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open Happenings in the Everfree RP


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" I'm coming, chill out guys." Lyona trotted into the clearing. She paused to cough for a second and then looked at her fellow soldiers. 


" Now that everypony's here, we can rest. Since we lost our tents, we're going to have to sleep on the ground today. Lyona looked up at the sky. It was still overcast with thunderous grey clouds, but it was brighter than before.


" I assume that's it's sunrise, but we all have to get back our strength after that experience." She coughed again. -Fireblaze's powers did not heal me at all. This is not good...-


She looked up again. " If anypony is injured here, please go to Fireblaze before retiring for the night." 


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Silver Note snorted.




'My injuries are under control!" He didn't fancy his chances with the crazy pyromaniac mare and 'magic' gave him the creeps anyway.


"Glad you are back. Why'd you wander off for anyway! It's dangerous out there! Nopony should be going off alone like that... Especially not one as important as you!." he rasped with as innocent an expression as he could muster on his face. innocent_zpsf822425b.jpg

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Cinder glanced over at the sound of the hacking cough. She saw her leader, still not anywhere near recovered even after the magical healing.


'Internal, like I thought. The best any of us can do is cover it up and hope for the best. She needs a real doctor, soon.'


The brown mare looked down to the smallest pouch fastened to her hind leg - large enough to hold only one small vial. Ultimately, it would only make things worse but...


"Take action before things get worse Cinder!


"Ma'a... Lyona, can I have a word? Over here?"

Edited by Cinderscribe

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"Ma'a... Lyona, can I have a word? Over here?"


"Ur Ma'am I also need a word.... over here" He said, pointing his hoof in the opposite direction of Cinders indication.


EDIT: When he noticed Lyona completely ignore his request, he began to think. she must be tired and not feeling well I'll let her rest. Silver found a corner, scratched around in the sand til he had a soft bed, then plopped down to go to sleep.


((OOC LOL you two seem to both come on at the exact same time! I have a feeling Lynette has a plan and wants Lyona to stay sick...  I'd so love to bring Derpy back into the story but up to you Lynette. ... anyway... just my rambling thoughts.)) 


(((EDIT: OOC sorry gotta go to beddie byes.))))

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"Ma'a... Lyona, can I have a word? Over here?"


Lyona coughed again, then nodded. " Sure." She rasped. She walked over to Cinder a small smile on her face. But, her folded wings were hanging a little, indicating how tired she was.


" Is there a problem?" She asked.


((You can bring Derpy back, but not for the whole RP. G'nite!)) 


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((Much joking aside, we've still got injured folks so heres a downer post))


Checking they were out of earshot, Cinder turned to the pegasus.


"I want you to take this." She said, holding out the small pouch she normally kept securely tied to her. "It's... well its a kind of poison. Nightshade - It's sometimes used to make medicine."


She shook the pouch slightly.


"I'm no good at mixing things that are good for drinking - you know that - this is pretty nasty stuff. Drink it, and you'll start to freeze up inside. It stops just about anything, but it's... well, probably fatal within a few days without treatment. I keep it as a last resort if anypony gets injured - A few days might be longer than they would have otherwise. I never quite figured out the antidote so 'treatment' would involve getting to a hospital."


Looking around, she shrugged. 


"Hopefully none of us will need it, but with the way things are going...  Somepony who can make that decision should have it. I never really liked carrying it around"

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Impetus, seeing that everyone's alive and well, looks squarely at Lyona. "So fearless leader. What are we doing now? Are we still going after that pointless siren thing, or are we going for another swim? Cause that was fun. The last time I did something fun was... well, I might need a blackboard to figure that one out."


Impetus puts on his most pitiful Royal Guard look, and then a grin wider than the river.


"The most horrible kind of ignorance is to have an opinion on an experience that you have never experienced."

"Get off your high horse and give her a hug."

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Lyona took the little pouch from Cinder, and looked at it for a second. She looked up again. 

"Hopefully none of us will need it, but with the way things are going...  Somepony who can make that decision should have it. I never really liked carrying it around"

" I'll make sure none of us will have to take it. Nopony's going to die on my watch." Lyona said quietly. She placed it in her saddlebags and walked away.


@@Dark Horn


" We rest. Half of us are injured, and we certainly need the energy. Tomorrow we continue the search for the thing that has been bothering the whole forest. Find a patch of sand to rest in, and when the sun sets we will go again." The pegasus' tone was tired, and she almost seemed... Defeated. 

" Peaceful sleep, Impetus." Lyona turned away and slowly walked to a tree's shade.

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"Wish we still had our tents. Ours had a sun roof..." Muttered Cinder as if it was the most pressing matter in Equestra.


Digging out a nook in the sand, she bunked down to try and get comfortable.


"Now how am I supposed to sleep?" She grumbled to herself dejectedly. "This mission sucks."

  • Brohoof 1

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" You can live without a sun roof for one day, Cinder. It's not the end of the world." Lyona called over her shoulder. She quickly dug out a small comfy hole and lay down in it. 
-Finally. I'm so tired...- She slowly closed her eyes.


In the foggy side of the clearing, a camouflaged thing watched them, a wicked smile on it's face. -Now to take the others out...-


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((Unimportant post, just felt like writing it :P.))


'Nope. Not working.'


Cinder shuffled around in the pit she had dug away. Try as she might, no matter how long she gave herself to try and settle down, she just couldn't get comfy.


'Probably because your laying in a pit of sand!' She thought to herself angrily, squeezing her eyes shut, determined to go to sleep. She had slept rough before: spent four days trapped in a cave up in some icy mountains even. Still, at least there she didn't have that same itch that the fog had left her with now.


'Grow up Cinder, your a lot better off than some of the others.'


Her goggles and belts were lying by the pit: removing them had eased up the itching but it was far from enough relief.

'And now my mane smells weird. I liked it smelling like smoke... reminded me of home.'


She rolled onto her front, face down in the sand, and snorted in contempt as she blocked out her senses to try and get some sleep.


'I miss Scribe... and Symphony...' She thought 'This mission really sucks.'

  • Brohoof 1

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((You can bring Derpy back, but not for the whole RP. G'nite!)) 


(((OOC Yeah was thinking just cameo roles here and there ))




"Wish we still had our tents. Ours had a sun roof..." Muttered Cinder as if it was the most pressing matter in Equestra


(((OOC LMAO that was such a derpy thing to say... they sleep in the tent at night when the sun is down LOLOL - loved it )))



Silver Note twitched in his sleep and started making little "Wup wup" noises.



He was dreaming, though he didn't realize it.


Silver was galloping for all his worth, Faster, faster.... he was being chased by a pony eating fog with sharp teeth. Silver panted and heaved but he kept galloping. However, the ground seemed to move beneath him like a treadmill and he realized he wasn't getting any further ahead at all! He was galloping on the spot and the fog was catching up!


"I can't out run it!" He yelled to the air before falling into a crumpled heap on the ground. The fog hovered over him, choking  him! Killing him! He heard a voice in the mist....


"Silver Note, arise!" Echoed the voice.


"Nightmare Moon! Help me, This fog is choking me! I can't sing, I can't breathe! and it's eating my cutie mark!" He said in a panic


"Thy cutie mark shall returneth for such things are wrought by magic, but first thee must fulfill thy destiny and seek to complete thy true mission" said Princess Luna


"The Mission? but how can I fight this fog?" Silver asked, swatting at it with his hooves.


"This fog in thy mind that thou ist fighting is of thine own creation" She answered him. "We didst not sendeth thee back to give up on thy self. This fog is thine own self doubt. Fight it!" Princess Luna told him.


"How... how do I fight that? It's haunted me longer than you have!" He admitted, still swatting at the fog with his fore hooves. Princess Luna's voice echoed through the haze and reached Silvers ears.


"Thou must fightest this by exploring thine elements of friendship and harmony. Thou already knowest the element of laughter and loyalty, now thou must seekest to perfect the element of honestly. Thou must tellest thine truth for it ist only by the truth that thou can be setteth free." 


Silver Note turned to speak to her again but she was gone! "No don't go!" He screamed... "Come back, come back!"


Silver Note woke with a croaky scream


"Come back!!!" atonsils_zps092c090b.jpg

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"I'm only about ten meters away from you." Muttered Cinder at Silvers shout. She couldn't sleep but didn't want to open her eyes - much as she was relieved that the pegasus was alive after going missing (not that she would ever admit to it) she had been so close to drifting off...


Cracking one blurry eye open, she reached for one of the bottles on her belt, drunk half of its contents and slumped back into the pit, kicking the remainder towards Silver.


"Drink that if you cant sleep."




--Sleeping potion --


Agh, Cinder is far too fun to draw: her mane is glorious!



  • Brohoof 1

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((( OOC - OMG that is such a cute pic! Shes so..... adorable. wish i could get my vector lines as good as that but I'm such a lazy artist. Oh you are so for it now!  LOL You're asking for it dude... *evil laugh)))))




Silver Note glanced at the bottle and opted not to drink it. "It's probably magic and will nodoubt give me the hic-ups and embarrass me further in front of her... already thinks I'm such an idiot and  feather brain and she's way out of my league!"


Silver rose slowly to his hooves, shaking off the dust. His swollen hind leg was feeling better so he wandered quietly over to where Cinder appeared to be sleeping soundly. He gazed down at her... 


'Wow she's beautiful" He thought quietly to himself, little flutters starting up in his stomach again. Fluttershy's cutie mark seemed to have migrated there again. "Such a pretty mane... and I just know that if she opened her eyes, there'd be the starlight inside them, enough to take you far from any dangerous place and keep you safe just by the playful twinkle they get when she laughs. That's where true magic lies... not in any unicorns horn. but in the eyes of your special somepony!


Silver paused in his thoughts. "Special somepony? For me? Who'ed ever want a strange looking colt like me... all dappled and so clumsy and stupid. She's smart and resourceful, and her coat is so smooth, i bet it feels like velvet..." Silver hesitantly stretched out a hoof to touch her but pulled it back nervously. "Out of my league." he reminded himself, and then plonked down beside her to settle in the sand.

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The potion worked quickly: a sleeping elixir - one of the few potions that she had actually been taught and hence had very little chance of any side effects. She slipped into sleep without hearing Silver stir nearby.


A rumble echoed through the mountain as Scribe backed up against the sheer surface of the cliff - the shadowy figure approaching. Cinder dropped one of the shells onto the ground and the world filled with black smoke again. Between the two of them choking on the smog and the shadows apparent indifference, she wondered if there was any point. What else could she do though?


"Not this again. It's been months, why now?"


A flicker of light caught her eye through the thinning smoke as something shifted behind the approaching figure. He stopped, turned, flailing the sword wildly. Symphony ducked, using her wings to move out of the way. Cinder froze up - she should help, she had to help, even if she didn't know the mare well... but she couldn't.


"No. Not now. Bucking chemical addled sleep."


As the sword cleanly sliced nothing but air, the Crystal Pegasus darted forward. As she did, he roared in frustration, bringing the blunt edge of the blade back with a sickening 'crunch' as it struck the mares already injured wing. Cinder winced, turning away in horror as Symphony screamed and Scribe tried to push himself to his hooves.


"Stop. Please. I want to wake up now."


She knew she had to take action: fumbling with the explosive, she hurled it towards the shadow. It struck, he fell... but too late. The damage was already done. Her new friend would never fly again.


Because Cinder couldn't bring herself to act.


((Bit of back story, because I like developing my characters, this is the reason for Cinders "My Greatest Failure" moment. Reading that back, Cinders role in her story was a lot darker than I ever intended it to be when  I wrote it...))

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  • Brohoof 1

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Silver Note was half asleep when he felt  the heat of Cinders body twitch against his back. Eeeeesssh how'd he get THAT close to her. She felt warm and soft, but not peaceful at all,


Silver lept to his hooves gazing down at the twitching form of Cinderblock. She's having a nightmare! Silver gazed up at the moon. Nightmare Moon was active tonight for sure. Silver wondered if he should wake her... then her herd heard her mumble something in her sleep.



"No. Not now. Bucking chemical addled sleep."




"Stop. Please. I want to wake up now."


 "Cinder, Cinder," he said hoarsely with his voice still cracking. He started shaking her shoulder urgently. "Wake up! You're having a nightmare"

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Blinking back into reality, Cinders dreams overlapped with the real world and she saw the forest covered in snow and ice for a moment before coming to her senses.


"Wha...?" She said, still in a daze. "Silver? What's wrong? Are we under attack? 'Cause if we are, tell them to come back later."


She blinked a few times more, her dry eyes acclimatising: how long she been asleep? Not long, she guessed. Clearly they weren't under attack... The dream - the memory drifted back into her mind and she facehooved.


"Oh Vengeful Celestia, was I talking in my sleep? Did I wake you up? Sorry."


She paused for a moment.


"Weren't you over there somewhere earlier?"

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Impetus sleeps quietly. For some reason, he sees the repeated image of Discord jumproping with Twilight Sparkle on a tower in Canterlot, alternating between singing What My Cutie Mark is Telling Me and Putting up the Barn.


The pegasus awakes with a start. "Gee whiz, there's some things you can't unsee."


He looks at Cinder and Silver, rolling his eyes and chuckling before settling back into a peaceful dream of Pinkie Pie in a staring contest with a menacing-looking carrot. Impetus is pretty sure the carrot is winning.

  • Brohoof 1


"The most horrible kind of ignorance is to have an opinion on an experience that you have never experienced."

"Get off your high horse and give her a hug."

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'' Sorry if I haven't been healing anypony pretty well with my magic. The fog has been effecting my magic, and I'm trying to stay in control of it.''


Trotting around on her hooves, singing a little song in her head. '' Raise This Barn, Raise This Barn, together we can raise this barn.. One.. Two.. Three.. Four.. circle em' like a round-up bull.. grab a new partner... here we go.''

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"Weren't you over there somewhere earlier?"


Silver Note backed up a couple of hoof prints before saying


"I ur.... was over there... but.... Well I heard you talking in your sleep and came over to wake you!" Another lie.


Nice save Silver He thought to himself. He couldn't actually admit to her that he'd deliberately come over. Then Princess Luna's words echoed in his mind.




now thou must seekest to perfect the element of honestly. Thou must tellest thine truth for it ist only by the truth that thou can be setteth free." 


I can't be honest about that! he thought to himself. She'd laugh at me!


Then another idea came into his head.


"Cinder.... I have a confession to make." he said turning to face her. "You see I....  didn't really wander off just to take a leak. I was...." Silver hung his head and his ears drooped either side, avoiding her gaze. " ... I was running away. I didn't think I was fit to be in the Royal Guard and felt like I was just jeopardizing the mission with my silly antics and clumsiness. and I... I was embarrassed... about my dapples showing." Silver Note fiddled with a small pebble on the ground. He felt so awkward admitting all of this to Cinder. She's really going to think I'm a loser now. He thought to himself. 


"I know I look ridiculous"  he said... remembering all the cruel things that ponies had said to him in pony school. "and I thought the mission would succeed better with out me. I hope everypony can forgive me."


He tried to swallow the huge lump that was forming in his throat, with out success

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"Your who...?" Cinder said, before realising that she was missing the main part of what he was saying.


"Wait, what? You? Not fit for the guard?" She snorted. "At least you know what your supposed to do: I only joined because Scribe suggested it. I'm no soldier - look at me! I lost my armour on the first night!"


She threw an only half-mock glare at him.


"As for forgiving you, if you pull anything like that again, I'll hunt you down myself, and you had better hope that there's water between us!"

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"Wait, what? You? Not fit for the guard?" She snorted. "At least you know what your supposed to do: I only joined because Scribe suggested it. I'm no soldier - look at me! I lost my armour on the first night!"


"Know what I'm suppose to do?" Silver said defensively, his voice breaking in the middle and his throat dry. He could hear Fireblaze singing slightly off key in the background. 'Singing? Is that what I'm suppose to be doing?' Silver shook his head.




She threw an only half-mock glare at him. "As for forgiving you, if you pull anything like that again, I'll hunt you down myself, and you had better hope that there's water between us!"



Silver Note backed up five more hoof prints. So much for the element of honesty! "It didn't work Nightmare Moon" he thought to himself glancing at his still damaged cutie mark. He was not at all sure if Luna could read his thought while he was awake. Still... it was the middle of the night so who could tell?


"Fine!" He said with an angry tone in his voice. Then turned his back on Cinderblock and trotted away towards the other end of the clearing. Who needs a special somepony anyway!

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Cinder was more than a little confused: one moment he was as happy as a foal in spring, the next...


'Whats gotten Into him?' she thought. 'Does he think I mean I'll actually come hunt him down?''


"Hey, Hey!" she called after him into the darkness before slumping down dejectedly: the one of them she could most call a friend was ignoring her and she didn't have a clue as to why...


"I hate this place." She said out loud, curling up tightly.

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Lyona was woken up by their shouting and talking. She looked up blearily, blinking slowly.


" You two argue like a married couple. I suggest y'all talk properly like adults and clean up any misunderstandings that you may have..." Her words trailed at the end of the sentence. She let out a yawn and closed her eyes again.


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"I hate this place." She said out loud, curling up tightly.


Silver heard her, and muttered quietly to himself. "Me too" but he didn't turn around. He glanced over to where Lyona was sleeping and wished she was awake so he could give her this letter and leave again. He checked his wing, Still too damaged to fly. Silver Note sighed deeply. 


His thoughts wandered back to pony school where he was always the outcast. Skipping classes, or busy with his head in the clouds, literally, thinking about music and song... just to escape Cloudsdale for a while. He thought about how his parents had always nagged at him.



------------------Flashback -----------------


"Silver Note! Why can't you be like your brother and sisters? You'll never achieve anything if you go on this silly quest to pursue music. There is no future in it! You need to concentrate on a real career."


"But Mom" Silver Note said to his dam "you don't understand, when I sing everypony listens to me, it's like I can take them far away, to a better place when they feel down, or touch their hearts and uplift them no matter what goes wrong. Music helps people understand themselves. It fixes all wrongs, enhances all rights, and brings hope to the fallen. Music is.... magic!"


"What a load of pony manure!" She had replied to him. "Magic is for unicorns. We are Pegasi! No colt of mine was destined to the nonsense of music. We are weather ponies, not ridiculous entertainers"


---------------------------------end of flashback --------------------------


Silver Notes mind drifted back to the present moment. I just wanted her to be proud of me. He thought to himself. He glanced over his shoulder at Cinder, noticing her rather dejected expression. I wish somepony could be proud of me.


He took the letter out of his saddle bag... gazing at the markings on the envelope in wonder. Why oh why hadn't he learnt to read?



Lyona was woken up by their shouting and talking. She looked up blearily, blinking slowly.


" You two argue like a married couple. I suggest y'all talk properly like adults and clean up any misunderstandings that you may have..." Her words trailed at the end of the sentence. She let out a yawn and closed her eyes again.



Silver startled at Lyona's voice. He trotted over to her.


"I'm sorry ma'am..." he said then quickly added." I must talk to you... ur... alone if possible. It's important."


He waited for her reply.


((OOC was midpost when Lynette posted. LOL)))

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