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[This post is hidden. No offense to anyone, but I am no longer part of the community and no longer wish to be an (active) part of the forums. I treasure the friendships I made along the way. Thank you!]

Edited by CadetGrey
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well characters like flim and flam, Iron will, Diamond dogs have no reaso cto return.

but gilda lightning dist and blueblood have more potential.

also sombra and Chrysalis should return but as a minor villains serving a bigger villain (grogar or tirek maybe)

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King Sombra probably won't come back unless they really want to revisit the whole Crystal Ponies story. So I don't see that happening in the near future.


However, Discord I can definitely see. He's one of the most popular characters in the show, and there is plenty that can be done using him. 

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I think Chrysalis and Lightning Dust should return in Season 4. Gilda and Sombra should not return unless they have a reason to. I don't hate them it is just that I don't think they should return yet.

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I'm sure you guys know that I'm probably referring to a certain blue stallion that only appeared and talked in one episode...


But anyways, I think it would be a good idea. I mean, they wasted a good idea for lots of characters and only showed them in one single episode. Who knows, maybe they'll show them again sooner or later.



Edited by ~Chaotic Fireball~
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I found that Chrysalis had some good character development in the My Little Pony comic book. Thew first 5 issues was a very well written story ark about her returning and making the mane 6 turn against each other. So even if you don't care, I recommend you check it out. It's on iTunes and Kindle and whatnot if you don't have a comic shop near you.

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I think Chrysalis and Lightning Dust should return in Season 4. Gilda and Sombra should not return unless they have a reason to. I don't hate them it is just that I don't think they should return yet.

Gilda has more reason to return than both Chrysalis and Lighting Dust together. Dweebs!  img-1379355-5-xtWXQl1.png


Sombra was pronounced KIA, thus I believe his return is highly unlikely.

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I think some characters might return if there's an important enough reason. Personally, I would like to see more Lightning Dust and Daring Do (though I know the latter is a book character and will never come back, heh). I actually think that Queen Chrysalis could return, because she was defeated very suddenly and wasn't exactly "killed off" like Sombra or reformed like Discord.

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Chrysalis would make a great recurring villain.


Soarin should come back, mostlybecause I always enjoy hearing Ed Edd n Eddy voices coming out of a pony (Ed=Soarin, Double D=Flim, Kevin=Trixie, Chrysalis).


Gilda should come back, but only if they have something intresting to do with her, not to make her a cheap villain.


Trixie would also be a cool recurring character.

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I have a feeling that atleast Chrysalis will appear again, maybe as a more minor villain, but I have a feeling she'll make a showing again.


I'm not sure about other 1 shot characters, I don't see alot of reason for Flim and Flam to return really, I can maybe see Gilda or Lightning Dust or someone like that possibly return, but Flim And Flam are just business ponies who probably forgot about ponyville mostly after leaving.


I would be surprised if no 1 shot characters returned all of S4 though.

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I think they should. They are a good way to give people a way to remember the episode if done right (like Cowboy Bebop). Also it can be a way to show lessons that the main cast doen´t need to learn  

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Possibly. It think there is a good chance this could happen. There are too many good characters that shouldn't go to waste.


I would want to bring back a certain hat-wearing stallion in a future episode. He is awesome and has a wonderful design. Plus, his voice is awesome and he has a nice character.




SPOILER: It's Braeburn.

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I'm kind of skeptical of Chrysalis returning, as doing anything terribly interesting with the changelings would require at least two episodes in my opinion, and somehow I can't see them using another premiere/finale to do that. I don't particularly need to see more of them anyway :P.


I think the best bet is Lightning Dust. The way that episode ended made a return from her seem very possible, even likely. I look forward to seeing what the writers would do with her if they choose to bring her back. Trixie has a fair shot for another episode as well.

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I could see Flim and Flam returning if the ponies do more traveling in season 4. My idea is to have a carnival episode, and Flim and Flam have a stand where they swindle ponies. Obviously, wherever Flim and Flam are encountered won't be Ponyville, hence the need for travel if we see them again.

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I arranged my thoughts on this elegent, bulleted list:

  • Iron Will might get a cameo, like a poster for his "NO MEANS NO" seminar.
  • Sombra I think they should definately bring back.  He could use more depth and is cirtainly a credible threat.
  • They could have some more fun with the Diamond Dogs, like having Pinkie Pie visit her family's rock farm only to find the Diamond Dogs have taken it over.
  • Lightning Dust deserves a return.  She's like the anti-Dash.  Which, I guess, makes her Monochromatic Slug.
  • I can't say no to more Gustave le Grand.
  • The changlings MUST return!
  • So should Cerberus and Tartarus.
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Most definitely!


Discord and lightning dust are two characters I would love to see again in the show. They really should continue on with doing this. I don't see any reasons why they should not. 

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