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open Happenings in the Everfree RP


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"No!" Cinder lunged into the fog, grabbing for the hooded mare. She was not going to let them down again, not this time. Nopony else was going to get hurt because of her lack of action!


"Get back here!" she shouted towards the figure as she felt her hoof close around something in he fog: her mouth was uncovered and she tasted the acrid fog again. Pulling backwards, she tumbled into the clearing, spluttering.

Never quite forgotten.

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" Cinder. Do you have an anti-acid potion or something? The fog is more like a wall, it dosen't move at all. So if we spray some of the anti-acid on the fog the the gap we make should stay. At least, I think." Lyona croaked. " Main question is, you have anything anti-acid and a spray bottle?"


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"No!" Cinder lunged into the fog, grabbing for the hooded mare. She was not going to let them down again, not this time. Nopony else was going to get hurt because of her lack of action!


"Get back here!" she shouted towards the figure as she felt her hoof close around something in he fog: her mouth was uncovered and she tasted the acrid fog again. Pulling backwards, she tumbled into the clearing, spluttering.

Mintatheena was now far into the fog, choking and gasping for air. She heard Cinder's voice, and noticed she grabbed a rabid beaver. "Cinder! Let go!" She warned. "I'll find my way out..!" She followed Cinder's hoof, and reached a clearing. It wasnt where the others were though.. It was a cave.


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(We need to stop posting at the same time XD)


"Anti-Acid?" Cinder echoed from the ground, rolling onto her front and examining the piece of vine which she had torn out of the mist.. "Thats not exactly how..." she trailed off.


Her face brightened.


Who was going to tell her, Cinderblock, what she couldn't do?


She dropped the belts of chemicals to the ground, fumbling through the mixtures and raw ingredients, taking a moment to throw two bottles towards Lyona. 


"Water, drink that. Ash poultice - put it on the bleeding. Don't drink it." 


And she was lost in a world of her own: mixing, pouring, spilling... All whilst muttering to herself, her internal monologue escaping as her thoughts spilled out in her concentration. 


"No... no... no... Yes! Wait, no..." she mumbled. Before raising a vial triumphantly.


"I... Have absolutely no Idea if this will work!" She grinned, despite the situation. "Either it will thin out the fog, or It will explode. Or both."

  • Brohoof 1

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Lyona nodded and gulped down the water. The pain in her throat was lessened a bit.


She looked at the ash poultice warily. Shrugging, she applied it to the minor scratches that she had, and the stinging faded quickly. 


"Hopefully it won't kill us. You have a spray bottle? Can't really throw at the fog, objects still go through."


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"Of course I do!" Cinder said. "I'd be a terrible scientist without these kind of things..."


She squinted at the red mixture in the vial. "Try not to get it in your eyes, It'll sting like theres no tomorrow if you do. How are you feeling? I'm no doctor but the salve should help, even if it does make you look stupid."


Crazy prepared, ponies called her. Who was crazy prepared now?

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"I'm fine. The salve did help, thank-you." Lyona smiled. She poured the mixture into the spray bottle. Turning to the fog, she sprayed one squirt from the bottle.


The fog faded away, leaving a chunk the size of a pony's head of fog missing. Lyona turned to Cinder, wings fluttering happily. 


"It works! Now we can go save her!" The pegasus had a silly but happy grin on her face. She looked at the fog, and sprayed at it again. Another chunk disappeared. 


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"Uh, what about...?"


Cinder pointed at Silvers prone form lying on the ground.


"Really don't think leaving him here on his own is a good idea. Hay, I wouldn't if he was awake, but like this...?" She shrugged. "I guess we're out of options really but still, doesn't feel right."

Edited by Cinderscribe
  • Brohoof 1

Never quite forgotten.

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" Fireblaze, Impetus and Night Dart are with Silver. Don't worry, they'll take care of him. You can leave him some healing stuff if you wish, then we'll go." Lyona sprayed the fog again, working quickly. 


"Minty's all on her own, and I fear that she might even meet her demise in this fog. We have to work quickly. " Lyona said, her voice still sounding like someone was grating sandpaper. " And can you please call out for Minty for me? I can't speak that much, my throat still hurts..."


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"Still not all that reassuring..." Cinder muttered under her breath, but Lyona was right. She nodded and stepped forward towards the thinning patch of fog. "Ready?


She stepped into the still slightly hazy air, remembering to pull another cloth band around her neck, near her muzzle: just in case. She pulled the goggles down again.


"Mintatheena!" She shouted with only a slight crack in her voice: having avoided breathing in much of the fog. "Minty!"

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" As ready as I'll ever be." Lyona smiled nervously. She wasn't really eager to go back in after it had almost killed her. Taking a deep breath, Lyona sprayed away as rapidly as she could, the potion quickly eating the fog away. It left a large tunnel behind them.

-At least we can follow that when we have to come back. And I can breathe without breathing in the fog.-


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"Mintatheena!" Cinder shouted as they waded through the residual traces of fog around their hooves. "Minty! Where are you?"


'Blundering around the Everfree in the dark, burning up in whatever this is supposed to be... I was kind of hoping for something a bit more... straight forward?"


"I have no idea where she went: I thought I had her but it was just some stupid rabbit or something..." Cinder said.


'Now we're in danger again because I couldn't help her... Couldn't help anypony.'


"We've got to find her, got to..."

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" We will find her. Don't worry." Lyona tried reassuring Cinder with a smile. " She can't have wandered too far off..."


-If we don't find her soon, we'll have to go back. We can't search for her forever.- 


Lyona sprayed the potion again, and discovered the clearing that Minty had wandered into. " Here she is! Cinder!" 


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"Mintatheena!" Cinder shouted as they waded through the residual traces of fog around their hooves. "Minty! Where are you?"


'Blundering around the Everfree in the dark, burning up in whatever this is supposed to be... I was kind of hoping for something a bit more... straight forward?"


"I have no idea where she went: I thought I had her but it was just some stupid rabbit or something..." Cinder said.


'Now we're in danger again because I couldn't help her... Couldn't help anypony.'


"We've got to find her, got to..."






" We will find her. Don't worry." Lyona tried reassuring Cinder with a smile. " She can't have wandered too far off..."


-If we don't find her soon, we'll have to go back. We can't search for her forever.- 


Lyona sprayed the potion again, and discovered the clearing that Minty had wandered into. " Here she is! Cinder!" 

"Cinder! Lyona! There's a lake in here! ...and a huge spider..." Minty gulped as she stood before the shimmering water and the Spider guarding it. "It's fresh water!! It could help us..!" Minty said, trying to fly over the spider but failed in attempt. "We can survive!" she gasped, while the Spider threw her out like a human with a stuffed toy.


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(OOC: I missed all of this! :o Oh well, totally worth it. I had to get packed for my trip to Virginia.)


'' Oh for the love of Celestia! I have to go save the others, and I need to hurry!'' Running very fast on all four of her hooves, trying to catch up to Minty. The night sky turned into a dark and foggy sky with the moon shining on the forest's lake. Reaching up to Minty at last.

'' Don't worry, I'll take care of this spider and save you.'' Putting a magic force field around to protect Minty, grabbing the huge spider with her magic spell throwing the spider around. Reaching into her fire ball pouch, throwing the ball out on the spider as the ball sticks to the spider. Using a very advanced fire potion spell, burning the spider to ashes. '' Come on Minty, let's go!''

Fireblaze teleports Minty and herself to the group.

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Lyona blinked. " Wha-" She looked around in surprise. -We're back here? What?- The pegasus then noticed Fireblaze. -She must've teleported us...-


The sandy pegasus fell onto the sand with relief. She really hadn't wanted to fight that spider, creepy crawlies freaked her out. 


" Is everypony okay?" She called to the group.


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Minty answered with a nod. "I'm fine." Minty took out a big thermos. "I got a bit of the water. We have a reliable source to live. We have to be rational though." Minty handed the thermos to Lyona. "Keep it safe," Minty said exhausted, as she trotted to her little patch of grass to take a nap.


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'' Don't worry, I teleported us away from the giant spider. I was able to kill the spider with my fancy fire potions, then I saved Minty.'' The unicorn started to think to herself. I hope that nobody knows my secret. '' Now that the spider is dead, we can move on from that.'' Fireblaze's eyes started to glow a very evil and mystic color of dark red.

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'' Don't worry, I teleported us away from the giant spider. I was able to kill the spider with my fancy fire potions, then I saved Minty.'' The unicorn started to think to herself. I hope that nobody knows my secret. '' Now that the spider is dead, we can move on from that.'' Fireblaze's eyes started to glow a very evil and mystic color of dark red.

Minty looked at Fireblaze. "Are you okay?" she asked, noticing Fireblaze's eyes have diminished to a not so friendly color. She threw on her hood again. Mintatheena didn't want to admit it, but she's starting to get comfortable with this group of ponies. Never has she have been comfortable with anypony, not even her parents.


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Minty handed the thermos to Lyona. "Keep it safe,"


" Don't worry. It will be safe with me." She placed the thermos in her saddlebags.




" Thanks for that, by the way. I hate spiders, they creep me out." She smiled, then noticed Fireblaze's eyes.

-And there's something else that creeps me out...- Lyona quickly trotted away from her, and decided to check on Silver.


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'' Don't worry I'm fine, my eyes must be changing colors for some unknown reason. But, don't worry I am very calm and collective.'' Fireblaze trots back with the group, as her eye color changes back to it's original color.



'' Your welcome. I just hope that everypony was okay, when I was gone.'' Keeping her hood over her hair.

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'' Don't worry I'm fine, my eyes must be changing colors for some unknown reason. But, don't worry I am very calm and collective.'' Fireblaze trots back with the group, as her eye color changes back to it's original color.



'' Your welcome. I just hope that everypony was okay, when I was gone.'' Keeping her hood over her hair.

Minty had a strange look on her face, and frowned. "She must be hiding something." she said in monologue, and frowned as she stared at the fog. "This is no natural fog. It seems like somepony infused acid, smoke, and fog to make us choke out blood like that. I'll investigate later.." 


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Lyona applied some of the salve on Silver that Cinder had given her. Satisfied with her work, she trotted away smiling.




'' Your welcome. I just hope that everypony was okay, when I was gone.'' Keeping her hood over her hair.


"Yeah, we survived. Mostly anyways. Got some injuries here and there, but they'll fix themselves up in time." Her tone was slightly wary. She didn't like how Blaze occasionally turned evil.



"This is no natural fog. It seems like somepony infused acid, smoke, and fog to make us choke out blood like that. I'll investigate later.." 
" It seemed to affect my throat. Hurt to breath, as if somepony was shoving spikes down my throat." She shuddered  " Not the best feeling in the world." 


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'' That is pretty strange indeed. Luckily, I know about some science so I should analyze the evidence from the contents of the fog.'' Ripping her hood in half, burning it with her fire potions.


'' Don't worry Lyona, I'm not evil at all. I didn't hurt anypony at all.'' Fireblaze puts her head down in shame.


Grabbing a piece of the fog, putting it in a content analyzer in one of her pouches. '' The results show that there was a pony here earlier who had somehow got their hands on acid, smoke, and fog. But the question is who did it.''

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'' Don't worry Lyona, I'm not evil at all. I didn't hurt anypony at all.'' Fireblaze puts her head down in shame.


" I know you're not evil. But it seems like it at times. And please, stop reading other ponies' minds. It's an invasion of privacy, and that is not nice. At all." Lyona frowned. -It's also kinda creepy. I like for my thoughts to be private, not read by somepony else.Heck, not read by anypony else.- 


(I gotta go. Nighttime here! Bye.)


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