience such things. For the obvious reasons of her best friend being much more attractive then herself. Being around a well known and pretty mare like her friend definitely had it's perks, but getting to actually get in a relationship with any stallions was... Unlikely. So, this was... Nice. So nice that Firebolt had ended up pushing Windy over. Generally, she would have apologized, but that was difficult. Instead, the mare let out a just audible squeak. Her personality had almost completely turned from being cold to being more warm, at this point.


((Well, I won't see it till the morning. Night.))



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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"Wow. All things considered, this day has turned out really nicely... Yeah, you somehow got Bolt to say she liked you, went on a semi-romantic date with her... And, well, if we skip over the middle part of the day, everything worked out really nicely! Yeah, sure... Well, its clear you're not listening to me Windy, so I'll shut up for a while. Just enjoy yourself, but don't get carried away, you don't want to rush it! Yeah, whatever you say brain... Whatever you say... *Insert generic static noise as Windy's brain crashes due to hormone overload*"


As time passed, the embrace became more and more intense, eventual reaching the point where, if one could find a way to somehow wedge a piece of steel between the two ponies, it would probably melt. Windy had no idea how long it had been going on, and to be honest, didn't really care, he was having way too much fun. At some point, he began running his hooves up and down Bolt's back and neck, but again, his brain was too frazzled and out of it to really register any of what he was doing...


Until a very soft *Whump* made Windy's ears perk up, as he felt a... sensation in his wings.


"Oh no...please don't tell me that just happened... PLEASE tell me that didn't just happen... Yeah, it happened Windy."


Windy slowly disengaged his lips from Bolt's to look at his back, where he saw his fears weren't without base: His wings were spread eagle, on full display. Normally, Windy's wings were a source of price and even arrogance for him. Mares loved to see them out, stallions admired them, and Windy himself was a bit too attached to them for it to be healthy. However, at that very moment, he would've given up all his soccer talent to be a unicorn, since it would've meant no... awkward moments with his wings like the one he was having now. After a moment of indecisive thinking, Windy nuzzled his face into Bolt's neck.


Windy hoped by distracting Bolt with this physical contact to accomplish two things: First, let the make-out session continue without Bolt picking up on anything being 'off', or rather, 'up'. And second, if Bolt did notice that something was 'up', that Windy would be able to get the raging blush exploding all over his face at the moment under control before she looked at his face.  

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When the heated embrace suddenly came to an end, and Windy hid his face in her neck, Firebolt's face read a mixture of disappointment, confusion, and relief. The origins of the first two were fairly obvious, but if the normal pony looked at the third, it would probably be confused. Such emotion came from her original intent of not getting into a relationship so quickly. Of course that couldn't be helped now, so relief was an odd feeling to be having in the first place.


Looking down at Windy, in a quiet voice, Firebolt asked "Uhm... Is everything ok?" Firebolt had never met much pegasi before, as most of them lived in the clouds. So the issue, obvious to those who knew even a tiny bit about pegasi, was not something the unicorn picked up on. Sure, the spread wings were odd, but she didn't really think anything of it. If there was a major issue, Firebolt inferred it was due to herself, and therefore felt a slight need to back off. She didn't, due to the way Windy had his head, though.



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Nodding his head, Windy continued to nuzzled his head into Bolt's neck. Not only was it very comfortable and warm, but he didn't want her to see his very obvious blush, which would tell her that everything wasn't 'ok'. Speaking softly, he said as casually as he could, "Yeah, its all good. I just wanted to slow it down a bit, that was getting a bit too saucy a bit too quickly for me. You know, take a bit of a break, break it up a little? Besides, who doesn't love a nice cuddle?" Windy asked hopefully, praying Bolt didn't pick up on his severe embarrassment. It didn't help matters any that his wings were twitching slightly, which she surely was able to see.

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"Her responsibilities?" Laray said. "Her official title was Guardian, but she was my friend. She was there for me when I was upset and there to listen to my problems. She was never assigned to, but she was. She always handled my mail because...because..." Laray hesitated. "I can't read or write. I was taught to autograph my name and that was all. Trollsie was kind enough to write and read the letters for me."

I have returned! Again. sleep.png

School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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