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Question regarding Nightmare Moon's Candy Offering Statue


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this is something that bugged me for a long time. Ok now there is a statue of Nightmare Moon out in the woods that every year they make a canday offerings to ever nightmare night and luan  was locked up for 1,000 years. So who started the candy offering thing and who was eatting the candy letf at the Nightmare Moon statue? I  found online that   Princess Celestia loves cake and sweets so did she  start that as a way to get free candy?




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Too old for FREE candy!... NEVER!!!


Celestia has my vote. One look at those hips and you can see where all that candy has gone... and the cake... and doughnuts... and the..




I'm so gunna be sent to the moon for that arnt I.

Edited by Argumedies
  • Brohoof 1
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Ha, an interesting theory! A funny one too!

*Takes a puff on pipe*

But no, the truth is much darker and mysterious than that. Follow me down the rabbit hole...


Celestia started this candy ritual as well as the holiday, and not the ponies of Equestria. She did it to turn the ponies against her sister out of anger at her sister's betrayal. After all, notice how scared the ponies are of Nightmare Moon and how much they reviled her due to the holiday. Celestia wanted this to happen. But time softened her soul and that's when she decided to forgive Luna and had Twilight and her friends defeat her so that she could be reunited with her sister.


But alas, the ponies were already used to Nightmare Night by then, thus Celestia could not change their minds about Luna or the holiday and instead had to let it continue, although things worked out in the end. But one may ask: what does any of that have to do with candy offerings?


Simple: Celestia is training the youth of Equestria to accept taxation by the government at an early age.


*Lowers pipe*

Makes perfect sense.

  • Brohoof 6
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Celestia's version of tax reform. I love it


There we go, instead of paying our government money.. we can pay them in Skittles


Celestia again has my vote

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You know, I never thought of it that way, but its possible.


I imagine its started like alot of myths and stuff, maybe someone did take the candy one time,(Possibly Celestia) starting the myth of it on Nightmare Night, Whether that also sparked Nightmare Night itself is another question.


Maybe Celestia did it, It could be possible, maybe the forest animals eat it, who knows.


I actually enjoy thinking that Celestia did it now though.

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It's easy enough to imagine Nightmare Night popping up after That Night and easy enough to see them centering around a statue of Nightmare and easy enough to see offerings being involved, but the statue itself doesn't have obvious origins. I mean, who carved it and how did it get there? Was Nightmare Night a big enough thing that the town decided to have a statue commissioned? Is it some relic left over from Nightmare's brief reign of terror? A cult? I dunno.


Where the candy goes should be obvious enough: the animals eat it. That statue is a fair bit from the edge of town and scarcely visited outside of Nightmare Night. But, in the minds of villagers and reinforced by tradition...

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when i was watching that episode  at the end were everpony was cool with luna being there and they gave her the candy in person, she sure did not turn down that candy pile.  Maybe, nightmare night was something they both started(Princess Celestia and luna) as a fun night scary candy thing and after luan became nightmare moon  all the storys and fears became something real and so they change it that you give nightmare moon the candy so she will not kill you this year or maybe they thought she could come back even when she was  Imprisoned because there is a full moon on that night. Also maybe when she was in the moon she did stuff too the moon or in the night skies to make them think she does come back on that night.

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Ha, an interesting theory! A funny one too!


*Takes a puff on pipe*


But no, the truth is much darker and mysterious than that. Follow me down the rabbit hole...


Celestia started this candy ritual as well as the holiday, and not the ponies of Equestria. She did it to turn the ponies against her sister out of anger at her sister's betrayal. After all, notice how scared the ponies are of Nightmare Moon and how much they reviled her due to the holiday. Celestia wanted this to happen. But time softened her soul and that's when she decided to forgive Luna and had Twilight and her friends defeat her so that she could be reunited with her sister.


But alas, the ponies were already used to Nightmare Night by then, thus Celestia could not change their minds about Luna or the holiday and instead had to let it continue, although things worked out in the end. But one may ask: what does any of that have to do with candy offerings?


Simple: Celestia is training the youth of Equestria to accept taxation by the government at an early age.


*Lowers pipe*


Makes perfect sense.

that's not bad.... not bad at all... my turn.

From a certain perspective I see it as symbolic mockery of current rituals that don't serve or do anything of any sort. Like what is the point of leaving candy and then praying (more or less) when one could simply pray anywhere at any time. Since Luna was stuck on the moon the physical act of leaving candy for something that couldn't collect it simply doesn't make logical sense other then to form a belief and behavior control based on fear. q

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