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private Pony University (Romance//Sol)


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  On 2013-06-10 at 3:14 PM, Shymantic said:

Grace Raspberry trotted into her dorm room, taking a look around to see if anypony was around. She sighed deeply and chucked her book bag onto her bed and settled down for a brief nap before her next class began in a half hour. As her eyes closed, Grace wondered where her roommate was...

((New font color, yay!))


Minty got bored in the dorm room so she decided:

"I'm not shy, I could make some friends!!"

She trotted to a random dorm room, and knocked lightly. Of course, she still remained a doormat and didn't barge in. She waited patiently for whoever was inside.


  On 2013-06-10 at 7:13 AM, darklord260 said:

(OOC: you dirty little biatch)

Blaze left his neurology class with a dissapointed look. "Stupid teacher with her stupid surprise test and her stupid questions." He muttered as he took his stuff, and surprise test with him. He walked up to his dorm and knocked.



  On 2013-06-10 at 6:40 AM, Windy Runner said:



((*Cue timeskip*))


Windy and Minty laid passed out tangled up together on Windy's bed, all of the items of their... massage session laying scattered around the room. Perhaps they should have hidden the tools of their activity before falling asleep, but, hey, hindsight is always 20/20.


((@, Blaze wasn't in the room during the previous sequence. Trust me, its better he wasn't...))  


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  On 2013-06-10 at 3:26 PM, Minty Wintergreen said:
Minty got bored in the dorm room so she decided:"I'm not shy, I could make some friends!!"She trotted to a random dorm room, and knocked lightly. Of course, she still remained a doormat and didn't barge in. She waited patiently for whoever was inside.


Grace yawned and glanced around in confusion, then realized that somepony had knocked on the door. She snatched her hairbrush and gave her mane a few quick strokes then darted over to open the door. "Hi! I'm Grace Raspberry," she introduced herself, extending a pale fuchsia hoof towards the mint-green mare standing outside.



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Blaze was a little confused as to mintys sudden eagerness to leave, but he didn't stop her. "Umm alright. I'll see you later." He said as he walked in. He looked around and noticed the room was a mess, various "Tools" scattered around (things I don't know cause you won't tell me) but he just shrugged and made sure they were out of sight. What they did was what they did. Not his business. He sat down and picked up a book of his.

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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  On 2013-06-10 at 3:29 PM, Shymantic said:

Grace yawned and glanced around in confusion, then realized that somepony had knocked on the door. She snatched her hairbrush and gave her mane a few quick strokes then darted over to open the door. "Hi! I'm Grace Raspberry," she introduced herself, extending a pale fuchsia hoof towards the mint-green mare standing outside.

Minty suddenly got second thoughts and regained her shy self. "Um.. I'm Minty.. are you new here? I've never seen you before." Minty tried to say casually. "May I come in, please?" She asked politely. "You don't have to though. I can stay out here." Minty started scraping her hoof lightly on the carpet ground.


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  On 2013-06-10 at 3:35 PM, darklord260 said:

Blaze was a little confused as to mintys sudden eagerness to leave, but he didn't stop her. "Umm alright. I'll see you later." He said as he walked in. He looked around and noticed the room was a mess, various "Tools" scattered around (things I don't know cause you won't tell me) but he just shrugged and made sure they were out of sight. What they did was what they did. Not his business. He sat down and picked up a book of his.

((If Blaze must know, think bondage stuff. You know, cuffs, whips, the whole nine yards.))


Getting out of his stupor and sitting up in bed with a stupidly happy expression on his face, Windy turned to see Blaze. "Hey Blaze! What's up dude?" He said in at tired but very content voice.

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Denim sat down near the back of the class, resting her head heavily on one hoof. She sighed, glancing over the others attending the class. A few she vaguely recognized from last night, but other than that, nopony stood out. She heard a faint chuckle come from her right. Looking over, she saw a dark blue Pegasus stallion sifting through his saddlebags before producing a pill bottle, and holding it out to her, whispering, "Take this. It'll help the hangover."


Denim gave him a scrutinizing look, "Were you at the thingy last night?"


The Pegasus laughe again, "No, but I know a hangover when I see one," he winks, "Especially in unicorns. One of my brothers has given me a lot of experience inthat area."


Denim took the pill box from the Pegasus and opened it, dumping one of the pills out, "I don't recognize this..."


"That's because it's home made," at Denim's alarmed look, the stallion quickly shook his head, "Oh no! Nothing like that! It's a zebra mixture. I dated a zebra mare a little while ago and she taught me how to mix those potions and remedies that they're known for. Just pop that in your mouth and chew, no water needed."


Denim apprehensively followed his instructions. The pill had a slightly nutty taste, that soon melted into a sugary sweet one. It worked almos instantly. Her head stopped pounding, and she could hear the professor beginning her lecture. Denim began to pass the pills back, but the Pegasus shook his head, "No, you keep them, I won't really be needing them, and I can make more no problem."


Denim nodded and slipped the vial into her saddlebags. She led out a hoof to the stallion, "I'm Denim. Who're you?"


He shook her hoof briefly, "Saronyx."


No more was said and they began to actually pay attention to the professor.



(OOC: Figured I may as well introduce him as a background character for the time being. We can time skip ahead, if needed. I'll follow along with whatever.)


(@, Oh my God, that post made me lose it... I am so immature.)

Edited by 00Pony

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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  On 2013-06-10 at 3:46 PM, Windy Runner said:

((If Blaze must know, think bondage stuff. You know, cuffs, whips, the whole nine yards.))


Getting out of his stupor and sitting up in bed with a stupidly happy expression on his face, Windy turned to see Blaze. "Hey Blaze! What's up dude?" He said in at tired but very content voice.

(OOC: oooo! I like the way you think!)

Blaze flashed his paper at windy. "I got a damn f on a suprise neurology test." He said in annoyance. "Teacher gives us this test to see what we learned in lesson. Answered every question right and my teacher fails me. I swear she hates me you know." He sighed and put the test down. "So how you been doing?"

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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  On 2013-06-10 at 3:50 PM, darklord260 said:

(OOC: oooo! I like the way you think!)

Blaze flashed his paper at windy. "I got a damn f on a suprise neurology test." He said in annoyance. "Teacher gives us this test to see what we learned in lesson. Answered every question right and my teacher fails me. I swear she hates me you know." He sighed and put the test down. "So how you been doing?"

"Uh......... Sleeping?" Windy offered lamely, before noticing that his box of confirms from earlier was still on the floor. As nonchalantly as possible, he kicked it under the bed. "So what'd you do to make your professor hate you so much?" He asked, hoping to keep the topic OFF of what he had just been doing.

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  On 2013-06-10 at 3:55 PM, Windy Runner said:

"Uh......... Sleeping?" Windy offered lamely, before noticing that his box of confirms from earlier was still on the floor. As nonchalantly as possible, he kicked it under the bed. "So what'd you do to make your professor hate you so much?" He asked, hoping to keep the topic OFF of what he had just been doing.

Blaze noticed in the corner of his eye windy moving the box. "Don't worry." He grinned cheekily. "I won't tell anypony of your endouvers. Anyway. I didn't do anything at all. I listened and took notes, i mean I didn't participate bit still. I think she just hates me is all."

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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  On 2013-06-10 at 3:58 PM, darklord260 said:

Blaze noticed in the corner of his eye windy moving the box. "Don't worry." He grinned cheekily. "I won't tell anypony of your endouvers. Anyway. I didn't do anything at all. I listened and took notes, i mean I didn't participate bit still. I think she just hates me is all."

"Well, there'll always be professors who are just jerks, nothing we can do about em. I mean, my Business Administration 101 teacher is a total prick! I swear he's out to get me... Anyways, I hear some more ponies are moving into our wing, you heard anything about that?"


((*cough, Gardenia, cough*))

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  On 2013-06-10 at 4:03 PM, Windy Runner said:

"Well, there'll always be professors who are just jerks, nothing we can do about em. I mean, my Business Administration 101 teacher is a total prick! I swear he's out to get me... Anyways, I hear some more ponies are moving into our wing, you heard anything about that?"


((*cough, Gardenia, cough*))

(Jesus on a stick I get it. You want us to ship! Calm down!)

Blaze raised an eyebrow. "Oh really? I haven't heard a thing about this. Does that mean one of us will be moved to accomadate the dorms?" He frowned. "That's a bit upsetting. I mean I know you and mint are goinf strong and all but that still leaves her opinion on me out in the open. I mean that isn't such a big deal but still."

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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OOC: Geez I feel like I'm massively barging into... whatever you guys are doing... I came on and the first thing I read was... "... think bondage stuff.  You know, cuffs, whips, the whole nine yards." lol.



After what felt like a year long busride, I was finally here.  I stepped off of the the bus, suitcase held in an aura of green magic as I gazed up at the massive building.


Me: *Mumbling to myself* Wow... geez I hope starting the semester late wasn't to horrible of an idea... 


I started to walk through the hallways, getting to know my surroundings as I walked over to dorm 8.

  • Brohoof 2
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((Hey, don't blame me! These orders come straight from the Big Mint! Get it? Cuz her name is Minty, and she's the big cheese... Ok I'll shut up now... Point is she wants to even out the dorms to twos, but is making me do it for her!))


  On 2013-06-10 at 4:08 PM, darklord260 said:

(Jesus on a stick I get it. You want us to ship! Calm down!)

Blaze raised an eyebrow. "Oh really? I haven't heard a thing about this. Does that mean one of us will be moved to accomadate the dorms?" He frowned. "That's a bit upsetting. I mean I know you and mint are goinf strong and all but that still leaves her opinion on me out in the open. I mean that isn't such a big deal but still."

"Yeah... I guess so... I haven't heard either, but I guess we'll know soon enough." Glancing at the door, Windy saw a note slide under, probably from the RA. Trotting over, he picked it up, and saw who it was addressed to. "Uh Blaze? This is for you."

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  On 2013-06-10 at 4:22 PM, Windy Runner said:

((Hey, don't blame me! These orders come straight from the Big Mint! Get it? Cuz her name is Minty, and she's the big cheese... Ok I'll shut up now... Point is she wants to even out the dorms to twos, but is making me do it for her!))



"Yeah... I guess so... I haven't heard either, but I guess we'll know soon enough." Glancing at the door, Windy saw a note slide under, probably from the RA. Trotting over, he picked it up, and saw who it was addressed to. "Uh Blaze? This is for you."

(OOC: but Mints for everyone isn't the meme. Sheragoth doesn't say that!)

Blaze sighed and picked up the letter. "Well here comes the info." he muttered as he skimmed through the letter. "Hmm. Yeap. It does look like I am heading to another dorm." He sighed. "Well that sucked. I was enjoying that sofa and all! Anyway. I'll oack my stuff and go later." He said as he shoved everything he owned into his bag.

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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  On 2013-06-10 at 4:30 PM, darklord260 said:

(OOC: but Mints for everyone isn't the meme. Sheragoth doesn't say that!)

Blaze sighed and picked up the letter. "Well here comes the info." he muttered as he skimmed through the letter. "Hmm. Yeap. It does look like I am heading to another dorm." He sighed. "Well that sucked. I was enjoying that sofa and all! Anyway. I'll oack my stuff and go later." He said as he shoved everything he owned into his bag.

Windy thought for a moment, the turned to Blaze. "You know what I think? You're gonna get this super hot mare for a roommate and be the luckiest stallion on Campus. And as for the couch, my Business Administration 101 professor has a couch in his office. I'll gladly steal it and give it to you of you want! And we'd better ham out again soon, cuz when I wasn't being a competitive little prick, we got along great!" Walking with Blaze I the door, Windy asked do you want any help finding your room?"

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  On 2013-06-10 at 4:44 PM, Windy Runner said:

Windy thought for a moment, the turned to Blaze. "You know what I think? You're gonna get this super hot mare for a roommate and be the luckiest stallion on Campus. And as for the couch, my Business Administration 101 professor has a couch in his office. I'll gladly steal it and give it to you of you want! And we'd better ham out again soon, cuz when I wasn't being a competitive little prick, we got along great!" Walking with Blaze I the door, Windy asked do you want any help finding your room?"

Blaze laughed at windy comment. "I doubt that. You've probably got all the mares wanting you already if you ask me." He smiled. "But yeah, we should. Perhaps hang at the bar if you can hansle a few drinks. But I'll be fine with finding my new dorm. Good look with mint." He began walking. "and cya!"

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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"Stupid trains and their freaking accidents... even on flight it takes a lot of time..." Redstorm thought to himself as he faced the University. He was nervous.

*Well...ok... I guess I should go in...*

Before entering Redstorm looked at his blank flank.

*Ugh... this is going to be a problem. I guess I'll get some friends and it wont be so bad...*

Storm walked inside and walked to his dorm, umpacking his stuff before he sits down on the bed.


Signature by LittleRawr! Well she doesn't do that kind of stuff anymore but if you really want one (which you do) PM her.

My main OC: Redstorm

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((Whats with you and posting 3 paragraphs?))

(I figured to time skip to break.)


Royals class went well enough, and his interactions meant he had some people learning things for him. Royal was always good at getting information, so he usually knew what was going on.

He had been heading to the doctors office, to see if Windy made as much of a mess as that one pony said. In all truth, he found it quite amusing.




"So i heard you two had fun." He said, leaning in  the doorway with a mischievous grin. "You really need to learn to clean up, people are going to start talking."

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As Redstorm walks to his dormroom, he notices that in the room next to him lies a particular turqoius unicorn.  His bag is at his feet and he's currently struggling with the door to his room.


Me: Oh for crying out loud... freaking... door.. just... open!  (I sigh and bang my head against the door)

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  On 2013-06-10 at 5:16 PM, luke4000a said:

As Redstorm walks to his dormroom, he notices that in the room next to him lies a particular turqoius unicorn.  His bag is at his feet and he's currently struggling with the door to his room.


Me: Oh for crying out loud... freaking... door.. just... open!  (I sigh and bang my head against the door)

*Wow... well at least someones got more spicy attitude than I do. I'd better help him before he cracks his skull open...*

Approaching the unicorn he says: "Uhm... hi... you... having some trouble with that door here?"

*Please don't notice that I'm blank, or if you do well sucks for you then.* Storm thought.


Signature by LittleRawr! Well she doesn't do that kind of stuff anymore but if you really want one (which you do) PM her.

My main OC: Redstorm

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I turn towards you startled at your presence.


Me: Huh?  Oh uh... yeah I think I am... the um... the key isn't working for some reason...Um... you wouldn't happen to have any experience with picking locks would you?  


I smile with doubt, realizing the odds aren't exactly in my favor.

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Rambler laughed as she pulled him along. "I have something in mind, but you'll just have to wait and see, won't you?" They reached the dorm and Rambler readied his guitar. "Alright, this is an old song that's been sung around Stallionshire since long before I was born. I hope you like it."



  Reveal hidden contents


Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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Gardenia looked at the campus in awe and excitement, "This whole place is really solely dedicated to academics? It's so... big. And there are so many ponies going about. I got to check out their library!"


Gardenia started to walk into the campus, and realized she still had saddle-bags, "Perhaps I should drop these off in my new dorm, first."


She found her way into the wing of the campus where her new living quarters were. Walking through the hallway she noticed quite a few  of the students going about business... not entirely academic in nature.


She finally got to the door of her dorm, and opened it. "Huh, I thought it would be bigger. Don't I have a roomate, after all? But, I suppose it isn't that bad, certainly enough space to live in."


Gardenia trotted into her room and removed her saddle-bags, placing them on the bed she claimed her own. "I wonder where my room mate is anyway? I ought to meet him or her as soon as I can."

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  On 2013-06-10 at 5:26 PM, luke4000a said:

I turn towards you startled at your presence.


Me: Huh?  Oh uh... yeah I think I am... the um... the key isn't working for some reason...Um... you wouldn't happen to have any experience with picking locks would you?  


I smile with doubt, realizing the odds aren't exactly in my favor.

*So I guess he doesn't really care about me not having a cutie mark...*

"Well... not excactly lockpicking, but this might work..."

I kick the doors lock and it bursts open.

"Nice to meet you by the way, the name's Redstorm."

*And now is usually the part where they see that I have not got a cutie mark.* I think to myself standing there.


Signature by LittleRawr! Well she doesn't do that kind of stuff anymore but if you really want one (which you do) PM her.

My main OC: Redstorm

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I stand there is silnence for a minute.

Me: Welp... guess I'll have to get the lock fixed... erm, it's nice to meet you to, my names Cloudchaser but my freinds call me Cloud... so uh... what's the school like?  I just arrived here like... ten minutes ago.  What about you?  How long have you been here?

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