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private Pony University (Romance//Sol)


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Yawning and shutting his book, Windy got up and went into the bathroom to get ready for bed. Walking out several minutes later, he found Minty already in bed. Trotting over and sitting on the bed's edge, he cleared his throat. "Um, Minty? So, is it still ok if I sleep in here, you know, with you? No funny business, I know!"

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Royal chose not to answer her question. He didn't know where they stood right now, and he didn't want to have to be the one to say anything.

He stepped aside to let Denim take the seat next to neon, and he took a seat next to rambler. 

"How are you two doing? How were your classes?"

Edited by MyLittleCell
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Gardenia took her hoof off her mouth, "Well, I suppose I would rather that ninny think I am a liar over the alternative."


She turned her head to Blaze, "I am so sorry, Blaze. I didn't intend for something like that to happen. I, um, that is..."


Gardenia choked on her words, trying to gain her thoughts and how to best salvage the situation, "I can be a bit of a nasty liar sometimes."


"Good going, Gardenia. Make a fool of yourself your first day."

Blaze shook his head at her quote. "Don't worry about it. While I didn't expect it I think you did well, standing up to him. I was a bit surprised that you are related to celestia... I mean me and my family may not be in her good books right now... Unfortunatley." He took a deep breath. "But I think of you no different."

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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Yawning and shutting his book, Windy got up and went into the bathroom to get ready for bed. Walking out several minutes later, he found Minty already in bed. Trotting over and sitting on the bed's edge, he cleared his throat. "Um, Minty? So, is it still ok if I sleep in here, you know, with you? No funny business, I know!"

Minty looked over at Windy. "Um, sure," Minty said to Windy. "Hop in," she said sleepily. "Yeah, none of that business." She resumed to her slumber, and kept thinking about Windy and Blaze and Gardenia. 'Whatll I do? What if I don't leave the dorm? Then nothing will happen.. Yeah, good idea..'


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((Now that's just a darned shame, now isn't it Minty? Because whether you want to avoid drama or not, 'ol Todd is gonna be bringing plenty of it right to your doorstep!))


Snuggling in under the covers next to Minty, Windy immediately began lulling off because of the warmth of their body heat. Lightly wrapping his hooves around her so they were partially spooning, Windy drifted off to sleep. His last thought was, "Even without the 'funny business', this is pretty nice.. Even if she won't say if we are in a relationship, this is still much nicer and sweeter than any of those other mares who ditched me the morning after..." 

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((Now that's just a darned shame, now isn't it Minty? Because whether you want to avoid drama or not, 'ol Todd is gonna be bringing plenty of it right to your doorstep!))


Snuggling in under the covers next to Minty, Windy immediately began lulling off because of the warmth of their body heat. Lightly wrapping his hooves around her so they were partially spooning, Windy drifted off to sleep. His last thought was, "Even without the 'funny business', this is pretty nice.. Even if she won't say if we are in a relationship, this is still much nicer and sweeter than any of those other mares who ditched me the morning after..."

Minty kept sleeping, but, she tends to roll around in her sleep. So while Windy was half awake, she rolled over, so the result that she was facing Windy instead of the wall. Minty also sleeps in a position where she scrunched up her hooves and just slept on her over hooves, so she didn't bother Windy much...except for her mane.


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@@MyLittleCell, @Alex Kennedy, @PinkieShyFlutterPie,


"OK Den, remember, just stay calm about this. You may have just walked in on a private, very private, conversation... Just let it slide, forge abou it, and it'll all go fine-- Did... Did she just ask Royal if I was his marefriend?! He's not answering... That makes sense. We definitely aren't anywhere near that level, if anything..."


She took a deep breath and let it out slowly to help calm herself. When she'd felt her blush begin to vanish, she flicked her head, causing the mane in her face to flip out of her vision. Denim sat down next to Neon while Royal took a seat next to Rambler, and he started the conversation. The blue mare decided to stay silent unless she was spoken to. Take some time to get herself fully under control.

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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Gardenia blinked in disbelief, "Now what on Equestria could have possibly put his family on Auntie's bad side? That's typically reserved for enemies of the state, and ponies who..." Gardenia paused in her thought recalling the one pony she had known to get on Celestia's personal blacklist, "well, besmirch her name. Either way, treason."


"Wait, you actually believed me when I said Celestia was my aunt? Because I swear that was a straight up lie, I would've said anything at that point to get that nin— Mr. Stocks to leave me alone." Gardenia insisted.


"Change the topic now, yes? That would be wise, yes? Yes. Do as I think mouth, I compel you."


"Oh, but we were on our way to getting some flowers, right? Do lead the way, Blaze."

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Gardenia blinked in disbelief, "Now what on Equestria could have possibly put his family on Auntie's bad side? That's typically reserved for enemies of the state, and ponies who..." Gardenia paused in her thought recalling the one pony she had known to get on Celestia's personal blacklist, "well, besmirch her name. Either way, treason."


"Wait, you actually believed me when I said Celestia was my aunt? Because I swear that was a straight up lie, I would've said anything at that point to get that nin— Mr. Stocks to leave me alone." Gardenia insisted.


"Change the topic now, yes? That would be wise, yes? Yes. Do as I think mouth, I compel you."


"Oh, but we were on our way to getting some flowers, right? Do lead the way, Blaze."

"Don't think you can pull the wool over my eyes gardenia. Everything about that yelled 'Accidentally honest'" Blaze replied with a smirk before swiftly clearing his throat. "Umm, yes of course. I'll do that now rather than go on about small details... And such.

(I'm juat going to take an hour nap and see you then.)

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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(('Aight. Don't push yourself, can't have you bomb that test of your's tomorrow. And, I hope you don't mind, but I am going to assume that the transition between scenes was uneventful, if simply for pacing's sake.))


Gardenia smiled awkwardly, "Why is lying so hard? I swear it looked so much easier when it was done by..."



Gardenia was led off campus by Blaze, and they wound up at a small establishment that sold a variety of flowers. She browsed the modest selection they had, "Hmm, it may not be the royal gardens, but I think I can arrange something nice and homely with these."


She picked out a rather large amount of flowers, at least, large for a small dorm. "Um, ma'am, are you sure you want all these?" the clerk asked of her on check out.


"Do you think it's a bit much? You're right, I should cut back a little—"


"Oh, no ma'am. This seems like an adequately appropriate amount, perhaps you should get some more, just in case though."


"Well, a little more couldn't hurt," Gardenia said as the clerk placed a few more bouquets in the order.



Gardenia ended up purchasing a sizable portion of the stock, and was carrying all of them in a bag slung over her back. "Perhaps I did get a little too much... flowers aren't supposed to be this heavy." She said with a sheepish grin to Blaze.


She let out a small chuckle, "though, I suppose if we don't have room for all them, we can just have those for a meal sometime, right?"

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(('Aight. Don't push yourself, can't have you bomb that test of your's tomorrow. And, I hope you don't mind, but I am going to assume that the transition between scenes was uneventful, if simply for pacing's sake.))


Gardenia smiled awkwardly, "Why is lying so hard? I swear it looked so much easier when it was done by..."



Gardenia was led off campus by Blaze, and they wound up at a small establishment that sold a variety of flowers. She browsed the modest selection they had, "Hmm, it may not be the royal gardens, but I think I can arrange something nice and homely with these."


She picked out a rather large amount of flowers, at least, large for a small dorm. "Um, ma'am, are you sure you want all these?" the clerk asked of her on check out.


"Do you think it's a bit much? You're right, I should cut back a little—"


"Oh, no ma'am. This seems like an adequately appropriate amount, perhaps you should get some more, just in case though."


"Well, a little more couldn't hurt," Gardenia said as the clerk placed a few more bouquets in the order.



Gardenia ended up purchasing a sizable portion of the stock, and was carrying all of them in a bag slung over her back. "Perhaps I did get a little too much... flowers aren't supposed to be this heavy." She said with a sheepish grin to Blaze.


She let out a small chuckle, "though, I suppose if we don't have room for all them, we can just have those for a meal sometime, right?[/


(OOC:nap done!)

Blaze let ouyr a light nervous chuckle. "yeah. Eat them." He replied. He wasn't one to eat flowers but he just saw it a fisrst time for everything. "Umm, I can carry that If you would like me too. It doesn't look challenging and well, I have lifted heavier. Uhh you know I'm not, I'm not bragging or anything."

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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"Now, that's an odd response. Most ponies would love to eat a selection of flowers like this. I mean, I'd prefer to have them as decoration, but it is still such an odd thing for a pony to be apprehensive about eating them." Gardenia thought to herself. "There might not be any deeper reason for why he would be... but that's odd, odd for a pony."


Gardenia let out a more mirthful chuckle than her companion, "Oh, no, it's quite alright, really. I am stronger than I look. I'm not so delicate like some may think. Thank you very much for offering though."


The two had at this point made their way back to their dorm. "So, Blaze, what are you studying here?" Gardenia asked, and then she let the bag of flowers off her back, "I am actually kind of nervous about starting class tomorrow."


She pulled out a few bouquets of flowers from the bag and started to place them about the room.

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"Now, that's an odd response. Most ponies would love to eat a selection of flowers like this. I mean, I'd prefer to have them as decoration, but it is still such an odd thing for a pony to be apprehensive about eating them." Gardenia thought to herself. "There might not be any deeper reason for why he would be... but that's odd, odd for a pony."


Gardenia let out a more mirthful chuckle than her companion, "Oh, no, it's quite alright, really. I am stronger than I look. I'm not so delicate like some may think. Thank you very much for offering though."


The two had at this point made their way back to their dorm. "So, Blaze, what are you studying here?" Gardenia asked, and then she let the bag of flowers off her back, "I am actually kind of nervous about starting class tomorrow."


She pulled out a few bouquets of flowers from the bag and started to place them about the room.

Blaze had stood there awkwardly for a second before having a question. "Oh umm, I'm only taking boring classes, like chemistry. And neurology..." He mumbled that word in disgust, and yet hoped that she didn't hear him being all grumpy. "OH and... Uhhh. Well some lesson that's all about being yourself. Which I can't do..."

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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((and with this, I head off to sleep, g'night.))


"Hmm... I get the feeling Blaze doesn't much feel comfortable in his own skin. I mean, there's being nervous around new ponies and being so... well, just so awkward. And why doesn't he like his neurology class? He's quite an odd pony, a curiosity even." Gardenia's mind wandered after thinking that, but she shook her head and continued, "well, why he is such will come to light in time if it's meant to, not my business to pry."


"I see, so you are a science-type, huh? That's neat, I've always preferred social studies and literature, myself." Gardenia said as she continued to empty the contents of her bag into the dorm. By this point, most of the dorm was covered in flowers, and the fragrance in the air could be considered by some to be over-powering.


"I really do think I went over-board here." She said with a chuckle. "I hope it's not too much a bother to you, they are supposed to make us feel more comfortable, after all."

Edited by GaleFenrir
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Rambler shrugged. "I'm doing alright, I guess. Classes were kind of boring for the most part, but overall not too bad. A typical first day, I suppose. What about you? How are things going for the two of you?" He was thankful for the change of subject. He realized how awkward he had made things, and he didn't want to make Neon any more uncomfortable than she clearly already was. 

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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((and with this, I head off to sleep, g'night.))


"Hmm... I get the feeling Blaze doesn't much feel comfortable in his own skin. I mean, there's being nervous around new ponies and being so... well, just so awkward. And why doesn't he like his neurology class? He's quite an odd pony, a curiosity even." Gardenia's mind wandered after thinking that, but she shook her head and continued, "well, why he is such will come to light in time if it's meant to, not my business to pry."


"I see, so you are a science-type, huh? That's neat, I've always preferred social studies and literature, myself." Gardenia said as she continued to empty the contents of her bag into the dorm. By this point, most of the dorm was covered in flowers, and the fragrance in the air could be considered by some to be over-powering.


"I really do think I went over-board here." She said with a chuckle. "I hope it's not too much a bother to you, they are supposed to make us feel more comfortable, after all."

Blazes nose was much more sensitive than others, so the odor from the flowers was allot larger, and more painful. "Umm, no it's fine. I can't really decorate anything tyat makes me feel at home. You would probabaly punch me for it." He chuckled. "Most ponies would.

(Ironic because I'm going to school)

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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Waking up the next morning, Windy realized he had a clump of mane in his mouth... and it smelled faintly of mints... Popping one eye open, he saw that Minty was still in the same position as when she had rolled over last night, facing him.


"She looks so cute with her hooves tucked up like that... I wish I could get up without waking her, but I don't think that will work... Oh well, I think she'll be glad that last night was uneventful; no funny business happened!"


Reaching across the small distance and pecking her on the nose, he nudged her lightly to wake up. 

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Waking up the next morning, Windy realized he had a clump of mane in his mouth... and it smelled faintly of mints... Popping one eye open, he saw that Minty was still in the same position as when she had rolled over last night, facing him.


"She looks so cute with her hooves tucked up like that... I wish I could get up without waking her, but I don't think that will work... Oh well, I think she'll be glad that last night was uneventful; no funny business happened!"


Reaching across the small distance and pecking her on the nose, he nudged her lightly to wake up.

Minty woke up with her mane strangely wet. "Windy. Why is my mane wet?" Minty then tried her best to dry it out, while she headed into the bathroom to take a shower. Minty gave a sigh of relief when she found that it wasnt that bad, since for some reason, she cared about her mane alot. She never knew why but what can she do about it?


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While Minty was in the shower, Windy trotted into the kitchen to get a bowl of cereal for breakfast before his morning classes. However, right as he was about to start eating, he heard a loud knock at the door. Walking over, he opened it, and was slightly surprised to see Todd Stocks standing there, with a frown on his face.


"Uh, hi Todd! How are you doing this morning?" "I could be better... You know that new mare in your hall?" "Who, Gardenia? Yeah, what about her? She seems nice enough. And cute!" "Well, she isn't as 'nice' and 'great' as everypony has been saying." "What are you talking about Todd?" "I overheard her telling ponies that she was the niece of Celestia! I mean, what sort of compulsive liar does a pony have to be to make that up?!" "Yeah, that is kind of weird I guess... Maybe she's just nervous about being new at college and wants to make a good impression?" "By lying?" "Well, its not like we all haven't lied to inflate our image... What about you, always going around claiming you have oodles of sorority mares clinging on your arm? Isn't that a bit of a lie too?" "What... how dare you Runner! I am your superior, your President in our brotherhood! You will learn to show a little more respect!" "I don't know if I can have respect for a colt who is trying to make me hate somepony I don't even know! What'd she do to cross you, reject you??" "You... you ungrateful little whelp! If you MUST know, she insulted my dear parents and suggested I was unloved as a colt!" "Well, that IS pretty mean, but I think you deserved it Todd! I've heard ponies talking; you're not as great as I thought you were. Ponies say you're a dick. Like, big time." "I will NOT be talked to like this! You will fall back into line now, or you're out of the brotherhood! Permanently!" "There are other Fraternities... I'll find another one." "Very well.... By the way, how is that marefriend of yours? You know, the cute green pegasus? Is she still hurting from that passionate wild sex you two had in the training center and AGAIN right here in this room?" "How'd you hear about that Stocks?" "I hear everything that goes on here... Now, you fall into line, or I will be spreading this rumor to all corners of the school!" 


After a few moments silence, Windy threw a punch and popped Todd right in the jaw. Staggering back, Todd's eyes lit up with rage. "You will regret doing that... Freshman! By this time tomorrow, everypony on campus will know and believe that your marefriend Minty is a dirty, worthless, loose, whorish SLUT!!" he bellowed, rubbing his jaw and running off.


Snarling in frustration, Windy slammed the door shut. "This is all Gardenia's fault... if she hadn't snubbed Todd, he wouldn't have come to me! Argh, what am I gonna do?!" he cried in frustration.


((By the way, Minty could easily hear Todd's screaming.)) 

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While Minty was in the shower, Windy trotted into the kitchen to get a bowl of cereal for breakfast before his morning classes. However, right as he was about to start eating, he heard a loud knock at the door. Walking over, he opened it, and was slightly surprised to see Todd Stocks standing there, with a frown on his face.


"Uh, hi Todd! How are you doing this morning?" "I could be better... You know that new mare in your hall?" "Who, Gardenia? Yeah, what about her? She seems nice enough. And cute!" "Well, she isn't as 'nice' and 'great' as everypony has been saying." "What are you talking about Todd?" "I overheard her telling ponies that she was the niece of Celestia! I mean, what sort of compulsive liar does a pony have to be to make that up?!" "Yeah, that is kind of weird I guess... Maybe she's just nervous about being new at college and wants to make a good impression?" "By lying?" "Well, its not like we all haven't lied to inflate our image... What about you, always going around claiming you have oodles of sorority mares clinging on your arm? Isn't that a bit of a lie too?" "What... how dare you Runner! I am your superior, your President in our brotherhood! You will learn to show a little more respect!" "I don't know if I can have respect for a colt who is trying to make me hate somepony I don't even know! What'd she do to cross you, reject you??" "You... you ungrateful little whelp! If you MUST know, she insulted my dear parents and suggested I was unloved as a colt!" "Well, that IS pretty mean, but I think you deserved it Todd! I've heard ponies talking; you're not as great as I thought you were. Ponies say you're a dick. Like, big time." "I will NOT be talked to like this! You will fall back into line now, or you're out of the brotherhood! Permanently!" "There are other Fraternities... I'll find another one." "Very well.... By the way, how is that marefriend of yours? You know, the cute green pegasus? Is she still hurting from that passionate wild sex you two had in the training center and AGAIN right here in this room?" "How'd you hear about that Stocks?" "I hear everything that goes on here... Now, you fall into line, or I will be spreading this rumor to all corners of the school!"


After a few moments silence, Windy threw a punch and popped Todd right in the jaw. Staggering back, Todd's eyes lit up with rage. "You will regret doing that... Freshman! By this time tomorrow, everypony on campus will know and believe that your marefriend Minty is a dirty, worthless, loose, whorish SLUT!!" he bellowed, rubbing his jaw and running off.


Snarling in frustration, Windy slammed the door shut. "This is all Gardenia's fault... if she hadn't snubbed Todd, he wouldn't have come to me! Argh, what am I gonna do?!" he cried in frustration.


((By the way, Minty could easily hear Todd's screaming.))

Minty trotted over to Windy. "What just happened? I heard the words slut, Minty, and marefriend," Minty said worried. She looked at Windy unsure. 'Was Todd calling me a.. s-s..' Minty already had a sad look on her face. Minty looked down in guilt. 'Whats he gonna do? What's he gonna say..?'


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Minty trotted over to Windy. "What just happened? I heard the words slut, Minty, and marefriend," Minty said worried. She looked at Windy unsure. 'Was Todd calling me a.. s-s..' Minty already had a sad look on her face. Minty looked down in guilt. 'Whats he gonna do? What's he gonna say..?'

"Yeah, that was Todd. And yes, he did say he's gonna spread rumors of you being a slut all over school. All because I would play his mind games and bully Gardenia... Although if it makes you feel better, I punched that little bastard right in his arrogant pompous jaw! Minty, I promise I'll do everything I can to keep this from blowing out of proportion." He said, walking over and reaching out to put his hoof around her reassuringly.


*but Todd does have a lot of clout around school... Will I be able to downplay these rumors?* he thought worriedly.

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"Yeah, that was Todd. And yes, he did say he's gonna spread rumors of you being a slut all over school. All because I would play his mind games and bully Gardenia... Although if it makes you feel better, I punched that little bastard right in his arrogant pompous jaw! Minty, I promise I'll do everything I can to keep this from blowing out of proportion." He said, walking over and reaching out to put his hoof around her reassuringly.


*but Todd does have a lot of clout around school... Will I be able to downplay these rumors?* he thought worriedly.

"He.. he's going to spread r-rumors..? Me..? A.. s-slut..?" Minty's eyes clouded with tears. She looked down. "I..I.." Minty sighed, and trotted away from Windy and flopped onto the bed. "I'm r-ruined!!" She whimpered. Minty started crying silently. "I'll just sit here all day.. try to avoid everypony.. I don't want anypony laughing.."


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Sparkshower walks nervously toward the huge building, eyes widened in wonder at the architecture and design. She pulls her schedule out of her saddle bag. She carefully examines her schedule and realizes that her schedule does not specify which dorm She is supposed to go to. She has never been here before and does not know where anything is she begins wandering around the campus looking for somepony

Edited by Sparkshower
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@@Alex Kennedy,@@00Pony,@@PinkieShyFlutterPie,  


Royal nodded. "Pretty well. I met some good people, made some better acquaintances." I got my first spies. He wanted to say, but he knew he'd look strange and he wanted to keep his impression good. Royal always knew who to talk to to find things out, and how to have them tell him everything. He already knew who to take down, too. Todd. With todd out of the way, royal could have the schools rumors in his pocket.

And the better for those rumors.

"The class went well enough. I think it will be an interesting year."

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After a few moments silence, Windy threw a punch and popped Todd right in the jaw. Staggering back, Todd's eyes lit up with rage. "You will regret doing that... Freshman! By this time tomorrow, everypony on campus will know and believe that your marefriend Minty is a dirty, worthless, loose, whorish SLUT!!" he bellowed, rubbing his jaw and running off.


Redstorm woke up, rubbing his eyes and brushing his teeth. He didn't care about making breakfast, at the mornings he wasn't hungry.

He didn't saw any mark of his roommate, and he was busy, so he went to class.

(After hours of physical work...)

Redstorm walked back to the dorm. He was pretty happy.

*I love this place... I should get something to ea-*

He bumped into a running stallion. It was Todd.

"Whoa! Better watch your step!" Redstorm said jokingly.


Signature by LittleRawr! Well she doesn't do that kind of stuff anymore but if you really want one (which you do) PM her.

My main OC: Redstorm

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