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private The Quest For Zephler (FULL!)

Emerald Heart

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The 7 ponies and 1 griffon Hotrod, Emerald, Crimson Grinn, Snowy Storm, Gravel Mind, Epic Rainbow and Ultimate gasped at what they saw. They seemed to have landed in a jungle, although this one had a castle that was half-destroyed and houses that were falling apart at the hinges. "I.....this....." Emerald couldn't even describe it, it was worse than her own home. "What happened?" Sole, the griffin asked. A pony with a cutie mark of a pail looked at them sadly. "Somepony stole our Queen's crown. Without it, the town will crumble to ash." "That's awful!" Snowy said. "It is, but I believe I have a way of retrieving it." The pony with the pail cutie mark bowed, and Crimson Grinn rolled his eyes. "The queen is behined us isn't she." The 8 turned around to fact a beautiful alicorn with a cutie mark of a crown. "I am Queen Jewel, and I believe you ponies may have what it takes to retrieve my crown." pail cutie mark pony beamed. "Really your highness I can do it!" The Queen shook her head, "No, not you Waterdrop, these eight poni-" Sole cut her off. "Seven, ponies. Your majesty, I'm a griffon." Queen Jewel chuckled. "Right, sorry. Seven ponies and one griffon have what it takes to retrieve my crown. I see something in all of you, I can't quite identify it yet. But I know it is good. Good luck My Little Ponies." Edited by Emerald <3




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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Sole grinned as they started their mission "this is gonna be awsome!" He said happily "I can't wait to see what kind of monsters they've got here, I'll defeat em all!" He said cockily "so... which way are we going? Id like to get to the fighting as soon as possible!"

"I don't know, how about we look around for hoof prints, maybe that can lead us in the right direction. But honestly Sole, if we're going to defeat monsters we are going to do it together. I am not letting you die just because you were being reckless. Now lets look for hoof prints!"




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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sole grinned "me reckless?" He said sarcastically "nah, I prefer the term awsome!" He spread his wings and began to fly around, lazily doing tricks "and I'm gnna be the one protecting your six, just let me do the fighting!" He said with a smirk.

((My tablet is glitching, so I can't quote you.))


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Crimson sighed and shook his head at sole's cockyness, "hey sole, emeralds right, if we have any chance of finding the crown or fighting any monsters, then we all must stick together and solv this mystery before these towns people begin to suffer, so quit screwing around and keep an eye out for any clues!" Said crimson seriously as he followed the otherrs.

Edited by ragestar
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Snowy was walking around looking for hoof print. When she heard the group talking.

"No Sole you are reckless. Since you have wings why not fly up above and tell us what you see. At least like this you can have fun doing what ever and give us a better view of the place" Snowy followed behind the group as they started moving


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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((Yes, I am aware I'm not a part of this roleplay. I'm just here to say that you should change the tag to Private so people don't get confused or annoyed. Open means that there is room for more. Private means that it is full. Having it Open is misleading. Thank you. ))

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sole grinned "me reckless?" He said sarcastically "nah, I prefer the term awsome!" He spread his wings and began to fly around, lazily doing tricks "and I'm gnna be the one protecting your six, just let me do the fighting!" He said with a smirk.

((My tablet is glitching, so I can't quote you.))

"Please, Sole. Just fly and look for hoof prints. We really can't go anywhere until we find out where to go." Emerald resumed looking for hoof prints. A rock almost fell on Emerald's head when she tried to inspect it. "We defenetly need a griffin's eye view. I can't find anything down here!"




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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Sole turned to snowy in mid air and saluted lazily "aye aye snowflake!" He said jokingly, as he began to fly around the area looking for any sighn of the intruder "this might go faster if I had a second pair of eyes up here to help me" he said, smiling mischeviously, as he swooped down to snowy and picked her up, flying through the air. "See anything snowflake?" He asked

((I still can't quote, just try not to miss my posts please.))


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Crimson glared up at sole and growled slightly, "you could've just asked her instead of swooping down and snatching her up like she's a freaking mouse! Get serious already and watch for anything suspicious you idiot!" Said crimson irritatedly, as he followed behind emerald.

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Snowy had never flown before so when Sole grabbed her she wasn't expecting it.

"Let me go or i'll maim you, you, Bird thing!" She looked towards the ground and saw ow far up they were. 

"Wait don't let go, don't let go" -Still griffin will pay for this!- she thought to herself. 

Edited by Snowy Storm


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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Snowy had never flown before so when Sole grabbed her she wasn't expecting it.

"Let me go or i'll maim you, you, Bird thing!" She looked towards the ground and saw ow far up they were.

"Wait don't let go, don't let go" -Still griffin will pay for this!- she thought to herself.


sole grinned "okay snowflake, let's go down!" He said mischeviously, as he dived toward the ground, before swooping up and landing gracefully. "Thank you for flying air sole, please exit to the left in a calm orderly fashion and we he to see you again soon. Have a nice day!" He said sarcastically, as he put her down "okay, I'm gonna take a look around for you guys, its no fun here anyways!"

((Fixed! I can quote now!))

Edited by drocsid-soahc


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Gravel Mind started to look around for any kind of clue, moving away from the rest of the ponies and heading more into the jungle, thinking that it might have helped  "Hey everypony, I think i found something," he said looking at impressions in the dirt looking like somepony tried to cover up their tracks.


(sorry i haven't been commenting, i haven't been able to use my computer recently, should be more active now though)


I'm a bomb. . . made of fire.

So I bomb things. . . with fire. . . and do nothing else


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sole grinned "okay snowflake, let's go down!" He said mischeviously, as he dived toward the ground, before swooping up and landing gracefully. "Thank you for flying air sole, please exit to the left in a calm orderly fashion and we he to see you again soon. Have a nice day!" He said sarcastically, as he put her down "okay, I'm gonna take a look around for you guys, its no fun here anyways!"((Fixed! I can quote now!))

Emerald glared at him. "ARE YOU CRAZY?! You could have killed Snowy! Gosh, Sole. Think next time!" *shakes her head and goes to comfort Snowy* *sits down beside Snowy* "You alright Snow? Sole took you pretty high, do you need anything?" Emerald hoped that Snowy Storm was OK. Emerald gave a dissapointed look to Sole.




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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sole simply glared "if you think for even one second that I would've dropped her, your crazy." He said angrily "I do this shit for a living, I wouldn't do something that could get my friends killed!" He turned to leave "I'll see you guys later, I'm gone." He said, as he flew away angrily, kicking up a large cloud of dust as he flew away.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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"They can be real pains. I know how that feels." Sole was stopped by an alicorn who had a sympathetic look on her face.

"People doubt those with power. They're afraid of what we can do. I once had great power... but the others became afraid of me, so they took it away."

Life is like an MMORPG, but with fewer fantasy weapons and more soul-crushing nihilistic despair that visits when you least need it.

Crummy OCs that I made years ago (thou hast been warned):

Main protagonist OC: Golden Typhoon
The professional assassin: Curse of Shadows

Avatar by The Incredible Blitz!

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Epic Rainbow and Ultimate were kissing in a little section of trees away from everypony else. Suddenly, Epic saw Sole angrily flying away. She trotted over to Emerald and asked, "Want me to go get him?"

Ultimate heard Gravel Mind say something and he trotted over to see what he found. "What is that," he asked. It looked like somepony had tried to cover up their tracks in the dirt while walking through the town.

Epic Rainbow flew after Sole and saw him talking to a strange-looking alicorn. She was really far away from them, so she decided to Sonic Rainboom over there to see what was going on. "What's going on, Sole?!" she angrily asked. "Who the hell are you?!" she asked the alicorn. "And why are you talking to my friend, whom you don't even know?!"

Edited by Epic Rainbow <3


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sole was so angry he barely acknowledged their presence "you alocorn, you can go buck yourself" he said angrily "and I'm leaving epic, you can go back to sucking face. I'm not needed here!" He growled, flying past both. "Let's find something big and scary to fight..." He mumbled ((still having problems, can't quote again. Sorry guys.))


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Epic Rainbow gasped angrily and Sonic Rainboomed back to where everypony else was. Epic told Emerald what happened. "Sole was talking to some alicorn. When I flew over to them, Sole told the alicorn to go buck herself and told me to go back to sucking face with Ultimate!" Epic was pissed at Sole. She felt like kicking him in the beak, but she also felt like crying. Suddenly Epic burst into tears because of what Sole said to her. She galloped to be comforted by Ultimate, her boyfriend.


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Epic Rainbow gasped angrily and Sonic Rainboomed back to where everypony else was. Epic told Emerald what happened. "Sole was talking to some alicorn. When I flew over to them, Sole told the alicorn to go buck herself and told me to go back to sucking face with Ultimate!" Epic was pissed at Sole. She felt like kicking him in the beak, but she also felt like crying. Suddenly Epic burst into tears because of what Sole said to her. She galloped to be comforted by Ultimate, her boyfriend.

Emerald watched Epic gallop to Ultimate. Emerald pitied for Epic, for Snowy, and for herself. All victims of Sole's outrageous outbursts. Something is up, an alicorn that couldn't mean it could be Queen Jewel. Plus alicorns just don't just pop out of the blue. This can't be good.'




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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Sole sat on top of a small cloud high in the sky, but even though the scenery was beautiful, he was too absorbed in his thoughts to care. "Why... do I cause destruction and chaos everywhere I go?" He said quietly "I ruin and break everything I touch..." he sighed, as he slowly tilted forward and over the edge of the cloud, and plummeted headfirst at the ground with his wings tucked in. But as he was getting closer to his death, he spread his wings and glided inches over the ground. "I need to remember..." he mumbled, as he recklessly flew between trees and dodged monters in the dens forest.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Crimson sighed, "I actually agree with sole now, when are we going to do somthing interesting? So far all we've been doing is playing detective, its not that I don't care about helping the townspeople, but we could at least run into somthing interesting, like a monster, a ghost, maybe even a dragon!" Said crimson in a bored tone.

Edited by ragestar
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"Stupid Griffon!" yelled Snowy after Sole. "I'll get that griffon back" -still flying was cool-.. She thought to her-self.

After seeing Sole's outburst and flying away, she sighed and felt that this was sorta her fault as well.

"Well I'lll go after him. He is still apart of our team"

This is already going bad, and even haven't even started yet. Snowy shook her head and went after Sole.

"Hey Crimson want to help me find that idiot griffon" Snowy said with a smile. 

Edited by Snowy Storm


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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Crimson shrugged indifferently, "sure, but if I know sole, then finding him when he's avoiding you won't be a simple walk in the park, he'll probably throw us off his trail somhow and come back later on his own, pretending the fight never even happened, he never was one for being pesamistic, and by the way, I've known sole for a long time and i trust him, so when he said he wouldnt drop you, you should believe him, he would rather die than hurt a freind, especielly you.....I think he has a thing for you snowy, so I imagin that your last words to him cut him pretty deep..." said crimson quitely as he followed snowy.

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"A thing?" Crimson statement stopped her. "No, I hardly know him besides how could the words of a random mare he just met be enough to hurt him" 

"And look if what i said did hurt him, and I doubt it did, then i should be the one to find him. Let him try and run i'll find that Griffon in no time" She look up ahead. -It is a pretty big forest- she thought to her-self.


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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